Chapter 161: The Thoughts of the Qin Emperor, On the Eve of the Great Desolation.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was laughing happily. Since the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

He was happy every day. This is not.

Today the Messenger of the Great Absurd arrives and invites him to the Parliament of the Six Kingdoms. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s spirit was lifted.

For this six-nation parliament, it is very much looking forward to it. Although the division of the territory of the Qing Dynasty was of great importance.

But what interested Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang even more was Emperor Yi of Xia. Zhu Yuanzhang would love to see him.

What kind of person does it look like to be able to wipe out his 800,000 soldiers and horses, and even more so to wipe out the entire country’s troops? Now.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s curiosity about Emperor Yi of Xia in his heart actually exceeded the matter of dividing the Great Qing Dynasty. But who do you want to take with you when you go to the Great Wasteland City?

The Great Wasteland has the rules of the Great Wasteland. The Sons of Heaven of each country can only bring two people inside.

And no soldiers and horses should be gathered outside the Great Wasteland City.

Otherwise, once the sons of heaven of all countries have left the great wasteland and there are soldiers and horses ambushing and killing, it will not be a disaster.

“Emperor Zhu Di, Liu Bowen, you two will follow us on a trip to the Great Wasteland City.”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart moved, looking at His Highness King Yan and Liu Bowen.

“The sons and daughters obey the order.”

“The old minister takes the command.”

Zhu Di bowed down and showed great obedience.

Liu Bowen was smiling, unable to see any change in his heart. Of course.

Zhu Yuanzhang decided to take Zhu Di and Liu Bowen into the city.

The soldiers and horses that can escort them to the Great Wasteland City are naturally needed.

It’s just that these soldiers and horses can’t get close to the Great Wasteland City within a hundred miles.

The other side.

Great Sui, Daxing Palace.

The Sui Emperor Yang resolutely decided to take Yu Wenhua and his son Yang Guang to the Great Wasteland City.

Loulan Ancient Country, Wangmo Temple.

Empress Yao Xi of Loulan also chose who to take to the Great Desolate City. However, Yao Xi’s heart was also extremely curious about this new emperor of Bactria to the extreme. Can raise the national army to wipe it out.

People who can do such crazy things.

Not a lunatic, but an extremely terrible tyrant.


Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty also selected a good candidate. He was also very curious about Emperor Yi of Xia.

But more is speculation about whether the Qin Emperor will go to the Great Wasteland City. After all, Li Shimin had always regarded Emperor Qin as a great enemy.

It is also the biggest obstacle to his unification of the world for nine weeks.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Or the black curtain beaded curtain.

A figure of a mighty shore sat in it. No one could get close to the Qin Emperor within a hundred meters.

“Your Majesty Qi Qin, the Great Wilderness Messenger is visiting, does Your Majesty want to go to the Great Wasteland City to participate in the Council of the Six Kingdoms?”

Li Si knelt down a hundred meters away and began to play.

“Nature is going, but it is not the widow who goes, but him.” Emperor Qin’s voice echoed faintly. ”

Only to see the side hall.

A man dressed in a black dragon robe and wearing an imperial crown stepped out. It is also the appearance of this person.

Suddenly, Li Si and Wang Qi on the side looked sluggish.

Because this person who appeared was exactly the same as the Qin Emperor. Moreover.

This person’s behavior was similar to that of the Qin Emperor. There was a faint Heavenly Son’s majesty coming from his body. If you have to say that there is something different. That’s the look in this person’s eyes.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul.

Even if this stand-in imitated the re-image, he could not imitate the eyes of the Qin Emperor. It was a kind of spleen that swept through the eyes of the eight wildernesses and six combinations.

This kind of look Li Si and Wang Qi had long been engraved in their minds. So just by looking at the two of them, they could see that this person was fake.

But the two could recognize it as a fake.

But this does not mean that the Son of Heaven of another country can recognize it as a fake. Li Si and Wang Qi glanced at each other.

Everyone saw the shock in each other’s eyes. The two had always heard that Emperor Qin had many stand-ins. But today I really saw the horror of the Qin Emperor.

Even the two did not know where Emperor Qin had found the substitute. And.

Li Si and Wang Qi had some doubts. Why did the Qin Emperor send a stand-in? Pity.

Although the two had doubts, they did not dare to ask questions.

Because what Emperor Qin decided was not allowed to be questioned by others at all. Maybe I felt the doubts of the two people.

Black curtain beaded curtain. The Qin Emperor spoke.

