Chapter 133 He, Great Tomorrow’s Son, Zhu Yuanzhang!


Fengtian Temple.

If you say nine weeks in seven countries. Which Heavenly Son’s life is the most frugal.

That must be the great tomorrow son Zhu Yuanzhang no doubt. Love to eat burnt bread and drink bowls of duck blood soup.

For Zhu Yuanzhang, this is a kind of happiness.

This great tomorrow starts with a bowl and ends with a country. He went from being a beggar step by step to the position of the Ninth Five. Very understanding of the suffering of the people at the bottom.

He is also the most shelfless son of heaven in the Seven Kingdoms. But be careful.

There are no shelves in this regard.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who had no shelf in front of his people. He’s always happy.

Even if you take a micro-service visit, buy a burnt cake to eat.

Forgetting to bring money and being reprimanded by the vendors, Zhu Yuanzhang will always be a hey hey smiley face. Let the peddlers preach and not talk back to people.

Instead, they apologized and said that the money would be given. But in front of the Wenwu Hundred Pavilions.

Zhu Yuanzhang was an extremely iron-blooded and ruthless emperor. Don’t make mistakes.

Especially when it comes to people’s livelihood, don’t make mistakes. Take a piece of copper from the people.

Occupy one acre of fertile land for the people.


A simple word.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s style was expounded. Look all over the Ming Dynasty Hall and beyond.

Librarians who dare to embezzle are hardly visible. Because once it was discovered by Zhu Yuanzhang. Light beheadings are demonstrated.

Heavy is peeled and boned.

The destruction of the Nine Tribes was staged everywhere. Moreover.

Zhu Yuanzhang once issued a holy will. He told the people.

Anyone who discovers that Daming librarians are corrupt and bribed and oppress the fish and meat people. People everywhere can personally take it down and send it to the royal city.

The librarians on this road must not be hindered in any way. If anyone dares to stop the people from complaining, there will be no mercy for killing. This is evident in this will.

Zhu Yuanzhang really loves the people like a son.

The people of Daming supported him to the extreme, and they even thought of Zhu Yuanzhang’s goodness. On the other hand, the civil and martial coffins inside and outside the court were examined.

Every day I live in trembling and trembling, and I can only live on silver.

Some of the librarians are living on a tight budget, and their uniforms are patched.

For this great tomorrow, the librarians everywhere are both respectful and afraid.

I am deeply afraid that if I do something wrong, I will be asked for a head by Zhu Yuanzhang. Under the rule of Zhu Yuanzhang’s high pressure.

Daming is frugal and frugal, and the people’s hearts are toward the Son of Heaven.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was able to threaten the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, not without reason. Look.

Daming’s Fengtian Temple.

It is also the place where the Son of Heaven and his courtiers discuss politics. There is no other country’s golden splendor.

The entire Fengtian Hall is very simple and unpretentious.

Even the dragon chair on which Tianzi sat was made of ordinary wood. Inside the Fengtian Temple.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the son of the great tomorrow.

His complexion is bronze.

The hair is slightly gray.

A pair of eyes were covered with blood.

He held his chin in one fist on the dragon case.

The whole person seemed to be wandering in the sky, and there was a faint gray and dark color on his face. Queen Ma died of illness.

Crown Prince Zhu Biao died suddenly.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s dearest people in this life were gone.

Even if he is an iron-blooded and ruthless son of heaven, he can suffer such a blow. It also eased up for two months.

It’s only slightly better now.

But every day is still a little depressed.

“Your Majesty, Wang Li has returned from His Highness the King of Yan and is waiting outside the palace for His Majesty to summon him.”

A small eunuch reports.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s somewhat distracted eyes gradually focused. The original decadent breath gradually dissipated.

An indescribable iron-blooded Heavenly Son’s majesty faintly overflowed.

“Let him in.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said lightly.

“Your Majesty has a will, and the king will leave and enter the temple.”

With the voice of the little eunuch sounded.

Only to see the big light and dark messenger who sent the letter to Zhu Di quickly walk inside.

