Chapter 134 Nether Valley Smoke and Rain Building, Eight Hundred Nether Ghost Thorns!.

Great summer, cool west.

Look at hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops. And those fifty thousand West Cool Iron Rides. Lü Bu was full of energy.

He had never had such an emotional moment. Now.

The Western Liang military power is in hand.

Lü Bu’s ambitions were on the rise. Logically.

He killed Dong Zhuo.

The king of Bactria should be returned immediately to restore the Son of Heaven. But.

Three days passed.

Lü Bu did not leave for a long time. Because he was hesitating.

Should we return to the capital of Bactria or not?

People are blinded by the desire for power. In particular, Lü Bu’s surname is capricious.

At this moment there are hundreds of thousands of troops. You say he has no dissent.

That’s absolutely impossible.

Three days.

Lü Bu came up with an idea.

He can fully support the soldiers and respect himself. Be a Xiliang King.

But he hadn’t decided yet.

Because every time I think of Nie Zheng’s smile. Lü Bu felt a slight chill in his heart.

It was also because of his scruples about Nie Zheng. He was unable to make up his mind for a long time.

“General, can you listen to Confucianism?”

Li Ru looked solemn.

He wasn’t dead.

Because he was just a courtier.

It was not a threat to Lü Bu. And Li Ru chose to surrender.

Lü Bu naturally had no need to kill him.

“What does the gentleman want to say?”

Lü Bu frowned slightly, looking at the counselor beside Dong Zhuo.

“If the general believes in me, he will immediately return to the royal city now to resume his life, and must not repeat Dong Zhuo’s mistakes.”

Li Ru said in a deep voice.


Lü Bu’s mind Li Ru had already seen it. Knowing that he was hesitating whether to oppose the Great Summer Son. But in Li Ru’s view.

Lü Bu was just a warrior. His gaze was too narrow.

Don’t look at the fact that he now has hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops in his hands.

But if the Great Summer wants to destroy him. But in an instant.

And this warrior is whimsical. He also fantasized about becoming the King of Xiliang.

077 This is simply a joke in Li Ru’s view.

That great summer Emperor Yi’s strength, you Lü Bu is not unseen. Does power alone blind you?

Although Li Ru had only seen the big summer side once. But look at it from a series of things that happened.

This Great Summer is definitely an abyss-like, unpredictable emperor. Bactria is so weak.

Such a big mess allowed him to unify the court. Then the Great Summer will definitely start to unify the Great Xia. This is already a fact on the surface.

And Lü Bu was still stupid and couldn’t see the situation clearly.

“Feng Xian, Li Ru is right, you must not be confused by the military power.”

Chen Gong spoke calmly.

He also began to advise Lü Bu.

Although Chen Gong had never seen the Great Summer Son.

But I also heard too much about what Emperor Yi had done. And this time Lü Bu came back to kill Dong Zhuo.

It is enough to prove that the means of the big summer are extremely terrible.

“Jean Ben will be considering.”

Lü Bu’s brow furrowed.

Look at hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops. You let him just hand it over. Lü Bu was really a little reluctant.

“General, you don’t have time to think about it, if you have been in the daycare for a long time, I’m afraid no one can save you.”

Li Ru opened his mouth coldly.

“Shut up.”

Lü Bu was already distraught.

Li Ru’s rebuke immediately aroused the anger in his heart. Get.

Li Ru could only shut up.

After all, he was only a courtier.

For Lü Bu’s kind of martial artist, it is really unclear what is reasonable. However, Li Ru smiled darkly in his heart.

Lü Bu ah Lü Bu.

You have to die yourself.

Then I’ll see what happens to you.···

The capital of the Great Xia, Shouxian Palace.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were blindfolded.

A dozen singers surrounded him, giggling.

“Your Majesty, I am here.”

“Cluck, Your Majesty, come and arrest me.”

“Your Majesty, you are so annoying.”


Warblers and swallows, smiling constantly. In the wine pond meat forest.

Nie Zheng was playing a game of hide-and-seek. From time to time, there was a faint laughter in his mouth. Su Daji, on the side, looked helplessly.

As a heavenly husband, he only knows how to play and enjoy every day. However, the Great Xia Dynasty Hall was devoted to the Son of Heaven.

Everything is moving quickly in a good direction.

Su Daji couldn’t understand why this was so.


“I’ve caught you.”


I don’t know if Nie Zheng intended it or not. Maybe it’s looking for a unique smell.

Suddenly, he hugged Su Daji into his arms.

“Your Majesty.”

Su Daji’s small face turned red.

Nie Zheng also took down the cloth strip blindfolded in his eyes. But he saw that Su Dai had turned the countenance of all beings upside down.

“Beauty, you are a little tired, you and I go back to the palace to rest.”

Nie Zheng laughed and hugged Su Daji.

But before Nie Zheng could take three steps.

Only to hear the voice of the eunuch coming.

“The empress dowager has arrived.”

Only to hear a rush of footsteps. Lü Yan was walking quickly into the Shouxian Palace.

When she saw that Nie Zheng was still playing with Su Daji. Beautiful face covered with frost.

“All to the palace to retire.”

Lu Yan scolded coldly.

The eunuch palace women in the palace changed their faces slightly, and hurriedly withdrew from the Shouxian Palace.

“Lu Yan, what nerves are you sending again?”

Nie Zheng said helplessly.

“Emperor Yi, you still have the heart to have fun, do you know that Lü Bu has already killed Dong Zhuo and seized the power of the Western Liang Army, but he has not returned now.”

“Don’t you know what that means?”

Lu Yan said coldly.

“It turned out to be this thing.”

Nie Zheng nodded his head clearly, “Wei Zhongxian has already told Wei Zhongxian about this.” ”

“You already knew about this, and you still have the heart to have fun?”

