Chapter 152 was still stunned about what to do, and pulled out to cut it.


Dragon Temple.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu stood on either side of His Highness.

All kinds of noise and discussion are constantly coming. Yesterday they heard that the envoys of the Qing Dynasty were visiting.

They will make a pilgrimage to see their great summer this morning. This also made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu feel extremely excited.

The face of each minister showed pride. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

The Qing Emperor Kangxi sent envoys to visit Bactria and brought with him all kinds of rare treasures. Obviously, he wanted to ally with Bactria and fight against Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty.

Bactria had been weak for too long.

It is the bottom of the Seven Kingdoms.

Now the Qing Emperor Kangxi threw an olive branch and intended to make friends with Bactria. This naturally made them feel very honored as courtiers.

You see.

The Manchu Dynasty was full of martial spirit.

Even the imperial dress he was wearing was extremely new.

In order to make the envoys of the Great Qing Dynasty feel the majesty of Bactria at the time of this morning. Don’t say that the crowd is extremely excited.

Even Lu Yan, who was sitting behind the beaded curtain, was smiling. Since Emperor Yi unified Bactria into one.

In one fell swoop, he annihilated 800,000 soldiers and horses of Daming. The prestige of Bactria does not say that it is mighty to shock the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms. But it is definitely not as weak and deceitful as it once was. Now even the Qing Emperor sent envoys to show goodwill to Bactria. What does this mean?

It shows that Bactria is rising.

Even the Qing Emperor Kangxi attached great importance to it.

Otherwise, how could an envoy be sent to visit Bactria? Lü Yan was proud of Emperor Yi in his heart.

A heart really hangs on Emperor Yi’s body.

The only thing that made her a little sad was her identity as the empress. However, when Lü Yan recalled Emperor Yi’s promise.

She still smiled happily.


“Your Majesty has arrived.”

Just when the crowd was bustling with noise. The voice of the eunuch was coming.

Only to see Nie 20 stride into the Dragon De Hall. Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian followed.

As Nie Zheng sat on the dragon chair.

The courtiers hurriedly knelt down on the ground, and the sound of long live the mountain was shouted in their mouths. Just listen.

The sound of the Qunchen Mountain was unusually loud.

It was as if he intended to let the Qing envoy Suo Ertu outside the palace feel the majesty of Xia Shuai. It was just that Manchu Wenwu did not find out.

Wei Zhongxian and Zhao Gao’s faces were a little strange.

Looking at the eyes of the Qunchen with a hint of helplessness.

“Xuan, the envoy of the Great Qing Dynasty, Suo Eitu to see you.”

Zhao Gao took a step forward, and his voice reverberated endlessly in the Dragon De Hall. Soon.

I saw a fifty-year-old man with a whip, dressed in the Great Qing Pavilion uniform, and quickly entered the Longde Hall.

“For the envoy of the Great Qing Dynasty, see His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”


Although Suo Ertu was more than half a hundred years old, he was full of red light and spirit. He bowed down to Nie Zheng on the throne.

The smile on his face is not humble, and it is indeed a bit of a big country style. Now.

Manchu Wenwu was also full of smiles.

More courtiers kindly nodded their heads to Suo Ertu. This also made Soetu’s eyes light up.

It seems that there will be no suspense about the alliance between the two countries this time. Pity.

What happens in the next moment. Completely let Soetu stagnate in place. No!

It’s not just the Soetogram.

The courtiers of the Great Xia Dynasty and Lü Yan behind the beaded curtain all became stunned and silent, and even the smile on his face froze together.

“Be bold!”

“Little Qing envoy, why don’t you kneel when you see my emperor?”

Only to see Wei Zhongxian scream heavily, he directly attacked Suo Ertu. Silly!

Soeto was stupid.

Manchu Wenwu was stupid.

Even Lu Yan, who was listening to the government with his curtains down, was stupid.

Everyone’s eyes were shocked to Wei Zhongxian. There was an incredible look in his eyes.

Lose your marbles!

Wei Zhongxian was absolutely crazy.

