Chapter 153: Raising an Army to Cut Down? No, it is the destruction of the country!



Dead silence!

Manchu Wenwu died silent.

They looked sheepishly at Wei Zhongxian’s head.

Everyone’s face was very ugly, and they were looking at Nie Zheng with a look of doubt and shock. Son of Heaven crazy?

Or are they hallucinating? Don’t say that Manchu Wenwu is sluggish on the spot.

Even Cao Kuangyin and others were stunned. Give a dismount to no blame.

But Your Majesty, are you really killing?

Isn’t this tantamount to a station to the Qing Emperor Kangxi? Everyone was dumbfounded.

Including Lü Jie, who was hanging on to the curtain.

“Your Majesty, the old slave took out a letter from the Qing Emperor from Suo Ertu’s body and asked His Majesty to read it.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly presented the letter in his hand to Nie Zheng.

But what happened next once again left the group of ministers terrified and speechless. What is their majesty doing?

Only to see that Nie Zheng did not even read Kang Mazi’s autographed letters. Casually shredded the letter on the spot.

The broken pieces of paper spilled on the ground, which also declared Nie Zheng’s attitude.

“Ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone willing to send an envoy to the Qing Dynasty to deliver this old man’s head to Kang Mazi’s hands?”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

But also because of this sentence of his. In an instant, Manchu Wenwu woke up.

At the same time, a strange atmosphere is constantly growing. Manchu Wenwu looked at Nie Zheng with a speechless look in his eyes. It means as if to say: Your Majesty, can we stop making trouble? The two countries have not yet crossed the border.

The Qing Emperor sent envoys to visit our Great Xia, and if you say you cut it, you cut it. Yes.

If you cut it, cut it, and we, the ministers of culture and war, don’t dare to say anything.

But now you have asked us to go to the Qing Dynasty and return the head of Suo Etu to the Qing Emperor. Your Majesty, do you think anyone who became this envoy would come back?

Manchu Wenwu had a strange look.

No one dared to stand up as this envoy.

After all, no one in the Manchu Dynasty was a fool, and if he really became this envoy, he would absolutely die in the Qing Dynasty. See no one speaks.

Nie Zheng frowned.

But he thought about it too.

He directly slaughtered the Qing envoy Suo Ertu. How dare these courtiers volunteer to go to the Great Qing? This is basically no different from sending people to death.

Just when Manchu Wenwu was silent.

A strange figure appeared on His Highness.

And this person is not someone else.

It was Nie Zheng’s personal bodyguard Jing Ke.

“Your Majesty, Jing Ke is willing to go.”

Jing Ke bowed down to Nie Zheng.


See Jing Ke volunteer.

Nie Zheng nodded happily. Think about it too.

Of the candidates for the Great Qing, only Jing Ke was the most suitable.

“Jing Ke, tell Na Kang Mazi that although Emperor Ming is an enemy and not a friend of Yuan, such a waste as Kang Mazi is not worthy of an alliance with him.”

Nie Zheng was blunt.

But that’s what he said.

It made Manchu Wenwu even more pale. O Your Majesty.

If you slaughter the Qing envoy Suo Etu, it doesn’t matter.

But now you still have a kang mazi, and the waste is screaming. Aren’t you looking for fault?

What the hell do you want to do?

This moment.

A great uneasiness arose in the hearts of Manchu Dynasty Wenwu.

Yin Yin sensed that their majesty was looking for trouble for Emperor Kangxi. No!

Not hidden.

Instead, it is indeed to find trouble for Emperor Kangxi again. This also made the Qunchen feel terrified in their hearts.

They couldn’t understand why His Majesty was doing this. Originally, Bactria had already made a vendetta against Daming.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty set his sights on Bactria even more.

Now that the Qing Emperor has sent envoys to show friendship and alliance, not only do you not accept it, but instead slaughter the envoys of the Qing Dynasty, and once again give yourself a strong enemy.

