Chapter 147: As long as the Di Yi brothers are happy, our sons will be killed one by one!

“Investigate again, let us explore again.”

“We don’t believe that Blue Jade will die, let’s just say that 300,000 Ming soldiers and pawns, how can no one survive?”

Inside the Fengtian Temple.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty jumped like thunder.

He was roaring with the blood-stained Heavenly Sword in his hand.

His Highness’s courtiers were pale, and some people were trembling. You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang usually kills people between talking and laughing.

Manchu Wenwu had rarely seen Zhu Yuanzhang so angry. And.

Anyone who knows this great tomorrow knows it. When Zhu Yuanzhang was furious to such an extent.

Anyone who touches his moldy head will die by his sword.



Just when Zhu Yuanzhang was furious. Only to see a Jinyi guard quickly step inside.

“When Qiquan ascended to the throne, a person claiming to be an envoy of Bactria asked to see him outside the palace, saying that he had sent a letter on the orders of the son of Ōsha, and asked him to present it to the throne.”

Jinyi Wei shuddered.

“Bactrian envoy?”

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned.

The vicious twisted face gradually returned to calm.

He casually sheathed the Heavenly Sword and re-made it back into the dragon chair.

“Declare him into the temple.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice.

Just for a moment.

The great tomorrow boy returned to his usual calm. However, if you look closely, you will find out.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were very cold.

The cold exudes the ultimate killing intent.

“The superior has a purpose, and the envoys of Xuanda Xia will see you.”

With the sound of the eunuch’s voice.

Only to see a man dressed in the Great Xia Pavilion Uniform enter the Fengtian Temple. And this person is not someone else.

It was Guo Jia, a strategist under Cao Yi. He visited 20 countries as an envoy of one country.

His envoys represent the face of a country. Nature can’t just find someone to come to Daming.

Those who can serve as envoys must naturally have courage and strategy, and are not afraid of life and death. Guo Jia is the most suitable candidate.

“Guo Jia, envoy of the Great Xia, see His Majesty the Ming Emperor.”


Although Guo Jia was alone, he was not humble.

He bowed down to the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and controlled the scale of etiquette very well.

“Bold, do you dare to kneel when you see my great tomorrow?”

“Little Xia Shuai’s envoy, there are no rules in coming to my Ming Dynasty, it is simply arrogant to the extreme.”


He was not waiting for Zhu Yuanzhang to speak.

His Highness’s courtiers then scolded Guo Jia coldly. There are even martial generals holding the handle of the sword and looking at it with a fierce light. When this scene is presented.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not make a sound, but looked at His Highness Guo Jia faintly. Stop.

Although Guo Jia was a civil servant.

But he was resourceful and courageous, and did not show any fear on his face. He ignored the Ming courtiers.

Instead, he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang on the throne with a smile.

“I heard that His Majesty the Ming Emperor’s iron-blooded Heavenly Power is famous for the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, but it is only so when I see it today.”

“Since Guo Jia dared to come to Daming alone, the head of the person was on the item, and if Emperor Ming wanted to take it, he would take it.”

“Guo Jia is a courtier of Xia Shuai, but if you want me to bow down to the son of heaven of another country, I can’t do it.”

Guo Jia is not humble or profane.

“Be bold!”


Daming Qunchen rebuked again.

But not waiting for the group to act. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty spoke.

“What a weak scholar would dare to speak wildly in front of us.”

“Aren’t you afraid that we will put you to death?”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes narrowed slightly.


Guo Jia laughed without fear: “Since Guo Jia dared to visit Daming, he was ready to martyr himself, Mo said that Ling Chi’s execution is a thousand knives and a thousand knives, what is there to be afraid of?” ”

Guo Jia said this slightly, looked at Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and continued: “But Guo Jia guessed that His Majesty the Ming Emperor would not kill me, so Guo Jia was even more afraid.” ”


Zhu Yuanzhang said lightly, “You are a Great Xia envoy with some meaning, why do you say that we will not kill you?” ”

“His Majesty the Ming Emperor threatens to shake the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, not to mention that the two countries are not at war and have not yet come to the envoy, if the Ming Emperor kills me, will he not damage the prestige of the Ming Emperor and be laughed at by the Heavenly Sons of all countries?”

