Chapter 150: Father and Son Reunite, Suspicion Rises!.

Once you wake up from a dream, you will be reborn as a human being.

Zhu Di took the silk pad handed by Nie Zheng.

Gently wipe the blood from his seven tricks.

In addition to the coldness, his eyes regained their previous wisdom and resourcefulness, and there was an indescribable sense of calmness.

Zhu Di really changed.

There is an unprecedented temperament on the body.

This is a kind of temperament similar to that of his father Zhu Yuanzhang’s iron-blooded heavenly son. Although it is only a glimmer.

But it really happened.

Or how to say that Zhu Di is a member of the old Zhu family.

He was born with Zhu Yuanzhang’s cold gene in his blood. At this moment the perfect metamorphosis came out.

Even in his heart, he no longer had any fear of Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang. When Zhu Di’s heart was broken, Zhu Yuanzhang was no longer his father.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang, the iron-blooded son of Daming, and he Zhu Di was only a courtier, never his son.

“Emperor Xia, thank you.”

Zhu Di bowed down to Nie Zheng. The whole person behaved without shock. He was sincerely thanking Nie Zheng. Although he has realized everything.

It was Emperor Yi who led him into the dark abyss step by step. But Zhu Di did not have any resentment.

Instead, I felt gratitude. When everything is clear.

He also found the answer in his lifetime.

He completed his transformation and made his place clear.

At this moment, the body and mind have been liberated, and they have seen a new world. Just like Emperor Yi said.

Since it is already a dead end, then flip the chessboard.

“Brother Zhu Di will wake up.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly and patted Zhu Di’s shoulder to show relief.

“Born like an ant, when the ambition of the mighty crane, the fate is as thin as paper, there should be an unyielding heart, I Zhu Di was born between heaven and earth, how can I live under people for a long time?”

Zhu Di smiled too.

“Well said.”

“Brother Zhu Di, when are you going to leave for Daming?”

Nie Zheng asked with a smile.

“Now, that’s it!”

Zhu Di responded softly, and then suddenly knelt down on the ground with a solemn and serious face: “Zhu Di has been awakened by Emperor Mengxia today, and this grace is remembered in his heart.” ”

“If he can ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future, he will never dare to forget the grace of the Summer Emperor.”

After Zhu Di said this, he knocked three heads in a row.

“King Yan doesn’t need to be polite, wait for the day when you ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan.”

Nie Zheng lifted Zhu Di up.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and everything was in silence. The next thing is simple.

The two chatted about something very important.

From time to time, laughter never came from the Yang Palace.

No one knew what Emperor Yi of Xia and Zhu Di had talked about. Only the moment when Zhu Di walked out of Weiyang Palace.

The fire of fiery ambition was already burning in his eyes.

This is the fire of ambition is his yearning for the imperial power of Daming. It was something he was determined to accomplish.


When Zhu Di’s heart was broken, his yearning for the imperial power of Daming became the only driving force for him to live. Zhu Di came out of Weiyang Palace.

Soon he left the capital of Bactria with his family. Billowing dust and smoke rose in the dirt tunnel.

The carriage carrying Zhu Di returned to Daming.

Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng was laughing.

And laughed very happily.

He did not let Zhu Di create a rebellion against his father Zhu Yuanzhang. But Nie Zheng knew.

Zhu Di will definitely do this.

Because of Zhu Di’s metamorphosis, he had already eliminated all the fear of Zhu Yuanzhang. No.

It’s not a fear.

Instead, when Zhu Yuanzhang personally cut off his father-son relationship with Zhu Di.

Zhu Di realized that he was in awe of his father and emperor all his life, and he did not treat himself as a son at all. Although all this is caused by Nie Zheng’s guidance.

But its root cause is still in the body of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Nie Zheng just broke this layer of window paper.

“Your Majesty, Zhu Di has returned to Daming this time, and if he can really succeed in seizing the throne in the future, even if His Majesty has the grace of not killing him today, according to Zhu Di’s surname, he will still be an enemy of my Great Xia!”

Zhao Gao said with a puzzled face.

“Take the throne?”

Nie Zheng chuckled softly.

He looked in the direction where Daming was located, and a pair of eyes were unusually deep: “Zhao Gao, you must remember that as long as Zhu Yuanzhang does not die, Zhu Di will not be able to succeed in seizing the throne.” ”

“When he was released back to Daming, he only inserted a knife in the heart of Emperor Ming, and this sword will one day shine brightly.”

In fact.

In Nie Zheng’s heart.

Although Zhu Di’s transformation was successful.

But in Nie Zheng’s view, Zhu Di was still not the opponent of his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Di wanted to succeed in seizing the throne while Zhu Yuanzhang was alive, and the probability was almost equal to zero. Of course.

Nie Zheng had done so much, not in vain. Zhu Di was not his father’s opponent.

But this does not mean that he is not an opponent of the Ming Emperor.

Now Zhu Di’s sword was already inserted into Emperor Ming’s heart.

One day Nie Zheng will personally pull it out.

By then…

The corners of Nie Zheng’s mouth outlined a strange smile.

The other side.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s dragon case placed a map of the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms. Zhu Yuanzhang held a Zhu pen and sketched on the map.

Liu Bowen accompanied the driver.

His hair was gray and his eyes shone with wisdom. Xu Da looked sad but also accompanied Zhu Yuanzhang.

Ever since Xu Da learned that Zhu Yuanzhang had refused Emperor Xia’s request despite Zhu Di’s surname. These days, Xu Da is very uncomfortable in his heart.

Anyway, his eldest daughter married Zhu Di. Zhu Di is dead.

