Chapter 154 begins the war of annihilation!.

Great Qing, Qianqing Palace.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu stood on both sides.

From time to time, courtiers gave state affairs to the Qing Emperor Kangxi. Kang Mazi sat on the dragon chair and listened quietly.

But his eyes were a little drifting.

Obviously, the mind is not on these governments. According to his calculations.

Soeto should be back with good news, right? After all, Emperor Xia had already made a mortal enemy of Emperor Ming.

At this moment, he sent envoys to visit Bactria himself, and as long as Emperor Xia was not a fool, he would definitely choose to ally with him. When the two countries’ forces were in one place, he would no longer have to fear Zhu Yuanzhang.

Come to think of it.

The smile on Kangmazi’s face grew stronger. Pity.

Kang Mazi did not wait for Soeto to return. Instead, he waited for Jing Ke, the messenger of the Great Xia. Bang!


A muffled sound was heard, interrupting the opening of His Highness’s Qing Dynasty courtiers.

Only to see a round head smash down on Kang Mazi’s dragon case. This skull is none other than Soeto.

Dead eyes!

A terrified expression.

When this scene falls into Kang Mazi’s eyes. Suddenly startled, he sat up from the dragon chair.

Have to say.

Although Kang Mazi was shocked by this sudden scene. But he quickly calmed down.

It’s just that his face is extremely blue, and the color of uncertainty is crossed under his eyes.


Such a terrifying scene immediately caused the exclamation of the group of courtiers.

A large number of guards instantly poured into the Qianqing Palace, protecting Kang Mazi in the middle with great speed. Stop.

Daqing also has extremely powerful martial arts masters.

A dozen men dressed in black quietly appeared beside Kang Mazi.

Just by the fierce aura emanating from their bodies, they knew that their martial arts cultivation was all the realm of the masters. And two of them are martial arts masters.


These martial arts strongmen are all dark guards who protect Yasumako.

“470 friends of the other side dare to come to my great Qingqing.”

There was a martial arts master who said that he was looking around the entire Qianqing Palace, obviously trying to find out the people in secret. Pity.

Jing Ke is known as the world’s most absolute assassin. For the art of concealment, it can be said to be the pinnacle. It’s just too hard to find him. But.

Jing Ke still appeared.


Jing Ke appeared strangely at His Highness.

This also immediately frightened the Qing Dynasty and retreated in shock.

“Who are you?”

Kang Mazi’s face was iron blue, and his eyes looked at Jing Ke coldly.

“Bactrian envoy Jing Ke.”

Jing Ke stood with his hands in his hands, and did not have any fear in the face of the siege of many martial arts strongmen. Instead, a pair of cold and indifferent eyes fell on Kang Mazi’s body.

He was measuring his distance from Yasumiko.

He was also calculating how much chance he had of killing Yasumiko. Just for a moment.

Jing Ke then dismissed the idea of killing Kang Mazi.

Because he found that there were several martial arts masters hiding in the shadows. Even more locked the gas machine on him.

Unless within three steps, he was sure to kill Kang Mazi. Otherwise, it would not be close to Kang Mazi’s body at all.

If you forcibly assassinate him, the chance of success is as low as 10%.

“Bactrian messenger?”

Kang Mazi’s face was stunned!

He looked at His Highness’s Jing Ke, and then at Soetu’s skull. A glint of disbelief crossed his eyes.

Soeto is dead?

Bactrian messenger?

Emperor Xia killed?

In just a moment, Kang Mazi cleared his mind. But it made him feel unbelievable.

Because in Kangmazi’s view.

Emperor Yi of Xia would never reject his alliance. Take a step back.

Even if Emperor Xia Yi refused. But why did he kill Soetu?

Didn’t he know that by doing so, he was proclaiming himself a position? Emperor Xia had already made a vendetta against Emperor Ming.

As long as he is not a fool, he cannot offend himself.

But Emperor Xia actually killed the envoys he had sent, was he crazy? Kang Mazi was sure.

He did not have any enmity with Emperor Xia. But why did he do that?

Kang Mazi couldn’t understand it at all, and his brows were frowning. But the next moment.

Jing Ke spoke.

“I want me to convey to you that although my Emperor and Emperor Ming are hostile to each other, you Kang Mazi are not worthy of alliing with my Emperor Xia, and in the eyes of my Emperor Xia, you Kang Mazi are no different from waste.”


Jing Ke said this nonsense.

It really conveyed Nie Zheng’s words intact. Just look at it.

Kang Mazi’s confused face gradually began to turn blue, and a burning anger rose from his eyes.

“Emperor Yi’er, you are looking for death!”

Kang Mazi roared angrily.

This is no longer a declaration of war on him.

Instead, Chiguoguo’s was humiliating him to the Qing Emperor Kangxi. Now.

Kang Mazi had no heart to think about why Emperor Yi of Xia had done this. He only knew that Emperor Yi was humiliating him, and even more so he was proclaiming his position.

“Come, take him down, and cut him into pieces.”

Kang Mazi drank coldly and heavily.

The next moment.

More than a dozen martial arts masters turned into remnants and went straight to Jing Ke to attack. Three martial arts masters slashed down at Jing Ke with one sword. Pity.

They were so small to look at Jingke. Faced with the siege of more than a dozen martial arts strongmen. Jing Ke’s body shook.

The eerie disappears in the eyes of all.

Only its voice reverberated throughout the Qianqing Palace.

“Kang Mazi, Emperor Xia asked me to tell you, let you wash your neck and wait for death.”


Follow Nie Zheng for so long.

Jing Ke can also be regarded as someone who understands some Nie Zheng. Although Nie Zheng did not let him convey this sentence. But Jing Ke still added a sentence.

