Chapter 135: The Wolf Smokes, the World Is in Chaos!


Jing Ke exhaled a rough breath in Gu Lie.

His eyes throbbed as he looked at these terrible assassins. Seriously.

If it’s just eight out of ten, it doesn’t matter. Jing Ke can completely kill it.

Dozens barely able to retreat.

Hundreds of assassins could strike together. Even if he was a thorn, he would have to go to the end of the world.

Whether they will escape alive is unknown. The scariest thing is.

It just sounded “ghost extinguished”.

If Jing Ke guessed correctly, it should be some kind of assassination and encirclement technique. It really made his scalp tingle, and death hung over him in an instant. Believe it!

Jing Ke believed it completely.

He believed what Summer’s words had been said to him.

This valley of the underworld really hides a group of the world’s best assassins. Eight hundred nether ghost thorns?

It really exists!

Jing Ke looked at him in shock.

Although there were only a hundred people standing in front of him. But Jing Ke was already convinced of the words of the Son of Heaven. If only he hadn’t spoken out in time.

Maybe I really want to give my life here.

“Do you have the Lord’s Word?”


A remnant appeared in front of Jing Ke.

The strange kung fu of the transfiguration also surprised Jing Ke. At a glance.

Just a glance.

Jing Ke saw it.

The man who stood in front of him covered in black. His cultivation is that of a great master of martial arts.

And those eyes were even colder and more indifferent than his. This person may not be able to cultivate as well as him.

But in the art of assassination, it will definitely not be worse than him.

“Yes, but the oracle needs to be read out in the Smoke and Rain Building.”

“Who are you?”

Jing Ke quickly took out from his arms the hand edict given by Nie Zheng and shook it at this person.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that you have the Lord’s Word”

“But I want to tell you that if you deceive me and wait, you won’t be able to leave the Nether Valley alive.”

The man in black spoke indifferently.

He waved his hand gently.

A hundred Assassins disappeared.

And he leads the way for Jing Ke in front. Jing Ke looked at him in shock.

But he quickly followed.

Not for a while.

Walk through a thick woods. A small blue building catches the eye of Jingke. Smoke and rain building!

Three bright and dangling blood-colored font seals are engraved on the black plaque. Just these three words come into view.

Jing Ke felt a cold and murderous qi coming towards him. It was also at this moment.

Not waiting for Jing Ke to turn around.

Countless figures walked out of the smoke and rain building.

Nearly a thousand eyes were all focused on Jing Ke’s body. Hiss!

Feel the cold glare of these assassins. Jing Ke quickly woke up.

Hurry up and open the oracle and read it.

“Fengtian Fortune, the Heavenly Son’s edict: Feng Jingke is the lord of the smoke and rain building, commanding the eight hundred nether ghost thorns, and admiring this.”

As Jing Ke finished reciting the Heavenly Son’s oracle.

Then he unfolded the oracle and lifted it high, waiting for them to come and confirm its authenticity.

“The underworld ghost stabs the Lord’s commandment.”

“I’m waiting to see the landlord.”

No one came to confirm the oracle at all. Eight hundred nether ghost thorns half-knelt on the ground. They are not very loud.

Together, it’s stunning. Jing Ke looked at him in shock.

He really couldn’t understand it even if he broke his head at the moment.

How did his master train so many terrible assassins? These nether ghost thorns are released at random, and they are absolutely nightmarish beings. But there are as many as eight hundred?

And the whole world does not know their existence! OK.

Jing Ke’s shocked mood was only for a moment.

At this moment, I have more important things to do. He was going to lead these nether ghost thorns out of the valley of the netherworld.

This time he will lead these fearsome assassins on a mission. A task at stake.


Bactria and Shouxian Palace.

Nie Zheng was drinking and having fun with Su Daji. Pity.

Since Su Daji entered the palace.

Su Daji had never laughed.

No matter what fun and strange things Nie Zheng found. Nor can she make Su Daji laugh.

70 This can be described as Nie Zheng’s regret.

He wanted to see what Su Daji would look like when she laughed.

Presumably that would look good, right? After all, such a stunning woman.

Once you laugh, you can make the heavens and the earth lose their color.

“Your Majesty, Jing Ke has returned, and asked the old slave to convey to His Majesty that everything is ready, just waiting for His Majesty to strike.”

Wei Zhongxian walked quickly into Shouxian Palace.

He first bowed to Nie Zheng, then came to his near side and lowered his voice to report.


Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

A cruel smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Your Majesty, the old slaves who have been placed in various places have also won their trust by the grimaces and green clothes placed in the emissaries of the kings of various domains.”

“The old slave has been preparing for a year, and as long as you give an order, all the military power of the kings of the various clans will be in hand.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled sinisterly.

“Good value for money”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Now everything is ready only owes to the East Wind. That’s when he strikes.

After all, the time had finally come for the unification of Bactria to come.

“Beauty, you don’t smile all the time, and you know that you miss home.”

“Come, lead you to do something fun.”

Nie Zheng got up from the throne.

Directly take Su Daji’s small hand. In his stunned expression.

Nie Zheng took Su Daji’s small hand and headed for the outside of the palace.

