Chapter 146: Using a Country to Make a Bet, Do You Dare to Pick It Up?.

A normal person blinks an average of ten thousand times a day.

That is to say, under normal circumstances, a person blinks fifteen times per minute. Of course.

The human blink is also related to psychology. When you are nervous, you blink a lot.

Less blink of an eye when concentrating. But you see Zhu Di.

He was silent, silent. The body does not move a bit.

Especially his eyes.

I didn’t blink all the time.

What does this mean?

It shows that Zhu Di has really become a living dead. What is the Living Dead?

It’s in addition to the heartbeat and the breath there is. Life characteristics are business as usual.

But the heart and spirit are dead. This is called the living dead.


Zhu Di is a living dead.

For Zhu Di’s current state of the living dead. Nie Zheng saw it all in his eyes.

But he didn’t keep talking. Instead, drink it yourself.

The living dead are also human beings.

He wanted to awaken Zhu Di from his dead mental state. Maybe someone else can’t do it.

But Nie Zheng could do it.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, if you say that if you were to be killed today, would your father, Zhu Yuanzhang, cry out in grief because of your death?”

Nie Zheng’s voice was very soft.

The light one was just enough for Zhu Di to faintly hear.

But it was also because of Nie Zheng’s words.

Zhu Di’s eyes, which were originally dead and godless, began to gradually focus.


When he heard that the crown prince Zhu Biao had died, Zhu Yuanzhang wept bitterly and wept, and even fell into madness to kill everything around him

“Such a father-son relationship really makes Shuo feel sorry.”

Nie Zheng was still talking to himself. From time to time, I drank the spirits in the bowl. But also at this moment.

Zhu Di moved.

With a shudder, he picked up the wine bowl in front of him, and drank the spirit from the bowl.

“Of course, Shuo and the elder brother Yi are brothers with different surnames, and Shuo will never kill his brother.”

Nie Zheng smiled and filled Zhu Di’s bowl with wine again.


A soft noise came.

The two wine bowls touched, and Nie Zhengdang drank it first.

Zhu Di looked at Nie Zheng sheepishly.

After three breaths, drink the same wine from the bowl.

“Emperor Yi, say, what do you really want?”

Zhu Di spoke.

It’s just that his voice is very weak.

So weak that he didn’t even have the slightest bit of mental energy.

“Brother, I actually want to make a bet with you.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.


Zhu Di looked at Nie Zheng in confusion.

“Yes, I just want to make a bet with my brother.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“What bet do you want to make?”

Zhu Di’s eyes trembled slightly.

There was a ripple in the dead lake of the heart.

“I bet that your father Zhu Yuanzhang never treated you as a son.”

“He will personally repair a letter and order someone to send it to Zhu Yuanzhang’s hands, so that he can exchange the frontier city for your family’s wife, children, and your surname.”

“As for the stakes…..”

Nie Zheng said this slightly.

A touch of playfulness sketched out from the corner of his mouth: “Shuo will use a country as a bet, and if he loses, Bactria will return to the Ming Dynasty and voluntarily abdicate.” ”


Like nine days of thunder falling.

It was as if the stars of the universe were exploding.

When Nie Zheng’s words came into his ears.

Zhu Di’s whole body was shocked. Completely stuck in place.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes showed an extremely frightening color. Can’t believe it.


Even Zhu Dijue’s Emperor Yi was crazy.

He was going to gamble with him with the whole of Bactria?

“Brother Zhu Di, do you dare to take the bet?”

Nie Zheng looked at Zhu Di lightly.

This also made Zhu Di wake up instantly. One city for another?

Can he exchange the lives of his wife and children?

This is bigger than buying and selling how you look at it yourself. But Zhu Di hesitated.

He really hesitated.

It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Emperor Yi’s promises. Contrary.

Zhu Di could fully see that Emperor Yi was a man who would do what he said. Since he dared to say this, he certainly would not have any remorse.

What really made Zhu Di hesitate was Nie Zheng’s bet.

Does Father Zhu Yuanzhang treat him as a son? This bet seems simple.

But Zhu Di was unsure in his heart. This is also the problem he has struggled with all his life.

Since he was a child, he wanted to be recognized by his father Zhu Yuanzhang. He also regards his father as his most admired idol. Even the style of acting is imitating the old father Zhu Yuanzhang. In fact.

Zhu Di really didn’t attach that much importance to the throne.

What he really valued was the attitude of his father Zhu Yuanzhang towards him. What attitude?

Treat him as a parent-child attitude.

Approve of his son’s attitude. That’s all.


Zhu Di faces two choices.

Or reject Emperor Yi.

Or take this bet.

But Zhu Di did not dare to open his mouth for a long time.

Because it’s the weakest part of his heart. It was also a problem he had struggled with all his life.

He didn’t dare to unravel the answer.

But now Emperor Yi put his innermost problems in front of him. It is even more necessary to use a country as a bet.

Let’s be honest.

Zhu Di was moved.

His heart was not about the return of Bactria to the light.

