Chapter 131 Borrow your head for use, I don’t know if the righteous father can be fulfilled?.


Lü Bu pretended to sigh and said, “Righteous Father, I really don’t want to hide anything, since Emperor Yi saw that I would never betray you.” ”

“This Dark Lord wants to secretly murder me, and although I have the courage of all men, I am afraid that it will be difficult to prevent the villain from poisoning the plan.”

“So when I thought about going, I hung up the seal and left, thinking that even if the emperor knew, he didn’t dare to tell me what to do.”

“It is better to go back to Xiliang and conspire with your righteous father to do great things.”

Hear Lü Bu’s narration.

Dong Zhuo sighed and nodded slowly. Then he patted Lü Bu’s shoulder and said, “Son, come back, if you are really secretly poisoned by Emperor Yi, this is equivalent to breaking the arm of your father.” ”

“But my son is assured that he has already recruited a hundred thousand troops for his father these days, and in another year, it will be enough to kill the king’s capital.”

“At that time, with the joint efforts of you and my father and son, we will not be able to take down that Emperor Yi’er?”

Dong Zhuo laughed loudly.

There was no doubt about Lü Bu. The next thing is simple. Father and son talked about wine.

It wasn’t until late at night that Lü Bu got drunk and left Dong Zhuo’s mansion.


“Lord, don’t you think there is something wrong with General Fengxian’s return this time?”

With Lü Bu leaving.

Li Ru looked at Dong Zhuo worriedly.

“What’s wrong?”

Dong Zhuo was full of wine and airway.

“Lord, it is not that he is suspicious, but that General Lü Bu’s eyes are uncertain.”

“Although his behavior and demeanor seem to be no different from before, he always gives a feeling of uneasiness in the next place.”

Li Ru frowned tightly.

“Li Ru, why don’t you literati have a heavy heart?”

“Bong Xian is in love with me as a father and son, do you think he will betray me?”

Dong Zhuo was a little displeased.

“Lord, be careful of sailing the ship of ten thousand years, you are not suspicious.”

“If you think about it carefully, General Fengxian said that he was afraid that the villain would poison him, and then he returned to Xiliang.”

“But General Fengxian is arrogant and arrogant, and he hardly takes anyone seriously, and what he said is absolutely problematic.”

“And just now I have been secretly observing Lü Bu, and I found that although he was talking and laughing with the lord, he had a very serious heart in his eyes, and I would never be wrong.”

Li Ru said in a deep voice.


Hearing Li Ru say this.

Dong Zhuo’s eyes were shocked.

Li Ru, who was vaguely aware, said something reasonable. But Dong Zhuo pondered slightly. He dispelled the doubts in his heart.

If Li Ru could betray him.

But his own righteous son absolutely would not. If Lü Bu really wanted to oppose him.

It is impossible to return to Xiliang alone.

That’s all there is to it.

Dong Zhuo could be sure that Li Ru was definitely worried.

“Li Ru, don’t be suspicious.”

“Bong first regarded me as a Father, and He would never betray me.”

“If you slander Bong Xian again, I will think that you are stirring up the relationship between our father and son.”

Dong Zhuo frowned angrily.


Li Ru’s face changed.

“Needless to say, I’m tired, back off.”

Dong Zhuo waved his hand slightly impatiently.

See Dong Zhuo believe Lü Bu so much. Li Ru was helpless in his heart.

He also hoped that he was worried about it. But Li Ru was sure.

Lü Bu’s return to Xiliang was definitely problematic. And it’s a big problem.

But Dong Zhuo didn’t believe him at all. This also made Li Ru sigh secretly.


Lü Bu’s mansion.

In the study room.

The candle flame flickered, and the dusk was unknown.

“Feng Xian, do you really want to kill Dong Zhuo?”

Chen Gong looked at Lü Bu with horror. When he heard what Lü Bu said.

It horrified him.

Chen Gong didn’t think of anything at all.

Lü Bu only went to the capital of Wangdu.

When he returned to Xiliang again, he actually wanted to take Dong Zhuo’s head.

“I won’t kill him, I’ll die.”

“You haven’t seen the Son of Heaven, and when you see the Son of Heaven, you’ll know why I’m doing it.”

“If I continue to commit adultery with Dong Zhuo, there is only one way to die.”

“Only by killing him can we exchange you and me for a way to live in the future.”

Lü Bu’s face was gloomy.

Fang Tian’s painting had always been held in his hand.

The killing machine in his eyes could not be dissolved. See Lü Bu like this.

Chen Gong inhaled the cold air.

He quickly pushed open the door and looked around. No one was found to be eavesdropping.

Only then did he close the door and sit down again in front of Pin Bu.

“Feng Xian, you told me that when you came back, you went directly to see Dong Zhuo?”

Chen Gong’s face was heavy.

“Nature sees.”

Lü Bu looked puzzled, not knowing why Chen Gong asked such a question.

“Li Ru can be in it?”

Chen Gong continued to ask questions, and his look became more serious.

“Also, what’s the problem?”

Lü Bu questioned.

“Broken, broken, bad things.”

Chen Gong’s face changed suddenly, and he stood up directly.

Walking back and forth in the study, his face full of anxiety.

“Chen Gong, what exactly do you want to say?”

See Chen Gong look like this.

Lü Bu’s face changed slightly.

A faint uneasiness arose in my heart.

“Feng Xian, that Li Ru has a deep heart, and you are coming back this time to kill Dong Zhuo.”

“Although it seems that you are hiding very well, how can you hide from Li Ru’s eyes?”

