Chapter 140 Heart Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the heartbreaker!.


Such a scene.

Zhu Di, who was shocked, suddenly sat up. Involuntarily inhale the cold air in your mouth. He looked at Lü Bu with shocked eyes.

But he found that Lü Bu’s eyes were gray and dull. There is no such thing as the spirituality that human beings should have. People, the reason why they are called people.

It is because human spirituality is higher than that of any animal. There’s an old saying goes.

Man is the primate of all things.

More at the top of the food chain.

Their greatest strength is their own wisdom and spirituality.

But now what Zhu Di saw was that Lü Bu’s eyes had completely lost the spirituality that human beings should have. Even the anger in his body dissipated without a trace.

It’s like a tool without any thought. Or the walking dead without a soul! Zhu Di was shocked to change color.

He looked at Nie Zheng fiercely.

But I found that the smile on the face of the big summer child had disappeared. He even casually instructed Jing Ke to loosen Lü Bu’s binding.

Lü Bu got up and stood beside Nie Zheng.

The whole person is lifeless, and it gives people an extremely terrible sense of dead silence. What did Emperor Yi do?

What happened to the golden light that had just flashed in his eyes? Zhu Di’s whole body was silently trembling.

He was absolutely sure.

Emperor Yi must have just done something extremely terrible to Lü Bu. Otherwise Lü Bu would never have turned into this look.

“Brother Zhu Di, what’s wrong with you?”

Just when Zhu Di was terrified. Nie Zheng was already smiling and walking towards him. This also made Zhu Di suddenly wake up. He looked at Nie Zheng with a frightened face. The pace of the foot is even more hesitant to retreat. There was a sense of extreme fear in his eyes. Zhu Di was afraid.

He was afraid that Nie Zheng would not kill him.

It is also to treat Lü Bu as he did.

In this extremely strange way, he was turned into a corpse of corpses.

A large cold sweat spilled from Zhu Di’s forehead, and even more flowed through his cheeks and fell to the ground. Zhu Di was not afraid of death.

Death was a relief for him.

But he never wanted to live or die and become a existence like Lü Bu.

“Emperor Yi, you are also a hero of the world, you give the king a hard time.”

Zhu Di was terrified and retreated.

He wanted to keep a safe enough distance from Nie Zheng.

It was even more trembling and yelling at it.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, I have said that I didn’t want to kill you, and I won’t treat you as I did with Lü Bu.”

“Did the elder brother forget that you and I once swore an oath to heaven to marry Jinlan?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

It doesn’t matter if Zhu Di is not afraid.

Directly forward to stop his shoulder, he came to the jade steps and sat down.

“Zhao Gao, get drunk.”

Nie Zheng casually commanded.

Zhao Gao hurried to take the order and left.

After a while, two altars of fine wine were brought in. Apparently he was ready.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, I know that you are the son of Emperor Ming, but this does not prevent you and me from making friends.”

“Come, brother, give you a bowl.”

Nie Zheng lifted the wine altar and filled the two wine bowls with wine. He handed one of the bowls of wine to Zhu Di next to him. Now.

Zhu Di was completely confused.

He went through the previous scene again. He still sat shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Yi. The only difference is.

This time, Nie Zheng wanted to talk to him about wine. Zhu Di forced himself to calm down. He also stopped refusing.

He took the drink handed by Nie Zheng and drank it all. Stop.

A bowl of wine under the belly.

Zhu Di’s flustered mood calmed down slightly.

“The elder brother is really good at drinking, you and my brother will come again.”

Nie Zheng continued to fill the bowl with wine for Zhu Di.

Zhu Di held up a bowl and drank.

Nie Zheng naturally accompanied him to drink all the wine. Three bowls.

Four bowls.

Five bowls.

Six bowls.

When the tenth bowl of wine is under the belly.

Zhu Di’s face was flushed, and he was already beginning to get a little drunk. But the mood also completely calmed down.

“Emperor Yi, what country do you have, just say it.”

Zhu Di put down the wine bowl.

Look directly at Nie Zheng.

This Summer Emperor.

This big summer.

Don’t kill him.

Don’t cast magic on him.

On the contrary, he has been calling himself a brother and a brother.

In front of himself, there is no shelf of half a heavenly son. If Emperor Yi has no purpose.

Zhu Di didn’t believe it when he was killed.

I saw Zhu Di looking at himself with sharp eyes. Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

He kindly stopped Zhu Di’s shoulder and said, “Brother, in fact, Shuo really appreciates you.” ”

“It’s a pity, a pity, you could have become a hero, but you were overwhelmed by the Ming Emperor.”

“Hearing of the death of Zhu Biao, the crown prince of Daming, Emperor Ming made Zhu Yunjiao the emperor’s grandson, intending to let this young son inherit his throne.”

“After learning about this, I really felt unfair to my brother.”

“Just a child, how can he compare with your elder brother’s great talent?”

Nie Zheng was slightly displeased.

It was as if he was crying out for Zhu Di.

“Emperor Yi, you are enough.”

Zhu Di slammed up.

He looked at Nie Zheng with a cold face, “Emperor Yi, you have finally revealed your true face.” ”

“You want Ben to turn against my father, and you’re delusional.”

“Even if you kill Ben Wang today, even if you turn Ben Wang into a corpse like Lü Bu.”

“This king will never be able to do as you wish.”

Zhu Di shouted coldly.

However, if you look closely, you will find out.

