Chapter 144 The Northern Dragon Rides Dingkun!.


If Blue Jade could follow Zhu Di’s advice, he would slowly try to do so. It won’t be ambushed at all.

But he underestimated the big summer, and even less looked at Cao Xian. It also gave him a taste of bitterness.

At this moment, he roared angrily in the sky surrounded by fire, but there was nothing he could do.

“You fearless rats, do you dare to stand with me Sapphire?”

The blue jade cloak was emitted and roared with rage.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

Before the two armies could fight, they had lost so many soldiers and horses. Even if he could escape alive.

But how could the remaining soldiers and horses wipe out Bactria in half a month? How do you go to the upward crossing?

“General, the vanguard army has made a way for you to make a living, so run away with your brothers.”

There were generals who roared anxiously.

I saw a cavalry of thousands of people, whose eyes were red as blood. They are not afraid of being devoured by flames.

Braving the raging fire to carve out a way to escape to the outside world. But all the thousands of cavalry were burned to death by the fire.

The place where they fell though the flames were extinguished.

But it won a way for Sapphire to escape from the sea of fire.


Watching the thousands of cavalry carve out a way for him, he was burned alive by the fire. Blue jade eyes were red and tears were flowing out.

The grief in my heart has become impossible to control.

But he knew he could not let the brethren sacrifice in vain.

“Brethren, rush out with me.”

The blue jade tiger burst into tears.

He roared in grief and anger.

The horse then rushed towards the outside world.

The few remaining soldiers behind him followed.

But everyone’s eyes were filled with grief and indignation. Finally.

Blue Jade rushed out of the sea of fire with all the remaining people. But only half of the 300,000 soldiers and horses remained.

And many of the soldiers were burned by the fire. There is absolutely no power to stand at this moment.

“Blue Jade Child, do you dare to stand with me Xu Chu?”

Before Sapphire could wake up from his grief.

Only to see the black pressure of the Great Xia soldiers and horses coming from all directions. The first person is physically large and does not look angry.

Carrying a three-long iron machete in his hand, he was shouting at the blue jade.

“Brethren, kill me!”

Blue Jade was completely overwhelmed by hatred. He held a long knife and rode straight to Xu Chu.

Behind them, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses roared in anger, and also rushed towards the soldiers and horses of Bactria to kill. Have to say.

The Ming soldiers were indeed extremely brave.

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses left, many people are burned by the fire. But they did not take a step back, and still charged with the main general Sapphire. Pedaling.

Blue Jade rode to Xu Chu’s body.

The long knife in his hand slashed at Xu Chu with a cold light. On the other hand, Xu Chu did not say a word.

Instead, his face blossomed with vicious excitement.

“Give me down.”

Xu Chu let out a loud roar.

The iron machete went straight to the blue jade with a terrifying roar. A bell rings.

Only to see the long knife in Sapphire’s hand break into two pieces.

The whole person was even more shocked by Xu Chu’s terrifying power.


Such a scene.

The generals and soldiers behind the blue jade exclaimed in horror. No one thought of it.

Blue Jade didn’t even take a stab from the opposing enemy general, and was directly shocked to fall off the horse.

“Blue Jade Child, borrow your head and use it.”


Before Sapphire could stand up. Only to see Xu Chu sneer.

The iron machete roared down. Burst!

Blood spilled into the air.

The blue jade head flew into the air. Directly held by Xu Chu in his hand.


Xu Chu stood on horseback, holding the blue jade head in his hand, laughing wildly. The ferocious aura emanating from his body was extremely intimidating.

It also made hundreds of thousands of Ming soldiers stunned on the spot. The original formation of charging and killing stopped. Sapphire dead?

When this scene is presented.

The Ming soldiers looked at each other.

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

The Great Ming Dynasty general Lan Yu actually died at the hands of an unknown enemy general. And not even two moves were supported.

This kind of blow simply made hundreds of thousands of Ming soldiers dare not believe it, nor did they want to believe it. Can look at Xu Chu’s fierce face of wild laughter.

Then he watched him carry the head of the Blue Jade General in his hand.

Their eyes gradually focused, and they had to believe this cruel truth. Moment.

The morale of the Ming soldiers fell to the bottom. Although they are the masters of tigers and wolves.

But the commanders of the three armies were already dead.

This is an extremely serious blow to them.

“Sons, kill me.”


The sound of drumming was heard from the city of Nanyan. Xu Chu’s morale soared while killing Blue Jade.

Led a total of 200,000 Xia’s soldiers and horses towards the Daming soldiers. A brutal blood bank begins.

Standing up is cruel.

Blood is spilling.

Wailing is coming.

The two armies were frantically fighting together.

Xu Chu was like a god of killing in the midst of ten thousand armies. The place you have crossed can really be described as a river of blood and a mountain of corpses.

This is a fierce general, even if it is not much better than Lü Bu. Cao sent him out.

It is to let the nine weeks and seven kingdoms know.

Bactria didn’t just have a peerless god like Lü Bu. There is also Xu Chu, a fierce general.

This big stand in the wilderness lasted for half a day. Although there were 200,000 soldiers and horses in the Great Xia.

There is also Xu Chu, an unstoppable Gestapo general, who takes the lead. But I have to say.

The Daming soldiers were indeed the Tiger and Wolf Division. They lost their manager Sapphire though.

However, there was no army discouraged and raised its flag to surrender. Instead, under the leadership of their respective generals.

Crazy to fight with the 200,000 troops of Bactria. On the other hand, the soldiers and horses of Bactria have been weak for many years.