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

“A good student, really said it to our hearts.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

As Guo Jia said.

The two countries do not fight at war.

He Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was known as the Iron-Blooded Heavenly Son, and his heroic name was Shenwu all his life. How can you self-destruct your reputation for the sake of a scholar?

“If you don’t kneel, don’t kneel, tell us, what is the so-called matter that little doll of Di Yi asked you to visit?”

Zhu Yuanzhang asked casually.

Just a cold light under his eyes.

“My Emperor personally wrote a letter of repair, and it was all in the letterhead, and His Majesty the Ming Emperor knew it when he saw it.”

Guo Jia presented a jin box with both hands and took out a letterhead.

“Bring it on.”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled lightly.

Soon a young eunuch took the letter from Guo Jia and presented it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The jin box Zhu Yuanzhang did not open.

Instead, the letterhead is unfolded first. Zhu Yuanzhang watched line by line.

But the look on his face was getting colder.

Both eyes were faintly red, and they carried an extremely shocking killing intent.

Even the calm face was twisting viciously, and the color of extreme fury was revealed. What did Nie Zheng write by hand?

The letter is as follows: Heavy Eighth Brother Kiss Qi.

The younger brother heard about the deeds of the eighth big brother, from a beggar to the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Being, creating the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, and the younger brother felt very sorry.

Ōkashimoto and Damyeongben are friendly neighbors.

Anyway, the heart of the heavy eighth brother swallowing my Great Xia does not die. He even sent 300,000 Ming soldiers and horses to destroy the country. In desperation.

The younger brother could only swing his sword out of its sheath and leave the heavy eighth brother with 300,000 soldiers and horses in the Great Xia, and also looked forward to the heavy eighth big brother not to be blamed.

The first one on the existing blue jade item is stored in the brocade box, which is presented by our envoys, and the eight big brothers are also invited to take a look. Although the younger brother beheaded the blue jade, he did not dare to move the life of Zhu Di, the heir of the eighth eldest brother.

But if Zhu Di was released at this point, the brother would be unwilling.

If the eighth eldest brother of the heavy eight is willing to exchange it for a city on the frontier, the brother can order someone to send Zhu Di’s whole family back to Daming. However, the Eighth Brother did not care about the surnames of Zhu Di and his entire family.

The brother could only bear to swing the knife and kill Zhu Di’s entire family. Brother, Emperor Yi himself!

… Bang!

The next moment.

Zhu Yuanzhang took the case.

The face was cold and terrible.

The letterhead in his hand was fiercely held in his hand. He looked at the golden box on the dragon case with cold eyes. Little by little, open the box.

I saw the head of the blue jade necklace in front of my eyes. Provocation!

The provocation of the red fruit fruit!

Heavy Big Brother?

Capture Zhu Di to blackmail himself? Sending a sapphire head?

Look at the dead appearance of the blue jade in the box. Zhu Yuanzhang exuded an extremely terrible killing chance. Quiet!

Be quiet!

Dead quiet.

The whole Fengtian Temple was quiet and frightening.

Manchu Wenwu was silent, and even his breathing began to be careful.

Only Guo Jia’s spine was as straight as a pine, and he did not show any timidity. However, Guo Jia seems to be calm.

But my heart was also extremely nervous.

The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was notoriously iron-blooded and ruthless.

He was really afraid that the other party would cut him alive in anger.

“Well, a good Emperor Yi brother, our Emperor B brother is much more powerful than the great summer children of the past generations.”



Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

The smile on his face was extremely bright.

The laughter was even more enjoyable. Everyone who knows Zhu Yuanzhang knows it. It was a manifestation of his extreme anger.

