Chapter 130 The Seven Kingdoms Will Be in Turmoil, Lü Bu Kills!.

The capital of the Bactrian Dynasty, Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty, the news has returned.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled brightly, held a secret report in his hand, and hurried into the palace.


“Show it to you.”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng was yawning sleepily.

Wei Zhongxian’s voice could be heard, and Nie Zheng’s spirit was lifted. His eyes, which had been a little sleepy, lit up.

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurriedly present the secret report in his hand to Nie Zheng. Nie Zheng casually began to flip through it. Not for a while.

Nie Zheng read the secret report.

A smile also came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Zhu Biao is indeed dead!”

Nie Zheng sighed lightly.

There is still some regret in my heart for Zhu Biao’s death. Let’s be honest.

For Zhu Biao this person.

Nie Zheng is still very optimistic.

If Zhu Biao does not die.

In the future, he will surely become a generation of benevolent kings. But then again.

In these nine weeks and seven kingdoms of turmoil. Zhu Biao’s kindness would really hurt him. If Zhu Yuanzhang could not unify the Seven Kingdoms.

If Zhu Biao succeeds to the throne, how can he be an opponent of the other five countries? Now Zhu Biao is dead.

Presumably, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was in a state of grief? But that’s fine.

If Zhu Biao does not die.

Zhu Di’s chess piece will only be a dead chess piece. Now Zhu Biao is dead.

Presumably, Zhu Di already had wild hopes and coveted the throne of Daming? But when Zhu Di knew the result.

I’m afraid I’m going to be disappointed again, right?

“Zhu Di, will you be willing?”

Nie Zheng muttered, his eyes deep and terrible. The river will.

From the moment Zhu Di entered the capital.

Nie Zheng had already firmly grasped Zhu Di in the palm of his hand.

Even if he had great ability, he could not escape his control. But Nie Zheng knew it clearly.

What kind of person was the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Kill decisively.

Love the people like a son.

Treat the coffin with hatred into the bone marrow.

If you say that among the seven countries, which country is the least greedy. That must be Daming.

Under the iron-blooded and ruthless killing of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Even if you dare to covet a copper, you will be cut off by Zhu Yuanzhang. This is a ruthless and iron-blooded Son of God.

Even if he was the founding hero who followed him for many years, he did not miss the old love under the butcher’s knife. Just to consolidate his imperial power.

But people have weaknesses.

Zhu Yuanzhang has two weaknesses.

The first person was the Queen of Horses.

The second person is Prince Zhu Biao.

This is also Zhu Yuanzhang’s only two weaknesses. The horse queen is long dead.

Now Zhu Biao is also dead.

Empress Ma and Crown Prince Zhu Biao were alive.

It can also allow Zhu Yuanzhang’s Heavenly Sword to be hidden in its sheath.

But without these two people, Zhu Yuanzhang would no longer have any weaknesses and really become a ruthless and iron-blooded Heavenly Son. No!

Nor can it be said that Zhu Yuanzhang has no weaknesses. Although Empress Ma and Zhu Biao were gone.

But Zhu Biao’s son, Zhu Yunjiong, was still alive.

Zhu Yuanzhang will put all his sustenance on his grandson Zhu Yunzhuo. And Zhu Yunjiao will smoothly become the emperor’s grandson.

He was also the heir to the throne appointed by Zhu Yuanzhang. Plainly.

Except for Empress Ma and Zhu Biao, who were regarded as relatives by Zhu Yuanzhang. Everyone else can die.

Zhu Yunjiao was Zhu Biao’s son and Zhu Yuanzhang’s own grandson. Naturally, he wanted to pass the throne to Zhu Yunzhuo.

And this.

It was the result that Nie Zheng was waiting for.

When Zhu Di learned that Zhu Yunjiao had become the emperor’s grandson, he would inherit the throne of Daming in the future. Nie Zheng wanted to know.

What kind of expression Zhu Di would have. Of course!

As long as Zhu Yuanzhang lives for one day. Zhu Di did not dare to oppose it.

Zhu Di was too afraid of his father Zhu Yuanzhang. Even if it’s a look, a word. Zhu Di would tremble with fear.

