Chapter 142 Emperor Ming swung his sword, and Blue Jade set out on the battlefield.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood with his hands in his hands.

Blue Jade Xu Da stood in His Highness.

“If you ascend to the throne, the last general only needs 300,000 elite troops to directly take the Bactrian Royal City.”

Blue Jade is worthy of being called a tough general.

He half-knelt on the ground and clasped his fists in his hands, pleading with Zhu Yuanzhang to send him on the battlefield. However, Xu Da frowned slightly.

As the founding father, Zhu Yuanzhang worshiped brothers. He actually did not approve of Zhu Yuanzhang’s annihilation of Xia.

It’s not that Xu Da is worried about whether he can extinguish Xia successfully. Instead, once Daming sent troops to cut down the summer.

Nine weeks and seven kingdoms are bound to be in chaos.

Then it will not be a war between the two countries. It was a chaotic war between the Seven Kingdoms.

The heart to destroy the summer is not only enlightened.

The other five countries have also been eyeing the tiger. Who could be the first to annex Bactria.

Whoever has the advantage is naturally greater.

However, Xu Da could not speak out to dissuade Zhu Yuanzhang. Because he knows it very well.

Zhu Yuanzhang decided that no one could change. One more ugly word.

Don’t look at Zhu Yuanzhang’s usual call these old brothers brothers brothers. But if it caused Zhu Yuanzhang’s killing heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not have the slightest softness toward these old brothers. And the Blue Jade City Mansion is not deep.

It’s exactly the style of a tough guy. In the station field, it is extremely brave. At this moment, I heard that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to cut down the summer.

Nature is extremely happy, and there is no concern about what consequences will happen.


“Blue Jade, we will give you 300,000 elite soldiers, and we want you to take the Great Xia Royal City within thirty days.”

“And we must make a quick decision, and we must not miss the station.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

“Rest assured, the Xia Dynasty has been weak for a long time, and moreover, His Highness the King of Yan is sitting in the northern part of the Great Xia, and the last will join hands with the King of Yan to cut down the Xia, why should it take thirty days, half a month is enough time to be 20.”

Blue Jade said with a loud voice and a confident face. Don’t look at the Blue Jade City House is not deep.

But in the area of leading troops to fight, it is extremely powerful. The Xia Dynasty was the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms.

If not the remaining six countries are holding each other back. The Xia Dynasty had long since collapsed.

According to Sapphire’s view.

Three hundred thousand elite soldiers were already more. Two hundred thousand is enough.

However, for the sake of safety, he still asked for 300,000 elite soldiers from the upper position.


“Blue Jade, we will wait for the good news of your triumphant return, and then we will personally pick up the wind and wash the dust for you.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled roughly.

“The Lord put his heart in his stomach, and if the last general can’t extinguish the summer, he is willing to send this head.”

Blue Jade patted his chest to reassure.

“Well, let’s just say that your blue jade is worthy of our Daming’s fierce general.”

“Let’s send a letter to Emperor Zhu Di with the order of flying pigeons, and you will secretly lead 300,000 soldiers and horses to the northern part of Bactria Province.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was full of smiles.

However, if you look closely, you will find out. The big tomorrow’s eyes were cold.

If there is anything in common between this Ming Emperor and Nie Zheng. Both love to laugh.

And it’s all that kind of kind laugh.

But in the smiles of the two people, there is hidden cruelty and coldness. This kind of surname affection is deeply imprinted in the bones of the two people. Have to say.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and Nie Zheng were almost identical in this regard.

“The good news for the last general is that.”

Lan Yu arched his fist and bid farewell to Zhu Yuanzhang. Then he strode out of the Fengtian Temple.

Obviously, to mobilize the 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division.

Secretly go to the northern part of Bactria to do the things that destroy the summer. With the blue jade gone.

Xu Da was not good at saying anything. A few simple chats with Zhu Yuanzhang.

Then he withdrew from the Fengtian Hall with a heavy heart. With Lan Yu and Xu Da leaving.

The smile on Zhu Yuanzhang’s face disappeared. His expression was slightly cold.

Especially a pair of eyes with a cold light crossing.

“Xu Da, we said that you are also our old brother, but you are silent today, and you are getting smarter and smarter.”

Zhu Yuanzhang muttered.

How could he not see Xu Da’s opposition to the Vasha. But I just didn’t dare to say it.

But Zhu Yuanzhang speculated.

Xu Da did not dare to speak out to dissuade him.

He would definitely go to Liu Bowen to meet him. Pity.

Even if Liu Bowen came, he would not change his mind. Because Zhu Yuanzhang knew that his time was running out. If you can’t unify the seven kingdoms for nine weeks in your lifetime. Eliminate all enemies for the Emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunzhang. Then the great Ming he had built would be really dangerous…

The other side.

Northern Xia, Yan Wangfu.

A carrier pigeon fell into Zhu Di’s hands.

An ominous sense of foreboding also appeared in his heart.

Zhu Di solemnly released the carrier pigeons. There was already an extra piece of letterhead in his hand. He hesitated for tens of moments. Ultimately.

Zhu Di still turned the letterhead over and looked at it. After a dozen breaths.

Zhu Di slowly closed his eyes.

Eyebrows are locked out of shape.

Even his breathing was a little heavy.

“Emperor Yi, it’s not that Zhu Di wants to kill you, it’s that my father can’t tolerate you.”

Zhu Di let out a long sigh.

When he opened his eyes again, a hint of guilt crossed his eyes. The content of this secret letter is simple.

Emperor Ming had already sent Blue Jade to lead 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Divisions to the North. Wait for the Blue Jade Army to arrive.

Zhu Di was going to join forces with the Blue Jade Soldiers and take the Great Xia King’s City directly. The Xia Dynasty was completely erased in the Nine Weeks World.

