Chapter 158 Jing Ke arrived, Wang Qi’s killing chance!.

“Qiquan Xiang, the palace has been searched inside and outside, and no trace of the Qing Emperor has been found.”

There are subordinates who come quickly to report.

“Can Kang Mazi still fly in the sky?”

Cao Xian’s face was extremely embarrassed.

The whole person walked back and forth in the Qianqing Palace. Although the Great Qing Dynasty has already collapsed.

The soldiers and horses of Bactria occupied half of the country. But if he can’t find Yasumako. How does this go to His Majesty?

Cao Xian’s face was livid.

The brain was even more quick to think about where Kang Mazi was hiding.

“Flying away?”


An aura suddenly crossed Cao Xuan’s mind. The key to this suddenly came to mind.

It was impossible for Kang Mazi to fly. Even if he could really fly out of town.

But the first time you will find out. Then there is only seclusion.



There must be a secret passage in the palace. Kang Mazi must have escaped from the city through this. Cao Wei was really smart.

Quickly deduce where the key lies.

“Come, give me three feet to dig the palace into the ground, and you must not let go of every place.”

Cao Qian quickly gave the order.

A large number of people and horses began to search the palace in a carpet style, not sparing anywhere. Pity.

A full day passed.

Even if Cao Xian ordered people to dig three feet into the ground, he still hadn’t found the secret passage for Kang Mazi to leave. However, Cao Wei was not without gains.

Instead, a large amount of gold and silver treasures were excavated.

However, this money was not as important as Kang Mazi in Cao Gan’s view.


Cao whispered in disgust.

I already knew that there was a secret passage in the Great Qing Palace.

He should have brought the skillful craftsman with him, so that he wouldn’t have to waste so much effort. The other side.

Wang Qi was not idle, also searching for the traces of Kang Mazi. But nothing was gained.

But it was also at this time that a man appeared. Jingke!

Jing Ke led ten nether ghost assassins to appear in the Great Qing Palace. See Jingke coming.

Cao Xian’s face was overjoyed.

And Wang Qi saw Jing Ke’s eyes cold.

Hands pressed against the hilt of the sword.

Do you think Wang Qi knows Jing Ke? A: Know.

Not only know.

And the two can be described as mortal enemies. It’s not that the two have any grudges.

Instead, Jing Ke had been plotting to assassinate the Qin Emperor. Unfortunately, after several times, they all ended in failure. Why is Jingke famous all over the world?

It was because he vowed to assassinate Emperor Qin.

It was also because of this incident that Jing Ke’s reputation was well known to the Nine Weeks World. Wang Qi didn’t think of anything at all.

Jing Ke dared to appear in front of him. And look at what it looks like.

Jing Ke had actually surrendered to the Great Summer Son.

Otherwise, Cao Xian could not have been so happy to see this person.

“Jing Ke, take your life.”

Wang Qi raised his sword with a sigh.

A sword qi spilled out, and the air around it seemed to be split. Whew!

Wang Qi stabbed out with a sword.

A little chill hissed in the air and came straight to Jing Ke’s throat. Clang!

Jing Ke swung out a cold dagger in his hand.

When the two men’s weapons touched, a little bit of Mars erupted, and each of them retreated backwards.

“Wang Qi?”

Jing Ke’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a little cold light passed under his eyes. For this general under the Qin Emperor, Jing Ke was too familiar. No!

It’s not just Wang Qi.

All the civilian and military generals under the Qin Emperor were not unfamiliar with Jing Ke.


Cao Wei hurriedly called a halt to the two men.

“General Wang Qi, what do you mean by that?”

Cao Xian’s face turned cold.

Although the two captured the Qing Dynasty City together. But Jing Ke is his own person.

At this moment, Wang Qi swung his sword and attacked.

This naturally made Cao dissatisfied.

“Cao Cheng Xiang, Jing Ke has repeatedly assassinated my emperor, and it seems that he has already submitted to your Great Xia!”

