Chapter 149 The seed buried in his heart finally blossoms and bears fruit!.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

A chessboard, black and white, clearly distinguished.

Nie Zheng was smiling, holding a black child between his fingers,


A “pop” landed on the chessboard.

In contrast, Zhu Di’s eyebrows were locked, and he looked at the chessboard in front of him and fell into contemplation, as if he was thinking about the way to break the game. However, if you look closely, you will find out.

Zhu Di seems to be focusing on the chessboard game. But his gaze was slightly dazed.

Obviously, the heart is not here, but worried about the bet between the two. A month’s time.

Nie Zheng took Zhu Di to play in the palace for a month. Sing night and night, buy drunk day and day.

The cycle repeats itself, raise a glass to drink. Anyway how happy how to come.

Nie Zheng took Zhu Di with him all kinds of eating, drinking and having fun.

More led Zhu Di to visit his wine pond meat forest, tiger and leopard room….. And the punishment of the cannon and the pot.

Anyway, this month’s time Nie Zheng was not idle. Enjoy Zhu Di to enjoy the Bactrian Palace.

It also made Zhu Di secretly lament the extravagance and cruelty of this big summer. But in the meantime.

Nie Zheng properly arranged Zhu Di’s wife, children, old and young.

It is also a reward for many rare and exotic treasures, such as silk and silk, gold and silver treasures. This also made Zhu Di slightly moved.

This is not.

A month flew by. Today Nie Zheng summoned Zhu Di to play against him.

The two men set up positions on the chessboard and fought fiercely together. Play chess?

Nie Zheng would only understand a little. In contrast, Zhu Diwen Wushuangquan.

The attainment of chess skills can be much higher than Nie Zheng’s. As the saying goes, there is a good saying.

Checkerboards are like standing fields.

Zhu Di pressed forward step by step at the beginning. It can really be said that Nie Zheng threw away his armor and abandoned his armor. But over time.

Nie Zheng’s chess turmoil was tricky, and he gradually moved back to the disadvantage and began to counterattack Zhu Di. Zhu Di was gradually defeated, and he was already about to lose this game.

You see.

Zhu Di held the white son in his hand for a long time. Then he laughed bitterly and gave up and conceded defeat.

“Emperor Yi, I lost.”

Zhu Di sighed.

“Brother Zhu Di, do you know why you lost?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

“Absent-mindedness, its ability not to lose!”

Zhu Di smiled bitterly and shook his head.

For Zhu Di’s answer.

Nie Zhenghao 740 like is not satisfied.

“Brother, in fact, you have not lost, and there is still hope that you will win against defeat.”

Nie Zheng said softly.

“Losing is losing, full of dead children, there is no way to live, this is already a dead end, where is the possibility of turning defeat into victory?”

Zhu Di looked puzzled.

His chess skills are extremely high, absolutely above Emperor Yi.

If he can turn defeat into victory, how can he not see it? At this moment, he had obviously lost, and there was absolutely no possibility of winning Emperor Yi again.

“Brother, if you come to the next son for you, you can revitalize this game, can you trust?”

Nie Zheng smiled meaningfully.


“You have such a wonderful son?”

Zhu Di was surprised.

“Brother, please see.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.

But what happened the next moment. Completely made Zhu Di sluggish on the spot.


Nie Zheng flipped the entire chessboard with one hand. Black and white were all scattered on the ground.

The overturned chessboard also shattered in half.

“Brother, how do you see this son?”

“Did you turn defeat into victory?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.


Zhu Di was stupid.

Killing him did not expect that Emperor Yi would do such a detrimental thing.

“Man, sometimes the mind is frozen in the category of what you know.”

“Since it’s already a dead end, why can’t we break the rules and flip the chessboard?”

Nie Zhengyi pointed out.

Zhu Di was silent.

He suddenly found that what he knew about Emperor Yi was only the tip of the iceberg. This guy never plays by the rules.

