Chapter 132 Heavy rain and torrential rain, Zhu Di’s heart is dead!.



Dead silence!

Dong Zhuo’s smile stiffened on his face. Look at Lü Bu’s cold knife-like eyes.

Drops of cold sweat unconsciously flowed from Dong Zhuo’s forehead. Serozo!

He doubted that his ears had heard wrongly. But looking at Lü Bu’s face, he was cold. Dong Zhuo knew that he had heard correctly.


Dong Zhuo quickly woke up at this moment.

He looked at the soldiers in the school yard suddenly.

However, he found that he could not see any generals who belonged to his cronies. And those generals who stood in the school yard.

They were all staring at him with a sharp gaze.

“Ah….. Ha ha… Hahaha…”

The cold sweat on Dong Zhuo’s face kept rolling down. It is even more pretending to be calm in a strong smile. His neck stiffened and twisted toward Lü Bu.

I want to have more smiles on my face. You can see the Fang Tian Painting Blade in Lü Bu’s hand. Dong Zhuo really couldn’t laugh.

“Blessed be my son… Don’t you joke with the Father….. That Emperor Yi must be seducing you…..”

Dong Zhuo’s face was miserable.

The flesh of his face trembled with fear. Now.

Dong Zhuo panicked.

He was completely panicked.

He kept looking at Li Ru next to him. The meaning is to make him call for help.

But Li Ru did not move, and his head was silent. This also made Dong Zhuo’s eyes look remorseful. If he had believed Li Ru’s words earlier.

How can it be so desperate today?

“Righteous Father, don’t blame Bu for being ruthless, if you don’t kill you, Bu will die.”

Lü Bu spoke coldly.

He held up the Fang Tian Painting Blade with one hand, and 20 looked at Dong Zhuo’s gaze with cold horror.

“Come man, come man, give this face to take down this perverse son.”

Dong Zhuo was completely flustered.

He roared hysterically.

The soldiers in the school yard were suddenly in a mess. A large number of soldiers took a step forward. Obviously he wanted to protect Dong Zhuo.

But before these soldiers could come forward. More than a dozen generals shouted loudly: “Listen, Dong Zhuo plotted to rebel and rebel, and now he is killed according to the will of the Son of Heaven, and if anyone dares to sell his life for Dong Thief, he will kill him on the spot and destroy the Nine Tribes.” ”


These generals drank heavily, and immediately stopped the soldiers who were about to move. They are hesitant and can only choose to watch from the sidelines.

“Lü Bu….. Ben sees you as a parent… More for you to know the grace of encounter… If you kill me, you will be a great rebellion….. Shamed by the people of the world. ”

Dong Zhuo shuddered.

The fat body was stumbling backwards.

The look in Lü Bu’s eyes was filled with anger and despair.

“Righteous Father, it is not that you are ruthless, but that you should never oppose Your Majesty.”

“You think you can succeed in usurping the throne?”

“But in fact, you are just a joke in the eyes of Your Majesty.”

“Father, go on your way.”


Lü Bu burst out.

Directly pierced Dong Zhuo on the spot.

The blood foam at the corner of Dong Zhuo’s mouth was constantly spilling.

He clutched the Fang Tian Painting Blade that had penetrated into his heart. The whole person was laughing bitterly.

“Hahaha….. Lu…… Lü Bu….. You….. You unfamiliar wolf cub…..”

“Early….. I knew that….. Back then… I should have killed you…..”


Dong Zhuo hadn’t finished speaking.

Only to see Lü Bu suddenly withdraw Fang Tian’s painting sword. The blood at Dong Zhuo’s heart sprayed all over him. Before dying, Dong Zhuo stared at Lü Bu fiercely. The fat body fell to the ground.

In the end, it ended up with a dead end.

“A dead man still has so much nonsense, righteous father, you are really noisy.”


Lü Bu spoke coldly.

He casually pulled out the saber from his waist, cut off Dong Zhuo’s head with a knife, and took it in his hand.

“Listen, Dong Zhuo plotted to rebel and has now been killed on the spot by the general.”

“From this day forward, all the soldiers and horses in Xiliang will be dispatched by my Lü Bu, and those who dare to disobey will not be spared.” Lü Bu burst out of his mouth. ”

Its sound exploded like thunder in the ears of the Western Liang Army.


The other side.

Northern Xia, Yan Wangfu.

More than two months have passed since the death of Zhu Biao, the crown prince of Daming. In the past two months, Zhu Di’s mood was very complicated.

There is sadness about the death of the eldest brother Zhu Biao.

There are also hopes for their future succession to the throne.

He had also done what the old monk Yao Guangzhi had said.

He ordered people to go to Daming to send a pair of letters from Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. He was waiting.

He was waiting for his father to write back to him.

Or pass on the will to return him to Daming.

The two months of waiting simply made him feel like a year.

“Report, Your Highness, there is a great light and dark messenger outside the door who asks to see.”

A rush of footsteps came.

Only to see a guard with a happy face report to Zhu Diyu.

“Quick, Xuan Secretly Messenger came in.”

Zhu Di’s spirit was lifted.

I even hurriedly sorted out my clothes. Hidden excitement in the heart can not control it.

But Zhu Di told himself that he must be calm. The more you are at this time, the more calm you have to be. Soon.

A man dressed in gray robes and wearing a bucket hat entered the Yan King’s Mansion. Zhu Di quickly greeted.

“See His Majesty the King of Yan.”

