Chapter 157: The Dog Who Lost His Country.

Uh –!

A breeze blew through the wilderness. The grass and trees on the earth are moving with the wind.

Two invincible iron horses meet in the wilderness plains. Quiet.

It was quiet.

Except for the breeze that blows from time to time in the wilderness, no sound is heard. I don’t know if it’s Cao Yan’s delusion.

He shook his head violently.

I only felt an extremely terrifying momentum coming from behind me. This momentum contains hostility, but also contains the supreme killing chance. Rumble!


Cao Wei felt the earth behind him tremble.

There was also the hum of a long gun skimming through the air.

An extreme death chill rose from behind him at the same time. Surprise!

Cao Wei suddenly turned around.

But his face suddenly changed dramatically. What did he see?

Thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders rode down the Black Dragon Foal and took a step forward.

The Black Dragon Gun in their hands was even more void and pointed at the 100,000 Great Qin Iron Horse.

In particular, a pair of eyes under their dragon pattern mask actually faintly raised the color of bloodthirsty and furious. It’s not just thirty thousand North Dragon Riders.

Even Lü Bu’s dead eyes turned bloody.

Fang Tian’s painting was also lifting, and he was even more obliquely pointing at the general of the Great Qin Iron Horse. How can it be?

Cao was suddenly shocked.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

You must know whether Lü Bu is or thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. They are all forbidden beings.

Before the opening of the national station.

His Majesty deliberately entrusted the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders to his own dispatch. Put it this way.

There was no order from His Majesty, or no order from him. The Thirty Thousand Northern Dragon Riders would not do anything at all.

But what did he see now? He did not give orders to the Northern Dragon Riders.

But 20 of them actually raised the Black Dragon Gun in their hands at the same time.

And his body emitted a terrifying killing intent, as if he was going to rush towards the Great Qin Iron Horse at the next moment. This seemed to Cao Xian to be unbelievable.



The sound of slaughter that shook the wilderness was coming.

The 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders actually raised the Green Cylinder Sword in their hands at the same time and pointed at the Northern Dragon Rider. Moreover, the gaze of the Great Qin Iron Rider also raised a terrible battle intention.

The black horse also took a step forward, and the earth shook fiercely.

An atmosphere of heaven and earth slaughter intertwined in this wilderness.

A thick hostility spilled over from the two iron horses at the same time. As if in the next moment.

A big station is about to open.



Almost at the same time.

Cao Wei and the Great Qin general roared at the same time. Stop.

The Northern Dragon rode his eyes and retreated in blood. The Black Dragon Gun in his hand was slowly lowering.

Just looking at the Great Qin Iron Rider’s gaze still carried great hostility.

Although the Great Qin Iron Rider on the other side also put down the Qingquan Sword, his eyes always fell on the body of the Northern Dragon Rider. Gut feeling.

A hunch.

The blood of the 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders was burning.

They felt like they had met an opponent, met an extremely formidable opponent.

The killing qi just released by the Northern Dragon Rider made them feel the feeling of death coming. This also prompted them to unconsciously prepare to fight back without Wang Qi’s orders.

That’s why that scene just happened.

“Emperor Qin’s subordinate Wang Qi, I don’t know who your excellency is?”


Wang Qi rode out and his eyes fell on Cao Xian. However, out of the corner of his eye, Yu Guang was shocked to glance at the thirty thousand Northern Dragon Riders. An inexplicable shock crept through his eyes. So strong!

Strong let yourself feel that your heart is beating faster. Wang Qi always thought.

Nine weeks and seven kingdoms, the Great Qin Iron Horse is the strongest. He has also always believed in his own judgment.

But when he saw the Northern Dragon Rider.

His inner belief in the Great Qin Iron Horse was slightly shaken. You could say so.

Wang Qi has been through hundreds of battles.

It’s just a glance.

The tens of thousands of cavalry in front of them were definitely not under the Great Qin Iron Horse. And.