Then his daughter would never survive. Do you think Xu Da’s mood can be good?

“On the throne, the Qing Emperor Kangxi must have sent envoys to Bactria at this moment, and you must also make preparations early.”

How can it be said that Liu Bowen claims to be a clever plan?

Just by relying on his wisdom, it was calculated what Kang Mazi was going to do. At this moment, he even spoke out to remind Zhu Yuanzhang.

“A little Kang Mazi, he also deserves to be called emperor?”

“If he dares to make a slight difference, we will let him know that it hurts.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang sneered.

If in his eyes, who disgusted him the most. That must be Kang Mazi no doubt.

If not for the containment of several other countries.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty had already done the work of destroying the Qing. Where can you still live to this day? However, after Liu Bowen’s reminder.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s brow was also a wrinkle.

If Kang Mazi and Na Di Yi Xiao Doll join forces. It does give him some headaches.

“The upper position… Upper…… King Yan, His Highness the King of Yan has returned. ”


Only to see a Jinyi guard excitedly break into the Fengtian Temple. Even the gift to Zhu Yuanzhang had been forgotten.

Hurry up and tell Zhu Yuanzhang this great good news.


“Our Emperor Zhu Di is back?”

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked.

I couldn’t believe my ears.

He had thought that if he rejected Emperor Yi, Zhu Di would undoubtedly die. But he didn’t expect Zhu Di to come back alive.

“Lord, this matter is indeed true, at this moment, His Highness the King of Yan is waiting for your summons outside the palace.”

Jinyi Wei hurried to report.

“Quick, let us come in quickly.”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was overjoyed, and he hurried down the hall. Even more back and forth in the Fengtian Temple.

“0 ask for flowers… .... Don’t say that Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely surprised.

Xu Da on the side was also excited. He hadn’t thought of it at all.

His son-in-law did not die, and returned to Daming with his daughter. Soon.

Zhu Di, the King of Yan, took Princess Yan and strode into the Fengtian Temple.

“Sons and daughters Zhu Di, meet your father.”

Zhu Di knelt down on the ground and was about to kowtow to Old Father Zhu Yuanzhang.

“The emperor is going to hurry up.”

But not waiting for Zhu Di to kowtow.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and helped Zhu Di and his wife up. But when he saw Zhu Di’s eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang winced slightly.

Don’t know why.

He suddenly felt that Zhu Di seemed to have changed somewhat.

But where exactly changed, Zhu Yuanzhang did not find it for a while. Although Zhu Di’s eyes were rosy, his expression was very excited.

But Zhu Yuanzhang always had an uncomfortable feeling.

“Father Emperor, the Emperor misses you.”

Zhu Di’s eyes were rosy, more water mist rose, and his words were trembling slightly.

“My daughter has seen Daddy.”

Princess Yan also came to Xu Da crying.

Xu Da burst into tears and kept saying words to comfort his daughter. All of a sudden.

The Fengtian Hall is full of warmth.

However, Liu Bowen on the side frowned slightly.

A pair of eyes full of wisdom have been falling on Zhu Di’s body.

“Emperor, didn’t Emperor Yi kill you?”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di doubtfully. Zhu Di’s heart fluttered.

Hurry up and give the prepared reasons.

Probably this means that Emperor Yi did not want to form a mortal vendetta with Zhu Yuanzhang. And killing yourself will only exacerbate the hatred between the two countries.

Then he let himself go back to Daming. Zhu Di didn’t say much.

Because the more you say, the more you explain, the more suspicious it will be. This is also where Zhu Di is clever.


What a figure Zhu Yuanzhang is.

Although he did not doubt Zhu Di’s reasoning.

But Zhu Yuanzhang trusted his instincts very much.

He could feel a change in his own son in front of him that he did not know. However, Zhu Yuanzhang could only suppress this doubt.

With a kind face, he pulled Zhu Di and nagged the parents.

However, he did not mention anything about disregarding Zhu Di’s surname.

“Let’s just say that Emperor Zhu Di is blessed with a great life, and this is up to us.”

Zhu Yuanzhang sat happily on the dragon chair.

And Zhu Di stood in His Highness, his face full of awe and admiration.

“Father Emperor, one stop in Bactria and his sons and daughters were guilty, not only was Blue Jade dead, but 800,000 soldiers and horses were completely destroyed, and the sons and daughters were captured alive, and they also asked the Father Emperor to lower his guilt and punishment.”

Zhu Di was ashamed to plead guilty.

“Forget it, I don’t blame you for this, if you want to blame it, blame our hearts for being too eager, and the emperor can come back safely.”

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed.

“Thank you Father for the grace of no punishment.”

Zhu Di knelt down and prostrated his head, but there was a cold color under his eyes.

“On the throne, His Highness the King of Yan is in a boat, so it is better to let him return to his house early to rest, and then wait for His Highness to cultivate his body tomorrow and then reunite with the upper seat.”

Liu Bowen said at the right time.

“Right, right, Emperor, you should go back to the palace to rest first, and tomorrow we will feast on the courtiers, and we will also be counted as picking up the wind and washing the dust for you.”

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand.

“The emperor retreated.”

Zhu Di prostrated his head again.

Only then did he get up and take Princess Yan out of the Fengtian Palace. But it was also with Zhu Di leaving.

The smile on Zhu Yuanzhang’s face disappeared.

Looking at the back of Zhu Di’s departure, there was a hint of thought in his eyes.

“On the throne, His Highness the King of Yan has a problem.”


Liu Bowen spoke.

And a word said to Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart.

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