Are you really fainting, Your Majesty, or have you gone mad? Manchu Wenwu was speechless.

However, Jing Ke looked as usual.

Directly pick up the head of Soetu and strode away from the Dragon Temple. Obviously, it was to carry out the will given by Nie Zheng.

With Jing Ke leaving.

Cao Xian and Zhao Kuangyin couldn’t sit still. Both men stood up almost at the same time.

“Your Majesty…”


Before the two of them could speak. Nie Zheng directly waved his hand to interrupt.

“I know what the secretaries of state are trying to say.”

“However, I just want to tell you one word, that Shuo has already decided to send troops to cut down the Qing Dynasty and destroy the country.”


Like nine days of thunder and thunder descending into the world.

It was like the waves of the Han Sea.

When Nie Zheng’s words came into his ears.

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu brain melon seeds buzzing.

A large number of Wenchen bodies stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Silly!

Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu was all stupid.

Even Cao Kuangyin and Lü Yan were stupid. Everyone’s eyes were trembling as they looked at Nie Zheng. I couldn’t believe my ears.

Sending troops to cut it down?

Doing the destruction of the country?


The next moment.

A terrifying outcry came from the mouths of the courtiers. They really can’t sit still.

I was completely frightened by Tianzi’s remarks.

“Your Majesty think twice.”

“Your Majesty has seen that Emperor Ming hates me to the bone, how can he send troops to clear it up now?”

“Your Majesty must not do it, the national strength of the Great Qing Dynasty is above my Great Xia, and it is absolutely impossible to do this.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to take back his order, and if I cut down the summer in the Great Xia, it does not mean whether the emperor will take advantage of the situation to attack Xia, but I am afraid that it will cause chaos in the Seven Kingdoms to fight.”


The courtiers stood up one after another and begged Nie Zheng to withdraw his will. Everyone’s face was pale and anxious.

Even Cao Wei and Zhao Kuangyin stood up to dissuade them. It’s too dangerous.

It is more likely to lead to the disaster of national subjugation.

“Your secretaries of state do not need to be persuaded any longer, they have already made up their minds, and after a month, they will raise troops to clear them up.”

In the face of the dissuasion of the courtiers, Nie Zheng was indifferent.

The things he decided were something that no one could change. Moreover.

In Nie Zheng’s view.

Sooner or later, the Seven Kingdoms War will begin. Since it is going to be turned on.

Then let him, the big summer, do it first.

And the first goal is naturally Kang Mazi no doubt.

“Retreat from the DPRK.”

With a wave of his hand, Nie Zheng strode away from the Dragon De Hall.

Lü Yan’s brow tightened inside the beaded curtain, and he quickly followed Nie Zheng out of the Dragon De Hall.


Dragon Dragon Inside.

“Emperor Yi, do you really want to send troops to cut down the Qing?”

The expression on Lu Yan’s face was very serious.

A pair of beautiful eyes are full of solemn colors. Know that Bactria is one.

But he is still the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms.

If only it were a huge national station.

Bactria is very likely to bring about the disaster of national subjugation. How does this not make Lu Yan frightened?

“You are wrong, it is not to send troops to cut down the country, but to destroy the country.”

Looking at Lu Yan’s anxious expression, Nie Zheng smiled slightly.


Lu Yan’s face changed suddenly.

“Okay, you can rest assured for the time being when your empress dowager is that your heart has been decided, and you should know that you can’t persuade you to die.”

Nie Zheng pinched Lü Yan’s nose and smiled. Lu Yan’s face was slightly red.

Hurry up and block Nie Zheng’s unreasonable move. Then he turned around and said in a low voice, “Emperor Yi, you really want to think about it, this is a national station, and it will move your whole body with one hair.” ”

“It’s not that the palace doesn’t believe you, but once you send troops to cut down the Qing, the palace is only afraid that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang will take advantage of the situation to attack Xia.”

“At that time, my summer will really be in danger of destroying the country.”

