Chapter 159: Land Immortals? Desperate Kang Mazi!.

In the Qianqing Palace.

Jing Ke’s brow frowned slightly.

There was a faint hint of melancholy under his eyes. Meet Wang Qi today.

At the same time, he also leaked his own tracks.

If the Qin Emperor really sent troops against Bactria because of himself. This is definitely not what Jing Ke wants to see.


Jing Ke knew that Emperor Xia was very strong. Its own strength is unfathomable.

But the power of Bactria is here. He knew very well the horror of the Qin Emperor.

If it causes war between two countries because of itself, the consequences….. Jing Ke did not want to continue to think down, and his eyes had gradually become solemn. A decision has been quietly made in the heart.

Perhaps, only by leaving the Summer Emperor is the best choice. Cao Wei is a personal essence.

Although Jing Ke did not speak.

But just from his expression, he could see what Jing Ke was thinking in his heart.

“Mr. Jing Ke, although Great Qin is strong, but I am not a vegetarian in Bactria either, do you think Your Majesty will be afraid of Emperor Qin?”

“Do you still feel that because of yourself, you will cause war between the two countries and tire Your Majesty?”

Cao Wei said lightly.


Jing Ke’s face was frightened.

“Mr. Jing Ke, no matter what you think in your heart, since Your Majesty was able to take you in in the first place, you naturally thought about Emperor Qin’s attitude toward you.”

“Cao Mou said a crazy word on behalf of His Majesty, don’t say that Emperor Qin issued a hunting order for you, even if the other four countries can’t tolerate Mr. Li, as long as Your Majesty is willing to protect you, even if I fight the other five countries alone in Daxia, Your Majesty will never frown.”

“200 And this is my big summer child’s mind, Mr. Jingke, do you understand?”

Cao Yan threw a voice.


Cao Xian’s words sounded like thunder in Jing Ke’s mind. His whole being was stuck in place.

I was completely shocked by Cao Yan’s words. Oh, yes!

If it weren’t for him, Jing Ke saw that Emperor Yi was expected to surpass the Qin Emperor. How could he willingly submit to Emperor Yi’s command? What are you worried about at the moment?

“Cao Cheng Xiang, Jing Ke has been taught.”

The worry in Jing Ke’s eyes dissipated, and he sincerely bowed down to Cao Xian. Seeing Jing Ke had already dispelled the worries in his heart.

Cao Yi said with a straight face, “Mr. Jing Ke, you and I are both serving Your Majesty, and Xie does not have to.” ”

“But now there is indeed one thing to trouble sir….”

Cao Wei quickly told Jing Ke about Kang Mazi’s disappearance. Jing Ke nodded his head after listening.

Then he personally led ten nether ghosts to search for the secret passage inside the palace. Stop.

Jing Ke is really powerful.

It is worthy of being the world’s top assassin.

For the organ secret path, it can be described as a master level.

It only took an hour to find the rockery. As he twisted the mechanism in the rockery.

A dark passage also appeared.

“Good Kang Mazi, he really escaped from the city through the secret passage.”

“Come on, quickly track down where Kang Mazi escaped.”

Cao Wei hurriedly gave the order, and he gathered his troops to quickly pursue. But before Cao Qian could mobilize his manpower, Jing Ke opened his mouth.

“Cao Cheng Xiang, let the Nether Ghost Assassin do this thing.”

Cao hesitated, then nodded slowly.

He knew the severity of the Nether Ghost’s stab.

The tracking of Yasumiko was done by the Nether Ghost Thorn, which was perfectly suitable. However, Cao Xian still had some worries in his heart.

It had been a day since the invasion of the Great Qing Dynasty. I’m afraid that at this moment, Kang Mazi has already fled every day.


Not half a day.

The Nether Ghost Thorn returned.

And brought news that disappointed Cao Wei and Jing Ke. Follow the trail of the Nether Ghost Thorn.

It was found that Kang Mazi had already fled outside the pass on a fast horse.

At this moment, he should have left the Nine Weeks Realm and entered the land of barbarians. Get this disappointing news.

The color of disappointment crossed Cao Xian’s eyes.

However, knowing where Kang Mazi went, this is also a bit of a gain.

“Mr. Jing Ke, this is the case, you and Ben Xiang will return to the dynasty and resume your life.”

Cao Xian said.


Jing Ke nodded.

However, before the two left, they let 30,000 Northern Dragons ride to guard the royal city. Although other countries will not attack, they must take precautions.


The other side.

Outside the gate, the land of barbarians.

Kang Mazi galloped on horseback.

His body was covered with dust and frost.

Both eyes were covered with blood, and their eyes were full of hatred for Emperor Yi of Xia. The Great Qing is dead!

