Chapter 156 Northern Dragon Riding and Great Qin Iron Riding!.

Great Qing, Qianqing Palace.

This month passed, and Kang Mazi was very irritable. Eat badly, sleep badly.

Even in the middle of the night will wake up angrily. Even the government has no intention of taking care of it.

I always think of Emperor Yi’s humiliation of himself.

The killing machine in Kang Mazi’s heart could not stop overflowing. But he could only bear it.

He had the intention of sending envoys to Daming to destroy Xia with Zhu Yuanzhang. But after thinking about it, it was over.

Kang Mazi understood very well.

The person that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to kill the most was him.

And with Zhu Yuanzhang’s surname, he also disdained to ally with him.

“Emperor Yi, Zhu Yuanzhang, put up with it for the time being.”

“But remember, when the time comes, you will kill both of you.”

Kang Mazi hated the whisper.

“Your Majesty, big things are not good, big things are not good.”


Just listen to a flustered footstep coming. The extremely trembling sound made Kang Mazi shudder. A feeling of extreme uneasiness suddenly arose in my heart.

Only to see that led by the pearl, dozens of civilian and military generals did not even have a transmission, and directly broke into the Qianqing Palace. Their faces were pale and bloodless.

And the body is shaking violently.

Among them, the minister staggered and was directly tripped to the ground by the threshold. It’s ugly.

“What’s the panic, see what kind of system you have become?”

“Even if the sky falls, won’t it still be there?”

See the miserable white face of the courtiers.

Kang Mazi’s heart trembled, but he still pretended to be calm.

“Your Majesty, something big has happened, something big has happened, and my innocence of the Great Qing Dynasty is about to collapse.”

Pearl cried and knelt down.

Other courtiers also bowed to the ground.

Everyone’s face was extremely pale, and their eyes showed the color of extreme fear.

“What the hell is going on, say.”

Kang Mazi scolded coldly.

But his heart was extremely cold.

Pearl is the oldest and most important minister. Even he looked like that.

Obviously something really big is going on.

“Your Majesty, Emperor Yi of Xia invaded the frontier of our Great Qing with three million soldiers and horses from all over the country, and he has already pulled out three cities in a row, saying that he is going to kill my Great Qing.”

Pearl cried and complained.


“Emperor Yi’er, is he crazy?”

Kang Mazi suddenly stood up, and his face changed dramatically.

“Your Majesty, it is true, it is true, and I also ask Your Majesty to send troops quickly, otherwise I will be in danger.”

Pearl cried.


“Emperor Yi’er, you are deceiving people too much, you are simply deceiving people too much.”

Kang Mazi was shocked and angry.

I hadn’t gone to his trouble yet.

Emperor Yi dared to take the initiative to cut down his Great Qing. But Kang Mazi quickly calmed down.

There was a look of uncertainty in his eyes. Is Di Yi’er crazy?

He invaded the Qing Dynasty with his entire army.

Then, if the other five countries take advantage of the void, won’t Bactria be destroyed? How dare he do such a crazy thing?

However, Kang Mazi had no intention of thinking about Di Yi’s crazy behavior.

The key issue now was that he would quickly dispatch three million soldiers and horses to defend against Bactria.

“Come, immediately gather all the soldiers and horses of the whole country, and ask the royal driver to personally march and lead the army to meet the enemy.”

Kang Mazi quickly gave his will.

Prepare to start quickly assembling the Qing soldiers. There was an extreme cold glow in his eyes. Although it was a national event.

But his Great Qing soldiers and horses were not vegetarians.

The full five million Qing soldiers and horses were enough to stand with the three million soldiers and horses of the Great Xia. And completely defeated them, and even counterattacked into the territory of Bactria.


He did not wait for Kang Mazi to dispatch his troops.

Only to see Suksaha forcibly break into the Qianqing Palace.

“Your Majesty, we are going to die!”

If the news of Mingzhu and others just now made Kang Mazi shocked and angry.

But at this moment, Suksaha’s face was full of panic and despair, which completely made Kang Mazi stay in place.

“The Great Qing is going to die?”

Just this sentence, almost did not take Kang Mazi’s back off.

“Suksaha, you are bold.”