There was still a hint of bitterness in his eyes. Although he knew that Emperor Yi was seducing him.

But it did hit his soft underbelly. Strike the vulnerability of his heart even further.

“Brother, you’ve been wronged.”

“Shuo Ke never said that you turned against Emperor Ming, and Shuo just complained for the old brother.”

Nie Zheng sighed.

“Needless to say.”

“Kill if you want, even if you use magic, it doesn’t matter, come on.”

Let Zhu Di create his father’s reaction, this is simply impossible.

Zhu Di directly came to a life of unyielding. Ready for the most miserable ending. But his heart was also bleeding. I’d rather die.

Nor had he been seduced by Emperor Yi of Xia.

Daming’s father never recognized him.

Even passing the throne to a weak and incompetent child. How could this not make him feel bad?

Just as Zhu Di closed his eyes and waited for death. A sigh came from Nie Zheng’s mouth.

“Brother Zhu Di, it seems that you have misunderstood you too deeply.”

“Well, if you explain it to you again, the elder brother will only think that Shuo is sinister and despicable.”

Nie Zheng sighed.

Then he looked at Wei Zhongxian and said, “Send King Yan out of the palace.” ”

“Remember, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, is the elder brother of Jinlan.”

“Pass on the will and tell the generals who have regained the military power of the kings of the various clans.”

“They will never be allowed to embarrass the King of Yan, and if they dare someone to intercept and kill the King of Yan and his three campers without permission, they will kill and pardon.”

Nie Zheng coldly gave the order.

“The old slave takes the command.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly prostrated his head.

Then he got up and came to Zhu Di and smiled, “Wang Ye, please.” ”

Zhu Di’s whole body was stupid.

He had thought that he had exposed Emperor Yi’s ugly purpose. It is even more rather than tearing up the face, to come to a rather death than follow. However, he did not expect that Emperor Yi would actually let him go. Not only did Emperor Yi not kill him.

And decreed that the three battalions under his command should not be embarrassed. Even the military power was not handed over.

This simply made Zhu Di unable to believe it. I feel more like I’m in a dream. He looked sheepishly at Nie Zheng.

But he only saw Nie Zheng smiling kindly at him. Face, eyes.

No killing intent.

There is not the slightest hint of insidiousness. What does he want to do?

What exactly is his purpose?

Is Emperor Yi a fool?

Zhu Di was completely confused.

If you replace him with Emperor Xia Yi.

He himself was absolutely certain that he would die. And it will regain military power.

But Emperor Yi let him go the second time. He didn’t even want the military power in his hands. It is also a kind gesture of kindness to it.

A brother called him.

As if he really treated him like a brother of the opposite sex.

“Prince, it’s time to leave the palace.”

Wei Zhongxian spoke again.

Zhu Di finally woke up.

He looked at Nie Zheng with extremely complicated eyes. Frowns wrinkled between changes in complexion.

Then he gritted his teeth secretly, threw off his sleeve, and strode toward the outside of Weiyang Palace. Zhu Di was completely confused.

He really couldn’t see through Emperor Xia at all. I didn’t know what Emperor Yi was thinking in his heart. But Emperor Yi let him go the second time.

Then he goes.

Did he have to ask Emperor Yi to kill himself? But even Zhu Di himself did not find out.

He gradually developed an indescribable thought about Nie Zheng. This kind of thinking is extremely complicated.

There is hatred.

There is surprise.

There is fear.

There is also a feeling of pity. All kinds of mixed emotions come to mind. It bothered Zhu Di to the extreme.


With Zhu Di leaving.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face disappeared.

He sat quietly on the jade steps and looked at Zhu Di’s distant back. A hint of eerie playfulness came out of the corner of his mouth.

“Your Majesty, the slave knows that he should not ask, but he still wants to say more.”

“Now that Your Majesty has regained the power of the kings of all the clans, Bactria has been unified.”

“But why did you let Zhu Di go, and even if you didn’t take back the military power?”

Zhao Gao tried to speak.

This was already the second time that his master had let Zhu Di go. Zhu Di is a great hidden danger.

Zhao Gao couldn’t understand.

Why did his master do this.

“Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that the heart is like ashes.”

“When Zhu Yuanzhang’s guy gave the throne to a young son to inherit, Zhu Di’s heart was already dead.”

“Zhu Di wants to be recognized by his father Zhu Yuanzhang all his life.”

“Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang never recognized him as a son, but only treated him as a courtier.”

“Death is a relief for him now.”

“But you have to remember that the person with the heart is not the end result.”

“Because Zhu Di still has a heart, even though his heart is dead, he is still afraid to worship his father, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.”

“Now he will not make his father’s reaction.”

“Although Zhu Di’s heart is like ashes, his heart has not yet broken.”

“When his heart is completely broken, that is when he is born again in nirvana.”

Nie Zheng muttered to himself.

I don’t know if I was telling Zhao Gao or to myself. He looked at Zhu Di’s distant back.

A whisper sounded again.

“Zhu Zhongba, Zhu Zhongba, your iron-blooded and ruthless heroic name in this life is indeed an ancient Ming Jun.”

“It’s a pity, a pity, you’re going to completely chill Zhu Di’s heart.”

“He is waiting for you to enter the urn, and even more for you to wield a butcher’s knife to extinguish the summer.”

“Only in this way can Zhu Di become a sharp blade against you.”

“Maybe….. You’d never think of such an outcome, would you? ”

Nie Zheng smiled coldly.

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