Chapter 139 Emperor Wei mighty, miserable Lü Bu!.


As Jing Ke’s words entered his ears.

Zhu Di’s brain buzzed.

His whole being was in place.

The look in Jing Ke’s eyes showed a look of extreme disbelief. No way!

Zhu Di told himself that this was absolutely impossible. Although these lords were so modest that he did not look at them at all. But they’re also not rotten sweet potato rotten bird eggs.

Just now they had gathered together to plot the usurpation. How could it be that all of a suddenness was dead? And!

That’s two million troops. The guards are extremely tight.

There are not a few soldiers patrolling at night. Even if Jing Ke is the world’s top assassin.

But how could he alone kill all the clan kings and emissaries. And.

Take a step back.

Even if Jing Ke really assassinated these clan kings. But their army is still there.

There will always be someone to replace them….. Well?

Zhu Di just thought of this.

But he saw the confident and indifferent look in Jing Ke’s eyes. He jerked his spirit.

Vaguely guessed an extremely terrible thing! Don’t?

Did Jing Ke just say that all military power belongs to the Son of Heaven? Clear!

Zhu Di’s face turned pale instantly.

The whole person was powerless to sit in the chair. The key to this has been figured out.


Everything was under the control of Emperor Yi of Xia. If only this thorn were not absolutely certain.

How could he possibly come to see himself?

“Prince, Your Majesty said that you are a wise man, and he did not want to kill you.”

“I have been specially instructed to invite you into the palace.”

“Wang Ye, let’s go, I don’t want to use strong in the next.”

Jing Ke said lightly.

“Well, the king will go with you.”

Zhu Di’s eyes focused and gradually returned to his senses. He slowly got up from his chair.

Stride toward the camp tent. Jing Ke followed behind.

He was not afraid of Zhu Di’s temporary change.

Outside the tent.

Zhu Di Jingke had just walked out.

The two guards were shocked.

With a sigh, he pulled out his saber.

The look in Jing Ke’s eyes showed an extremely frightened color. They clearly remembered that Zhu Di was the only one in the tent. Why is Wang Ye walking out now.

There will be one more person on his 087 side. Who is this person?

“Back off.”

Zhu Di waved lightly.

Two guards hurried to sheath their sabers.

However, his look was extremely solemn, and his gaze kept falling on Jing Ke’s body.

“The king wants to go into the king’s city once, and Er does not have to follow, but tells the king’s generals to let them guard the three battalions and wait for the king to return.”

“If the king cannot return, let them return to the north on their own, and do not do impulsive things.”


Zhu Di, the King of Yan, was indeed a character.

He knew that this time he went to the Bactrian Palace to die for nine lifetimes, but he still calmly confessed his last words. Will.

Zhu Di already thought it very clearly.

It doesn’t matter if what Jing Ke just said is true or not. His life thorn could be taken away at any time.

He didn’t kill him, but just took him to see Emperor Yi of Xia. This also left him with a glimmer of life.

“Wang Ye?”

The two guards already knew that Jing Ke was an Assassin. With a murderous look on his face, he wanted to take a shot at Jing Ke.

However, he was stopped by Zhu Di’s sharp eyes.

“Mr. Jingke, let’s go.”

Zhu Diqiang laughed.

Jing Ke nodded.

The two men left the camp and disappeared into the night.


Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

A candle is lit on both sides of the temple. Illuminate the entire Weiyang Palace. Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian stood on either side.

However, a terrifying scene is presented. Dragon case.

Sixteen heads were placed on it.

In the middle of the night, it is very rash and terrible. However, Nie Zheng’s expression was calm.

A pair of eyes as deep as an ancient pond without waves.

Even Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian, who were standing beside him on the side, had a very calm expression on their faces. However, if you look closely, you will find out.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian’s eyes faintly showed a hint of excitement.

“Your Majesty, Lord Jing Ke and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, are asking to see each other outside the palace.”

Cao Tian quickly walked into the hall and began to play.


Nie Zheng smiled.

“Your Majesty has a purpose, and the King of Jingkeyan will see you.”

With the sound of Cao Qian.

Only to see Jing Ke and Zhu Di enter Weiyang Palace.

“Brother Zhu Di, I have met you again.”

Nie Zheng got up from the throne.

There was still a smile on his face.

Even more strides towards Zhu Di.

The kindness on his face was as good as ever. Zhu Di’s face was ugly.

Especially when he saw the head of the various clan kings on the dragon case. His face was even uglier.

And the pale ones are a bit excessive. Originally.

Zhu Di also had a slight skeptical attitude towards the killing of the various clan kings. But just entered the Weiyang Palace.

He believed it.

Even at this moment, Nie Zheng was still smiling kindly at him. It was even more of an old brother’s cry.

But Zhu Di was chilling all over his body. Feel like you’re falling into an ice cellar.

“Emperor Yi, there is no need to say more nonsense, and you don’t need to tease me.”

“If you want to kill or kill, this king will never frown.”


Zhu Di is indeed a fierce character. Now that you’ve come to this point.

He also didn’t need to talk to Emperor Yi and the snake anymore. The so-called king loses the king.

Zhu Di was taken orally.

He really just lost.

The price is nothing more than death. Maybe.

Zhu Di, who was once there, would really be afraid of death.

But since the old father Zhu Yuanzhang let Zhu Yunjiao inherit his throne. Zhu Di was actually a little unlovable in his heart.

Now he was killed by Emperor Yi.

Maybe it’s also a relief.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, what are you talking about, you and I are righteously married to the Jinlan brothers, if you kill you, won’t you be criticized by the people of the world?”

Nie Zheng frowned, pretending to be angry.