“If you dare to say such a curse for the destruction of the country, are you not afraid of killing you?”

Kang Mazi was furious to the extreme, and loudly scolded Suksaha.

“Your Majesty, see for yourself.”

Suksaha no longer had the heart to plead guilty.

He walked quickly to Kang Mazi, did not perform one ritual or two prostrate, and completely disregarded even the most basic etiquette of the monarch.

Just hand a three-thousand-mile urgent document to Kang Mazi. Kang Mazi groaned inwardly.

He quickly opened the paperwork.

Look at the contents of the document.

However, the more Kang Mazi looked at it, the whiter his face became.

Bean-sized beads of sweat kept rolling down his forehead and down his cheeks, and then dripping to the ground.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible.”

“It’s a false positive, definitely a false positive.”

Kang Mazi’s face was miserable and pale, and he was no longer bloody. His mouth was trembling with utter utter trepidation.

There was no longer the color of anger in his eyes, but instead an endless terror. This three-thousand-mile urgent document is only a few paragraphs.

Five warriors and horses appeared on the frontiers of the Qing Dynasty. He was killing the Great Qing day and night.

In particular, the Great Qin’s 100,000 iron horses were unstoppable, and they had already taken the frontier city first. There were as many as 200,000 soldiers and horses defending the city.

But in less than an hour, the city gate was killed.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang’s million-strong tiger and wolf division had also arrived at the frontier city. I am afraid that I have now broken through the frontier city gates and are advancing towards the capital of the Great Qing Dynasty. It’s not just Zhu Yuanzhang’s million-strong army.

There was also Li Jing, a subordinate of Emperor Tang, who was also leading a million Tang troops to attack Qingqing. Even the 500,000 warriors of the ancient kingdom of Loulan also killed the frontier of the Great Qing. Kang Mazi was completely frightened.

Even more weakly, he sat down on the dragon chair.

He finally understood why Suksaha would say that Daqing was going to die.

“Your Majesty, the Six Kingdoms are all cut down, and we are really going to die, Your Majesty still quickly tries to find a way to escape from the King’s City, otherwise when they attack the King’s City, we will be too late to leave.”

Suksaha was horrified and advised.

But that’s what he said.

It didn’t scare Mingzhu and the others half to death at all. The Destruction of the Six Kingdoms?

Four simple words.

It gave them immense despair.

The raising of three million troops by Bactria had already frightened them. Now the other five countries are sending troops to attack.

Daqing simply could not have the slightest chance. There really is only the end of the country.

“Come, come, keep, and be sure to keep the great Qing Dynasty.”

Kang Mazi suddenly woke up.

His eyes were covered with bloodshot throbbing. The eyes revealed a deep despair and unwillingness. He didn’t want to sit still.

Even if the six kingdoms are wiped out together.

But he also has to fight to the death.

“There are still five million Qing soldiers and horses in the Yuan, and the Yuan’s army has not yet been defeated.”

Kang Mazi had fallen into a desperate madness.

He knew that the Great Qing would perish, but he was not willing to accept such an outcome. Kang Mazi ignored the advice of his courtiers.

Quickly began to dispatch troops to defend against the offensive of the Six Kingdoms to destroy the Qing. Eighteen holy decrees were issued in a row.

The generals of the DPRK and the CPC have begun to dispatch troops one after another.

The five million soldiers and horses of the Qing Dynasty all went to resist the invasion of the Six Kingdoms. But just three days passed.

Bad news kept coming from all over the place. The city was lost.

Rivers of blood.

The generals everywhere could not defend even for a day.

They were defeated and fled by the army of the Six Kingdoms.

The territory of the Great Qing Dynasty can really be described as floating corpses everywhere.

Five million Qing soldiers and horses were left in the third day, only a few hundred thousand.

Those who were killed were defeated one after another, until they continued to retreat towards the king of the Qing Dynasty. The Great Sui Army was good to say, and the Tang Emperor’s soldiers and horses were also OK.

The soldiers and horses of the Great Qing Dynasty could resist slightly.

But in the face of the Bactria three million soldiers and horses swept in.

In particular, the place where the 30,000 Northern Dragons rode through was simply unstoppable. Half of the Qing Dynasty was occupied by Bactrian soldiers and horses.

