Chapter 136 Beacon Drama Princes!.

The summer was shocked, and the whole world was in an uproar!

When the Bactrian King City rose four square wolf smoke. The news spread everywhere for the first time. Four-sided frontier official.

The kings of the various clans were envoys.

Everyone was shocked by this news. Who?

Who is it?

Who rebelled?

Emperor Yi was actually forced to raise four square wolf smoke. Is Bactria going to perish?

The kings of the various clans were surprised and suspicious. All along.

The four feudal officials are also good. Or the kings of the various clans to make the emissaries. Everyone is waiting for an opportunity. An opportunity to usurp the throne. But no one dared to be the first bird. Because they are afraid of being attacked by the crowd. No one wants to make a wedding dress for others.

But now it is known that four square wolf smoke has risen in the Bactrian Royal City. This also shocked them at the same time.

The excitement of the heart cannot be controlled.

Because the opportunity they had been waiting for for years finally came. Someone made the first to rebel.

Troops now!

There was hardly any hesitation.

The kings of various domains quickly gave orders. Start quickly massing your army.

Because they have no time to prove who is plotting against them. They wanted to kill the Great Xia King City as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it is preemptively boarded by others. They will regret it too late.

All of a sudden.

Bactria was in complete chaos.

The kings of various regions were envoys, and there were also four feudal officials. They led their armies day and night to attack the king of Bactria one after another. Everyone wants to be the Son of Heaven.

Naturally, it is impossible to back down at this time.


Jizhou City.

“The king of Bactria has raised wolf smoke in all directions?”

Hou Suhu of Jizhou stood up in shock.

His eyes were filled with utter astonishment. The face was full of solemnity.

Since the last battle of Jizhou City.

All of his 100,000 elite soldiers were killed.

If it were not for her daughter Su Da, she would have interceded with her.

Jizhou City and his Su Hu almost fell to the end of slaughtering the city and destroying the household. Those thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders had become his nightmare.

Su Hu was deeply impressed by the horror of the Yu Basin. Now after a year of cultivation and recuperation.

He had only 30,000 recruits under his command.

The fear of the people in the city has just subsided. If Bactria falls.

Is there a complete egg under the nest?

How can Jizhou City be left alone? Who is plotting rebellion?

Su Hu speculated in horror.


Su Hu couldn’t think of anything.

There is no conspiracy at all.

The rise of the wolf smoke in all directions is just the masterpiece of the Great Summer.

“No, if the city is destroyed, she will definitely be reduced to play.” Things, Ben Hou must not sit idly by. ”

Sue’s face was cold.

“Come, dispatch 30,000 new troops, and quickly go with Ben Hou to Wang Du Qin to escort him.”

Su Hu shouted.

Put on the warrior armor directly.

Thirty thousand troops quickly assembled.

The same rushed towards the Bactrian King’s City.

Great summer, cool west.


“The king of Bactria lit the wolf smoke?”

Lü Bu stood up in shock.

The eyes are filled with extreme shock.


“God help me, God help me.”


Lü Bu let out a wild laugh.

He had been hesitant to return to the Bactrian Imperial City for several days. Handed over the power of the Western Liang army to Emperor Yi.

But I didn’t expect that wolf smoke would rise in the Great Xia Royal City. What does this mean?

It shows that someone has taken the lead in rebellion. The city of Bactria is about to be destroyed.

This is the rhythm of the destruction of the country.

“Come, immediately gather a large army, and quickly kill Ben to the royal city.”

Lü Bu roared.

With a red face full of light, he picked up Fang Tian’s painting and went straight to Xiliang School-0 field. Apparently.

The king of Bactria was lit with wolf smoke.

This completely stimulated Lü Bu’s ambition.

No matter who is attacking the royal city.

It doesn’t matter who wants to usurp the throne.

This was an unprecedented opportunity for Lü Bu. At this moment, he was sitting with hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops.

There are also 50,000 Western Liang Iron Riders under his command. He can take advantage of the situation.

There is a better chance that you can become the new emperor.

“General, please think twice.”

“Fengxian, don’t be impulsive until things are clear.”

Li Ru and Chen Gong’s faces changed slightly, and they hurried to dissuade them.


Lü Bu was already overwhelmed by desire.

At this moment, all I could think about was the scene of myself wearing a dragon cannon.

“Needless to say, General Ben has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, and there are also 50,000 Western Liang Iron Horsemen.”

“What are those kings of the clans?”

“What’s more, I, Lü Fengxian, am invincible in the ranks of ten thousand armies, and taking their heads is like probing for things, and this great summer is ultimately my Lü Bu’s.”


Lü Bu let out a wild laugh.

Ignoring the dissuasion of the two counselors. Directly ordered the assembly of the Western Liang army.

With the completion of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Xiliang. Lübze took the lead.

Holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade in his hand, he led hundreds of thousands of troops straight to the Great Xia King’s City. But!

What awaits him?…

The other side.

Northern Xia, Yan Wangfu.

“Who dares to rebel at this time?”

Zhu Di’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The brows furrow slightly.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

When Zhu Di heard that wolf smoke rose from the Bactrian King’s City. He knew things weren’t going well.

If you want to rebel.

The first one to do it was definitely him. But he never did it.

It was waiting for the will of Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang.

But who dares to be so bold now, to take a step ahead of him?

“Wang Ye, no matter who raises an army, at this moment, the city of the King of Bactria is in danger, and the omen of the fall of the country has already appeared.”

