Chapter 141 The Great Xia is one, on paper!.

It was very windy tonight.

The blown Zhu Di clothes hem grinned. He walked all the way out of the Bactrian capital in a daze. All in my mind was Emperor Yi’s voice. Zhu Di’s brow frowned very tightly.

His heart was also chaotic.

Dazed and confused, he returned to the camp.

What he could see was that the three battalions under his command were in a mess. What shocked him even more was that.

The soldiers and horses of the various clan kings and envoys besieged all three battalions under his command. The atmosphere of slaughter is overwhelming.

It was as if only one fuse was needed to start a bloody battle.

“Your Majesty has a will: Zhu Di, the King of Yan, and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, will marry Jinlan, and whoever dares to move Zhu Di, the King of Yan, and his three battalions will be killed without mercy.”

“All for the miscellaneous family to retire.”

Wei Zhongxian came on horseback.

Read the will of the Son of Heaven directly.

The generals who had seized the military power from all sides hurried to their knees to receive the order.

Even more, he let his large army quickly lift the siege of Zhu Di’s soldiers and horses.

“Prince, the old slave retreats.”

Wei Zhongxian laughed and turned his horse away. Only Zhu Di was left alone in the wind.

“Emperor Yi!”

Zhu Di muttered.

“Wang Ye, all the kings of the clan have been killed…..”

Some generals ran towards Zhu Di with a miserable face.

Don’t wait for the general to finish speaking.

Zhu Di waved his hand and said, “Needless to say, pass on the king’s orders, and the whole army will be pulled out and returned to the northern realm.”

“Yes, sir.”

The general did not dare to say much.

Hurriedly convey Zhu Di’s orders.

The three battalions under Zhu Di’s command set off on the night of the stars and returned to the northern realm. Just before you go.

Zhu Di looked back at the Great Xia King’s City.

The originally cold and sharp eyes softened slightly.

“Emperor Yi, the grace of not killing twice, I wrote down Zhu Di.”

“But the Father’s life is difficult to violate, and when he sees you and me on the battlefield, the king will certainly leave you a whole corpse.”

“Even if I Zhu Di is sorry for you, if there is an afterlife, I will repay you.”

Zhu Di muttered.


He shook the reins, and the horse disappeared into the vast wilderness…

The whole world was in an uproar, and the whole world was shocked. Overnight.

All the kings of the various clans were cursed. All of his military power was unified by Emperor Xia.

The story spread at a very fast pace.

Originally, the people in the royal city were still indignant at Nie Zheng’s fainting behavior of the princes. But after hearing this news, they learned of the Son of Heaven’s sharp means.

All of a sudden.

The people of Wangcheng cheered in the middle of the road, and even more praised the great summer emperor Yi. And this news also quickly spread throughout the territory of Bactria.

The days of Bactria have changed.

Since Emperor Shengzu.

Finally a Lord appeared in the Hereafter. The civil unrest in Bactria was completely eradicated by him.

Such a grand event, shocking people’s hearts.

It also allowed all the subjects of Bactria to pass on the prestige of the Emperor of Xia by word of mouth. Bactria is one, and all people are united to their hearts.

Emperor Yi of Xia only used it for one year.


Dragon Temple.

Today’s morning is very lively.

Manchu Wenwu smiled at the Dragon Temple. All kinds of noise and discussion are constantly heard.

What is said in the mouth is the words of the Heavenly Son’s wisdom and divine martial arts singing praises and praises. Especially Cao Wei was full of smiles.

Although Zhao Kuangyin did not say a word, the smile on his face could not be dissolved. As for Sima Yi, he shook his head and was surrounded by some ministers and praised heavily. Sima Yi greeted him with a smile, and there was a faint look of pride in his eyes.

Since you don’t have to hide yourself.

Sima Yi also thought about it.

Your Majesty uses himself so much, then he will have a good liver.

As for the idea of plotting to usurp the throne, he had long forgotten about it. And now all the people have returned to their hearts and the court is one.

If he still wanted to plot to usurp the throne and confront the Son of Heaven. Isn’t that with the electric dry?