Simple four words.

But he couldn’t get Kang Mazi to accept it.

However, he could only flee to Guanwai with his group of courtiers. I didn’t dare to delay for a moment.

Because he was afraid that there were pursuing soldiers behind him, then he would definitely be captured alive. Finally.

When Kang Mazi escaped into the pass, he was slightly relieved, and the war horse also stopped.

“Your Majesty, look, it is my Great Qing Imperial Banner.”

The pearl trembled and pointed to the distance.

A looming sight could be seen of an imperial flag grinning in the wind. Moreover, a large number of tents also came into the eyes of Kang Mazi.

“Go with the flow and ask the old ancestor of the Great Qing Dynasty to get out of the customs.”


Kang Mazi roared angrily, and the horse headed towards the ancestral land of the Great Qing. Now.

In his heart, he only wanted to slaughter Emperor Yi of Xia. However, there were only a million eight flags of soldiers and horses outside the Guan. These forces could not even be mobilized by him.

Because the Eight Banners are under the control of the Eight Banner Lords. And these millions of troops can only defend the ancestral land of the Great Qing Dynasty. He didn’t listen to the dispatch of this Great Qing Heavenly Son. But Kang Mazi also knew.

Even though the Eight Banners listen to him.

However, if you want to use a million troops to counterattack Guannei, this is simply a fantasy. At this moment, his only thought was to invite the two ancestors of the Great Qing.

These two ancestors were Terrestrial Immortals.

He has lived for hundreds of years in the ancestral land of the Qing Dynasty.

As long as he could invite the two old ancestors out of the mountain, he would certainly be able to kill Emperor Yi and relieve the hatred in his heart.

The ancestral land of the Great Qing Dynasty.

In front of a dusty stone cave.

Kang Mazi fell to his knees, and the tears in his eyes were dripping down one by one. He has been kneeling here for a day and a night.

It also made it clear that the foundation of the Great Qing Dynasty was buried in his hands. And the culprit of the Xia Emperor B is introduced.

Berate its insane act of annihilation.

However, the two old ancestors in the cave did not respond to him at all.

“The Great Qing Dynasty did not filial piety to his descendant Xuan Ye, and respectfully invited the old ancestor to come out of the mountain.”

Every other hour, Kang Mazi pleaded with sorrow. His voice had begun to hoarse.

My knees were numb because I had been kneeling for a day and a night. But he didn’t want to give up.

Because he knew that once he gave up, he was afraid that he would have no hope of revenge. Now.

He pinned all his hopes on the two old ancestors.

Because the only people in this world who could come and go freely and kill Emperor Yi of Xia for themselves were the two old ancestors of the Terrestrial Immortal Realm.

“Xuan Ye!”


A deep sound came from inside the cave.

“Xuan Ye is here.”

Hear voices coming from inside the cave.

Kang Mazi was so excited that he couldn’t help himself, and hurriedly kowtowed in response.

“It’s not that I won’t help you, but that the Great Qing Dynasty is dead, and the two of us have been closed for a hundred years, and we have sworn to heaven that if it weren’t for the calamity of the dead people in the Great Qing, I would never have walked out of this stone cave for half a step.”

“Although the two of us are land immortals, they have not been stained with mortal dust for many years, and the country you have lost needs to be taken back by yourself, so retire.”

Inside the cave.

Two vicissitudes of sound came out one after another. Then it fell silent completely.

No matter how Kang Mazi cried, there was no response. Until this moment.

Kang Mazi knew that he could not invite the two old ancestors at all. It also made him look hideous and terrible.

I made an extremely crazy decision in my heart. He is going back to the earth of nine weeks.

He is going to join the upcoming six-nation parliament.

Even if he fought for his life, he vowed to ask Emperor Yi for an explanation. It is even more necessary to let the sons of heaven of all countries know.

Even if his Great Qing was destroyed, he was still the emperor of the Great Qing. Moreover.

Kang Mazi believed that if he went to the Six Kingdoms Conference, he would not die at all. Because the parliament of the Six Nations was held in the Great Wasteland.

No matter who.

From the Son of Heaven down to the pawn.

As long as you enter the Great Wasteland City, you must never use swords and soldiers, let alone hurt people’s lives. Because this is an iron law that has been observed by all countries since ancient times.

And the Great Desolate City Lord is a land god and immortal being.

Whoever dares to break the rules laid down by all nations together, the other nations shall fight together. So.

Even a figure as strong as the Qin Emperor would definitely not dare to use his sword in the Great Wasteland City. And the Great Wasteland City is also the only existence in the Nine Weeks and Seven Kingdoms that can stand alone.

It is not under the jurisdiction of various countries and has survived to this day.

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