Let’s be honest.

Zhu Di did not want to kill Emperor Yi.

Because Emperor Yi spared his life twice. But the Father’s destiny is difficult to violate.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s will came. He would never dare to disobey.

“Emperor Yi, you can go with confidence, I will leave you a whole corpse.”

“In the next life, I owe you Zhu Di, and I will definitely pay you back tenfold.”

Zhu Di muttered darkly.

The next moment.

The dark color on Zhu Di’s face disappeared.

A cold chill rose from under his eyes.

“Come, mobilize all the great armies in the north, and after three days take the royal city directly.”

Zhu Di let out a loud roar.

The guards next to him hurried to take the order. All of a sudden.

The north was in complete chaos.

Not only Zhu Di’s Sanda battalion, but also 300,000 elite soldiers quickly began to assemble.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was serious and he was saying something to him. The look of panic in his eyes was extremely obvious.

And Nie Zheng always had a faint smile on his face. If you look closely, you will find out.

His eyes shone slightly, and a hint of excitement emerged.

“Zhu Zhongba, your speed is really fast enough, and you thought you would have to wait a little longer.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, you’re so anxious that you don’t understand the strength of Yuan, so you dare to let that blue jade lead 300,000 soldiers and horses.”

Nie Zheng playfully whispered.

The smile on his face was bright.

But the brutal killing machine under the eyes is extremely strong.

“Your Majesty, the Ming generals are all masters of tigers and wolves, and that blue jade is even more famous and iron-blooded generals, so we still have to be careful.”

Wei Zhongxian said with a heavy expression.

No wonder Wei Zhongxian was worried. The Ming soldiers will be brave and good at fighting. And is notoriously not afraid of death. Especially the Tiger and Wolf Master under the Blue Jade. For many years, he accompanied the blue jade in the southern conquest of the northern war. He once won more with less, and stuck to a city. Maybe.

Blue Jade is not a divine general.

His strength alone is even worse than that of such a fierce general as Lü Bu. But one thing not to forget.

Fighting has never been won by some worldly god. As the commander of the three armed forces, you must have the ambition of iron blood and not afraid of death.

Only the pawns brought out by such a general are the invincible division of the tiger and the wolf. And it is precisely this kind of person that blue jade has.

In the middle of the station.

Blue Jade is not afraid of death, and is a pioneer.

So the soldiers who followed him were equally unafraid of death.

Nor can anyone destroy their steely will. Face such an enemy.

Even if there is a god of the world who will sit in the seat.

Opponents have lost most of their morale.

This is also the reason why Sapphire has always won the battle. Why has there always been an allusion to less than more since ancient times? It’s all about morale.

Fight to the death.

Burn one’s ship.

These idioms are not made out of nothing.

They all fought with the determination to die. So.

Wei Zhongxian was very uneasy inside. Face such a terrible enemy. He was really worried about Bactria’s safety.

“Tiger and Wolf Division? Not afraid of life and death? ”

“Since the blue jade is known as the master of the tiger and the wolf, and they are not afraid of life and death, then they should not leave Bactria alive.”

“Come, Xuancao Mengde entered the palace for a visit.”

Nie Zheng spoke coldly.

Cao Tian did not dare to be idle, and hurried to take the order. Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

A touch of cruelty came out of the corners of his mouth.

He Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang had such a fierce general as Blue Jade and the Tiger and Wolf Master of Daming.

But Nie Zheng also had loyal generals such as Cao Mengde under his command.

It’s also time for Nine Weeks to know.

He was Emperor B of Xia, but he was not a 420 emperor of the Bactrian Dynasty who could be deceived. Soon.

Cao Mengde entered Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng didn’t have any nonsense either. Directly explain the reason.

Order Cao Mengde to prepare to lead the army to meet the station. Cao was overjoyed.

Both eyes are shining.

He knew it was time for him to show his skills. He commanded many elite generals.

Not only 30,000 tigers and leopards ridden but also hundreds of thousands of troops.

For example, Xu Chudian Wei Guo Jia Jia’s generation has never shown their own talents. This time the Ming Dynasty extinguished the summer.

This is his chance to become famous for nine weeks.

“Your Majesty is assured that the subject will surely take off the blue jade head and personally deliver it to His Majesty.”

Cao was silent.

“Mende, there’s one thing you have to remember.”

“Not only does Lan Yu want Lan Yu to die, but all the 300,000 soldiers and horses under his command will also die.”

“Remember, kill them all, leave no one behind.”

“I want to let Emperor Na Ming know the pain, and I want him to hurt into the bone marrow.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.


Cao was horrified and couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air. I didn’t expect the Son of Heaven to give such a brutal order. But his eyes moved.

In an instant, he understood the Heavenly Son’s heart.

The Son of Heaven is going to terrorize the world of the Nine Weeks with brutal killing. Those who dare to invade Bactria are the ones who dare to commit crimes.

Kill them all, leaving no way to live. Although the practice is cruel to the extreme.

But it is indeed the best way to deter the other five countries.


Cao Yi prostrated the chief’s order.

Then he got up and strode out of Weiyang Palace, obviously going to dispatch troops and prepare to meet this blood station. But he didn’t wait for him to walk out of Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng stopped him again.

“Remember, everyone can die, but Zhu Di must be captured alive and sent to the face of Yuan.”

Cao was stunned.

Still, he nodded.

Then he quickly walked away and disappeared into Nie Zheng’s eyes. Looking at Cao Xian’s distant back.

Nie Zheng smiled.

It’s just that his smile is a little sinister.

No one knew what was going on in his mind.

“Zhu Di, after this battle, you will be heartbroken!”

“I’d love to know what your expression will be when you learn that your father abandoned you?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

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