Sima Yi was still self-aware.

“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Just when the Manchu Dynasty was bustling with civil and martial arts.

The shrill voice of the eunuch echoed in the Longde Hall. Just for a moment.

Manchu Wenwu was directly quiet. His face was filled with awe. Apparently.

Nowadays, all the people in the court and the court, regardless of the military generals, are happy and sincere to the Son of Heaven. There will never be any more things that will happen to the weak and strong subjects of the previous emperors. Soon.

Nie Zheng strode into the Dragon De Hall.

Walk up the nine jade steps and sit on the dragon chair.

Before Zhao Gao could go to the front and order the courtiers to kneel down and shout. I saw that the Manchu Dynasty Minister of Culture and Military Affairs was already kneeling on the ground.

“Long live our Emperor.”

Mountains and tsunamis, uniform.

The sound of the Qunchen Mountain roared and shook in the Dragon De Hall. There was no need for Nie Zheng to show any Heavenly Son’s might.

Only the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu had already shown a posture of submission.

And everyone’s eyes are full of awe and surrender.

“All the secretaries of state are at peace.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

Now he finally unified the imperial power and ruled over the Great Xia. However, Nie Zheng did not have any excitement in his heart. Because it’s all under his control.


Nie Zheng did not want to go to the court today.

But last night, Cao Kuangyin entered the palace overnight to beg. There were also Wu Meiniang and Lü Yan to advise.

Even his own little beauty Su Daji pushed him out of the Shouxian Palace, and even dared to not let him go to bed. Get.

If you go up, go up.

Just look at it.

Today, Lü Yan did not even come to listen to the government. Alone let this big summer son come to the dynasty. This also left Nie Zheng speechless.

I was really afraid that this poisonous woman would not take care of the government for herself.

“There is a Ben to play, but there is no Ben to retreat from the DPRK.”

Cao leaned forward and read Nie Zheng’s edict.

“The courtier Cao has this initiation.”


Cao Da Zhongchen stood up directly.

“Your Majesty, now that I am united in the Great Xia, and all the kings of all the clans have made every effort to bow down to them, the will of the people has become a foregone conclusion.”

“The minister believes that taxes should be reduced, military service should be lightened, agriculture should be vigorously promoted, trade routes should be opened up everywhere, and the people of Bactria should be gracious to the people.” Cao said bluntly. ”

“Your Majesty, the subject agrees with Cao Chengxiang’s words.”

“I even more implore Your Majesty to grant amnesty to the whole world, so that the Emperor can be magnanimous and the Ze be born.”

Washu smiled and walked out, the same song.


Nie Zheng nodded slowly.

“The minister also has this initiation.”

Zhao Kuangyin came out of the crowd and bowed down to the Son of Heaven.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that although the kings of the various clans have been ambushed and the military power has been taken over by His Majesty, I have been weak for a long time in Bactria.”

“A lot of the pawns are just a bunch of rabble-rousers.”

“The minister would like to ask His Majesty to promote some good generals and strategists and to train our soldiers in a unified manner, so that our country can prosper and not be afraid of the enemy’s attack.”

Zhao Kuangyin threw a loud voice.


“Cao Yi, Sima Yi, you two will discuss and decide this matter together with Marshal Zhao.”

Nie Zheng’s idea was simple.

There were countless strategists and warriors under Cao Xian’s command.

There were also Sima Yi’s protégés and former officials all over Bactria. Both of these men have the ability to see people.

It had been preparing for many years for the usurpation of the throne. Their strategists and warriors are all talents. Isn’t it time to use it all?

“Ministers, etc., obey the order.”

Cao Yi and Sima Yi’s eyes lit up, and they hurried to receive Xie En.

“Zhao Kuoke?”

Nie Zheng spoke again.

Only to see a young general hurrying out of the crowd. Although this person wears the armor of a warrior.

However, his appearance is somewhat weak no matter how he looks, but he is more like a student.

“Last General Zhao Kuo, see Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Zhao Kuo trembled and knelt down and prostrated his head. I don’t know why the Son of Heaven noticed him.