The Great Light and Dark made him bow down to Zhu Di.

“The Prophet does not need much courtesy, did the Father send letters or dictations?”

Zhu Di asked calmly.

“The secret is aimed at this, please ask the King of Yan to read it for himself.”

The Great Light and Dark Messenger bent down and took out a scroll of holy will from his arms and held it high above the top and presented it to Zhu Di. Zhu Di hurriedly took over the secret will.

Then he quickly turned the secret message over and looked at it. Little by little time passes.

But Zhu Di’s body was trembling faintly.

The original pair of excited eyes gradually became gray. If you look closely, you will find out.

Zhu Di’s face was a little livid. After a while it turned pale again.

In particular, the mouth is trembling unconsciously. Moreover.

He was a pair of calloused hands, and he vaguely squeezed the secret in his hands and deformed them. A full cup of tea time passed.

Zhu Di slowly closed the secret intention and put it away. A smile regained on his face.

The whole person looks like nothing like usual.

“The hard work has been sent to the messenger, and the man has come and given a hundred taels of gold to the messenger.”

Zhu Di smiled and ordered the next person.


The Great Ming and Dark Envoy hurriedly waved his hand to refuse, and then bowed down to Zhu Di and said, “The little man does not dare to accept this reward, if His Majesty knows, he will definitely want the little man’s head.” ”

The great light and darkness make anxious to speak.


Under the rule of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

No official of the Ming Dynasty was allowed to collect any silver money. Otherwise, there is a great risk of losing your head.

Naturally, this person did not dare to accept Zhu Di’s reward.

“It is the king who forgot, and the secret makes it strange.”

“The Laborer secretly conveyed to the Father the Emperor that the contents of the secret will were known to the King.”

“Please rest assured that the sons and daughters will definitely guard the northern part of Bactria well, and just waiting for the father’s will, the sons will immediately raise an army against Emperor Yi.”

Zhu Di laughed.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The great light and darkness made him bow down.

Do not stay much in the Yan King’s Mansion. He went straight out of the house and rode away.

But it was also with the departure of the Great Light and Darkness. The smile on Zhu Di’s face gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a dead gray color. His eyes were even more faintly red.

A glint of unbearable pain appeared from his eyes.

“Father and Emperor, the eldest brother are all dead.”

“Why are you so eccentric?”

“That Zhu Yunjiao is only a teenage child, and you actually made him the eldest grandson of the emperor and let him inherit your reign?”

“How can such a naïve person carry the Ming Dynasty?”

Zhu Di muttered bitterly.

He pressed the sound extremely low and very low. The low ones can only be heard by themselves.

Because he was afraid that there were spies planted by his father Zhu Yuanzhang lurking around. If these words had been heard by Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang, he would certainly not have spared him. It’s just that.

Zhu Di’s heart was broken at this moment.

Just forced a smile in front of the big light and dark ambassador.

It was afraid that he would show a painful and strange expression and be known to Zhu Yuanzhang. But now the great light and darkness are gone.

The grief and unwillingness in his heart finally revealed uncontrollably. But Zhu Di still bowed his head and did not say a word.

Still dead in control of his emotions. It’s just that the green tendons on his forehead stir like maggots.

When the fists are clenched, the nails are clasped into the palms, and a trace of blood flows without knowing it. He gasped for breath, trying to calm himself down. But the steel teeth in his mouth clenched.

It proves what a cruel blow Zhu Di’s heart has experienced. It almost crushed his inner spiritual world.

Perseverance as tough as a hard stone seems to collapse at this moment. I’m not convinced!

Zhu Di roared madly in his heart.

The meaning of extreme unhappiness arises in the heart. He was the fourth son of the Emperor.

Is it even inferior to a teenage child? Thesis!

On martial arts?

On leading soldiers to war?

On the art of the Emperor?

The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu of Daming, who does not admire Zhu Di? Which of his points was not ten times or even a hundred times stronger than Zhu Yunjiong? Father!

How unfair you are!

Is it only the eldest brother Zhu Biao who is your relative? And you don’t have any father-son feelings for me Zhu Di? Zhu Di was screaming madly inside.

He didn’t shed tears.

Because his heart is already dead at this moment. It was a long time coming.

Zhu Di slowly raised his head.

The look on his face was decadent.

Even the unwilling shouts and roars in my heart disappeared. What about disobedience?

What if he is not willing?

That was his destiny.

He had to confess his fate.

Because his father Zhu Yuanzhang’s will could not be violated.

No matter how many grievances he had by King Zhu Di of Yan and how much bitter water he had, he had to swallow it himself. Zhu Di did not dare to oppose the will of his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

I didn’t dare to show the slightest grievance. He can only obey.

Unconditional obedience.

Even the fear and fear of Zhu Yuanzhang in his heart made him unable to raise any resentment at all. Q: Did Zhu Di think about fighting?

A: Just at that moment, Zhu Di really wanted to resist. But.

The idea was only a moment. It’s like a bubble has just appeared.

“It’s over before it starts.”


Riot –!

Dark clouds and thunder. It was pouring rain in the sky.

The pouring rain seemed to turn into Zhu Di’s tears. It was as if the heavens were weeping silently for him.


“Father, father, sons obey the will, children obey the will!”

Heavy rain poured down.

Zhu Di knelt on his knees in the rain.

There was a terrible laugh coming from his mouth.

He prostrated his head fiercely in the direction of Daming.

Worshiping that Emperor Daming is the father and emperor who have been in awe for a lifetime!

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