Wang Qi’s eyes flickered.

He hesitated but sheathed his sword.

However, the look in Jing Ke’s eyes still carried a great killing chance.

“General Wang Zhao, since you know that Mr. Jing Ke has submitted to my majesty, I hope that the general will not take action, otherwise it will not be good to hurt the harmony between you and me.”

Cao Xian said coldly.

There is a saying that says it well.

Help relatives do not help.

You don’t care what Jing Ke has done. Now he is His Majesty’s personal bodyguard. He was also in charge of the eight hundred nether ghost thorns in the Yanyu Building. It was absolutely impossible for Cao Yan to sit idly by.

“Harmony between the two countries?”


Wang Qi smiled.

And laugh extremely loudly.

He did not look at Cao Yi, but instead looked at Jing Ke and said bluntly: “Jing Ke, the most absolute assassin in the world, actually surrendered to Emperor Xia and became a dog by Emperor Xia’s side, which is something that Wang Qi did not expect.” ”

“But Jing Ke I want to tell you, don’t think that if you become a dog of Emperor Xia, you don’t have to die, I am a great Qin who threatens the world, even Emperor Xia can’t save you.”

When Wang Qi said this, he looked at Cao Xian again and said, “Cao Cheng Xiang, please go back and convey to Emperor Xia, Emperor Qin appreciates him very much.” ”

“If Emperor Xia is willing to surrender, Emperor Qin should be able to ensure the peace of the Great Xia, but Jing Ke must hand it over, otherwise once the Emperor of Qin is angry, your Great Xia will be in trouble.”

As Wang Qi’s words entered his ears.

Cao Xian’s face was cold and terrible.

“Wang Qi, then I will also trouble you to go back and tell Emperor Qin that I, Emperor Xia, am not a bully, and if Emperor Qin wants to destroy my Great Xia, all my subjects in Bactria should fight to the death, and they will certainly not let you have a better time with Great Qin.”

Cao Wei scolded coldly.

Although he understood Great Qin’s horror very well. But in terms of momentum, it cannot be weakened by half a point.

“Well, I will convey this to the Emperor of Qin.”


Wang Qi opened his mouth coldly.

As soon as he threw off his battle robe, he strode out of the Qianqing Palace. And to Wang Qi did not want to take down Jing Ke.

Instead, Wang Qi considered once he did something to Jing Ke. The Northern Dragon Rider was bound to fight with the Great Qin Iron Horse. Wang Qi was not sure, so he could only give up. And.

What he had just said was indeed a bit extreme. Emperor Qin only ordered him to help Emperor Xia. He was not asked to utter these words of contempt. However, Wang Qi felt that he was not wrong. Because he is telling the truth. Jing Ke was the one who issued the order of the Qin Emperor to hunt down and kill. But Emperor Xia actually accepted him. This is undoubtedly against the Qin Emperor.

Moreover, the Seven Kingdoms of the Nine Weeks and the Strength of Great Qin are well known to all countries. That Tang Emperor Ming and Emperor Sui were extremely jealous of Emperor Qin. What did Emperor Xia count again?

But this mission has been accomplished.

Wang Qi could only quickly return to Great Qin to resume his life.

And inform Jing Ke of the news that he is in Bactria.

As for how the Qin Emperor would decide. Wang Qi just obeyed the orders.

Some people may wonder.

Since Wang Qi had joined forces with Cao Gan to capture the Qing Dynasty. Why did he lead 100,000 Great Qin Iron to ride away like this? Didn’t he want to occupy the city?

In fact, the reason is very simple.

This time the Six Kingdoms were wiped out.

Its territory naturally cannot be grabbed by anyone.

Instead, a six-nation conference negotiation is needed to divide the Great Qing. Therefore, Wang Qi did not need to lead the Great Qin Iron Horse to occupy this city.

When the negotiations of the Six Kingdoms Conference begin, how to divide the land of the Great Qing Dynasty is a contest between the sons of heaven of various countries.

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