And there are no taboos in doing things.

Zhu Di was secretly shocked in his heart.

He suddenly realized that Emperor Yi was a very terrible person. And!

Compared with his own father Zhu Yuanzhang, it seems to be much more terrifying. When this fanciful idea popped up.

Even Zhu Di himself was shocked.

Hurry up and let go of this strange thought in your mind.

“Your Majesty, Guo Jia has returned from his mission to Daming and is now asking to see you outside the palace.”


Only to see Zhao Gao quickly enter Weiyang Palace to report to Nie Zhengyu. But it is also Zhao Gao’s words.

Zhu Di’s eyes shook suddenly.

The body began to stiffen up a little.

There was also a distinct look of nervousness in his eyes. Because he knows.

He had waited a month for the answer he wanted to finally appear.

“See you at Xuanguo Jia.”

Nie Zheng sketched a playful taste at the corner of his mouth and sat back on the throne. Zhu Di’s face was slightly pale and he stood aside.

Under the seemingly calm appearance, in fact, the heart has been nervous to the extreme. Soon.

Guo Jia walked quickly into Weiyang Palace.

“Minister Guo Jia, long live my emperor.”

Guo Jia knelt down and prostrated his head.

“Guo Qing’s family is flat.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

Guo Jia hurriedly got up.

Then he bowed down to Nie Zheng and said, “The subject has fulfilled His Majesty’s mission and returned from the mission of Daming, and Emperor Ming personally wrote a letter to repair the book, and also invited His Majesty to read it.” ”

Guo Jia took out the letter of Emperor Ming from his arms and presented it to Zhao Gao with his hands raised above the top.

Zhao Gao then sent Zhu Yuanzhang’s autograph to Nie Zheng. Although this scene is only a brief ten breaths.

But Zhu Di’s eyes have been focused on his father’s handwritten handwriting, and his eyes have not moved away in the slightest. His fists were clenched slightly.

The look in his eyes revealed a hope that had never been seen before.

Even this hopeful glare was trembling slightly. A city!


Just a city.

Emperor Yi used a country to make a bet with me. Just one city.

Zhu Di’s heart was trembling and roaring. He wasn’t afraid to die.

What he feared was his disappointment and heartbreak.

He was afraid that his father Zhu Yuanzhang would completely abandon him.

Zhu Di stared dead at the letter in Nie Zheng’s hand. Even more watched Nie Zheng open his father’s letter very casually. One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Four breaths.


Zhu Di didn’t know how long it had been. It could be dozens of breaths of effort. It could also be the time of a cup of tea.

However, in the short period of time that Nie Zhengguan read the letters, Zhu Di experienced the feeling of living like a year. He was carefully observing the expression on Emperor Yi’s face.

Even a smile, or a little anger, or some disappointment.

Even a tiny movement could cause violent fluctuations in Zhu Di’s heart. But Zhu Di was disappointed.

The expression on Emperor Yi’s face was very calm. Calm without a hint of waves.

In particular, a pair of eyes are as deep and waveless as an ancient pond.

At all, Zhu Di couldn’t see Emperor Yi’s inner activity. Finally.

In the endless torment, Zhu Di saw Emperor Yi put down the letter. Apparently.

The contents of the letter had already been read by Emperor Yi.

“Emperor Ming is Emperor Ming, and he really didn’t disappoint him.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

But it was also the smile on his face, and the words that came out of his mouth, that immediately made Zhu Di stiffen in place like a clay sculpture.

His face turned even whiter.

Because an extreme uneasiness and despair had filled his heart.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, don’t you want to see with your own eyes what is written on Emperor Ming’s letters?”

Nie Zheng smiled and spoke.

He casually handed Zhu Di the letter of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Di!

His hands trembled in his hands.

Although it is only a light letter.

But Zhu Di felt that this piece of paper was as heavy as a mountain, and he was even more overwhelmed. Call!