“Guo Jia, go back and tell the Di Yi brothers that Zhu Zhongba lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of sons.”

“If Brother Di Yi wants to slaughter my son who is not a tool, then let him go.”

“By the way, don’t forget to tell Brother Di Yi that he misses him very much and will meet him in a short time.”

“When the time comes, we will bring our daughters and sons or something, bring a few more with us, if the Emperor B brothers are happy, they will kill them one by one, and it will not be in vain for the Emperor B brothers to call us a heavy eighth big brother is not?”

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

He sat back down on the dragon chair.

It is also a handwritten revision of the book.

Then he actually ran down the temple himself, and with a smile on his face, delivered the letter to Guo Jia’s hand. Looking at the happy smile on Zhu Yuanzhang’s face.

Guo Jiameng shivered. Inner fear is constantly growing. Terrible!

It’s horrible.

This Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang could even laugh out. And laughed so happily.

Guo Jia is resourceful.

He could fully see that Zhu Yuanzhang was not smiling. There is no intention of forcing a smile.

He was really laughing.

But what lies in this happy smile is the killing machine.

“Come, send Mr. Guo Jia out of the palace.”

“By the way, choose a good horse for us, and send a hundred guards to escort us, so as not to delay Mr. Mister’s trip.” Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jinyi Wei hurried to take orders.

But his whole body trembled slightly unconsciously.

“Mr. Guo Jia, please.”

Jinyi Wei held his fist in his hand.

“Your Majesty the Ming Emperor, Guo Jia resigned.”

Guo Jia bowed down.

Then he quickly walked out of the Fengtian Temple.

Until Guo Jia disappeared into Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes. The smile on Zhu Yuanzhang’s face also gradually disappeared. Its gloomy face 040 is somewhat frightening.


No one in the Manchu Dynasty dared to speak. Because they know it very well.

At this moment, if anyone said a word to provoke Zhu Yuanzhang’s dissatisfaction. They were most likely spilled blood in the Heavenly Temple.

“Come, give us a message to Liu Bowen to enter the palace for a visit.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said coldly.

“Yes, superior.”

The Jinyi guards hurried to take the order and left. Apparently.

Zhu Yuanzhang summoned Liu Bowen to the palace. It was the anger that reached its peak.

He knew that he had underestimated Emperor Xia. I know I’m too eager.

Therefore, all 300,000 soldiers of Daming were killed. Even the fierce general Blue Jade died tragically on the battlefield.

But Zhu Yuanzhang did not lose his cool. Instead, the more this is the time.

Zhu Yuanzhang was more calm and frightening. As the Great Tomorrow’s Son.

If you can’t even control your emotions.

Then he Zhu Yuanzhang could not lay down this piece of Daming Jiangshan. As for the life and death of Zhu Di and his wife and children?


As Zhu Yuanzhang himself said. He lacks everything.

He is short of money, soldiers, and food, but he does not lack sons and daughters. In Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart.

Only Zhu Biao’s line was his relative. As for the other heirs, death is death.

He didn’t have half a heartache at all. Plainly.

Since ancient times, the royal family has been the most ruthless.

When a son dies, he can regenerate a bunch.

If you want Zhu Yuanzhang to exchange a city on the frontier, it is simply impossible. Don’t you Emperor Yi want to threaten us?

Do you think that with just one Zhu Di, we can be held hostage by you? Zhu Yuanzhang sneered inwardly.

But he already hated Emperor Yi to the bone.

I would like to take the Royal Horse Expedition now and take the Bactrian Royal City directly. But this time the lesson was learned.

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly reflected on himself. Do not understand the strength of Emperor Yi’s child. He will not take it lightly. Moreover.

This time, all 300,000 soldiers of Daming were killed.

The news would soon spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms.

It will certainly cause great changes.

Zhu Yuanzhang was not stupid enough to hate Emperor Yi because of his anger, so he wanted to send troops again. It is even more unlikely to give the other five countries an opportunity to take advantage of it.

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