He was an envoy sent by the Qing Emperor Kangxi to envoy to Bactria. Although there is a difference between a monarch and a courtier.

But people can only bow down to the Qing Emperor Kangxi, how can they kneel to the son of heaven of other countries?

You must know that the visit of an envoy of a country to another country can represent the face of that country. Soetomo bows down to the Great Summer Son.

Where did you put the face of the Qing Emperor? Quiet.

Be quiet!

Dead quiet.

This quiet atmosphere lasted for more than a dozen breaths. But Wei Zhongxian still glared at Suo Ertu.

It was as if he hadn’t noticed the horrified gaze of Manchu Wenwu and Lu Yan. In fact.

Wei Zhongxian was also aggrieved in his heart.

That’s not what I want to do.

It was the master who told him to do it. Otherwise give him a hundred guts.

He Wei Zhongxian didn’t dare to do such a crazy thing. At this time.

His Highness’s courtiers gradually returned to their senses.

Especially Cao Yi, Sima Yi, Zhao Kuangyin and others.

There was a look of surprise under their eyes, and then the smiles on their faces gradually closed. After all, none of them are stupid.

Wei Zhongxian suddenly attacked the Qing envoys.

If this was not the instruction of the Son of Heaven, how dare he? Stop.

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu is better than one.

When they found out that something didn’t seem right.

The Wen Wu Hundred Pavilions were silent, and the kind smile on their faces was disappearing. An extremely oppressive atmosphere is gradually growing.

But it was also this oppressive atmosphere. In an instant, Soeto woke up. But this old guy is not in danger. There was no fear on his face.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Nie Zheng on the throne: “I have always heard that Emperor Xia is majestic and strategic, but treating other envoys like this today is really uncivil, and it is even more disappointing to the old man.” ”

“Didn’t Emperor Xia know how his envoys could kneel before the Son of Heaven of other countries?”

“Or is it that Emperor Xia deliberately embarrassed the old man and wanted him to lose the face of His Majesty the Emperor Kangxi?”

Soeto talked nonchalantly, and there was no fear on his face.

Although he didn’t know why Big Summer was targeting him. But according to Soetu’s conjecture.

The Great Summer Boy may have wanted to give him a dismount and show his kingly majesty. However, in Soetu’s view, this big summer child is a bit naïve.

You must know that the national strength of the Great Qing Dynasty is above Xia Wei. This time he came at the behest of the Qing Emperor to show his friendship and alliance. This is already a well-known thing.

Emperor Xia’s practice was really difficult to climb the elegance. And the amount of gas is really too small.

How did such a king unify Bactria and annihilate 800,000 soldiers and horses of Daming? Now.

Soe’s forehead was dismissive.

Did the Qing Emperor suddenly think too much of this new Emperor of Bactria be valued?

I’m just afraid that Emperor Yi is just a waste of time, and it is not as powerful as the rumors.

“Bold, even a Qing Dynasty envoy, do you dare to speak wildly in front of my big summer?”


Zhao Gao also stood up and coldly rebuked Suo Etu. Get.

At this moment, even Zhao Gao stood up.

It is even more certain that Manchu Wenwu is that this is what Tianzi means.


Soeto laughed furiously.

He paid no attention to Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian at all. A pair of eyes looked directly at Nie Zheng on the throne, “The old man is not talented, in this life he only kneels before His Majesty the Emperor, and it is absolutely impossible to kneel before Emperor Xia.” ”

“The old man’s head is here, and if His Majesty the Summer Emperor wants it, take it, and the old man will never frown.”

“However, the old man wants to remind Emperor Xia that my Majesty the Qing Emperor is not a bully.”

Soeto’s righteousness is awe-inspiring.

Show a fearless posture. Even more I put my neck across.

That clearly meant to tell Nie Zheng. This trick of getting off the horse is too childish. The old man doesn’t eat your set at all.

Of course.

The posture of not being afraid of life and death shown by Soetu is not that he is really not afraid of death. Because he knew that it was impossible for Big Summer to kill him.

The so-called war between the two countries has not yet been cut off. Do you see that Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is cruel enough? Daming’s 800,000 soldiers and horses were completely destroyed.