It is not comparable to this group of tiger and wolf masters at all. After a fierce fight.

The soldiers and horses of Bactria lost 100,000 people.

Although there were only 30,000 soldiers left.

But they all leaned together, their bloodthirsty eyes staring at the Bactrian soldiers and horses that were besieging them. The so-called trapped beast is still fighting.

Although there were only 30,000 soldiers left in Daming.

But with the determination to die, this only raised their morale.


The head of the southern extension of the city.

Cao Wei looked at it in amazement.

“A good Iron Blood Tiger and Wolf Division, my Great Xia soldiers and horses are not as good as ah.”

Cao Xian sighed for a long time.

At such a disadvantage.

The commander was killed, and more than half of the 300,000 troops were damaged. But the remnants of Daming’s army could still have such combat strength. It really made Cao Qian breathtaking.

It was even more clear why Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty only sent Blue Jade to command an army of 300,000 people, and then dared to come and destroy Xia.

“Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty is indeed worthy of being an iron-blooded son of heaven.”

Guo Jia on the side was also full of admiration.

“Prime Minister, although the Ming soldiers are brave and fierce, you did not send 30,000 tigers and leopards to ride, otherwise these soldiers would not have survived now.”

Poison Shi Jia Xu said in a deep voice.

“That being said, their morale really shocked Ben.

Cao was frank and blunt.

He pondered a little and said, “Mingjin collects the troops.” ”

Cao Wei deeply understands the way of the art of war.

It is said that the mourning soldiers will win.

If you forcibly kill again.

These Ming soldiers, who knew that they would die, were bound to fight with death. Although in the end, the remnants of Daming can be completely annihilated.

But their own soldiers and horses will also suffer heavy losses. In Cao Xian’s view, this was more than worth the loss.

Boom boom!

War drums rumble.

Xu Chu heard the drumming sound of Mingjin’s closing troops, and his brow frowned slightly.

In fact, another charge and killing can completely solve Daming’s remnants. However, since the Prime Minister ordered him to collect the troops.

Naturally, he couldn’t help but listen.

“Collect the troops and return to the city.”

Xu Chu waved a big hand.

Order the soldiers and horses of Bactria to lift the siege of the remnants of Daming. However, he did not wait for Xu Chu to lead his army back to the city.

The mutation is steep.

Boom — boom boom boom.

The sound of horses’ hooves shaking the earth was heard.

Only to see Zhu Di leading hundreds of thousands of troops rushing in. The roar of death echoed in the boundless wilderness. This also made Xu Chu’s face change suddenly.

I didn’t expect Zhu Di to come so quickly. And Cao at the head of the city frowned.

Knowing that it was too late for him to let Xu Chu return to the city now.

“Order 30,000 tigers and leopards to ride out of the city to help Xu Chu, and then the other left and right forward battalions will intercept and kill Zhu Di’s soldiers and horses.”

Cao Wei quickly gave the order.

The city gates of the southern extension were wide open.

Thirty thousand tigers and leopards rode quickly out of the city.

The left and right forward battalions followed. But also at this time.

Not waiting for the second big stop to open.

An event that made Cao Xian extremely shocked and shocked appeared. Zhu Di Behind!

A black torrent appeared strangely.

They swept through the wilderness like billowing black clouds. They are covered in black armor.

Face with black dragon mask.

The dragon gun in his hand flashed a cold cold light. Exaggerate the black dragon foal’s horse eyes red.

Everywhere we went, the heavens and the earth seemed to dim down. The more terrifying thing is.

Their eyes under the mask of the black dragon were cold and merciless.

As if it were just a bunch of emotionless killing machines. Except for the sound of horses’ hooves trampling.

This black torrent iron horse did not even have the slightest shout of killing.

But a cold-blooded air like a killing heaven and earth was overflowing. The leader was Lü Bulu Fengxian.

However, Lu Fengxian’s dress had changed greatly. He was holding the Fang Tian Painting Blade.

A black suit of armor.

A pair of eyes dead silent.

An extremely terrible breath of death surrounded him.

Zheng led 30,000 Northern Dragons to charge towards Zhu Di’s hundreds of thousands of troops.

“Your Majesty has a will, and there is no forgiveness for killing.”

Lü Bu’s voice echoed in the dead silence between heaven and earth. Burst!

Lü Bu burst out.

An enemy will die directly under his command.

And the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders behind him were equally cold-blooded and ruthless. The black dragon gun in his hand was bloodthirsty and dazzling.

Boasting about where the black dragon colt passed, the man turned over on his horse. I don’t know how many soldiers died under his black dragon gun.

Just one charge directly destroyed Zhu Di’s 100,000-strong army. Such a scene.

The stunned Cao slowly spoke in shock, “This is Your Majesty’s Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders?” ”

“Quick, beat the war drums, and immediately rush to the aid of the Northern Dragon Rider.”

Cao Wei anxiously ordered.

He didn’t think of it at all.

The Son of Heaven actually sent the Northern Dragon Rider. This also made Cao Yan’s confidence suddenly increase greatly. However, Cao Wei was too small to look at the Northern Dragon Riding. Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

It can be said to be the most top-blooded invincible master in the world. Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders can reach a million troops.

This is not just talk.

If it weren’t for Nie Zheng’s desire to capture Zhu Di. He really didn’t want to send out the Northern Dragon Rider. But just to be on the safe side.

Nie Zheng hesitated in Weiyang Palace.

Or choose to order the Northern Dragon to ride to a battle to settle the battle.

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