He wanted Zhu Di to create a rebellion against his father Zhu Yuanzhang. It’s really difficult.

It’s almost impossible. But that’s okay.

Nie Zheng had his own ideas.

But he couldn’t be in too much of a hurry.

It needs to come step by step.

“Your Majesty, when Prince Daming dies, the most likely to inherit the throne is Zhu Di, the King of Yan.”

“This Yan King Zhu Di has been lurking in the northern part of my Taixia for many years, so it is better to take advantage of this to suppress and capture him, and then the Ming Emperor will throw the rat trap…”

Seeing Nie Zheng brooding, he was silent.

Wei Zhongxian tentatively entered the speech.

But before he could finish speaking.

Nie Zheng smiled coldly and interrupted, “Wei Zhongxian, you are too small to look at Zhu Yuanzhang, do you really think that a Zhu Di can make Emperor Ming have some scruples?” ”


“The old slave is stupid, and His Majesty forgives his sins.”

Wei Zhongxian’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty.

“One thing you have to remember is that when Empress Ma and Zhu Biao die, Emperor Ming Zhu Yuanzhang will no longer have any weakness, his Tianzi Sword will soon be unsheathed, and the Seven Kingdoms will soon be in chaos.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

It was as if he had seen Zhu Yuanzhang after experiencing grief. No one can stop it.

His Heavenly Son’s sword, which had been sealed for many years, was about to point to the Six Kingdoms. And in his lifetime, he must unify the world for nine weeks as soon as possible. The reason is simple.

He wanted to leave a prosperous life for the emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunzhuo. Because Zhu Yuanzhang is very clear.

If only he were to die.

How could the Emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunjiao be the opponent of the other five Heavenly Sons? I am afraid that Daming will also be destroyed in the struggle for hegemony among various countries.


Zhu Yuanzhang will be in a hurry.

Eagerly start the Great War of the Seven Kingdoms. Before he dies.

Accomplish this unprecedented feat. And.

If Nie Zheng did not guess wrong. Zhu Yuanzhang swung the butcher’s knife as the first target. It was he who ruled the Great Xia Dynasty.

Because in the Seven Kingdoms.

Bactria is the weakest being.

The remaining six countries were ambitious for Bactria. They all wanted to be the first to annex Bactria. And.

Zhu Yuanzhang arranged for Zhu Di to lurk in the northern part of Bactria for so many years.

This chess piece was in his hand, how could he not use it?

“Seven Kingdoms Chaos?”

“Your Majesty, are the Seven Kingdoms really going to war?”

Wei Zhongxian’s face changed sharply.

Even Zhao Gao’s expression on the side was shocked. Only Jing Ke’s eyes lit up.

There was a faint hint of excitement under his eyes.


He still had the Qin Emperor in his heart.

“Going to war?”


Nie Zheng smiled unpredictably.

He looked at Wei Zhongxian, then at Zhao Gao and Jing Ke. A playful look came out of the corners of his mouth.

“It’s not just that the Seven Kingdoms are about to go to war, the first thing that the Ming Emperor wants to destroy is the Great Xia.”

Nie Zheng whispered lightly.


“Your Majesty?”

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian were suddenly shocked. There was a look of horror on his face. You must know that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang threatened to shock the Seven Kingdoms. If you can stabilize the people who can stabilize the emperor.

There was only one Qin Emperor.

As for the Tang Emperor, although it was also very powerful.

But at most, it can only be between Emperor Ming and Emperor Bozhong.

As for the other emperors compared with Zhu Yuanzhang, they were even worse. At this moment, I heard that Emperor Ming wanted to destroy Bactria for the first time.

How can they not be nervous?

“What are you afraid of, look at you two.”

“Others are afraid of him Zhu Zhongba, and Shuo really wants to compete with him, and Shuo thinks that this is a very interesting thing.”

“As long as he dared to swing his butcher’s knife at Bactria with a sword that would shatter his blade, making him understand that he was not a previous emperor and could be left to his own flesh.”

Seeing Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s worried faces, Nie Zheng smiled coldly.

“Your Majesty Tianwei, I am worried too much.”