“Well, since you know that Lü Bu has taken over the Western Liang military power, you don’t care if you don’t ask, don’t you want to solve the problem of the other local clan kings Jiedushi?”

After Lu Yan was stunned, he asked in a cold voice. I don’t blame Lu Yan for being anxious.

Now the court is unified.

Only these clan kings are spared to make their soldiers self-respecting. She hoped that Nie Zheng would unify Bactria as soon as possible.

At this moment, seeing that Nie Zheng was still playing, how could she not be angry?

“How do you know that you only know how to have fun and do nothing?”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

A cold light crept through his eyes. Well?

See the smile on Nie Zheng’s face.

Lu Yan’s heart was shocked.

She woke up in an instant.

Knowing that Nie Zheng should secretly not know what he was planning. Apparently.

I must have misunderstood him.

After all, Di Yi’s means she had seen too much. By no means as faint and incompetent as it seems.

Lu Yan really guessed correctly.

Nie Zheng did secretly do something. And this thing is to unify Bactria together.

“Jing Ke should be back soon, right?”

Nie Zheng whispered lightly.

A cold light crept under his eyes.

Nether Valley.

Poisonous insects are everywhere, and miasma is everywhere.

Don’t say that ordinary people don’t dare to enter the valley of the underworld.

Even if you are a martial arts strongman, you must be careful when entering the valley. Jingke!

He was dressed in black.

Walk through the forest like a ghost. Its speed has been reduced to a shadow. It’s so fast that it’s almost incomprehensible.

It was constantly heading towards the belly of the Nether Valley. Why is he here? The reason is simple.

Jing Ke was ordered to come here.

And he took an oracle from the Son of Heaven. According to the Son of Heaven.

There is a smoke and rain building in the valley of the underworld.

Yanyu Building** has eight hundred of the world’s top assassins. And the names of these assassins are called Nether Thorns. Eight hundred nether ghost thorns.

His cultivation is the realm of all martial arts masters. Among them, there are eight martial arts masters. Maybe.

Their martial arts cultivation was not at the top of the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms.

However, its assassination technique is absolutely the best in the world.

When Tianzi told Jing Ke about it. Jing Ke was completely unconvinced.

It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in the big summer.

Instead, he Jing Ke was the most absolute assassin in the world. In the ranks of the Assassins.

He is definitely in the top three existences.

But Jing Ke had never heard of the name of the Nether Ghost Thorn. And it’s eight hundred.

And each of them is a martial arts master, and there are eight martial arts masters. Such a huge and terrifying assassination force.

How could he not even hear the slightest sound of the wind? So.

Jing Ke did not believe it.

But even if he didn’t believe it.

He was still ordered to the Valley of the Netherworld. For this is the will of the Son of Heaven.

As Jing Ke got closer and closer to the hinterland of the Nether Valley. His ghostly figure suddenly stopped.

A chill suddenly surged into my heart. Whew!


A shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

A short sword appeared like a meteor and stabbed straight into the heart.

“Find Death!”

Jing Ke gulped heavily.

A cold dagger was swung out between the flipping hands.


A crisp sound came and burst into flames. The next moment.

The shadows behind him eerily disappeared.

Jing Kegang wanted to find someone who had sneaked up on him. But what happened next.

Almost didn’t scare Jing Ke silly on the spot. Whoops!

Like a hundred ghosts walking at night, like undead wandering around.

Countless shadows appeared in all directions.

Dozens of cold rays of light swept towards all parts of his body. These shadows are incredibly fast.

The short sword in his hand was even more turquoise, obviously caused by smearing poison. As long as the epidermis is cut, it will make people poisoned to death.

A pair of ruthless and indifferent eyes, looking at Jing Ke’s eyes was no different from looking at a dead person. Faced with a sneak attack by dozens of assassins.

Jing Ke’s face changed drastically.

Fortunately, he stepped into the Land Divine Realm with one foot. He is also the most absolute assassin in the world.

Face this mortal situation.

He still has a way to break the game.


Jing Ke’s hands turned into remnants.

Dozens of soul nails were struck in an instant. Just listen to a jingling sound.

Dozens of shadows were forced to retreat in an instant. Jing Ke also took advantage of the short gap.

Want to get out of the circle of these terrible assassins. But he hadn’t waited for Jing Ke to act.

Even more terrible things followed. Airplanes!

More than a hundred short swords appeared out of thin air.

It was like turning into a heavenly net to trap Jing Ke. It even went straight to the key points of his body. Jing Ke was stunned.

The cold dagger in his hand was thrown at the fastest speed in his life. Constantly forcing the short sword that was coming at him to retreat. But even so.

He still had two wounds cut through his body. A feeling of vertigo made him stumble.


These short swords are fed with poison.

Just cutting the epidermis of his skin was enough to kill him. Jing Ke quickly took out a Dan medicine and took it.

After all, being a top assassin.

If there was no antidote elixir, then he would be in vain among the ranks of assassins.

“Ghost Destroy!”


A cold whisper echoed through the forest. In a flash.

A terrible wind blew through the forest. It also makes Jing Ke’s scalp tingle.

Only to see hundreds of shadows appear like ghosts. They were all dressed in black, holding short swords in their backhands.

A pair of cold and ruthless eyes, all gathered on him. Whew!

The next moment.

These people turned into remnants and disappeared in an instant, but when they reappeared, they were already close to Jing Ke’s body.

“Stop, I’m here by the Son of the Great Summer.”

Jing Ke roared in horror.

But it was also this roar.

These assassins living in the shadows all stopped.

The short sword in their hands was only seven inches away from Jing Ke. It also made Jing Ke clearly feel the cold killing intent coming from the short sword.

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