Chapter 148 The Five Kingdoms Look Sideways, the World Will Be in Chaos.

Nine weeks of earthquake, the five countries are shocked.

A shocking news spread throughout the Nine Worlds.

The fierce general Lan Yu was ordered by the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to lead the 300,000 Tiger and Wolf Division of Daming to raid Bactria with lightning speed, and Zhu Di, the King of Inner Yingyan, and his three battalions were in response, with a strength of up to 800,000 troops.

However, the result was not only that it did not succeed in destroying the kingdom of Bactria.

On the contrary, 800,000 soldiers and horses were completely destroyed, and the fierce general Lan Yu also died tragically on the battlefield.

Zhu Di, the fourth son of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, was captured alive and imprisoned on death row in Bactria. When this news spread throughout the Nine Weeks World, it caused an uproar throughout the world.

What shocked the Five Kingdoms was not that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to destroy Xia.

Instead, Xia Wei, the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms, actually resisted the 800,000 soldiers and horses of Daming. You must know that the soldiers of Daming are all the masters of tigers and wolves.

Even in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms, it is famous. It is also known for being fearless of life and death.

But it took less than a day to invade the territory of Bactria. Eight hundred thousand troops were all killed.

Not even a single living mouth remained.

This simply shocked the other five countries. Even more spies were sent to inquire about the news. Soon.

The name of Cao Yi spread throughout the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms.

His advisers Guo Jiajia and the military general Xu Chu were even more widely known. This station is being preached more and more godly.

Cao Wei and others also became famous because of the station.

However, the thing that shocked the other five countries and even Daming the most was the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. It is rumored that the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders are the most elite invincible iron horses in the Great Summer Son. Some people even claimed that the Northern Dragon Rider could be compared with the Great Qin Iron Horse.

A variety of stories are choreographed. This station is also rumored to be more and more evil.


Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

“Northern Dragon Rider?”

“Zhu Zhongba, this guy should be in a lot of pain, right?”

“The widow suddenly became a little interested in Di Yi’s little guy.”

Black drapery beaded curtain.

A figure of a mighty shore sat in it.

No one could get close to this figure within a hundred meters. Only its faint voice came out of the black drapery beaded curtain.


“The subject is here.”

Li Si stood a hundred meters away and prostrated his head and bowed.

“Send someone to check on this little guy Di Yi, this little guy who is a little bit uneasy is not simple.”

A chuckle came from the black curtain of the drapery.

But even if the man is laughing.

Its voice contains an inexplicable majesty.

It was as if what he said was the only rule between heaven and earth. No one can disobey his will.


Li Si took a slight breath of cold air. A look of shock crossed his eyes.

I didn’t expect that Emperor Qin would actually pay attention to the little emperor of Bactria. You must know that Emperor Qin did not even pay attention to Zhu Yuanzhang. At this moment, he asked him to investigate the little emperor of Bactria.

Is there any implication in this? Li Si’s mind was racing.

But he didn’t dare to ask.


Li Si knocked on the leader’s order.

Then he bowed and exited the Xianyang Palace.

“In one day, the total annihilation of 800,000 troops, this little guy seems to have some ability.”

Black curtain beaded curtain.

The Qin Emperor was muttering.

Great Sui Dynasty, Daxing Palace.


“Zhu Yuanzhang’s 800,000 soldiers were completely destroyed?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian whispered in shock.

His son Yang Guang bowed down to His Highness and truthfully told his good father the news he had received.

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with the news that the sons and daughters got.”

“Emperor Yi unified Bactria within a year, and his surname seemed faint and cruel, but his means were extremely powerful.”

“In particular, the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders under his command are known as the invincible Iron Rider Division, and although the Blue Jade Zhongfu is in the forefront, these 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders are the key to this battle.”

Yang Guang said eloquently.

“I didn’t expect that such a powerful emperor would appear in Bactria!”

Yang Jian’s eyes were heavy.

“Father Emperor does not need to worry, although Emperor Yi has some means, Xia Wei has been weak for a long time, and his national strength is still the last in the Seven Kingdoms.”

“This time they were able to completely annihilate Daming’s 800,000 soldiers and horses, all because Lan Yu acted recklessly, which was why he was ambushed, otherwise eighty soldiers and horses would be enough to wipe out half of Xia Shuai.”

Yang Guang smiled and comforted his good father and emperor.

But the bottom of his eyes quietly crossed a touch of cold color. In Yang Guang’s eyes.

His father, the emperor, who is already old and has lost his former ambitions, can still rely on the throne and refuse to come down.

The most heinous thing was that his good father and emperor actually made his eldest brother the crown prince. This made Yang Guang very unhappy in his heart.

“Son, don’t be careless, you should send someone to carefully investigate the military strength of Bactria again.”

“You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly raised an army to cut down Xia, and although he suffered a fiasco, this also shows that the chaotic war of the Seven Kingdoms has begun.”

“I also have to make preparations early.”

Yang Jian instructed heavily.

“The sons and daughters obey the order.”

Yang Guang bowed down and strode out of the Daxing Palace.

But Yang Jian didn’t see the cold color in the eyes of this good emperor.

Datang, Taiji Hall.

Li Shimin ascended to the throne.

The twenty-four heroes of the Ling Yan Pavilion lined the two sides of His Highness.


“Emperor Yi of the Great Xia?”

“Interestingly, I didn’t expect this son to hide so deeply.”

Listen to the news reported by the eldest grandson.