Wang Qi couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air inside.

Even more faintly aware of this mysterious and terrifying iron horse, its combat strength seemed to be still above the Great Qin Iron Horse. It was not the prestige of Wang Qi’s weak Great Qin Iron Horse.

Instead, he could fully feel that there was something on the body of the Northern Dragon Rider that the Great Qin Iron Rider did not have. Indifferent!


It’s indifference.

You see the eyes under the mask of the Northern Dragon Rider. Cold and indifferent.

No emotion.

Even a pair of eyes are cold and merciless.

This coldness is not only for the enemy, but also for oneself. It was as if they were not human.

There is no such thing as human emotions flowing through the eyes. It’s as if it’s just a bunch of fighting machines for a station.

There was only bloodlust and ruthlessness in their eyes, and there was no human emotion at all. In contrast, the Great Qin Iron Horse.

Although the same eyes are cold and indifferent. The same is not afraid of death, but they are still human.

There is always the emotion that human beings should have in their eyes. And that’s the difference between the two iron horses.


A drop of cold sweat flowed from Wang Qi’s cheek. He was absolutely sure.

If at this moment, two iron horses clash.

The defeated must be the Great Qin Iron Horse. Even if they are not afraid of life and death.

But they are still in the human realm.

But this mysterious iron horse on the opposite side is simply inhuman.

As if killing just for the sake of killing, that bloodthirsty killing qi made Wang Qi shudder.

“Emperor Xia’s right-hand man, Cao Xian, has long heard of the prestige of General Wang Qi, and today he saw that he was indeed worthy of the name.”

Just when Wang Qi was shocked by the Northern Dragon Rider in his heart.

Cao Xian rode out and gave a smile to Wang Zhao. Northern Dragon Ride!

It turned out that they were the Northern Dragon Riders! Heard Cao Xian’s self-registration number.

Wang Qi instantly knew the origin of this mysterious cavalry. But only for a moment.

Wang Qi suppressed the shock in his heart. Similarly, he hugged his fist at Cao Xianhui and said, “Wang Qi came to help Bactria on the orders of Emperor Qin, and in front of him is the Great Qing King’s City, so why not combine the two armies of Cao Cheng and you and me into one place, and directly take the Great Qing King’s City?” ”

Cao Qian’s eyes moved.

Then he laughed and said, “Cao Mou also has this intention, then thank you General Wang Zhao.” ”


Wang Qi nodded.

I saw him wave his big hand.

Behind him, the 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders aimed directly at the Great Qing Dynasty King’s City. Cao Wei also gave a big hand to the Northern Dragon Rider.

Two invincible cavalry moved almost simultaneously.

They turned into two terrible black clouds, quickly swept through the wilderness, and rushed straight to the Great Qing Dynasty King’s City.


Great Qing Dynasty King’s City, Qianqing Palace.

“Your Majesty, run away, it will be too late if you don’t flee.”

“Your Majesty, according to the reliable information of the spies, our Great Qing Dynasty has been invaded and occupied by the Six Kingdoms, and there will be no chance of escaping at this moment.”

“Report, 100,000 Great Qin Iron Riders and Great Xia Northern Dragon Riders are coming straight to the royal city two hundred miles away, and please Your Majesty to flee quickly.”

A Qing general almost broke into the Qianqing Palace with a rolling belt. Report the news you just got to Kang Mazi.

“How can you be the king of a fallen country?”

Kang Mazi’s face was miserable and vicious. Bad news came one after another.

It almost made Kang Mazi desperate to the extreme. He didn’t want to be the king of the fallen country.

I don’t want to throw down my own Qingjiangshan.

But when he reached such a dead end, he couldn’t do anything.

“Your Majesty, stay in the green mountains and not be afraid of no firewood.”

“I Emperor Nurhaci of the Great Qing Dynasty rose from Guanwai, although His Majesty lost the Great Qing Dynasty laid down by his ancestors

“But outside the Guanguan, there are still eight banners and a million troops left behind in my ancestral land.”