Instead, you can solve the puzzle in your heart. But he didn’t dare to face it faintly.

So it’s still tangled at the moment.

“Why do people are afraid? Why are you afraid? Why the confusion? ”

“Because man does not have the courage to face fear and confusion!”

“Only if this person is brave enough to face these problems.”

“The so-called fear and confusion will dissipate.”

Nie Zheng’s voice was like a demon, seducing Zhu Di in a circle. Have to say.

Nie Zheng was really terrible.

Step by step, he led Zhu Di into the abyss. Drag it even deeper into hell.

The first time Zhu Di was summoned to the capital of the king.

The second Beacon Theatre Princes.

Until the destruction of Daming’s 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division and its three battalions. Reached a third meeting with Zhu Di.

This step by step was in Nie Zheng’s calculations. Three Catches Zhu Di.

Hoodwink the public.

Nie Zheng’s Imperial Heart Technique was really vicious and vicious.

Of course.

Although Nie Zheng was seducing Zhu Di. At the end of the day.

This is indeed the question that Zhu Di put in his heart.

He just put Zhu Di’s inner doubts in front of him. What is heartbreak?

Only let Zhu Di see the truth. Only then will he really come to his senses. Plainly.

Nie Zheng’s purpose was simple.

He just wanted Zhu Di to know.

Since Zhu Yuanzhang does not treat you as a son. Why would you treat him like a father?

Nie Zheng wanted Zhu Di to create a rebellion against his father Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Di absolutely did not dare before.

Even if he gave him a hundred guts, he still didn’t dare.

Zhu Di could be summoned three times.

Step by step, he had been led into the abyss. At the moment he was betting on a country. It is to completely let Zhu Di’s heart die.

“Well, I’ll bet.”

Zhu Di slowly raised his eyes to look at Nie Zheng. 0 He finally took this step.

It was also the step that Nie Zheng wanted to see. Now.

Zhu Di was also open-minded.

Emperor Yi dared to gamble with a country.

Then he took the bet. If he wins.

Bactria returned to the Ming Dynasty, and he also made a great achievement for his father Zhu Yuanzhang. I can better understand the doubts of my own life.

If you lose…

Zhu Di did not dare to continue to think further.

But there was still some expectation in his heart. The more vague self will not lose.

It’s just a city.

Is it true that as the son of an old father, the lives of his wife and children are not worth even a city?


See Zhu Di promised to come down.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face had never been brighter than ever. He no longer had any nonsense.

Stride to the front of the dragon case and directly repair the book. A cup of tea time passed.

Nie Zheng took the letter and handed it to Zhu Di for him to read. Zhu Di hurriedly took over the inspection.

Indeed, as Nie Zheng said.

The letter contained what the two men were talking about.

Use the city of Daming Frontier in exchange for the lives of Zhu Di and his wife, children, old and young families. Finally.

Zhu Di handed the letter back to Nie Zheng. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“Come, personally send the handwritten letter of Shuo to the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang, the son of the Great Tomorrow.”

Nie Zheng casually gave orders.

Soon Cao Tian entered Weiyang Palace and bent down to receive Nie Zheng’s letter. Then he quickly walked out of Weiyang Palace and ordered someone to send the letter to Daming.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, these days I will accompany you to drink and have fun in the palace.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around Zhu Di’s shoulders.

Look at the smile on Emperor Yi’s face. Zhu Di was shocked.

He remembered something.

Emperor Yi had made a bet with him with a country.

But he never asked himself what to do if he lost!

“Emperor Yi, if the king loses, what do you want the king to do?”

Zhu Di said in a deep voice.


Looking at Zhu Di’s cautious appearance, Nie Zheng laughed loudly.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, in fact, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, even if you lose, Nie Zheng doesn’t need you to pay any price Nie Zheng smiled and patted Zhu Di’s shoulder.”

He will not always tell Zhu Di 0.1.

If you lose, do you want Zhu Di to create the rebellion of your father Zhu Yuanzhang? Nie Zhengjue’s own self did not need to make such a request at all. When the results are placed in front of Zhu Di.

When his heart is completely broken.

Everything will come to fruition.

The other side.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.


A loud noise came from the Dragon Case.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was vicious and twisted and terrible.

A pair of eyes like a furious lion wants to choose someone to eat. Sigh.

He casually pulled out the Heavenly Sword beside him. Three steps for two steps to come to Your Highness.

Directly put the Heavenly Son’s sword on the neck of the Jinyi Wei King.

“You tell us again!”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes began to turn red. The expression on his face was fiercely frightening.

“On… Upper….. Sapphire died in battle… The entire army of 300,000 soldiers was destroyed… The three battalions under the Yan King were also cursed….. His Highness the King of Yan was even captured alive! ”

The Jinyi Wei Qianhu King was trembling with fear.

But he shuddered and repeated it again.


“How dare you deceive us?”


Zhu Yuanzhang roared in anger.

A sword wiped Wang Li’s neck.

Directly let this unfortunate ghost fall into a pool of blood. In the end, it will end up with a blind end.

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