Chapter 155: Heavenly Sons of the Five Kingdoms, Raise Troops to Help Xia!.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.

“You… What do you say? ”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang stood up in shock.

He looked in shock at His Highness the Jinyi guards who reported the news to him. The whole person was numb.


It’s not just hemp anymore.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his whole being was stupid.

And extremely suspicious of whether his ears are misheard.

“When Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty sent emissaries to visit Xia, he wanted to form an alliance with Emperor Yi of Xia to jointly oppose our Ming Dynasty.”

“However, Emperor Yi of Xia cut off the heads of the envoys of the Great Qing Dynasty and raised three million soldiers and horses throughout the country to cut down the Qing, and by this moment they should have invaded the frontier of the Great Qing.”

Jinyi Wei repeated it again.

“Is it true?”

Zhu Yuanzhang asked in shock.

“The villain will never dare to ascend to the throne at the end of the period, and if the villain has half a false word, he is willing to be exterminated by the upper rank.”

Jinyi Wei hurriedly prostrated his head and said it well.

“Good little doll of Emperor Yi, we Zhu Zhongba really admire you.”


The next moment.

Only to see Zhu Yuanzhang’s face look excited, full of calluses of the palm clapping on the dragon case. Rude words burst out of the mouth.

He couldn’t sit still at all.

The whole person walked back and forth inside the Fengtian Temple. Zhu Yuanzhang did not think of anything.

Emperor Yi of Xia was able to do such an earth-shattering event. Originally, it was according to Zhu Yuanzhang’s own deduction.

Emperor Yi was bound to ally with Kang Mazi in order to confront him Zhu Yuanzhang. But Zhu Yuanzhang never thought of it.

Emperor Yi actually slaughtered the envoys of the Qing Dynasty. This simply made Zhu Yuanzhang can’t believe it. What made him even more incredulous was that. Emperor Yi slaughtered the envoys of the Qing Dynasty.

Three million troops were raised to wipe out the country.

This is undoubtedly extremely crazy in Zhu Yuanzhang’s view. Zhu Yuanzhang asked himself.

Although he had been destroying his heart for a long time.

However, he has always been jealous of other countries, so he has not moved for a long time. If you change him to Emperor Yi.

Zhu Yuanzhang dared to be very sure that he would not do such a crazy thing. But even he didn’t dare to do it.

Emperor Xia Emperor B actually made this little doll. Crazy!


Even dare to risk the world! Admire!

What a fucking admirer.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was rubbing his hands excitedly.

Before, he was eager to slash Emperor Yi with a thousand swords. But today when he got this amazing news. Zhu Yuanzhang really admired Emperor Yi’s five-body throwing on the ground. Di Yi’s little doll disdained to join forces with Kang Mazi.

This shows his contempt for the Nine Weeks of Heaven as a big summer.

Raising three million soldiers and horses in the whole country, completely disregarding the triumph of other countries, it is also going to destroy the barbarian state of the Great Qing. This fully explains the ambition of Emperor Yi of Xia to dominate the world for nine weeks.

It also shows that Emperor Yi of Xia, like Zhu Yuanzhang, has the purest Nine Weeks of Blood flowing in his body. For such a barbarian and foreign race as the Great Qing, it is bound to be determined to kill.

Maybe others didn’t understand what Emperor Xia was thinking.

However, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang deeply understood Emperor Yi’s thoughts. Because he had the same mind.

It’s just that he hasn’t made it.

And Emperor Yi of Xia was not afraid of everything, and he was one step ahead of Emperor Ming to do the thing of annihilation.

“It’s good and good.”

Zhu Yuanzhang said three good words in a row.

His eyes were full of admiration for Emperor Yi of Xia. Let’s be honest.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty only admired two people in his life. One is himself.

He was able to ascend from a down-and-out beggar to the position of the Ninth Five-Year-Old, and he admired himself.

The second person Zhu Yuanzhang admired was the Qin Emperor who looked at the world. And now.

A third person appeared.

It was Emperor B of Xia.

Because Emperor Yi did what Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to do but did not do. How does this not make Zhu Yuanzhang admire?