“As long as Your Majesty returns to Guanwai and when the time is ripe, he will certainly be able to re-kill the Nine Weeks Land and retake our Great Qing Dynasty.”

The courtiers urged anxiously. Get a reminder from the courtiers.

Kang Mazi gritted his teeth fiercely.

He knew he couldn’t hold on any longer. The fall of the country is a foregone conclusion.

He could only quickly escape back to the outside of the pass. Otherwise, if you don’t run away now.

What awaits you is the fate of the dead.

“Ladies and gentlemen, come with you.”

Kang Mazi directly ripped off his dragon robe.

A little eunuch hurriedly brought a simple dress to change for Kang Mazi. Under the leadership of Yasumiko.

Qunchen followed Kangxi into the inner courtyard of the deep palace.

Only to see that in front of a rockery, Kang Mazi twisted a mechanism. With the rumble of the rockery.

A secret door appeared in front of Kang Mazi and the courtiers. This secret door was created when the Qing Dynasty was founded.

Its internal passages stretched for hundreds of miles, leading directly beyond the royal city. Follow this dark passage to sneak out of town.

In order to prevent the fall of the country one day if it is the Great Qing. The emperor could lead a group of courtiers to flee back to Guanwai.

To accumulate strength to re-kill the Nine Weeks of the Land, retake the Great Qing Dynasty.

“Emperor Yi, the Great Qing Dynasty has given it to you, but don’t be complacent, my 287 Eight Banners million troops are still in the ancestral land outside Guanwai, and this Qiu Shuo has written it down.”

“And you would never have thought that in the Guanwai Ancestral Land, I have two land immortals in the Great Qing.”

“Even if you don’t want the dignity of the king and prostrate your head day and night, you must ask me to be the ancestor of the Great Qing Dynasty, and you will wait for you.”

Kang Mazi hated the whisper.

The hatred in his heart for Emperor Yi reached its extreme.

He plunged directly into the dark passage, followed by the courtiers.

With the rockery rumbling closed.

Yasumazi fled with a group of courtiers like dogs that had lost their families.

······ Thundered!

Iron rode everywhere, and the royal city was destroyed.

When the Great Qin Iron Horse and the Northern Dragon Rider merged into one. The Great Qing Dynasty City was directly breached.

I don’t know how many Qing soldiers died tragically under the hooves of the Great Qin Iron Horse and the Northern Dragon Horse. I don’t know if the two iron horses are secretly fighting.

In the middle of a stop with Qing soldiers.

Both iron horses showed an extremely terrible killing heart. It seems that more Qing soldiers are killed than whomever they are.

In this way, to surpass the other party and show their own strength. And this result also caused the Qing soldiers to flee for their lives. The two iron horses were frantically chasing and killing.

Looking at its posture, it seems to be about to kill them all, leaving no one behind. Such a scene.

Neither Wang Qi nor Cao Qian stopped them. In fact, the two are also secretly fighting. They all want to watch their iron horses overtake each other. In the unbridled killing of two iron horses. The Qing Dynasty was completely occupied.

Wang Qi and Cao Xian’s iron horses rode straight to the Qing Palace. He searched around the palace for the whereabouts of Kang Mazi. Pity.

Except for the panicked and frightened palace eunuchs in the palace.

Kang Mazi and his courtiers seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.


“Kang Mazi will never escape from the city.”

Cao Xian’s eyes were cold.

He stood in the Qianqing Palace, and his face was extremely ugly. You must know that before the capture of the Great Qing Dynasty King’s City.

He had already sent spies to keep an eye on the four gates of the royal city. And get reliable news.

Yasumako is still in the palace. And when the gates of the city were broken.

There are Northern Dragons riding to guard the Foursquare City Gate.

Even if Kang Mazi had wings, he would never have been able to fly out of the city.

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