Hum sent the beheaded blue jade to him.

His son Zhu Di was captured alive and used to blackmail him. But do you see that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang killed Guo Jia, an envoy of the Great Xia? A: No.


This is the fame of the Son of Heaven.

What do the sons of heaven of all countries pay the most attention to? That’s their own reputation.

That’s what they value the most.

Even the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was very concerned about his reputation, not to mention this new emperor of Bactria? So.

Soeto is sure.

Emperor Yi of Xia would not kill him at all. Just intimidating him.


Suo Ertu fully showed the fearless and fearless posture of the envoys of the Great Qing.

Even more proudly standing in the Dragon Virtue Hall, a pair of eyes looked around at the Great Xia Qunchen, and finally set his eyes on the body of the Great Summer Son.

According to the speculation of the soe-e-chart.

The next plot will be that Ōmatsuko praises him. Then he went along with the trend and bowed to the Summer Emperor.

He also presented the Qing Emperor’s handwritten letters, and then he sent a list of gifts. It shows that the Qing Emperor wanted to ally with Emperor Xia against the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s intentions.

Da Xia Zi must gladly accept it, and will entertain himself as an envoy of the Great Qing Dynasty with a royal banquet. After that, he could complete the task and go back to the Qing Emperor.

You see how smooth the plot is, don’t you? Pity.

I haven’t waited long for Soeto to be proud of himself.

What happened in the next moment completely confused him!

“Wei Zhongxian, pull him out and cut him down.”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

“The old slave obeys the order.”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes flashed a dark color.

Then Pi smiled and walked towards Suo Eitu without smiling. 313 did not wait for the envoy of the Great Qing Dynasty to return to his senses.

Wei Zhongxian grabbed him by the collar and dragged him directly outside the Long De Hall. Also at this moment.

Soeto suddenly woke up.

“Summer… Emperor Xia… You…… Do you really dare to kill me? ”

Soeto roared in horror.


Nie Zheng looked indifferent and didn’t bother to respond to this old guy at all. Seeing that he was about to be pulled out of the Dragon Temple.

Soeto was completely flustered.

Because he could fully feel the cold and indifferent eyes of the big summer. Isn’t the Emperor Xia joking?

Is he serious?

Is he really going to kill me?

Soeto was horrified.

The whole person trembled with fear.

I couldn’t believe that Emperor Yi of Xia had fainted so violently. Didn’t he know that by killing himself, the Qing Emperor would surely be furious? Isn’t Emperor Xia afraid of being laughed at by the sons of heaven of all countries?

Soeto was completely confused.

“Slowly, the old man is willing to kneel, the old man is willing to kneel….. His Majesty the Summer Emperor spared his life….. When Soeto discovers that the big summer boy is not scaring him. Soeto could no longer remain calm. ”

He hoarsely begged for forgiveness.

Where is the fearlessness of the past? Also because of this sentence of Soetu.

Wei Zhongxian’s footsteps stopped.

With a hesitant look on his face, he looked at Nie Zheng on the throne.

I don’t know if the master will spare the life of this Qing envoy. After all, if he really killed the envoys of the Great Qing.

Then this vendetta was tied up with the Qing Emperor Kangxi.

And how should the Son of Heaven of another country view his master? The reputation of killing other envoys is not good!

“Still stunned about what to do, pulled out and cut.”

See Wei Zhongxian stop.

Nie Zheng frowned and scolded in a cold voice.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wei Zhongxian was shocked.

Hurriedly dragged Soetu’s body out of the Dragon De Hall.

The envoy of the Great Qing Dynasty screamed in horror and begged for forgiveness, and his voice continued to enter the Longde Hall.

Manchu Wenwu was stunned and stunned, and the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes did not look like a madman, but also showed a look of extreme shock.

Not for a while.

Soeto’s terrified screams came to an abrupt end. Apparently.

This Qing envoy was really beheaded. What is dead at the moment cannot die again.


Wei Zhongxian returned to the Longde Hall.

There was also an extra head of a Qing envoy in his hand.

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