Zhu Yuanzhang was eager to crush Emperor Yi’s corpse into ten thousand pieces. But now this kind of thinking has become a little lighter. Because Zhu Yuanzhang finally found something.

That was Emperor Yi of Xia, who was definitely a qualified opponent. I had underestimated him too much before.

Of course.

Zhu Yuanzhang admired Emperor Yi.

But that doesn’t mean the two aren’t enemies. Contrary.

Zhu Yuanzhang increasingly regarded Emperor Yi of Xia as a great enemy.

Because Emperor Yi of Xia did this, it was enough to be regarded as a real opponent by him. On this road of unification of the nine weeks and seven kingdoms.

It is impossible for the sons of heaven of all nations to retreat one step.

Only by stepping on the heads of the sons of heaven of all countries can they ascend to the throne of the emperor of the ages.

“When people come and go, immediately announce that Xu Da will often enter the palace in the spring to see us, and we will immediately send troops.”

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly made a decree with a hammer in his hand.

“Your Majesty, are you going to attack Xia?”

Jinyi Wei tentatively asked.

After all, attacking Bactria at this moment is the best time.

It is entirely possible to occupy the territory of Bactria without a single soldier.


Zhu Yuanzhang scolded in a cold voice: “Emperor Yi’s little doll raised all the country’s troops to eliminate foreign races, if we take advantage of the danger of people, we will not be laughed at by the people of the world.” ”

“Although we are half a step behind Emperor Yi’s little doll, we can’t let Emperor Yi’s little doll look down on us.”

“Immediately ordered Xu Da Chang Yuchun to summon my Ming Million Tiger and Wolf Division, and after three days, quickly send troops to attack Qing.”

Zhu Yuanzhang roared with excitement.


Jinyi Wei was completely stupid.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Ming actually gave up such a good opportunity, but instead wanted to help Emperor Xia cut it down.

“What else are you going to do?”

“Don’t hurry up and preach the message yet.”

Zhu Yuanzhang kicked Jinyi Wei to the ground. Jinyi Wei quickly woke up.

He did not dare to rush to convey the will of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. It’s just that this Jinyi guard can’t figure it out.

Obviously, at this moment, cutting summer is the most beneficial to Daming. But why did Emperor Ming give up?


The Jinyi guard did not know.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s bones were flowing with the purest blood of the Nine Weeks. I know very well what is called the righteousness of the people.

Although he coveted the title of Emperor of the Ages. I want to unify the world for nine weeks.

But never do such a self-deprecating thing.

Even if he gave up the opportunity to occupy Bactria, he would never regret it. And this.

Only worthy of the prestige of Zhu Yuanzhang, the iron-blooded son of Daming. The other side.

Datang, Taiji Hall.


“The new emperor of Bactria raised all the country’s troops to cut it down?”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin stood up in shock.

I couldn’t believe my ears. But listening to the report of the eldest grandson.

He knew that the eldest grandson would never lie to him.

“Shengshang, according to reliable information, Emperor Ming is mobilizing millions of soldiers and horses from Daming, but it has not yet been discovered what Emperor Ming wants to do.”

“If Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty takes advantage of the emptiness of Xia’s forces to invade Bactria at this moment, it will not take half a month for Bactria to fall into the territory of Daming.”

The eldest grandson frowned.

“Don’t look any further, you know Emperor Ming’s intentions.”

Li Shimin sighed.

There is not only admiration for Emperor Yi of Xia, but also recognition of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty.

As the son of Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin is definitely a holy prince.

Maybe others can’t see what Emperor Xia is doing. It is even believed that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang will take the opportunity to attack Xia.

But Li Er knew it very well.

Emperor Ming mobilized millions of Ming soldiers and horses, not to attack Xia.

Instead, it was to help Emperor Yi of Xia to wipe out the Qing Dynasty.

Because they and their own bodies are flowing with the purest blood of the Nine Weeks. As the Son of Heaven.

Their state of mind is the same.

“Li Jing.”

Li Shimin spoke.

And his expression was very solemn, and a cold light rose under his eyes at the same time.

“The subject is here.”

Li Jing came out of the crowd and bowed down to Li Shimin.