“Emperor Yi, don’t pretend.”

“Although I am not a hero, I am by no means a bear.”

“Now that the kings of all the clans have been killed by you, I think you have also received all their military power.”

“Now that Bactria is one, you are indeed a character, and now you are not only one king behind?”

“Moreover, you also know that this king is the fourth son of Emperor Ming, and it is of no use to you to keep me.”

Zhu Di directly tore the window paper.

He was not afraid, he only wanted to die.

“Brother, you have disappointed you too much, and you regard you as a brother, but you regard you as an enemy?”

Nie Zheng’s face was displeased.

“Emperor Yi, you are also a tyrant, is it really interesting to play Ben Wang like this?”

Seeing Nie Zheng was still a sad gesture.

Zhu Di was really angry and roared at him.

“Brother, whether you believe it or not, Shuo really didn’t want to kill you.”

Nie Zheng said sincerely.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Nie Zheng was also speechless in his heart.

He really didn’t want to kill Zhu Di. All he said was true. Of course.

The so-called righteous knot Jinlan is just a gimmick.

His first brother is just a title.

It’s just that Nie Zheng wants to keep getting closer to the relationship between the two.

“Lord, Lü Bu brought.”

Just when Nie Zheng wanted to appease Zhu Di.

Eight Nether Ghost Assassins took Lü Bu into the Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty, the last will be guilty.”

Before Nie Zheng could look at Lü Bu.

Lü Bu pounced and fell to his knees. His face was full of misery, and he loudly pleaded with Nie Zheng. See Lü Bu coming.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face grew brighter.

“Come, show Brother Zhu Di a seat.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

Soon someone brought a chair and asked Zhu Di to sit down.

Zhao Gao was even more excited to brew a cup of tea for Zhu Di. This made Zhu Di’s brow frown.

I don’t know why Emperor Yi has such an attitude towards him. You can go so far.

He could only wait and see.

“Your Majesty, spare your life, the last general will know that he is wrong.”

“As long as Your Majesty spares my life, Lü Bu will certainly serve His Majesty in the future.”

Lü Bu pleaded in fear.

Because Nie Zheng was coming towards him step by step.

And the smile on his face could not be dissolved. Lü Bu was so humble in his life.

Zhu Di on the side looked at him with contempt.

The world says that Lü Bu is the god of the world. This is true.

But his greedy and life-fearing surname really didn’t deserve to have this worldly force.

Zhu Di didn’t have to guess.

He also knew that Lü Bu’s fate would undoubtedly die. But he was also secretly horrified inside.

Lü Bu claimed to be a peerless god.

But he was caught alive.

How many terrible martial arts masters had this Emperor Yi secretly cultivated? And also.

This black-clad eightman.

Each seems ordinary to the extreme.

There is no momentum on the body.

But Zhu Di could see it in their eyes. All eight of them are cold and heartless.

Just going to that station gives people an inexplicable chill.

“Lü Bu, in fact, you have been given a chance, but you are not useful.”

Nie Zheng strolled over to Lü Bu.

Although there was a big smile on his face. But a pair of eyes is extremely cruel.

“Your Majesty, the last general knows that he is wrong, as long as His Majesty can spare my life, Lü Bu will certainly not dare to have any dissent in the future.” Feel the killing chance in Nie Zheng’s eyes. ”

Lü Bu looked frightened and begged for forgiveness. Don’t say Lü Bu is not afraid of death.

The world only knows that he is invincible in the ranks of all armies.

But his surname is capricious and purely a villain’s style. This kind of person is extremely despised by Nie Zheng.

Lü Bu.

Ability is there.

But unfortunately there is no IQ.

You can only see a little bit of profit in front of you.

This kind of stupid person was useless to Nie Zheng except for a single force. Plainly.

Lü Bu was not even as good as Cao Tian beside him. Although Cao Qian’s ability is not strong.

But what you let him do.

He’s going to do what he wants.

And never dare to have any second thoughts. How does a saying come about?

What does the superior really need? Talent?



What the superior needs is faithfulness.

Even if you are not capable, you can’t do it. But as long as you are faithful to those in power.

Win the trust of the superiors, even if they are mediocre, they can all the way to the clouds. This truth is universal.

Lü Bu is just the opposite.

I always thought I had the power of the world.

Don’t put the people of the world in your eyes. Not to mention the so-called loyalty.

“Your Majesty, you know, I Lü Bu is armed with the world, and I can fight for Your Majesty to kill the enemy.”

“I only ask Your Majesty to let me have a way to live.”

The great horror between life and death is coming. Lü Bu pleaded with exhaustion.

He even looked at Zhu Di and begged, “King Yan, please intercede with Your Majesty on my behalf, and Lü Bu will surely return the favor in the future.” ”


Zhu Di was cold and speechless.

Don’t say that you don’t have the ability to intercede for Lü Bu. Even if he had.

For this capricious villain, he also disdained it.

“Lü Bu, you can rest assured that Shuo will not kill you, but your fate should be worse than death.”

Nie Zheng was smiling.

The next moment.

He directly launched the Heavenly Son’s exclusive skill, Emperor Weihao. Airplanes!

The void is blooming with ripples.

An Imperial Heavenly Noble-like aura overflowed from Nie Zheng’s body. His eyes were faintly golden.

Even more faintly a dragon shadow hovered in his eyes. It was also at this moment.

Lü Bu’s expression was dull.

Eyes that lose the radiance of human beings. It was as if the soul in the body had been sucked away. Ten breaths later.

Lü Bu looked up again.

A pair of eyes have lost their light.

“Lü Bu, meet the master.”

Lü Bu’s voice stiffened, and he really became a corpse that gave Nie Zheng three heads.

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