Chapter 160 What are the rules? It’s the rules!

What is the Six-Power Conference?


The so-called six-nation conference is just a general term.

Before the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was also called the Seven Kingdoms Conference. Push a little further back in time.

There were as many as a dozen dynasties in the Nine Weeks Land, and at that time it was still called the Council of Nations, so there were all kinds of names, just a title.

The location of the meeting of the Six Nations was naturally chosen as the Great Wasteland. Because since ancient times.

The Great Wasteland is a pure land of the Nine Weeks Great World. No matter how fiercely the nations fought.

The Great Wasteland is all left alone. And has been neutral. It is not at all under the rule of the nations. And since ancient times.

All countries have set an iron law.

However, in all matters concerning the Nine Weeks of the World, the Heavenly Sons of all countries must hold parliamentary negotiations in the Great Wasteland City, and they must never use swords.

Whoever violates this iron law will be attacked by other nations. This also makes the status of the Great Wasteland City transcendent.

It can almost be said that it is a holy place of the Nine Weeks Great World.

The Lord of the Great Wasteland City has been passed down through the generations and is a land god and immortal realm in the world. Of course.

Don’t think that only the Great Desolate City Lord is a Terrestrial Divine Realm. According to the investigation of the sons of heaven of various countries.

The Great Wasteland City has at least three to four Terrestrial Divine Realm guards.

If anyone dares to use a sword in the city, even if you are a son of heaven, I am afraid that you will not be able to get out of the Great Desolate City. Of course.

The Great Wasteland City can become a pure land because of the common recognition of all countries. Now the Great Qing Dynasty is in ruins.

The Six Kingdoms naturally want to divide their territories.

Therefore, the meeting of the six countries naturally chose to be held in the Great Wasteland City. After all, the sons of heaven of all countries are jealous and jealous of each other.

No one can choose to hold the six-nation talks in other countries. If you are ambushed, is it not a wrongful death?


The Great Wasteland is the best choice.

This is also the reason why the conferences of the great wasteland have been held since ancient times.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Jing Ke and Cao Xian knelt down at His Highness.

The two had just returned to Bactria, and they went directly into the palace.

Cao Yi even pleaded with Nie Zheng for his guilt, and although he destroyed the Qing Dynasty, he let Kang Mazi escape. However, Nie Zheng naturally did not blame Cao Zheng for this.

Then Cao Yi mentioned the Council of the Six Kingdoms, and explained the origin of the Great Wasteland City with a hanging mouth.

“The Great Wasteland?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A playful look crossed his eyes. After some explanation by Cao Xian.

Nie Zheng also probably understood the significance of the existence of the Great Wasteland City. Plainly.

The Great Wasteland is a three-way zone.

When the sons of heaven of all countries enter the Great Wasteland City, they must abide by the rules of not moving swords. However, Nie Zheng was not thinking about this matter. On he took out the map 3 of the Nine Weeks World. Find the location of the Great Wasteland.


His eyes lit up, and he already saw where the Great Wasteland City was. Only to see the map of the Nine Weeks of the Great World.

The Great Wasteland is located in the heart of the Nine Weeks Land.


Nie Zheng touched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

Because he found something extremely interesting.

That is where the Great Wasteland City is located, and it is in the middle of various countries. Simply put.

It is the location of the Great Wasteland City, the land of the Seven Kingdoms that is connected. In other words.

If you get the Great Wasteland City yourself.

Then it can invade the frontiers of various countries from all directions. This is a military fortress that chokes the throats of all countries. It can really be said that it can be attacked and retreated.

Nie Zheng smiled.

But he also understood one thing.

Why can the Great Wasteland become a pure land?

Although it is related to the rules set by various countries together. But the real meaning is.

No one in the country wants his country to get this military fortress.

If a country occupies a deserted city, the threat to its own country will skyrocket. Therefore, it has also caused the transcendent status of the Great Wasteland City.

“Your Majesty, Wang Qi already knows of my existence, and Emperor Qin has issued a hunting order against me, but I am only afraid….”

Just as Nie Zheng was carefully looking at the map of the Nine Weeks Great World.

Jing Ke hesitated for half a second, but still opened his mouth.

Although he knew that this big summer son would protect him. But there is still some guilt in my heart.

“It’s just a small thing, there is no need to mention it again, others are afraid of him Emperor Qin, but the person who wants to be protected, Emperor Qin can’t kill him.”

Nie Zheng was still looking at the map, and he didn’t even lift his head.

It was as if he didn’t pay any attention to what Jing Ke had said.

“0 ask for flowers…

And this also made Jing Ke shudder.

Then I smiled bitterly inside.

Cao Qian was right.

Since His Majesty dared to take himself with him.

How could he not know Emperor Qin’s attitude toward himself?

But it was also because of Nie Zheng’s words.

Jing Ke’s heart was also settled.

“Your Majesty, a messenger has visited the Great Wasteland City and invited His Majesty to join the parliament of the six countries a month later to discuss the division of the Qing Dynasty’s territory.”

Zhao Gao quickly walked into the hall and bowed to Nie Zhengyi.

“The speed of the Great Wasteland is still quite fast, and it really thinks that it is a holy land and pure land?”

Nie Zheng finally looked up.

But the eyes are full of contempt.

And a cruel and obscure cold light crossed his eyes.



I had just learned about the existence of the Great Wasteland City from Cao Xian’s mouth. I also saw the location of the Great Wasteland City.

Nie Zheng already had the heart to seize the city in his heart. What bullshit rules?

What land gods?

Also a Pure Land Holy Land?

Should countries abide by it together?


In Nie Zheng’s dictionary, there are no two words: “rules.” Let’s talk a crazy thing again.

What Nie Zheng said was the rules.

Whoever dares to disobey him is simply destroyed. Propriety?

He Xia Emperor B was the one who made the rules.

Nine weeks in the world who can make him follow what bullshit rules?

“Tell the Great Wild Messenger that he will join the Parliament of the Six Kingdoms as promised.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

Zhao Gao hurried to receive the message and conveyed the dictation of the Son of Heaven.

However, it didn’t matter whether it was Zhao Gao or His Highness’s Jing Ke Cao Zhao. None of them found out.

Nie Zheng was laughing at the moment.

And the smile was unusually bright.

The other side.

The sons of heaven of all nations received a message from the Great Wasteland City.

They all prepared to travel to the Great Wasteland City in a month to participate in the Six-Power Parliament.

After all, the division of the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty was of great importance, and the Heavenly Sons of all countries naturally attached great importance to it. Pity.

The sons of heaven of all nations would never have thought of it. It was Emperor B of Xia who was far away in Bactria.

At this moment, the tiger is looking at the Great Wasteland City.

I’m thinking about how to turn the Great Wasteland into your own territory.

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