Chapter 143 Great Ming Vasha, Burning Plains.

Bactria, Northern.

Boundless plains, howling winds.

The figure of the black pressure makes people look at the head. An atmosphere of slaughtering the six combinations of heaven and earth pervaded. A large banner with the character “Ming” was hunting and hunting in the fierce wind.

Every soldier had a frosted face on his face, a serious expression and a cold look. They stood in the middle of the plains with their blades and shields.

No one turned their heads in the eye. Nor was anyone making a fuss.

It can only be seen from this strict military discipline. This is an invincible tiger and wolf division.


Daming Tough General!

With a fierce smile on his face, he rode down on a tall horse. He held a long knife in his hand.

There was a twinkle in his eye with bloodthirsty excitement.

Just the look in his eyes and the breath flowing from his body had already made the blood of the 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Master behind him boil.


The sound of horses’ hooves shaking the earth came from the other side of the plain.

Only to see Zhu Di leading 400,000 soldiers and horses rushing towards the blue jade.


Not for a while.

Zhu Di pulled the reins, and the war horse stopped in front of the blue jade.


“Nephew Zhu Di, I haven’t seen you in many years, but I’m getting stronger.”

Seeing that Zhu Di, the King of Yan, had come to the confluence, Blue Jade laughed roughly.

“Nephew Zhu Di, meet Uncle Blue Jade.”

Zhu Di jumped off his war horse and bowed to the blue jade.

“The nephew is the Prince of Daming, how can the last general accept your worship, and quickly avoid the courtesy.”

Blue Jade did not get off the horse, but only said politely.

Looking at Zhu Di’s eyes, there was a faint hint of imperceptible hostility. You must know when Prince Zhu Biao was alive.

Lan Yu and other Huaixi Xungui were Zhu Biao’s strongest supporters. At that time, Lan Yu had secretly told the crown prince Zhu Biao. Zhu Di is a great threat, try to stay away from this person. However, Prince Zhu Biao did not listen.

Instead, as always, he treated Zhu Di as his own brother.

These Huaixi Xungui of Blue Jade could only let Zhu Biao go, but they had always guarded against Zhu Di, the King of Yan. The reason is simple.

Chu Diwen Wu Shuangquan.

It is also a good material for leading soldiers to fight. In particular, the surname Ge is very similar to Zhu Yuanzhang.

How could this not make these Huaixi Xun nobles jealous? And.

Blue Jade These Huaixi Xungui were ruled by Zhu Yuanzhang for a lifetime.

He never wanted to see the second Zhu Yuanzhang appear and continue to press on their heads.


Blue Jade These Huaixi Xun Gui calculated everything, but they did not calculate that the crown prince Zhu Biao would die. Learned the news of Zhu Biao’s death.

The first thing they thought of was Zhu Di succeeding to the throne. OK.

Zhu Yuanzhang chose Zhu Yunjiong.

And these Huaixi Xungui naturally strongly agreed.

However, Lan Yu and the others were also more and more defensive of Zhu Di.

After all, the only person who could threaten Zhu Yunjiong’s throne was this Yan King, Zhu Di. However, they did not dare to target Zhu Di too much.

After all, Zhu Di married the eldest daughter of Xu Da, the Duke of Wei.

Xu Da was the head of the six kings of the Ming Dynasty, and ranked first among the twenty-four generals of Huaixi, and had a prestige in the army that no one else could match.

“Uncle Blue Jade said with a smile, you are the founding hero, with the father and emperor in the southern conquest of the Northern War for many years, only to lay the Daming Jiangshan, although Zhu Di is the prince, but also need to be treated with the courtesy of a son and nephew. 【。 ”


In front of the fierce general Blue Jade, Zhu Di showed great humility.

But this humility was a humiliating forbearance for Zhu Di. Because he really did not dare to offend this great general.

And the blue jade person is indeed very arrogant and arrogant.

He prides himself on being a hero of the founding of the country, except for the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, others really do not put it in his eyes. So you see.

Jump off Zhu Di’s war horse and greet him humbly. Blue Jade remained motionless on the war horse.

Let’s not say that we are arrogant.

But his face was full of pride.

“Zhu Di’s nephew, gossip is less, let’s take the Great Xia Royal City directly, destroy the Xia Dynasty within half a month, and then you will return to Daming and resume your life to the throne.”

Blue Jade spoke.

The long knife in his hand was slowly raised.

Obviously, he ordered the army to be moved.

“Destroy the Xia Dynasty within half a month?”

Zhu Di was shocked.

Hurriedly bowed down to Blue Jade and said, “Uncle Blue Jade, please listen to me.” ”

“Emperor Yi of that Xia is the lord of the world, and he is by no means as weak and deceitful as the previous emperors of the Bactrian dynasties.”

“It is absolutely impossible to invade the capital of the Great Xia within half a month, so it is better for us to think in the long run, and Xu Xutu is what Zhu Di said.”

Completely from the heart.

He had already dealt with Emperor Yi of Xia twice. I know very well what a terrible king Emperor B is. Although Blue Jade came with a division of 300,000 tigers and wolves. But he wanted to destroy the Xia Dynasty within half a month.

Zhu Dijue’s this is simply a fantasy.

“Zhu Di’s nephew, why have you stayed in the Xia Dynasty for so many years, but your courage has become so small?”

“The Xia Dynasty is only the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms, and if your nephew is afraid, you will lead the army to supervise the battle behind the general.”

Blue Jade spoke coldly.

I didn’t listen to Zhu Di’s words in my heart at all.

Because Xia Chao was nothing more than a turkey tile dog-like existence in his eyes. It has only been possible to survive until now because the seven countries stand side by side and contain each other. Now Daming Vasha.