There was also the Million Tiger and Wolf Master of Daming who killed the Red Eye, and also occupied one-third of the Great Qing territory. And the Great Qin Iron Horse, where the grass is not left…

Half a million Qing soldiers and horses were all killed. Just three days.

The Qing Dynasty was all occupied by the Five Kingdoms.

Only a lonely royal city is still doing the battle of the trapped beasts.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders.

Black Dragon Armor.

Black Dragon Gun.

Dragon pattern mask.

Collapse the Black Dragon Foal.

They were like a dark cloud sweeping across the wilderness. Cao Wei and Lü Bu took the lead.

He was leading 30,000 Northern Dragons to ride straight to the Great Qing Dynasty King’s City. Cao Wei’s heart was agitated and he couldn’t help himself.

He had thought that this national station would lose half of Bactria’s troops. However, they did not expect that the other five countries had also invaded the Qing Dynasty.

This also allowed him to lead three million troops to sweep down, all the way to the destruction of the decay occupied half of the Qing Dynasty. Its Bactrian soldiers and horses suffered almost negligible.


Zhao Kuangyin led three million soldiers and horses to guard the dozens of Great Qing Cities and Pools captured in the rear. He and Lü Bu led 30,000 Northern Dragons to ride directly to the capital of the Qing Dynasty.

As long as Kang Mazi is captured, then this national station will also end with a perfect ending. This national station smoothly made Cao Gan feel that it was a fantasy.

I didn’t expect that the other five countries would even raise troops to help Xia. Until this point.

Cao Xian’s admiration for Nie Zheng in his heart was simply thrown to the ground. He also finally understood why the Son of Heaven raised all the troops of the whole country to destroy it.

Obviously, His Majesty has calculated that the other five countries will also send troops to wipe it out. It’s just this calculation.

Cao Wei sighed to himself.



Just as Cao Yi and Lü Bu were leading 30,000 Northern Dragons to gallop along. From the north came the sound of horses’ hooves shaking the earth.

And at a very fast speed, it was coming in the direction where Cao Qian was located.



Cao’s face changed slightly.

Just the sound of the great earthquake trembling made him absolutely sure that there were cavalry rushing in the direction where he was.


Cao Xian hurried to the meeting with a wave.

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders stopped.

I don’t know if it was the thirty thousand Northern Dragons riding in their hearts. Or what they felt.

The eyes under the Dragon Pattern Mask of the Thirty Thousand Northern Dragons crossed a cold light. A murderous breath that had never been seen before rose from them.

And their cold and merciless eyes all looked to the north. Well?

Cao Xian groaned inwardly.

He suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Because the Northern Dragon Rider has always behaved very deadly. Even if they kill the enemy in the ranks of ten thousand armies, they rarely show the slightest emotion. But now they were full of 4.7 and suddenly emitted such a strong murderous qi. This shows that the comers have been regarded by them as real enemies.

Could it be… Could it be the Great Qin Iron Horse?

Cao Wei’s face changed in shock, and he also looked to the north. Really.

Just a cup of tea.

I saw a black cloud appear in the northern sky.

The black cloud was rapidly approaching towards the Dragon Rider to the north. As the sound of the horse’s hooves shaking the earth grew closer. Cao Wei finally saw clearly.

This is where what a black cloud.

It is an uncountable Great Qin Iron Horse.

Judging by the number, I am afraid that there are hundreds of thousands. Black armor.

Holding a long sword.

Carrying a Qin crossbow waist hanging arrow.

In the quiver were dozens of three-edged arrows boasting that the war horses were equally dark and polished, obviously superior war horses. Especially the eyes of the Great Qin Iron Rider.

What kind of eyes is this? Iron-blooded fearless.

Cold and indifferent.

And the indomitable glare. And they marched extremely fast. Except for the sound of horses’ hooves stepping on the ground.

The 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders did not make any chaotic sounds.

The momentum of this march alone was almost the same as that of the Northern Dragon Rider.


This moment when the two iron horses are about to meet. Only to see the Great Qin Iron Horse as the leading general gave an order. The 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders behind him actually stopped in an instant.

Its strict discipline simply shocked Cao Xuan’s heart.

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