“The King of the Thousand Households of the Jinyi Guards is leaving, see Your Majesty.”

The king knelt down and prostrated his head.

“Okay, let’s not enjoy this set, you come and talk before we get closer.”

Zhu Yuanzhang waved.

Jinyi Wei Qianhu hurriedly got up and carefully came to Zhu Yuanzhang’s body, but his body arched down.

“Tell me, how did Emperor Zhu Di react when he saw our secret will?”

Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly.

“Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Yan did not react in any way, but instead asked his subordinates to convey to His Majesty that he could only raise an army to fight Xia as soon as His Majesty’s holy will arrived.”

Jinyi Wei Qianhu Wang Li reported truthfully.


Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes moved slightly.

Slightly raising his eyes to look at Wang Yuan, he said, “Didn’t Emperor Zhu Di say anything about us making the Emperor’s grandson the crown prince?” ”

“Your Majesty Qi Song, no, the King of Yan has not said a word about this matter.”

The king trembled from his heart and hurriedly replied.


Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

There was a hint of guilt in his bloodshot eyes. Will.

Zhu Yuanzhang had thought of making Zhu Di crown prince. Give the future of Daming to Zhu Di.

After all, Zhu Di is very similar to himself in many ways. Perhaps this is the best option.

However, seeing the pitiful appearance of the Emperor’s eldest grandson Zhu Yunzhuo.

Zhu Yuanzhang remembered his son Zhu Biao, who had just died of illness. Ultimately.

Zhu Yuanzhang still decided to make Zhu Yunjiao the crown prince. But Zhu Yuanzhang was also very clear.

Zhu Di would feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

But the throne of the crown prince should not have been his.

He Zhu Yuanzhang’s Jiangshan was decided by Zhu Yuanzhang, who he wanted to hand over. He had so many heirs.

Where will be the emotions of these sons of scruples. And.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not afraid of the rebellion of King Yan at all.

Because he knows his sons too well. As long as he lives for one day.

Regardless of these sons, or Manchu Wenwu, they could only obey obediently.

“Grandpa Emperor.”


Just when Zhu Yuanzhang still wanted to ask Wang Li something.

I saw a teenager in his teens running into the Fengxian Hall with tears in his eyes.

“Yun Jiao, how come you are crying your nose again, come and let Grandpa Huang see.”

See the arrival of Zhu Yunjiong.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s slightly cold eyes turned soft. Because he only has this one grandson left.

As for the other descendants, he never felt that they were his relatives.

“Wang Li, you should back off.”

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and walked down the hall with a smile. Pulling Zhu Yunzhuo’s small hand to sit down in front of the dragon chair.

“Emperor Grandpa, Yun Jiao misses Daddy.”

Zhu Yunjiao choked up, and tears flowed out again. See Zhu Yunjiao crying.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt a pain in his heart.

He did not grieve Zhu Biao’s death. But he was crazy and mad, and he was injured.

He is the son of the great tomorrow, and he cannot be immersed in grief all day long.

Otherwise, the Daming Mountains will really be chaotic.

“Yun Jiao, you have grown up, and in the future you will inherit our Daming Jiangshan, and crying and crying all day is not the same.”

Zhu Yuanzhang wiped Zhu Yunjiong’s tears while teaching him. But there was also a faint hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Although it is said to be his own grandson.

But Zhu Yunzhuo’s surname was too weak.

Zhu Yuanzhang was really afraid that after a hundred years, Zhu Yunjiao would ascend the throne and become emperor. Whether he can sustain it, he laid the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

If Zhu Yunjiao fell into the fate of a weak and powerful subject like the previous emperors of the Bactrian Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang definitely did not want to see it.


There are six countries standing on the outside, and there are founding heroes who have walked with him to this day. Once you die.

What should Zhu Yunjiao do?

Zhu Yuanzhang thought of this.

A relentless killing machine of iron blood emerged from under his eyes. No way.

You must do it as soon as possible in your lifetime. Quickly sweep away the remaining six countries to dominate the world.