“The widow has been cultivating the Law of Eternal Life for many years, and at this moment he is at a critical moment, and he wanted to meet the little guy of the Emperor Yi but unfortunately he could only send him.”

Emperor Qin’s voice was very calm.

But there is a slight disappointment in it. Apparently.

Even Emperor Qin was very interested in Emperor Yi.

This time, I can’t go to the Great Wasteland City in person, although I don’t say sorry.

But there were also some minor disappointments.

After all, the art of immortality was more important to him than his curiosity.


Li Si hurriedly prostrated the leader’s will, and then bowed down and withdrew from the Xianyang Palace.

“Wang Xie, what else are you doing?”

Seeing that Wang Qi was still kneeling a hundred meters away, Emperor Qin asked softly.

“Your Majesty, the subject found that Jing Ke had submitted to Emperor Xia and had been reused by Emperor Xia.”

“Emperor Naxia knew that Jing Ke had stabbed His Majesty several times, but he took him in.”

“Emperor Yi of Xia completely ignored my Great Qin Divine Power, and even more ignored His Majesty Tianwei.”

Wang Qi bowed his head and began to play.


Hear Wang Qi’s initiation.

A cry of surprise came from the black curtain beaded curtain.

“It seems that Emperor Yi’s ambitions are not small, and he didn’t even pay attention to the widows.”

“Fun, fun, rare, rare.”

“After all these years, a king has finally appeared who does not take the widow in his eyes.”

“The widow is curious, is this little guy young and crazy, or does he have the strength to fight against the widow?”

A chuckle came out of the beaded curtain…

But Wang Qi’s face was sluggish.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Qin did not have any anger.

Listening to his words was more like being very curious about Emperor Yi of Xia. Wang Qi dared to be absolutely sure.

If it weren’t for Emperor Qin cultivating the art of immortality, perhaps this time the Six Kingdoms Conference, Emperor Qin would really participate. Ge Ran!

Wang Qi was shocked.

Although he did not dare to say that he knew the Qin Emperor.

But he also knew that the Qin Emperor had a surname affection for the world. There were too few people who could be put in the eyes of Emperor Qin.

To put it bluntly. Such as the Tang Emperor and the Ming Emperor.

It may not be in the eyes of the Qin Emperor.

But now the Qin Emperor was curious about this new emperor of Bactria. This also made Wang Qi vaguely feel.

I’m just afraid that this big summer child is really not simple.

Because the person who could make Qin Emperor’s attention was destined not to be an ordinary person. Wang Qi was convinced of his feelings.

The other side.

At a time when the sons of heaven of all nations have not yet come to the Great Wasteland City. Yasumazi has appeared in the Great Wasteland City.

It is also a meeting with the Lord of the Great Wasteland. Great wilderness, the city lord’s mansion.

“Lord of the Lonely City, please also look at the two old ancestors of the Great Qing Dynasty, and ask the seniors to be the masters of the decay.”

Kang Mazi bowed down to the Lord of the Great Desolate City.

He had completely given up his dignity as a former emperor. Lone Sword.

Lord of the Great Wasteland.

Its cultivation is a terrestrial fairyland.

His hair was pale and he was dressed in green clothes, and there was no momentum blooming around him. It feels like just an ordinary old man.

The Great Desolate City Lord’s lone sword frowned slightly.

The face of Yasumako’s plea made him a little embarrassed.

“Your Majesty, although the old man is in the same door as your two Xuanzu, the Great Wasteland City has always been in neutrality, and since the Great Qing Dynasty has already collapsed, why should Your Majesty persist?”


“Forgive the old man for not being able to help.”

The Great Desolation Lord softly refused.


Kang Mazi also wanted to continue to struggle.

But the Great Desolate City Lord had already disappeared. Apparently.

The Lord of the Great Desolation City pursues a neutral attitude.

It was impossible to break the rules of the Great Wasteland for the sake of a Kang Ma Zi. Moreover.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Great Wasteland.

If only those two Great Qing Ancestors had come to ask him. Maybe he will still be a little moved and hesitant.

After all, those were two land immortals, and he also had to attach great importance to them.

But Kangmazi’s plea, in his opinion, was just a matter of survival. He simply refused.

One more ugly word.

Neither of your own ancestors was invited out. Now ask me, the Lord of the Great Wasteland, to rule for you. Isn’t that a big joke?

See the Great Desolation Lord disappear. Kang Mazi’s face was ashamed and angry. But he could only leave helplessly.

It was just a hint of madness in his eyes.

It was as if there was already some kind of vicious decision in his heart.

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