Zhu Di took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath. He calmed himself down quickly.

Finally, he focused his attention on the letters of his father Zhu Yuanzhang. A piece of stationery.

Only a few hundred words.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s writing is not good. The font is crooked and crooked.

But the iron-blooded instrument that spilled between the lines jumped on the paper. Just a glance.

Zhu Di was convinced.

This is indeed written by his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

Because no one in the world can imitate Zhu Yuanzhang’s handwriting. But when Zhu Di began to read the contents of the letter line by line. Zhu Di’s gaze began to freeze continuously.

Breathing began to heavily.

Even the hands holding the letter were trembling uncontrollably.

In particular, the color of hope in his eyes was constantly fading. Long.

Zhu Di watched for an hour.

He held the letter of his father Zhu Yuanzhang in his hand without saying a word. It was as if the whole person had lost his soul.

A breath of sorrow was spilling out of his body.

Nie Zheng looked at Zhu Di calmly.

Even if an hour has passed, there is no disturbance. Because Nie Zheng clearly heard Zhu Di’s heartbreaking voice. This hour seems to be a bit long.

But Nie Zheng knew.

Zhu Di’s heart was shattering little by little until it completely disappeared. Nie Zheng was a man who never lacked patience.

Step by step, he led Zhu Di into the abyss. A seed was planted in his heart. And this seed will also blossom and bear fruit today.

A tear.

A tear with blood.

It slowly flowed out of Zhu Di’s eye socket. Across his cheek.

The light drip fell to the ground. It was a tear of blood.

It is also a tear after a broken heart. The letter in his hand seemed too heavy. The heavy one he could no longer hold in his hand. As the letter in his hand fell off.

This letter, which carries Zhu Di’s lifelong hopes, flutters in the air lightly, and then falls at his feet There is a word called Seven Tips Bloodshed.

Very commonly used.

But who has ever really seen the Seven Tricks of Blood? But you see.

Zhu Di’s seven tricks were bleeding.





Blood slowly spilled from his seven senses. But Zhu Di was completely undecided.

But Zhao Gao and Guo Jia were shocked to see this scene. At the same time, there was a look of horror in his eyes.

It is said that when a person is in extreme pain, his heart will break. But at this moment, Zhu Di.

Not only is the heart broken.

It caused him to bleed in the seven senses.

This is a manifestation of being hurt to the extreme.


Zhu Di roared at the sky.

Its mournful voice reverberated with the rumble of the entire Weiyang Palace. He fell to the ground with a thud.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth. The whole person did not move at all.

Just sitting on the ground like this, his clothes were stained with blood. Nie Zheng!

He strolled over to Zhu Di. His eyes are deep and calm.

He stared at Zhu Di silently for a long time. Finally.

Nie Zheng picked up a piece of white silk.

Gently wipe the blood flowing from the Seven Tips for Zhu Di.

“Heaven and earth are chessboards, and sentient beings are chess pieces.”

“Just like the chess game you and I just played, although you seem to have lost, you still have the hope of turning defeat into victory.”

“Lift the chessboard inherent in your heart, and you will see a new world.”

Like a demon whispering.

It was as if the devil was groaning.

Nie Zheng’s voice was not loud.

“But it reveals a mysterious power that demagoges people’s minds.”

Zhu Di!

His gaze gradually focused.

The eyes that had been desperate and sad turned into a trace of fierceness.

An unimaginable extreme of hostility grew in him. This moment.

Zhu Di changed.

His whole being underwent an extremely terrible transformation. Especially the look in his eyes.

A faint hint of cold and merciless light appeared. He seems to have changed into a person.

It became terrible even to himself.

Because at this moment, in his heart, he actually had an idea that he had never had before! Look at the transformation of Zhu Di in front of you.

Nie Zheng smiled happily.

He knew that the seed he had buried in Zhu Di’s heart had finally blossomed and borne fruit.

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