Chapter 137: Is This Impure Great Injustice?.

Under the royal city.

The kings were silent, and the princes were speechless. Two million troops were quiet and terrible. For the invitation of the Summer Emperor. No one responded.

Although their faces were livid, they were extremely ashamed and indignant in their hearts. But no one could really enter the royal city. They know they’ve been tricked.

And he was played like a monkey.

But no one took the lead in accusing Emperor Yi of Xia. Instead, one by one they stiffened on their war horses.

Not sure what to do next. Now.

No one attacked the royal city at all, and no one rebelled. But each of them had the intention of usurping the throne.

The combined strength of the kings of the various clans was two million. Soldiers approaching the city.

Is it to stay or to go?

The kings of the various clans made their mood change. No one dares to be the first to stand up.

Pointing at Emperor Yi of Xia, he scolded him for fainting. Then raise an army to attack the city of Bactria King. Because once someone does that. Then this man becomes the target of everyone.

The other feudal kings made it inevitable that there would be a chaotic war while the chaos was coming.

Until the killing of a river of blood, the people who eventually survive will change dynasties. So.

No one dared to be the first.

The atmosphere also froze.

But it is also in this delicate situation. One person stepped forward.

This person is no one else.

It was Hou Suhu of Jizhou.

“Your Majesty, the old minister is willing to enter the city and talk to His Majesty.”

Su Hu spoke.

He left his 30,000 troops outside the city. Alone and horseback into the royal city.

This also caused the other clan kings to change their faces slightly. Nothing was said though.

“Volume One”

See Sue escort into the city.

Su Daji hurried down the city to meet him. Nie Zheng smiled slightly and did not stop anything. Su Hu this old man although stubborn.

But since the last war.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders could be said to have completely subdued him. Give him a hundred guts, and Su Hu doesn’t dare to be discouraged.

“Ladies and gentlemen, who else is going to enter the city and talk to you?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.


No one entered the royal city like Su Hu.

“Your Majesty, since the royal city is all right, the king has retreated.”


Zhu Di rode out and looked up at Nie Zheng, his voice slightly cold.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, I haven’t seen you in months, and I miss you very much, don’t you want to reminisce with him?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that the affairs of the northern realm are arduous, and the king still has important matters in his body, so he resigns.”

Zhu Di looked cold.

Then the horse turned and waved his big hand. The three battalions under his command went away with their horses.

The other kings saw that Zhu Di was gone. Their eyes flickered.

They also led their respective armies away. He didn’t even say hello to Nie Zheng. As for Lü Bu.

His eyes were uncertain.

After thinking left and right.

He also led hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses from Xiliang away.

“It’s really a three-surnamed family slave.”

See the kings of the various clans who have sent great armies away. The smile on Nie Zheng’s face gradually disappeared. The corners of the mouth slightly outline a cold and fierce color. Bite!

[Detecting that the host was unconscious, he did something that endangered Bactria by the Beacon Theatre Princes.] 】

【Reward Tianzi Exclusive Skill: Huangwei Haodang【3/3】】

Imperial might?

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved.

Quickly view the skill description.


The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined a cold smile. The role of this skill has been understood. The emperor is mighty.

Simply put.

This skill sounds a bit tall.

To put it bluntly, it is actually an extremely cruel and overbearing puppet art.

Whoever is a subject of Bactria is exerted to exert imperial might, and this person will become a walking corpse. All his life, he had to obey Nie Zheng’s orders.

There are no thoughts or emotions of one’s own. However, the limitations of this skill are also very large. Effective only for Bactrian subjects.

And it can only be used three times.

The skill will automatically disappear after three times. Although this skill is quite limited.

But Nie Zheng liked it very much.

The only thing that made Nie Zheng feel sorry was.

This Tianzi-specific skill can only be used three times and cannot be used indefinitely. Otherwise, this skill will definitely go against the sky.

But Nie Zheng thought about it too.

If it can be used indefinitely.

Then these nine weeks of the world will be their own in an instant.

Thirty miles away from the Bactrian King’s City.

The kings of the various clans made the camp camped. In a tent.

It was full of eighteen-way feudal kings and envoys. They did not return to the fiefdom in the first place. Instead, they gathered together to discuss.

“Hmm, Emperor Yi is so faint that he actually plays us like monkeys, which is really disgusting.”

“I have always heard that Emperor Yi is faint and cruel and murderous, and now the king has finally seen it.”

“Let this prince say that there is such a king in Bactria and that the destruction of the kingdom is inevitable.”

“It is a pity that when the former emperor was alive, he was diligent in government and loved the people, and when he reached the generation of Emperor Yi, he completely decayed.”


The kings of the various clans made angry condemnation.

They all expressed their prejudices against Emperor Yi of Xia. But these mischievous people.

It seems to be denouncing Emperor Yi’s fainting.

But in fact, the meaning of the words is that someone wants to take the lead in overthrowing Bactria. But no one dared to break through this layer of window paper.

Everyone knew each other.

Although he reprimanded Emperor Yi of Xia for his fainting behavior. But I want someone to take the lead in saying that it overthrew Bactria. But all of you are old foxes.

No one wants to be the first bird to be the first. As time passed.

The atmosphere in the tent gradually began to become awkward. And the smiles on the faces of the people were also a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, some moderations made the eyes of the king of the clan gradually fall on the body of Zhu Di, the king of Yan. Apparently.