“At this moment, the prince must go and find out.”

“However, the old monk has a feeling that this matter is too strange, so you should be cautious.”

The old monk Yao Guangxiao said in a deep voice.

“Yes, no matter who raises an army, the king must go to a look, and he must not let others get there first.”

Zhu Di nodded solemnly.

Then put on the armor directly.

He quickly ordered the start of the dispatch of three battalions under his command.

When the army is assembled.

Zhu Di was holding a long knife, and a long scream came from his mouth. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of the three battalions came straight to the city of Bactria King. Messed up!

Messed up!

Completely chaotic in the territory of Bactria, everyone panicked.

Countless soldiers and horses from all directions poured towards the Bactrian King’s City. The sound of the horse’s hooves passing by was deafening.

The combined number of soldiers and horses made by these clan kings was as many as two million. Even more frightening, the people in Bactria were in danger.

Seven days. Just seven days.

The kings of the various clans have made great armies!

It took only seven days to reach the capital of Bactria day and night. At this moment, it was only fifty miles away from the king’s capital.

From a distance, they could see that above the Foursquare City of Bactria, the billowing wolf smoke was rising up into the sky. This also made the kings of the various clans excited by the festival.

With a roar of the long knife in hand, he led the army towards the royal city. It was also at this moment.

The soldiers and horses of the kings of various regions also met at this moment. But they didn’t talk to each other.

They are all tacit about each other.

They were not here to escort the king at all.

Instead, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to seize the capital of Bactria and change the dynasty and become the emperor himself. However, as various major armies continued to advance towards the city of Bactria King.

The kings of the various clans discovered something that shocked them to the extreme. That is, no one outside the city of Bactria was attacking the city gate.

It was even quieter and more terrible outside the city.

There was not even a hint of a battle on the battlefield. Finally!

The kings of various domains sent large armies from all directions. Already under the city gates…

Behind them were two million troops lined up. But look at the four open gates of the city.

The people inside the gates of the city were as usual.

Hawkers can be seen hawkers selling their goods in the city. When this scene is presented.

All the kings of the clan made people stupid. What about the promised rebellion?

Say good wolf smoke rising Bactria dead? What’s going on here?

Don’t say that the kings of the various clans are stupid.

Even the murderous army behind them was stupid.

Everyone thought they were about to face a bloody battle.

But now what do they see? The Bactrian City was safe and sound.

The people of the city live and work in peace and contentment.

In addition to the billowing wolf smoke still rolling up on the four square walls. There is nothing wrong with the Great Xia King’s City.

Not to mention that some people are rebelling in siege!



A burst of laughter came from above the head of the city.

This also prompted the kings of the various clans to look at it with laughter. But what did they see?

i2 string pairs.

It is Emperor Yi.

This big summer.

He actually stood by the beacon and hugged Su Daji, pointing to the kings of the various clans under the city and laughing loudly.

“Interesting, interesting, hahahahaha.”

“Beauty, isn’t it very interesting to see the stupid look on their faces?”

Nie Zheng laughed.

It was as if my stomach was hurting a little.

And Su Daji next to him laughed out loud.

Looking at the various clan kings Jiedushi made his eyes obviously tinged with fear.

“Beauty, why don’t you laugh, isn’t it funny to see these people coming stupidly?”

Nie Zheng looked at Su Daji doubtfully.

This plot is not right.

The Zhou Youwang Beacon Fire Drama Princes, causing the praises to giggle.

If you follow suit, you should also be able to make Su Daji laugh.

“Your Majesty, don’t laugh, look at the faces of the kings of the various clans.”

Su Daji’s small face was miserable, and she hurriedly pulled the corner of La Nie Zheng’s clothes.

“Don’t be afraid of the beauties, they’re just some stupid pig waste.”

Nie Zheng still smiled, gently stroked Su Daji’s hair bun, and comforted him. Then he looked faintly at the various clan kings under the city.


You see.

How ugly the faces of the kings of the various clans under the city were. One by one, their faces were livid, and their faces were even more swollen.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes at the head of the city, they all showed extreme shame and anger. Tricked!

They were actually fooled by this dimwitted man 2.5. And he was played like a monkey.

You see how happy that Emperor Yi is smiling. And what did Emperor Yi just say? Are they a bunch of stupid pigs?

Are they a bunch of crap?

Day and night, seven days and seven nights. Delusional thoughts of changing dynasties.

What you get is Emperor Yi’s wanton insults and ridicule!


Don’t say that the various clan kings make it difficult to see the extremes of the face. Even Zhu Di’s face was livid.

The bottom of Lü Bu’s eyes was even more suspicious. Only Su Hu saw that his beloved daughter was fine.

He was quietly relieved.

However, looking at Nie Zheng’s brow, he frowned slightly. Look for trouble!

The Son of Heaven was dying in utter faintness.

You actually laughed for the Bo Meiren, the Beacon Theatre Princes? Now.

Two million troops were arrayed outside the royal city.

If these clan kings were so angry, they began to attack the city. You Emperor Yi will also die without a place to die.

Bactria is really going to perish. Su Hu was speechless in his heart.

I don’t know why this big summer son would do such a faint thing.

“Your secretaries of state have come from afar to work hard.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, I wanted to make the beauty laugh, but the beautiful people don’t seem to like you very much.”

“But since all the secretaries of state have come, let’s go into the royal city and talk to you.”

Nie Zheng stood at the head of the city and said with a smile.

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