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao hurriedly knelt down and prostrated their heads. My heart was also slightly settled.

·0 Ask for flowers 0 ·….. After all, his master is very powerful. They have learned too much.

“However, before the Seven Kingdoms War began, it was indeed time to unify the Great Xia.”

“I don’t know if Lü Bu has arrived in Xiliang, but I can’t wait.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep, and murmurs came from his mouth.

… Bactria City, Xiliangcheng.

“Open the city gate!”


The hissing of the horse’s hooves was coming.

Lü Bu jerked the reins in his hand.

The horse’s head is hoofed high.

The air buzzed with its loud booming sounds. At the head of the city.

The defending general looked shocked.

Then, suddenly overjoyed, he ordered, “It turned out to be General Lü Bu, quickly open the city gate.” ”

The defenders did not dare to be idle, and hurriedly opened the city gate.


Lü Bu galloped on horseback and went straight into Xiliang City. At the same time.

The news of Lü Bu’s return to Xiliang did not go away.


Xiliang Thorn Shi Fu.

That is, Dong Zhuo’s mansion in Xiliang.


Lü Bu tightened the reins, and the war horse stopped in front of the palace.

“It’s General Lü Bu who has returned.”

“Quick, inform the Prime Minister.”

See Lü Bu return.

The guards looked in awe and bowed to Lü Bu.

Some people quickly went inside to communicate with Dong Zhuo.

“How is my righteous father doing lately?”

Lü Bu jumped off his war horse, strode straight into Dong Zhuo’s mansion, and casually asked the soldiers next to him. I haven’t waited for the soldiers to answer.

Only to see Dong Zhuo’s bloated figure already appear in Lü Bu’s field of vision. Seeing Lü Bu actually return.

Dong Zhuo looked surprised.

But he still laughed loudly and greeted his righteous son.

“My son Fengxian, how did you get back?”

“Didn’t the Emperor make you the Imperial Commander?”

Dong Zhuo spoke.

He had already come to Lü Bu.

Look at your favorite Yoshiko.

The horizontal flesh on Dong Zhuo’s face trembled with laughter. Although he had some doubts as to why Lü Bu had suddenly returned. However, Dong Zhuo knew that there must be hidden secrets in it.

Lü Bu would naturally inform him.

“Righteous Father, this matter is a long story, and you and I will talk about it in the church.”

Lü Bu sighed in disgust.

“There is no hurry, there is no hurry, you and I are talking in the hall of father and son.”

Dong Zhuomu was surprised.

There was no doubt that Lü Bu had come to kill him. The father and son went straight into the main hall and sat down.

“General Fengxian, how did you get back?”

Not waiting for Lü Bu to speak.

Only to see Li Ru coming quickly.

When he heard that Lü Bu had returned to Xiliang. Li Ru was shocked.

At this moment I saw that Lü Bu had really returned.

Li Ru frowned slightly.

A look of doubt crossed his eyes.

“Son, what the hell is going on?”

Dong Zhuo also had doubts.

After all, he had made an agreement with Lü Bu before he left the capital. When the time comes, he will kill the king’s capital.

At that time, the father and son should be united inside and outside, and they will take the life of the blind king’s dog. But now Lü Bu returned.

Wouldn’t that have disrupted his plans?

“Righteous Father, you guessed right.”

“The Emperor wanted me to betray my righteous father and use it for his use, not only to make me the ruler of the imperial court, but also to make me the Marquis of Wen.”

“And give me your mansion in the royal city, and many golden cloths.”

“Unfortunately, this Emperor is too small to look at me Lü Fengxian, how can I be rebelled against by this Emperor Lü Fengxian?”

Lü Bu spoke coldly.


Hear Lü Bu’s narration.

Dong Zhuo laughed and said, “Father has long known Emperor Yi’s thoughts.” ”

“This Emperor really wanted to plot against my son Fengxian, but unfortunately he didn’t know that you and I had a deep affection for father and son, so how could he succeed in plotting against me?”

Dong Zhuo said this slightly, and looked at Lü Bu with some doubt: “But Feng Xian, then why don’t you pretend to accept it, how can you return to Xi Liangliu?.” ”

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