For Lu Yan’s concerns.

Nie Zheng saw it all in his eyes.

However, he smiled confidently and said with an unusually deep gaze: “You can rest assured, the Great Qing will perish, and you will have your own decision in your heart1.”

In fact.

Nie Zheng didn’t say something to Lü Jie.

The Seven Kingdoms divided the Nine Weeks Great World, which seemed chaotic.

The sons of heaven of all countries have the ambition to unify the world, and they want to become the emperor of the ages. He himself became a mortal enemy with the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

That Zhu Yuanzhang hated himself even more to the bone. As is normal.

Raise all the troops of the whole country to cut them down, and do what destroys the country. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was bound to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Bactria. This is definitely a heavenly opportunity for Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. Everyone thought that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang would do this.


Nie Zheng knew clearly that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang would never send troops to attack Bactria. Because he knew Zhu Yuanzhang too well.

Who is Zhu Yuanzhang?

Although he is known as the Iron-Blooded and Heartless Son of the World.

But the world only saw his cruel side. But many people absolutely do not know.

Zhu Yuanzhang has another side.

He is a man of great righteousness. He is also an extremely proud son of heaven. That Qing Emperor Kangxi was no more than a barbarian.

Zhu Yuanzhang had long wanted to destroy his country and his species. If it were not for the seven countries, each of them would be contained.

Will the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang remain in the Qing Dynasty until now? And.

Kang Mazi sent envoys to ally with him and wanted to fight together against the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. But he directly refused, and cut off the heads of the Qing envoys.

It is all the more necessary to raise the strength of the whole country to wipe out the country. As long as Zhu Yuanzhang is a proud person.

If he is a man of great righteousness, he will never fall into a well and attack Bactria. Because he couldn’t afford to lose this man.

And I will never allow myself to do this. Not just Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

According to Nie Zheng’s conjecture.

This is true of the other four countries.

The Heavenly Sons of all countries have always regarded the Great Qing as a barbarian.

The pigtail emperor Kang Mazi even issued a will in the Qing Dynasty, shouting the slogan of leaving the head without hair, and leaving the hair without the head.

This also made the people in the territory of the Qing Dynasty comb their ugly braided heads. The sons of heaven of all countries have long been unpleasant.

It is only mutual scruples between them that they have always allowed the Great Qing to survive to this day. But he Nie Zheng did not have this scruple.

Never mind what the other Five Kingdoms think. He was about to raise an army to destroy the Great Qing. Nie Zheng also believed very much.

Don’t say that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang will not send troops to attack Bactria. The other four won’t do that.

Don’t say anyone else.

It was only the Qin Emperor who was blinding the world, and Nie Zheng was sure that he would never take advantage of the emptiness of his national strength to attack Bactria As for the Tang Emperor Li Shimin and the Sui Emperor Yang Jian, although they were not as good as the Qin Emperor, they would also choose to be on the sidelines in this matter.

To put it in the most accessible terms.

The Six Kingdoms are like brothers, in order to compete for the position of the head of the family, the family can fight any way, and even brothers cannibalize.

However, for such a foreign barbarian as Kang Mazi, the Six Kingdoms were very disgusted, and they were even more unanimous to the outside world. Nie Zheng believed in one thing very much.

When he raised all the troops of the whole country to destroy the Qing. The other five countries would never send troops to attack Xia. Moreover.

Nie Zheng vaguely speculated.

I was afraid that once I really raised an army to attack the Qing.

Instead, the other five countries will send troops to help each other and destroy the Great Qing together. Nie Zheng trusted his own judgment very much.

Because he was convinced that in the blood of the other five heavenly sons of heaven, the purest blood flowed like him. It is also because of this bloodline.

Nie Zhengcai decided to raise an army to cut it down.

“‘Lü Yan, you see, the Great Qing Dynasty is not far from the fall of the country.’

Nie Zheng muttered, and a touch of cruelty crossed his eyes.

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