Li Shimin first looked shocked, and then let out a meaningful smile.

“Holy Lord, this Emperor Yi is already a blockbuster, and I Datang should pay more attention.”

Wei Chigong frowned slightly.

“Yes, although the Blue Jade Zhongfu is in the first place, but the Daming soldiers are all the masters of the tiger and the wolf, but Emperor Yi can still annihilate them all, it is true that the means are unpredictable, and the saint still needs to pay more attention.”

The eldest grandson said in a deep voice.


Li Shimin nodded slightly.

If it is said that in the Seven Kingdoms of Heaven. Who can best take the words of the courtiers.

Only Li Shimin can be called the first. You could say so.

Li Shimin is definitely a holy king.

It is that he can listen to the opinions of many different loyalists. Only then can the national strength of Datang become more and more prosperous.

“Send someone to check on Emperor Yi’s son, but what really worries Emperor Qin is the Qin Emperor.”

Li Shimin sighed.

Thinking of the Qin Emperor who was blinding the world, Li Shimin’s eyes crossed a touch of worry. Zhu Yuanzhang was powerful.

But Li Shimin was not afraid of him.

The Sui Emperor was also old, and he was not in his eyes.

Emperor Yi of Bactria had just ascended the throne, although he showed some strange deeds.

But Bactria had been weak for too many years, and even if he had produced a powerful Heavenly Son, he would not be afraid at all. As for the Qing Emperor Kangxi, he was just a barbarian, and he would not put it in his eyes.

Only the Qin Emperor made him extremely worried.

It is also the biggest opponent of his unification of the world for nine weeks. It also made Li Shimin have no confidence to match it. Heard Li Shimin mention the Qin Emperor.

The face of the twenty-four heroes of Ling Yan Pavilion also became heavy. There was also a glimmer of worry under his eyes.


Loulan Ancient Kingdom, Wangmo Palace.

A woman.

A woman with snowy skin.

A woman whose face is covered with a snow veil.

She looked up at the dome of the world, and her beautiful eyes shone like stars. Although people can’t see her face clearly.

But just this pair of eyes of hers makes people ashamed of themselves and dare not look at them in the slightest.

She was like the purest elf in heaven and earth.

That pure and immaculate temperament is like a lonely moon in the sky. It can only make people look at it from a distance, and dare not have any blasphemy.

“Emperor Yi?”

“It seems that Bactria has finally produced a powerful emperor, but unfortunately, the Seven Kingdoms Grand Station is about to open again, how can I Lou Lan be alone?”

Who is she?

She’s Yaoxi!

She is Empress Yaoxi of Loulan!

She is also known as the purest and most immaculate woman in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms.

In the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms there is a legend about Empress Loulan.

Whoever succeeds Empress Loulan is the purest and most immaculate person in heaven and earth in body and mind. Empress Loulan could not marry for life.

Anyone who can become the Empress of Loulan.

There is an inexplicable mysterious force guarding the body. And this mysterious force has been passed down from generation to generation.

Only the purest and most immaculate woman in heaven and earth can inherit it.

It is also because of this mysterious power possessed by Empress Loulan that she can always protect the ancient kingdom of Loulan for a long time. If Empress Loulan’s body is not pure.

Then this mysterious force will disappear.

The ancient kingdom of Loulan behind her will also sink into the sea of sand forever.


Great Qing, Qianqing Palace.


“Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang, I didn’t expect you to have today?”

Kangxi Emperor.

Yes, it was the Kangxi Emperor, you read that right. Of course.

Don’t get me wrong.

The so-called Kangxi Emperor is his own name for himself. Because he has always believed that he has the posture of an emperor for thousands of years. But look at him with an extremely ugly braid. The front forehead appears shiny and shiny.

He is slightly short in height and his face is covered with large and small hemp seeds. In fact, you can call him Kang Mazi.

This title is in line with his actual image. Now.

Kang Mazi excitedly walked back and forth in the Qianqing Palace.

Since he learned the news that Zhu Yuanzhang’s 800,000 troops had been killed. It would make him happy.

Last night was almost a sleepless night.

Know all these years.

Kang Mazi was repeatedly oppressed by the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. It was even more pressing, and he couldn’t lift his head.

If you say who hates Zhu Yuanzhang the most. That must be Kang Mazi.

“Come, pass on the will, and order the ego to prepare a generous gift, and he immediately went to Bactria to meet Emperor Yi of Xia.”

“Tell Emperor B of Xia that the Great Qing is willing to form a brotherly alliance with Bactria and send troops together to fight against Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.”

Kang Mazi was excited to give orders.

The so-called taking advantage of your illness to kill you.

At this moment, do not take the opportunity to fall into the well of Zhu Yuanzhang, this is not his Kang Mazi’s surname. Soon.

Suo Ertu entered the Qianqing Palace.

Kang Mazi explained to him.

Soetu immediately set off for Bactria with a heavy gift. With Soeto leaving.

Kang Mazi was extremely excited inside.

He was absolutely certain that Emperor Yi of Xia would ally with him. After all, Emperor Yi had just destroyed Zhu Yuanzhang’s 800,000 troops. He and the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang had almost become mortal enemies. Moreover, Bactria was the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms.

Although his Great Qing Dynasty ranked sixth, its national strength was also above that of Xia Shuai. Thinking that Emperor Yi would never reject his own sentence.


Kang Mazi thought it was very good.

But the results that awaited him made him regret it. And he got a bloody lesson.

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