Chapter 138 The Black Wind of the Moon High Killing Night, When No One Speaks in the Middle of the Night!.

There’s an old saying goes.

The dark wind of the moon is high on the night of killing, and in the middle of the night when no one is talking. The night is like a curtain, and the moon is hanging high.

The whistling wind blew through the wilderness.

A dark cloud gradually covered the remnants of the moon in the sky. Endless darkness hangs over this wilderness. Except for the torches in the camp that swayed and burned in the wind. The kings of the various clans had long been asleep.

Only the candle in Zhu Di’s tent was still lit. The rest of the tents were plunged into darkness.

From time to time, you can hear the purring sound coming from time to time. A gust of wind blew.

The banners in the camp are hunting and hunting with the wind. Burst!




Almost at the same time.

More than a dozen ghostly figures appeared in front of the tents of the kings of the various clans. A cold light pierced the throats of these guards.

The guards’ eyes widened, wanting to roar. But his mouth was covered by the assassin in the shadows.

Then he slowly fell down in a desperate and frightened gaze. Like a dark and cold, like a ghost walking at night.

A dozen shadows infiltrated the tents of the kings of the various clans. Poof!

A series of imperceptible strange noises were coming. A streak of blood sprayed on the tent.

When a dozen nether assassins walked out of the tent. Each person carries a head in his hand. The next moment.

They disappeared into the night, as if they had never appeared. Come without a shadow, go without a trace!

No one knew they had been.

And all the people who knew that they had come had been reduced to no corpse.

Zhu Di’s tent.

The candle flame is flickering.

Zhu Di was reading the book with his hand in his hand. Only the brow is slightly wrinkled. Somehow.

Tonight he lost sleep.

The cause of insomnia was not that the kings of the various clans were so that they would attack the royal city tomorrow. Instead, a faint uneasiness arose in the heart.

And the source of this uneasiness was Emperor Yi of Xia. Although Zhu Di had only seen Emperor Yi once.

But the memory left by this side of Zhu Di was too profound.

It also made him understand the horror of Emperor Xia Yi. Until now.

Zhu Di did not find out.

How did Emperor Yi of Xia know his identity. The thing that shocked him the most was that.

Emperor Yiming knew that he was the fourth son of Emperor Ming Zhu Yuanzhang. But he let himself go.

Zhu Di couldn’t see through Emperor Xia Yi.

I always had a great jealousy of him in my heart. During the day.

Emperor Yi of Xia played the princes.

Even more wantonly ridiculed and ridiculed the kings of various clans at the head of the city. This may seem like the ultimate act of fainting nonsense.

But Zhu Di didn’t believe that Emperor Yi could really be so faint. Zhu Di was frowning.

The mind was not on the soldier’s book in his hand at all. He was vaguely aware that something was wrong.

But if you think about it, you can’t find the reason. So.

He was insomnia now.

But in the darkness, Zhu Di was very uneasy inside. He trusted his instincts very much.

I believe that Emperor Xia is definitely not so simple.

“Come on people.”


Zhu Di couldn’t sit still.

“Wang Ye.”

The guards guarding the tent hurried to enter the tent.

“Take someone on a tour to see if there’s anything unusual in the camp.”

Zhu Di frowned and opened his mouth.

“Yes, sir.”

The guards hurried to take the order.

A moment of incense passed.

The guards turned back again.

“Wang Ye, I haven’t noticed anything, the soldiers of the three battalions have already fallen asleep, and the guards on the night vigil have not slackened off in any way.”

The guards reported truthfully.

Hear the personal bodyguard’s report. Zhu Di’s brow frowned even tighter.

Is it really your own worry? But why is my mind getting more and more uneasy? Zhu Di’s face was uncertain.

The other side.

Lü Bu’s tent.

The two guards guarding the tent yawned repeatedly.

But the ghostly figure of the Nine Paths appeared in front of the two of them. I didn’t wait for the guards to react.

07m Two silver needles directly through the hearts of the two people’s eyebrows. 3 Don’t wait for the two guards to fall.

The Nether Ghost Thorn then held the two of them up and gently placed them on the ground. From the shot to the end, there was no sound. Jingke!

The eyes are cold and indifferent.

He slowly raised his two fingers.

Eight nether ghosts turned into shadows and entered Lü Bu’s tent. These eight nether ghost thorns are called ghost one to ghost eight. Each commanded ninety-nine Nether Ghost Thorns.

His cultivation is the realm of all martial masters. And the art of assassination has reached its peak.

Although slightly inferior to Jingke.

But he is also definitely the top assassin in the world. Now.

Jing Ke led eight people to attack.

Even if Lü Bu was extremely powerful, he could only tie his hands. Inside the tent!

The candle flame has been extinguished.

Lü Bu was in a deep sleep. Next to him was Fang Tian’s painting sword.

Even Lü Bu, who was sleeping, still had a smile of excitement on his face. It was as if he was still dreaming of being emperor.

A breeze blew through the tent.

Jing Ke and eight Nether Ghost Thorns appeared in front of Lü Bu. Nine people watched him silently.

There was no first shot. Have to say.

Lü Bu can be called the god of the world. In addition to a body of Gestapo.

His intuition is extremely sharp.

Although the nine did not exude any murderous qi.

But Lü Bu detected a hint of danger in his sleep. Suddenly!

Lü Bu opened his eyes.

Don’t wait for him to see around.

With one hand, he suddenly grasped the Fang Tian Painting Blade beside him and wanted to sweep out. But, the next moment.

Something terrible happened. Airplanes!

Like a flash of light.

Star-like appearances.

Nine short swords had already appeared in various deadly parts of his body. Lü Bu’s whole body stiffened in place.

A drop of bean-sized cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead.

His face was pale and terrible. His eyes were trembling with fear. He didn’t dare to shout.