“0 ask for flowers…

“Li Jing, I order you to mobilize a million troops and then you can set out to invade the Qing Dynasty.”

“Remember, if you encounter the Ming soldiers and horses and the Great Xia soldiers and horses, do not start a war with them.”

“You just need to attack the city and destroy the Great Qing.”

Li Shimin solemnly instructed.

“Minister Li Jing, obey the order.”

Li Jing bowed down and strode out of the Taiji Hall.

“Holy Lord, you…?”

His Highness’s courtiers were shocked.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin actually sent Li Jing to cut it down. But only for a moment.

The eldest grandson Wuji and others understood Li Shimin’s intentions. Will.

Emperor Tang had long wanted to destroy the barbarian state of the Qing Dynasty.

Although he was not as heavy as the killing heart of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. But he was also very disgusted by the existence of the Great Qing.


Emperor Yi of Xia raised all the soldiers and horses of the country to wipe out the Qing. The Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang followed close behind. Then how could Emperor Tang fall behind the two of them? So.

Emperor Tang must send troops to help.

This is the righteousness of the people, and has nothing to do with anything else.


Loulan Ancient Kingdom, Wangmo Temple.

Empress Yaoxi’s beautiful eyes flickered.

“A good emperor, so crazy, so bold, actually opened the station of annihilation himself, the emperor really wants to see what kind of person you are.”

Empress Yaoxi whispered softly.

In his heart, he was extremely curious about the rise of this new emperor of Bactria.

“Yue Ji, pass on the will of the Emperor, mobilize half a million Loulan warriors to invade the Qing Dynasty, and help Emperor Yi to help.”

Empress Yaoxi opened her mouth lightly.

“Tsukihime leads the way.”

I saw a woman in a purple dress, dressed in a bow to Empress Yaoxi, and then she took the instructions and left.

“Emperor Yi, although the Emperor admires your courage and boldness, after you destroyed the whole country, you also started the Six Kingdoms Chaos War.”

Empress Yaoxi sighed softly.

She calculated that the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang would start a chaotic battle.

Moreover, the Qin Emperor who was looking at the world wanted to sweep away the eight wildernesses and six combinations. But I didn’t think about it.

The opening of the Nine Weeks Chaos World Station turned out to be this new emperor of Bactria.


Great Sui, Daxing Palace.

“What a Summer Emperor!”

“It seems that Shuo is really old, and a strong Tianzi has finally appeared in Bactria.”


Sui Emperor Yang Jian sighed.

He’s old.

No longer the ambitions of the past.

When he heard about Emperor Yi’s frenzied campaign to wipe out the Qing Dynasty with all the troops. Sui Emperor Yang Jian was shocked at the same time.

It is even more lamentable the boldness of Emperor B of Xia. Sui Emperor Yang Jian dared to be very sure.

Bactria was rising rapidly under the command of Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Emperor, if the father and son of the Ming Dynasty and the leaders of millions of soldiers and horses invaded the Great Qing, how could I fall behind in the Great Sui?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian gave the order.

“Yes, Father.”

Yang Guang bowed down and strode to pass on the Yu culture and father and son. However, the Sui Emperor Yang Jian did not see it.

His good emperor Yang Guang’s eyes flashed a touch of excitement and cruelty.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

It was still the black curtain of beads.

Or the figure of Wei An sitting in the beaded curtain. No one could get close to him within a hundred meters.

“Interesting, interesting.”

“Emperor Yi’s little guy is getting more and more interested in the widow.”

Emperor Qin’s voice echoed faintly in the Xianyang Palace.

“Where is Wang Qi?”

Emperor Qin said softly.

“The end is coming.”

100 meters away.

Wang Qi knelt on one knee and waited for the Qin Emperor to give his will.

“Wang Qi, you personally lead 100,000 Great Qin Iron Horsemen to help that little guy of Emperor Yi.”

In the black curtain of beads, the calm voice of the Qin Emperor was heard.


Wang Qi surrendered his hand to take the order.

Then he suddenly got up and left the Xianyang Palace.

“Emperor Yi, this little guy really has some shadows of the widow’s past.”

Black curtain beaded curtain.

The Emperor of Qin was whispering softly.

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