“Come, prepare the dragon.”

Wei Zhongxian’s spirit was lifted.

Hurriedly ordered the people to carry the dragon dragon. Soon.

Guarded by a large number of Yulin Army.

Nie Zheng and Su Daji rode out of the palace on a dragon dragon. Its destination is the head of the royal capital.

Tianzi travels.

The people of the royal capital watched in the middle of the road.

All kinds of noise and discussion are constantly heard. Apparently.

They had never seen the new emperor walk out of the palace. Today, the new emperor can travel.

It’s a very new thing.

The people in the royal city even knelt on both sides of the street.

Even more daring people secretly raised their eyes to see what the Son of Heaven looked like. It’s a pity, though.

Nie Zheng’s body was covered by a beaded curtain in the middle of the dragon. What is the royal city people can see.


Nie Zheng’s dragon dragon came to the royal city.

He smiled and pulled Su Daji’s small hand along the stone steps step by step to the head of the city. The soldiers stationed at the head of the city knelt down and prostrated themselves.

“Your Majesty, what are you bringing me here for?”

Su Dai was weak and weak.

I really didn’t understand what my Heavenly Son Husband was going to do when he brought him to the royal city.

“Beauty, you’ll know in a moment.”

Nie Zheng smiled unpredictably.

Then he looked at Wei Zhongxian and said, “Take the torch.” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian smiled.

Quickly get a torch.

Then he bowed down and presented it to his master. And this scene immediately made Su Daji shudder. Don’t say that Su Dai is confused.

-0 Ask for flowers at this moment the soldiers at the head of the city are also stunned.

Even the people in the royal city looked at the figure of Tianzi holding a torch in his hand, and they also revealed a surprised color. But the next moment.

What this big summer boy did completely horrified the people of the city. Su Daji and many soldiers beside Nie Zheng exclaimed in surprise.

What do they see?

Emperor B!

Big summer!

He actually came to the nest with a torch in hand. Throw the torch into the nest. A billowing wolf smoke rose into the sky. At the same time.

Three other cities.

Zhao Gao also ordered someone to set the nest on fire. The next moment.

The wolf smoke above the head of the Foursquare City soared into the sky. Such a scene is simply terrifying.

“Your Majesty, stop.”

Su Daji’s small face was miserable and she was completely panicked. Although she is a weak woman.

At the time of Jizhou, it was almost half a step out of the boudoir. But he was familiar with the ancient scrolls of poetry.

How could she not understand what Tianzi was doing at the moment? Crazy!

It’s crazy!



It is the ultimate fainting.

Know that the beacon of the Foursquare King’s City was ignited. This also means that Bactria is about to perish.

All the kings of the various regions were envoys, and even the four frontier officials. It is necessary to lead his soldiers and horses to rush to Wang Duqin to escort him. Since the founding of the Bactrian Emperor Shengzu.

Only Emperor Yi’s grandfather’s generation had lit a beacon. Because of the Great War of the Seven Kingdoms that year, Bactria almost lost its country. Nie Zheng’s imperial grandfather was even more stubbornly guarding the gate of the country and dying on the battlefield. But now what did Su Daji see?

There was no war in Bactria.

The people live and work in peace and contentment.

The hall is thriving.

But his own Heavenly Son Husband actually lit the four-square beacon. Isn’t that a big joke?

Don’t say that Su Daji is stupid in the same place. The people of the royal city all cried out in horror. The entire Bactrian Imperial City was in complete chaos.

They didn’t know what the new emperor was doing.

“Is Your Majesty crazy?”

“He….. He actually lit the four-square beacon? ”

“I don’t have a war in Bactria?”

“Emperor Xia, this new emperor turned out to be really a Emperor of Darkness.”


All kinds of outraged and angry voices kept coming.

All the people were indignant and shocked, and even rebuked Nie Zheng. Lighting the four-square beacon is no joke.

If it were not for the fact that he was forced to the point of subjugation.

Who among the previous emperors of Bactria dared to risk the great disobedience of this world? The voice of the Heavenly Son’s fainting voice grew louder and louder.

And Nie Zheng, who was standing at the head of the city, was full of smiles. The nest burned around him.

The wolf smoke that soared into the sky filled the earth. But no one noticed.

The cold light in Nie Zheng’s eyes was flashing.

“Zhu Yuanzhang, Shuo is about to unify Bactria with you, and Shuo is waiting for you to draw your sword and fight with Xia.”

Nie Zhengsen whispered coldly.

He stood on top of the city with his hands in his hands. Look up at the heavens and the earth.

Its posture looks lonely.

But it revealed a mighty power that swept over the world. What is a loner?

The origin of this sentence is the Son of Heaven. Commanded by heaven, I am the only one.

The Son of Heaven is lonely.

They came into being.

The heavens rule over the earth.

But nine weeks and seven kingdoms are constantly at war.

The sons of heaven of all countries want to unify the world for nine weeks. Now the wolf smokes and the world is in chaos.

It also heralds a chaotic war of the Seven Kingdoms that shocked the ancient and modern times, and it will eventually open ten thousand in this life.

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