“The Shuohui ordered people to build a martial arts hall in the royal capital.”

“All the generals of Bactria, including Zhao Kuangyin, will enter the lecture hall to learn the method of marching and arranging with you. 0”

Nie Zheng said lightly.


Zhao Kuo was stunned.

And then the color is happy.

Hurry up and prostrate the leader to give thanks.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

The Son of Heaven could be so important to Him. Let him be the teacher of all the generals. This is a great honor.

“Your Majesty must not do it.”

“General Zhao has never been on the battlefield, how can he teach me General Daxia?”

Zhao Kuangyin’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to dissuade him.

Don’t blame Zhao Kuangyin for opposing.

In fact, it was because Zhao Kuo had never led soldiers to fight. Although this person is known as General Fubo.

But it is just the inheritance of the ancestral title. How could such a figure teach the generals of all sides?

“Your Majesty, what Marshal Zhao said is true.”

Cao Wei also stood up.

For Zhao Kuo this person.

He still knows it well.

It is rumored that Zhao Kuo has been reading the Book of the World Soldiers. But it has been obscure.

Where could he teach the generals of all sides the skill of marching and deploying their positions?

“Oh? It seems that you are very suspicious of General Zhao’s ability? ”

Nie Zheng smiled playfully.

Then he looked at Zhao Kuo, who was kneeling in His Highness, and said, “General Zhao, you can see that Cao Cheng Xiang and Marshal Zhao do not approve of you.” ”

“But you will be given a chance to show them your talents, and if they approve of you, this martial arts hall will be under your control.”

Zhao Kuo’s eyes moved.

His face suddenly showed a look of confidence. He had been reading the Book of Soldiers for twenty years. Today is finally the time to make a difference.

“I also asked Marshal Zhao to teach Cao Cheng Xiang.”

Zhao Kuo bowed down to Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin. The waist bar is also straight at this moment.

The face is full of arrogance and pride. It’s not him who boasts.

There are very few people in this world who can debate the art of war with him. Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Xian frowned.

Both of them are the talents of the Lord. He is an expert in marching formation.

I don’t believe I can still ask down a Zhao Kuo child.

“May I ask General Zhao, if the enemy country invades with 100,000 soldiers and horses, General Zhao will only have 10,000 soldiers under his command…”

Zhao Kuangyin took the lead in asking questions.


A full hour passed.

Manchu Wenwu looked at Zhao Kuo in shock. Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin looked embarrassed. Because the two were defeated.

Dumbfounded by Zhao Kuo’s sharp words one after another. Moreover, Zhao Kuo was extremely powerful in the art of war.

It is also quoted in Scripture 1.5 that can tell many cases where less is better than more. Ultimately.

Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin no longer objected. There was also some embarrassment on the faces of the two.

I didn’t expect Zhao Kuo to have such great talent. I sighed inwardly that His Majesty was indeed wise and discerning.

However, Manchu Wenwu did not notice the smile in Nie Zheng’s eyes. Zhao Kuo this person.

Nie Zheng knew too well.

It’s okay for you to let him preach and teach. Make him more powerful on paper. But let them lead their troops to war. Hehe!

Excuse me.

How many soldiers and horses to bring.

All will be destroyed.


Zhao Kuo could only be a teacher. Talking on paper is his skill. It must not be done.

But there is a good saying.

Make the best use of things, people give full play to their talents.

Zhao Kuo’s theoretical knowledge was absolutely sufficient.

Nie Zheng naturally wanted to deceive Zhao Kuo’s talents. The next thing is simple.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu played one after another.

However, Nie Zheng didn’t bother to deal with these political affairs. Directly announced the withdrawal of the DPRK.

All these troubles were left to Cao Wei and others to deal with. Moreover, there is also a review of Wu Meiniang.

Lü Yan naturally could not sit idle. Who made her obey the government?

Want to leave your stall alone now? Nie Zheng would never agree. And the other side.

The Ming Dynasty, inside the Fengtian Temple, is surging with dark tides.

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