Because a short sword was only three inches from his throat. Heart.




As long as he dared to make a sound. Nine short swords would kill him on the spot. Lü Bu’s scalp was tingling.

There was horror in his eyes. No way to fight back!

How is this possible?

There is such a terrible master in the world. Who are they?

So why come?

Lü Bu’s eyes were gradually focusing.

In the pitch-black tent, he finally saw who was in front of him. Jingke!

It’s him?

When Lü Bu saw Jing Ke’s cold and indifferent face. Lü Bu was wet with cold sweat.

This moment.

He understood it all.

The color of extreme fear appeared in his eyes. Emperor B!

It was Emperor Yi who sent him!

But…… Who are these eight people?

If Jing Ke sneaked into his tent, he did not have time to find out. But where did these eight assassins come from?

Almost as terrifying as Jingke? Pity.

No one would tell Lü Bu the answer.

“Lü Bu, Your Majesty invites you to enter the palace, and if you don’t want to die now, don’t make the slightest noise at the end.”

Jing Ke said lightly.

Lü Bu was wet with cold sweat. He didn’t dare speak up.

I can only nod my head slowly.

“Take it down.”

Jing Ke said coldly.

Eight Nether Ghost Thorns took out ropes made of unknown objects and directly bound Lü Bu. Lü Bu’s face was shocked.

He secretly tried to see if he could break free. Pity.

Don’t wait for him to act.

Jing Ke had already seen through his thoughts.

“I advise you not to waste your efforts, this rope is made of centuries-old python tendons with special drugs, and the harder you push, the tighter it will be.”

Jing Ke smiled coldly.

And Lü Bu was completely desperate. He knew he was finished.

It’s really over.

At the same time, the bright smile of Emperor Yi appeared in his mind. My mind couldn’t stop trembling.

“Take away.”

Jing Ke waved.

Eight Nether Ghost Thorns took Lü Bu directly out of the tent. Then dive into the shadows and disappear.

Lü Bu in the tent.

Jing Ke did not leave.

As if waiting for someone’s arrival. Not for a while.

A man in the armor of a warrior enters the tent.

“Meet the owner of the smoke and rain building.”

The warrior bowed down and bowed to Jing Ke.

“The Yanyu Building has completed Your Majesty’s task, and the rest is left to you.”

Jing Ke said softly.

“The landlord is assured, Lü Bu is not there, and the power of the Western Liang soldiers is all in my hands.”

The warrior smiled slightly.


Jing Ke nodded.

Then he mysteriously disappeared into the tent. Such a scenario.

It happened almost simultaneously in the tents of the kings of the various clans. These warriors were all grimaces under Wei Zhongxian.

A year ago, according to Wei Zhongxian’s orders, he infiltrated the side of the various clan kings Jiedushi. And got their trust.

They became generals with heavy armies and had great prestige in their respective armies. And this time planned.

It was also called a beheading operation by Nie Zheng.

It does not take a single soldier to solve the problem of the kings of the various clans. And all the power of their troops is concentrated in their hands.

This plan has been in the making for a year. It was finally implemented successfully tonight…

The other side.

Zhu Di’s tent.

The candle is dim and unclear.

Occasionally, a breeze blows into the tent.

Let the candle flame sway slightly in the wind. Zhu Di’s brow tightened.

The inner uneasiness grew stronger.

He kept walking back and forth in the tent. Wrong!

Something must be wrong!

Something must have gone wrong! Zhu Di pondered.

Because he trusts his instincts so much. The uneasiness in my heart grew stronger.

It even began to make him panic.

It was as if something extremely terrifying was gradually approaching him. Just as Zhu Di was anxiously walking in the tent.

A strange figure silently appeared behind him. Just quietly stared at Zhu Di.

At first, Zhu Di didn’t notice it at all.

But when he saw that there was an extra shadow on the ground.

Zhu Di’s body instantly stiffened.

A fine layer of sweat floated above his forehead. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Eerie quiet!

This silence lasted for more than a dozen breaths. Finally.

Zhu Di forced himself to calm down. He turned stiffly and looked back.

But I saw a person with an ordinary face, but his eyes were cold and indifferent, looking at him quietly. It’s him?


When you see what the person who came to you looks like.

Zhu Di’s pupils dilated in fear.

Because the last time he entered the palace, he had hurriedly seen Jing Ke’s appearance. Afterwards, I checked the identity of Jing Ke.

Naturally, he knew that the person in front of him was the most absolute assassin Jing Ke in the world. He just wanted to yell and ordered someone to come and escort him.

But Zhu Di still resisted.

There was no hissing sound.

Because he understood one thing in an instant. If Jing Ke wanted to kill him.

“Just now the other party has already started.” Wouldn’t give him a chance to shout at all0n.”

“Jing Ke, did Emperor Yi send you?” Zhu Di asked knowingly. ”

Its sound pressure is extremely low.

Because he didn’t know what to ask. I can only ask this unnourishing sentence.

“Prince, Your Majesty has please, come with me.”

Jing Ke spoke indifferently.


Zhu Di pretended to be calm and sneered, “Jing Ke, do you think the king will go with you?” ”

“You know, you’re in the midst of two million troops, even though you can kill me now.”

“But as long as the king makes a sound, all the kings of the clan will be alarmed.”

“Then you will die without a place to die.”

Jing Ke smiled.

Maybe it was following Nie Zheng for several months.

At this moment, the smile on his face was very similar to that of Emperor Yi of Xia.

It was also the smile on his face that made Zhu Di shiver without a shiver.

“All the kings of the various clans have died, and all the military power under them has been taken over by the Son of Heaven.”

“You are not dead now because of Your Majesty’s orders.”

“Do you understand now?”

Jing Ke Road.

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