They all hoped that Zhu Di, the King of Yan, would take the lead in taking a stand. Pity.

Zhu Di’s face was indifferent and he didn’t say a word.

Directly chose to ignore these clan kings and emissaries. The heart is even more dark and sneering.

In fact.

Zhu Di had always looked down on these people.

It is believed that these feudal kings in Bactria are just some stinky fish and rotten shrimp. If he wants to do the opposite.

Only Zhu Yuanzhang’s will was needed.

When the army starts from the north, Zhu Yuanzhang will certainly send troops to help. I wanted to wipe out Bactria, but it was only in an instant.


Zhu Di had no intention of colluding with these people at all. Because he couldn’t see it at all.

“General Fengxian, I heard that Dong Zhuo has been killed by you, and that the old thief really deserves to die.”

See Zhu Di without speaking.

The king of Youfan moved in his heart and set his eyes on Lü Bu’s body.

“Yes, General Fengxian is a fierce general of the world, so how can the old thief Dong Zhuo be worthy to take charge of Xiliang?”

“If you want Ben Hou to say, that Emperor Yi is really disgusting today, and even if he teases me, even General Fengxian dares to play tricks, which is simply annoying.”

“General Fengxian, that Emperor Yi is dazed, if the general has a heart, I can completely help the general.”


The various clan kings and emissaries all focused their eyes on Lü Bu’s body. All kinds of flattering words come out frequently.


Lübu City House is too shallow.

Be praised by these clan kings. Lü Bu suddenly fluttered a little.

“Your princes and marquis have praised him falsely, and Emperor Yi is indeed faint, but after all, he is the Emperor of Xia, and even though he is angry in his heart, he has no choice.”

Lü Bu sighed.

Listen to Lü Bu.

The kings of the various clans made their eyes light up. Isn’t this a pure and great wrongdoer?

Who else would he use if he didn’t take advantage of it?

“General Fengxian, as long as the general swings his arm, I will certainly help the general achieve hegemony.”

“Yes, Emperor Yi is so faint, how can he compare with General Shangfengxian’s heroic divine martial arts?”

“I want to say that we people do not obey that Emperor Yi, but the prestige of General Feng Xian is like thunder, so why don’t we form an alliance with General Feng and make General Feng our ally?”

The kings of various clans spoke out one after another. Lü Bu was overjoyed to hear this.

But Chen Gong on the side kept pulling at Lü Bu’s clothes corner. His eyes were filled with eagerness.

Lü Bu could not see the intention of these feudal kings. But how could Chen Gong not see it?

They completely wanted to use Lü Bu as this head bird. Lips say alliances, and Lü Bu is the leader of the alliance.

But he wanted Lü Bu to rebel first. Then they can touch the fish in muddy waters.


No matter how Chen Gong reminded Lü Bu. Lü Bu was undecided.

Instead, his eyes lit up and he looked at the kings of the various clans. The whole person is completely lost by power.


Lü Bu was agitated.

I feel that this is a great opportunity for myself.

He commanded hundreds of thousands of Western Liang troops, and even more than 50,000 Western Liang Iron Horsemen.

If you can get the help of these clan kings and emissaries. Then he could mobilize more than two million troops. What Emperor B?

What Summer Emperor?

Still big summer?


Where more than two million troops passed. 097 Even if he is more powerful.

Also let him end up in a different place.


Lü Bu took the case and said with a red light, “Since you all look up to me Lü Bu, then today we will make an alliance with blood, and I Lü Bu will sit on this alliance and overthrow the fainting Emperor Yi.” ”

“As long as you are willing to sincerely help me, if Lü Bu can ascend to the throne and all of you here have the merit of the dragon, I Lü Bu will definitely not treat you badly.”

As Lü Bu spoke the words of rebellion.

The kings of the various clans made their eyes light up suddenly. They got up and complimented constantly.

He even patted his chest to ensure that he would follow General Fengxian.

Only Zhu Di on the side looked at Lü Bu’s eyes like an idiot. To put it bluntly.

Lü Bu’s IQ is pure and pure, and he is a big shabi.

Except for having a martial art, Lü Bu can really be said to be useless.

“King Yan, what do you think, are you willing to help General Ben achieve great things?”

Lü Bu is really floating.

See all the kings of the clan who have strong support for him.

At this moment, his face was full of arrogance, and he was even more looking at Zhu Di with hope. Pity.

In the face of this group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, Zhu Di didn’t bother to take care of them at all.

“Although Emperor Yi fainted, after all, he was a great summer son, and I Zhu Di was not talented, and I could not do anything to usurp the throne of the dynasty.”

“Since you have reached an agreement, it is not convenient for the king to stay long.”


Zhu Di stood up coldly.

Stride out of the tent.

Seeing Zhu Di did not give himself any face. Lü Bu’s face was cold.

The killing machine in the eyes is flashing.

The heart has decided.

When he overthrew Bactria and killed Na Di Yi.

The first one went to Zhu Di for liquidation.

The next thing is simple.

Under the support of the kings of the various clans. The multitude is united in blood.

It was even agreed that early the next morning, he would assist Lü Bu in attacking the royal city. This also made Lü Bu extremely excited.

Feel that God is taking care of himself.

I am the true destiny.

However, neither Lü Bu nor the various clan kings and envoys did not know. Hundreds of shadows silently infiltrated the camp.

They are hidden like ghosts in the shadows, invisible at all. Only that pair of cold and indifferent eyes faintly crossed a touch of cold and fierce.

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