Chapter 145 Returning with a Great Victory, Zhu Di entered the palace for the third time!


The gun is like a dragon, fast and fierce.

Mournful blood flowers bloomed outside the city of Nanyan. The place where the Northern Dragon rode was bloody.

A corpse fell under their black dragon colt. The blood-stained spear slashed through the long sky.

Each penetration will bring up a large amount of blood. Face such a powerful and terrifying iron horse.

Zhu Di’s hundreds of thousands of troops were not vulnerable at all. It was only the Northern Dragon riding two shocks.

He took the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers under Zhu Di’s command. Some people may have doubts.

Why is the Northern Dragon Rider so terrible.

Is it just to appear in the station and there is no one to stop it? The reason is simple.

The Northern Dragon Rider is the top in the world in terms of combat strength and equipment. Only to say that its exaggerated black dragon colt, but also a different kind of BMW that travels thousands of miles a day.

Under the strong momentum of the attack, the so-called infantry could only die on the spot. Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

Even if they only killed three people in one impact, it would be the lives of nearly 100,000 people. What’s more, the Northern Dragon Rider is far stronger than this.

Otherwise, how can it be said that 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders can reach a million troops? Of course.

The Northern Dragon Rider is not invincible either.

The remaining six countries also have their own elite iron horses.

In particular, the Great Qin Iron Horse under the Qin Emperor was not under the Northern Dragon Horse. If the two stand at the same time, I don’t know what the result will be.

However, deal with the Three Tai Battalion under Zhu Di.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders are absolutely invincible.

Don’t look at the hundreds of thousands of troops under Zhu Di’s command, but it is simply not enough for the Northern Dragon to ride and kill.


“Northern Dragon Rider?”

Watching a large number of soldiers die on the spot. Zhu Di roared in anger.

He had always heard about the horror of the Northern Dragon Ride. I finally saw it today.

I also really realized what an invincible iron horse this is.


At the same time.

Cao Xian’s left and right forward battalions and 30,000 tiger and leopard horses had also arrived. There was almost no need for the Northern Dragon Rider to launch another attack.

The situation is already one-sided.

Zhu Di led his troops to resist despite a frenzied roar. But the generals and soldiers around him kept falling.

As for the remaining thirty thousand remnants of Blue Jade, although they were not afraid of life and death, they also joined the fight. But they were slaughtered by 30,000 tigers and leopards like chopping vegetables and cutting melons.

Rivers of blood.

Corpses are strewn across the field.

These two idioms seem to be common.

But the implication is chilling. Now.

In the boundless wilderness, Zhu Di was dazed and independent.

He was blood-stained and roared madly with a steel knife in his hand. Both eyes were already red as blood.

But by his side.

There was no one to accompany him.

His generals or hundreds of thousands of soldiers. All collapsed in an endless pool of blood.

Even the 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Divisions brought by Blue Jade were all killed outside the Southern Yan City. The fire in the wilderness has been gradually extinguished.

But the charred corpses all over the earth were shocking. It was a fiasco.

It was also an unprecedented fiasco for Daming. Emperor Ming was going to be anxious.

Anxious to the point of not exploring the strength of Emperor B of the Qing Xia at all. He directly ordered Blue Jade to destroy the country.

And this is the heavy price paid by the Ming Emperor. Even if the Ming Emperor can plan step by step.

It definitely won’t be the scene it is today. Logically.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was definitely not a light enemy.

However, the death of the crown prince Zhu Biao and the weakness of the emperor’s grandson Zhu Yunzhuo. Forcing him to desperately want to unify the world for nine weeks.

He had thought that Bactria was a piece of fat meat. Want to swallow it up in one bite.

However, he did not expect that under the governance of Emperor Yi, Bactria had long become a hard bone to gnaw. This brutal station came to an end.

It also broke one tooth of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. It really makes him feel pain.

The 300,000 Great Ming Tiger and Wolf Division was killed.

The main general Blue Jade died on the battlefield and was beheaded. Even the hundreds of thousands of troops under Zhu Di’s command were not left. This great battle killed 800,000 soldiers.

For Zhu Yuanzhang, it will really make him hurt into the bone marrow. Although not to say that it hurts its vitality.

But it was definitely an extremely heavy blow…

“Come, kill the king, come. n Zhu Di! ”

He stood in the corpse mountain blood 0 sea and roared madly. The steel knife in his hand slashed indiscriminately.

The whole person seemed to be in a state of madness, madness. Sapphire was killed.

All 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Divisions were killed.

Even all his soldiers died tragically.

Zhu Di knew that his life should also come to an end. Because he understands one thing deeply.

This big defeat will deal an extremely heavy blow to Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang. Although the responsibility is not on him Zhu Di.

Instead, he advised Blue Jade to slowly try to do so before sending his troops.

But all the troops were killed, if he himself was still alive, what face would he have to see Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang? Originally.

Zhu Di was already dead in heart.

After experiencing this cruel and ruthless war, he felt that death was a relief. Now.

He yelled madly at Xu Chu.

Even more so, he raised his sword and rode alone towards the North Dragon to kill. However, he was thrown to the ground by Lü Bu.

The steel knife with the curled blade in his hand was also powerless to fall beside him. This moment.

Zhu Di did not get up from the ground.

A pair of eyes had turned to the color of dead gray.

A breath of extreme decadence overflowed from him.

“Prince, Your Majesty has a will, please come to the palace and see you.”


Cao Xian came on horseback.