And this also made Kang Mazi jump like a thunderbolt, ordering people to quickly track down Jing Ke’s tracks, and be sure to find it out and execute Ling Chi.


Jing Ke has fled.

Although those three martial arts masters cultivated very high.

But to find Jing Ke, who was proficient in the art of assassination, was simply wishful thinking. Unless there is a top assassin like Jing Ke present.

Otherwise, these people would not be able to keep Jing Ke at all.

“Emperor Yi!”

See can’t catch Jingke.

Kang Mazi roared in hatred.

His Highness’s courtiers trembled with fear.

“It’s good and good.”

“Emperor Yi, you dare to insult you so much, and you will destroy your Great Xia, and you will be better off alive than dead.”

“Pearl, pass on the will, quickly gather a million lions in my Great Qing, and raise troops to cut down the summer a month later.”

Kang Mazi’s whole body was shivering.

He had never suffered such a great insult since he succeeded to the throne. This had completely irrepressible his anger.

At this moment, I only wanted to personally march Emperor Xia to pieces. No!

It’s not just broken bodies.

He asked Emperor Yi of Xia to kneel at his feet and weep bitterly and repent.

“Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible, if I raise troops to fight the summer in a big Qing, if the other five countries take advantage of the situation to invade our Great Qing, my Great Qing will have the calamity of subjugating the country.”

Mingzhu quickly stood up and trembled to persuade Kang Mazi.

“Your Majesty, what Ming Zhongtang said is that it is absolutely impossible to open the national station, even if Your Majesty can destroy the Great Xia, but my Great Qing will also lose troops and generals, is this not giving the other five countries an opportunity to take advantage of?”

Suksaha also advised. Call!


After the persuasion of two courtiers. Kang Mazi gradually calmed down. Although the anger in his heart remained.

But he knew that what the two courtiers said was not bad.

If he really raised an army to attack Xia, he didn’t say whether he could really destroy Xia Shuai. A national stand, the Qing Dynasty will also suffer heavy losses.

This price is definitely not something he can afford.

“Be well, Emperor Yi’er, I will allow you to live longer.”

“Emperor Yi, you must live well, sooner or later you will personally take your dog’s life.”

Kang Mazi hated the whisper.

In the end, the idea of opening the national station was dispelled. As the two courtiers said.

The consequences of opening the national station were not something he could afford. Pity.

Although Kang Mazi gave up the idea of opening the national station to take revenge on Emperor Yi of Xia. But he definitely didn’t expect it.

He Kang Mazi did not dare to open the national station to take revenge on Emperor Yi of Xia.

However, Emperor Yi of Xia did not have any scruples, but instead wanted to raise all the soldiers and horses of the whole country to destroy his Great Qing. I don’t know what kind of expression Kang Mazi will have when she learns this news.


At this moment, the soldiers and horses in Bactria were rapidly assembling.

Only when the great army was assembled was completed, they would invade the territory of the Great Qing and carry out the destruction of the country.


A month flew by. Outside the city of Bactria King.

The wind of heaven and earth is whistling through.

The banner of the word “Xia” grinned in the fierce wind and the black pressure of the soldiers overwhelmed the ground.

There is no end in sight.

An atmosphere of slaughter pervaded the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, there were three million Bactrian soldiers and horses stationed outside the Bactrian King’s City. It can really be said that the whole country has gathered its forces here.

Three million troops are right ahead.

Zhao Kuangyin was wearing battle armor and holding a golden Qi Mei stick. Cao Wei rode his war horse and stood side by side.

Behind the two.

Hundreds of warriors were riding on their horses with blades of various colors. Every warrior’s body exudes the meaning of slaughter.

Especially their eyes crossed from time to time with a shocking murderous breath.

The scariest thing is.

Lü Bu was dressed in black armor and held the Fang Tian Painting Sword. He is leading 30,000 Northern Dragons to ride in the forefront. Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode silently and wordlessly.

However, the cold and merciless killing machine emitted from his body had already caused the temperature between heaven and earth to plummet. The other side.

Jing Ke was dressed in black.

Behind him were the eight hundred nether ghost thorns of the Smoke and Rain Building. They are like ghosts in the dark night silent.

At a glance, people’s hearts are trembling at the extreme. On the school stage.

Nie Zheng wore a black dragon robe, an imperial crown on his head, and a sword of Tianzi hanging from his waist. His expression was calm and indifferent.

Only a pair of eyes were deep and cold, faintly emitting an icy killing chance. Now.

The eyes of the three million troops all fell on Emperor Yi’s body. Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders silently watched their master.

Eight hundred nether ghost thorns looked at each other with equal reverence.

An atmosphere of extreme oppression filled the heavens and the earth. Boom!

Nie Zheng pulled out the Heavenly Sword from his waist.

The air remotely refers to the direction where Daqing is located.


Nie Zheng did not speak passionately.

Nor did it boost the morale of the officers and men of the three services. He simply spat out the word. But that’s one word.

But it rumbled and reverberated between heaven and earth.

The earth-shattering killing machine was rushing into the sky. Even the clouds in the sky broke apart.

Such an astonishing vision immediately made the eyes of the officers of the three armies burn.


A roar like a shaking heaven and earth was ringing.

Only to see the soldiers of the three armies raise their blades in their hands in the same way to respond to the emperor.

“The army is drawn and the troops are raised to wipe it out.”

Nie Zheng’s sword pointed to the heavens, and his voice rumbled between heaven and earth.

“Obey Your Majesty’s will!”

The soldiers of the three armies half-knelt on the ground to salute the Emperor Xia. And then he got up.

With Zhao Kuangyin and Cao Xiance taking the lead.

The earth rumbled and trembled, and three million Great Xia soldiers and horses went straight to the frontier of the Great Qing. The War of Annihilation has begun!

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