Bactria had only one result, the destruction of the country.

“Listen to my orders, and the army will be pulled.”

Blue Jade no longer paid attention to Zhu Di.

With his long knife obliquely pointed long into the air.

The sound of footsteps shaking the earth was coming. Under the leadership of the fierce general Sapphire.

The 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division went straight to the Great Xia Royal City and advanced. See Blue Jade Gang for his own use.

Don’t listen to your own dissuasion at all. Zhu Di’s face looked ugly. But there is no way.

Because Blue Jade was the commander of the three armies in this battle to destroy Xia. Even if you have to obey him.


Zhu Di sighed.

He could only choose to lead the army to follow the blue jade.

Because Zhu Di guarded the northern frontier of Bactria Province.

Therefore, blue jade can easily enter the territory of Bactria from the north. Just the border level saved him a lot of time. If it is the other five countries.

If you want to enter the territory of a city, you are afraid that you will have to fight for an unknown amount of time. I don’t know how many soldiers will be killed in battle.

A mighty army descended from the north. All the way straight into and out of the northern fiefdom. Go straight to the royal city in the hinterland of the Central Plains of Bactria and go from ancient times to the present.

Want to destroy a country.

Naturally, the cities and pools should be pushed over. Constantly occupy the cities of this country. Divide its territory as its own territory. At this moment, Sapphire did the same. Just a day later.

Blue Jade saw the first city. South Yancheng.

This city is the only way to the hinterland of the Central Plains of Bactria. It’s also an extremely important level.

“Brethren, give Ben the city of Nanyan.”

Sapphire roared in excitement.

The long knife pointed out the occasion.

He took the lead and rushed towards the city of Nanyan.

The 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division even sent out an earth-shattering cry of killing and moved with him.


The other side.

South Yancheng.

Cao Wei stood at the head of the city with his hands in his hands. On each side of him stood a man named Guo Jia and the poisoner Jia Xu.

“The Master of the Great Ming Tiger and Wolf is indeed worthy of the name.”

“If our Xia Dynasty soldiers have half the flesh and blood of the Ming soldiers, why are they at the bottom of the Seven Kingdoms?”

Cao Wei sighed.

The words are full of admiration and yearning for the Master of the Great Ming Tiger and Wolf. But the next moment.

Cao Xian’s face turned cold.

A hint of contemptuous sarcasm appeared on his face.

“Unfortunately, although this blue jade is known as a fierce general, it is only a puppet.”

“He dared to rush directly to the kill, not even the most basic marching formation, he really underestimated our Great Xia.”

Cao sneered and said bluntly.

Then he looked at the poisoner Jia Xu beside him and said, “Sir, are you ready?” ”

Jia Xu smiled slightly.

The seemingly weak face crossed a poisonous color, “Rest assured, if the blue jade enters the Southern Yan City within thirty miles, Xu can let half of their soldiers die on the spot.” ”

Jia Xu.

Can be called a poisoner.

This is not just talk.

In fact, his tactics of war are sinister and vicious. This time to fight the Ming Dynasty.

Cao Wei deliberately took Jia Xu with him.

It is to teach Sapphire a bitter lesson. Although Guo Jia has a lot of tricks.

But the means are too modest.

Only Jia Xu’s martial arts poison plan was more suitable for this big station.

After all, the Son of Heaven wanted the blue jade and they all died in the territory of Bactria. Poison Jia Xu is the most suitable candidate.

“…, kill!”

Outside the southern extension of the city.

Blue Jade galloped and roared in his mouth. Three hundred thousand troops followed.

And they are getting closer and closer to Nanyan City. A hundred miles.

Ninety miles.

Eighty miles.

······ Fifty miles.

Forty miles.

Thirty miles.

When Sapphire led the lead to drive the army into the southern city of Yancheng within thirty miles. A strange smell poured into the blue jade mouth and nose with the wind. Well?

The blue jade face was pale.

Because the smell is extremely pungent. More momentarily, his heart clattered.

“No, it’s fire oil!”

Blue Jade is worthy of leading soldiers to fight for many years. Just for a moment.

I understood what the source of this smell was.

“Rewind, there is an ambush.”

Blueprint roared in panic.

Turn the horse’s head and retreat.


It’s too late.

“Shoot the arrows!”


There was a loud cry from the wilderness in all directions. Only to see the next moment.

Something terrible happened. Whoops!

Arrows flew in flames.

Judging by the tens of thousands, there are tens of thousands of them. Poof!

Countless soldiers fell under the arrows. But that’s not the scariest thing about it.

It’s early autumn.

The grass and trees in the wilderness burn easily.

A fiery fire rose up in an instant.

Blue Jade and his pioneer army were all trapped in the flames.


“The general is leaving.”

“We’ve got the idea.”


Under the burning of the fiery fire.

The overwhelming light of the fire turned the sky red.

I don’t know how many Ming soldiers were buried in the fire. The terrible scream was incessant.

The billowing smoke is even more dizzying. But you think that’s the end of it?


More brutal things are happening again.

Ten thousand archers rose from the wilderness.

Each of them pulled the bow string and put on the arrow, and ten thousand arrows were fired together to begin to harvest the lives of the Ming soldiers.

The yard is brutal.

Either you die or I die.

There is never a word of mercy.

The fire was constantly devouring the lives of the soldiers under Blue Jade. There are arrows outside that keep shooting at them.

Even the Blue Jade soldiers are the Tiger and Wolf Master who are not afraid of death. But in the face of this situation, they have no way to refuse. You can only rush out as much as possible in the smoke of the fire.

But many soldiers were burned by the fire or killed by arrows. Only half an hour of effort.

The 300,000 Tiger Wolf Division led by Blue Jade was directly damaged by more than half.

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