Then these Huaixi nobles and many powerful ministers were eliminated. That’s all.

Only then could he hand over a great river and mountain to Zhu Yunzhuo. The Ming Dynasty can be passed down to thousands of generations.

Even after a hundred years, he could still see underground.

“Yoon Jong-na, come with Grandpa Emperor.”

Zhu Yuanzhang took Zhu Yunjiong’s small hand and left the Fengxian Hall. Outside the temple of Fengxian.

Only to see a plant of thorns rooted in the soil. Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes moved slightly.

He casually folded a thorn.

“And then he solemnly handed it to the Emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunjiao.”

“Grandson, let’s grab it.”


Looking at the thorns full of barbs, Zhu Yunzhuo’s small face changed. There was a clear look of fear in his eyes.

“Grandpa Emperor, this thorn is full of thorns, and the grandson does not dare to grasp it.”

Zhu Yunjiao was weak.

But what happened the next moment. It completely made Zhu Yunjiao stay in place.

“Grandpa Emperor?”

Zhu Yunjiao cried in shock.

What did he see?

Zhu Yuanzhang.

Big tomorrow.

His royal grandfather.

One hand holds the thorn.

The other grasps the very end of the thorn.

On the thorns full of barbs, inch by inch, over. Blood was dripping from his palm.

This blood is so poignant and magnificent. It made Zhu Yunjiao look at him with horror.

Only to see the thorns full of barbs, all of which were thrown away by Zhu Yuanzhang.

And this great tomorrow’s son, Zhu Yuanzhang, seemed not to feel the slightest pain. Now.

The thorn in Zhu Yuanzhang’s hand did not have a single barb. But it was stained with his blood.

Zhu Yuanzhang once again handed the thorn to Zhu Yunjiong.

“Grandson, can you catch it for us this time?”

Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

“Grandpa Emperor?”

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang’s bleeding palm, Zhu Yunjiong’s tearful eyes blurred.

“Let’s grab it.”

Zhu Yuanzhang scolded coldly.

“The grandchildren obey.”

Zhu Yunjiao hurriedly grabbed the blood-stained thorns handed by the Emperor’s grandfather. But the tears in his eyes kept dripping down.

“Yun Jiong, you must remember what Grandpa Huang said to you.”

“This country is a country that we have worked hard to call, and the emperor will clear all obstacles for you.”

“Until this country is safely delivered to your hands, you must be a good son of heaven in the future.”

“From today onwards, we will not allow you to cry, the tears of the Son of Heaven are manifestations of weakness and incompetence, do you understand?”

Zhu Yuanzhang said a lot.

His eyes looked hopefully at his own grandson. That’s all he can do.

Although Zhu Yunjiao was a little too weak. But he could only do his best to cultivate him.

I hope that he can be a Ming Jun in the future and continue the Ming Dynasty well. Then he was satisfied.

“The grandchildren remembered.”

Zhu Yunjiao hurriedly wiped away his tears.

“It’s good and good.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

He dragged Zhu Yunjiao back to the Fengxian Hall.

A relentless killing machine of iron blood flashed through his eyes at the same time. He couldn’t wait any longer.

Since the Seven Kingdoms have been peaceful for so many years.

Then it is up to him Zhu Yuanzhang to provoke this big war. Extinguish the summer first, then extinguish it.

Until the sweeping of the Sui Emperor, the Tang Emperor, and the destruction of Loulan. In the end, he competed with the Qin Emperor.

Just let him Zhu Yuanzhang take a look.

In these nine weeks of the world, who is the Lord of ups and downs!

“Come, summon Blue Jade Xu Da to the palace for a visit.”

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke coldly.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jinyi Wei quickly led the order away. This moment.

The Seven Kingdoms will be in chaos.

Who can sweep away the eight wildernesses and six combinations, fix the world for nine weeks, and become the emperor of the ages? Nobody knows no.

No one can be sure.

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang has iron-blooded and ruthless ambitions.

He wasn’t sure he could really do it.

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