“I am only afraid that he will speak to Dong Zhuo, and if Dong Zhuo is suspicious of you, I am afraid that before you can strike first, Dong Zhuo will already send troops to surround us.”

Chen Gong trembled.

In fact.

Chen Gong still had a word to say.

Lü Bu was extremely armed with all his might.

But in terms of the heart machine city government, it is too tender.

How could a strategist like Li Ru not see the clue?

“So what now?”

Lü Bu’s face changed slightly.

He hurried to recall when he talked to Dong Zhuo. Li Ru was indeed secretly observing him. But he didn’t care at the time. He only wanted to deceive Dong Zhuo. Now it seems.

At that time, Li Ru was already suspicious of him.

“Bong first no hurry.”

“If Dong Zhuo really doubts you, we are already surrounded at this moment.”

“But there is no movement around now, which means that you have not been exposed.”

Chen Gong calmly analyzed.

“I’ll go kill him now, and then you and I will go out of town overnight.”

Lü Bu was indeed fierce and courageous.

He stood up with the Fang Tian Painting Blade in his hand. A fierce light appeared in his eyes at the same time.

Follow his ideas.

The first hand is strong, and the next hand suffers.

Before Dong Zhuo could suspect him. This is the best option.

Just kill Dong Zhuo.

He could then take Chen Gong out of the city overnight.


Chen Gong hurriedly stopped, “Feng Xian, listen to me.” ”

“According to what you describe, the Son of Heaven let you kill Dong Zhuo alone, and this should be just one of them.”

“The real intention of Tianzi should be to let you seize Dong Zhuo’s military power, and killing Dong Zhuo is secondary.”


As a strategist, Chen Gong was indeed very clever. More thorough than Lü Bu’s seeing.

Just from the conversation between the two before.

He understood the purpose of Tianzi to let Lü Bu return to Xiliang. Lü Bu was shocked.

Hurry up and think about it.

Then he suddenly woke up.

He also finally understood Tianzi’s intention to let him return to Xiliang.

“I should ask Mr. to teach me.”

Lü Bu’s expression changed and he hurriedly bowed his hand to the Chen Palace.

“Fengxian, you have a very high prestige in Xiliang, and many generals are even more in awe of you. 1”

Chen Gong’s eyes turned…

A simple plan has been formed. The more Lü Bu listened, the more excited he became.

I almost applauded Chen Gong. Chen Gong’s plan was simple.

But also very practical.

Within three days.

Let Lü Bu summon a general he can trust. Knowing is moving with reason.

Tell Dong Zhuo about the crime of rebellion. In depicting the Great Summer is the Bactria orthodox.

Only by being loyal to the Son of Heaven can you have the only way to live.

For the sake of their future, Lü Bu decided to kill Dong Zhuo and surrender to Tianzi. Of course.

Among them is the promise of glory and wealth. If a general shows refusal. Directly let Lü Bu kill him.

That’s how big things can happen.

Of course.

Only Lü Bu could implement this plan. If it’s someone else.

It can only end in failure.

The reason is simple.

Lü Bu’s prestige in the Western Liang army was too high. Almost comparable to Dong Zhuo.

As long as Dong Zhuo died, the military power would naturally fall into Lü Bu’s hands. The next thing is simple.

The two acted according to the agreed plan. Lü Bu personally wrote down the letterhead.

Ordered to be sent secretly to Thaksin’s generals. Invite them to the house overnight.

….. Three days later!

Xiliang Campus.

The black-pressed Western Liang Army could not see the end at a glance.

An atmosphere of slaughter filled the entire campus. Dong Zhuo wears the armor of a warrior.

Da Ma Jindao sat on the Taishi chair.

Lü Bu was holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade and standing beside him.

“Feng Xian, why are you so interested in inviting your father to test military discipline today?”

Dong Zhuo laughed.

“Righteous Father, in fact, when the child returned to Xiliang this time, there was one more thing he forgot to tell his righteous father.”

Lü Bu looked indifferent.

Just if you look closely, you’ll find out.

The green tendon of his right palm holding Fang Tian’s painting was faintly bulging. A cold light was emerging from under his eyes.

Chen Gong stood on his side behind Lü Bu, and his eyes were extremely deep.

“Hahaha, you and I are in love with father and son, what can’t I say?”

Dong Zhuo was completely unaware of the murderous spirit in his righteous son’s eyes.

Although Dong Zhuo did not perceive.

However, Li Ru’s face on the side suddenly turned pale. 0.7 He looked at the Chen Palace behind Lü Bu in shock.

However, he found that Chen Gong was looking at himself with a cold look. This also made Li Ru stunned.

Quickly look at the generals in the school yard. But Li Ru’s look didn’t matter.

The next moment.

His pupils cramped.

Because he discovered something extremely terrible. That is the many generals standing in the middle of the schoolyard. It turned out that all of them were people who were friendly with Lü Bu. Dong Zhuo’s trusted generals, on the other hand, did not see a single one. Hiss!

Li Ru inhaled a cold breath.

His body shook violently. He had the heart to remind Dong Zhuo.

But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them back. The tide has turned.

The tide has turned.

Dong Zhuo!

I warned you long ago to be more wary of Lübbe. But you don’t believe it.

Now you raise a wolf.

Today it will be eaten against you.

It’s not that I Li Ru doesn’t want to save you. It’s all your fault.

Li Ru sighed with trepidation.

He had already guessed what would happen next.

But what he was more worried about at the moment was his own safety.

“Righteous Father, Bu wants to borrow your head and use it for everyone, but I don’t know if the righteous father can be fulfilled?”

Lü Bu’s voice was cold.

A pair of killer Sensen’s eyes fell on Dong Zhuo’s body.

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