He first threw his fist at Zhu Di. Then he gave Xu Chu a dark look. Xu Chu understood the spirit of the meeting.

Directly help Zhu Di onto the war horse.

Then he rode with Zhu Di and headed for the southern city of Yancheng. Now.

Zhu Di’s eyes were blank.

He didn’t care what would happen to him. Raw or good.

Die or die.

Anything goes.

He now seemed to be a walking corpse. The eyes have lost any luster.

…… Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Today Nie Zheng came out.

He didn’t even have fun with Su Daji at Shouxian Palace. Instead, it was on the dragon case.

With a little interest, I looked at a map of the nine-week world.

“Your Majesty, great joy, great joy.”

Just as Nie Zheng was looking at the map with great interest.

Only to see Wei Zhongxian quickly enter the Weiyang Palace, his face was full of excitement. Gollum told Cao Slow’s victory over the triumph.

It also praised the invincible divine power of the Northern Dragon riding in the station.

And said that the blue jade had been ambushed, and the good news that the 300,000 tiger and wolf division under his command had been completely annihilated. Pity.

Nie Zheng didn’t even lift his head.

As if there was no excitement about this result.

Instead, he held a Zhu pen in his hand and sketched on the map of the Nine Weeks Great World. I don’t know exactly what he’s doing.

See your master without being alarmed.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was grim, and he was a little embarrassed. It was really this victory that made him too excited.

Since the founding of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, there had never been such a great victory. In Wei Zhongxian’s eyes, this big stand was bound to surprise the other six countries. Never dare to look down on the big summer as before, and even smaller than the big summer.

“Did Zhu Di bring it back?”


Nie Zheng casually threw the Zhu Pen out, and then looked up at Wei Zhongxian. 0 Ask for flowers…

It was as if he only cared about Zhu Di’s life and death.

For the total annihilation of Daming’s 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division, there was no feeling at all.

“Your Majesty is assured that Cao Cheng has ordered someone to pass on the old slave, and Zhu Di is safe and sound, and Wei Zhongxian is hurrying to report truthfully on his way back to the royal city.”


Nie Zheng smiled.

The victory didn’t make him laugh.

However, hearing that Zhu Di was on his way to Wangcheng made Nie Zheng laugh very happily.

Seven days later.

Outside Weiyang Palace.

Cao Wei and Zhu Di stood side by side.

Cao Qian’s face was full of red light, and the excitement in his eyes could not be dissolved. On the other hand, Zhu Di’s face beside him was like ashes, and the whole person did not react in the slightest.

“Your Majesty has a purpose, and Xuan Cao is looking forward to Zhu Di.”

With the sound of the eunuch’s voice. Cao Wei hurriedly sorted out his clothes.

Then he supported Zhu Di and quickly entered the Weiyang Palace. Inside the Weiyang Palace.

As soon as Cao Xian entered the temple, he directly knelt down.

“Long live Your Majesty the Emperor.”

Cao Xian knelt down and prostrated his head.

But Zhu Di beside him was sluggish.

Letting Cao Xian pull Zhu Di’s clothes would not help.


“Meng Deping, you have made a great achievement.”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng was smiling and did not hesitate to praise.

However, his eyes kept falling on Zhu Di’s body.

“The subject does not dare to take credit, and the great victory in this battle is all due to His Majesty’s heavenly might.”

Cao Xian’s eyes moved, and he hurried to humble himself.

Because he found that Tianzi’s eyes had been looking at Zhu Di. How fine is Cao.

I suddenly knew that now was not the time to ask for credit.

Obviously, His Majesty’s mind was all on Zhu Di’s body. Stop.

Cao Wei is indeed very smart.

After a brief account of the battle, he retreated. See Cao Wei leave.

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

For Cao Mengde, this adulterous male was even more appreciative.

Just by looking at your own tiny eyes, you can understand your own intentions.

“Brother Zhu Di, we are meeting again.”

Nie Zheng got up from the throne.

With a kind smile on his face, he walked towards Zhu Di. It is still the same as in the previous two times.

Nie Zheng lovingly wrapped his arms around Zhu Di’s shoulders. It didn’t matter what Zhu Di’s mood was at the moment. Pulling the man to sit on the jade steps. This time, there was no need for Nie Zheng to speak.

Zhao Gao was very clever and sent two pots of wine. Then he quietly withdrew from Weiyang Palace. It even waved away all the eunuch palace women.

In the entire Weiyang Palace, only Nie Zheng and Zhu Di were left.

“Brother, if I remember correctly, this is the third time you and I have met, right?”

Nie Zheng spoke, lifting the wine altar to pour wine for Zhu Di.

On the other hand, Zhu Di’s eyes were blank.

It was as if Nie Zheng was treated as air.

Even Nie Zheng handed the wine bowl to him. Zhu Di did not react at all.

It was as if his present state had really become a living dead.


Nie Zheng put down the wine bowl.

A long sigh came from his mouth.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, in fact, whether you believe it or not, Shuo has never wanted to kill you, and it is true that he is sincere in marrying you with Jinlan.”

“However, you and I have taken different positions and have become enemies, but in fact, this is not the result that we want to see.”

Nie Zheng talked to himself.

Raise the wine bowl and drink it all.


Zhu Di still didn’t react at all. It’s like a rock that doesn’t move. But Zhu Di looked like this. The smile on Nie Zheng’s face grew thicker.

Because he knew that the time was finally ripe.

The seed he buried in Zhu Di’s heart will take root and sprout today.

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