Chapter 163: The Dog Bites You and Turns Back and Slaughters Him with a Knife!.

“Which prince and nobleman would dare to run so unscrupulously outside the Great Wasteland City?”

“Who is sitting in the golden rut?” How could this chariot and horse be so desperate and extravagant? ”

“Sigh, no, no, I see that this car is all made of gold, and the car of the Son of Heaven of the Seven Kingdoms can’t reach such a luxurious level, right?”

On the road leading to the Great Wasteland City, the passers-by on both sides avoided it.

Even more unfortunate ghosts who stood in the way were knocked to the ground by Zhao Gao’s whip. This also caused the shocked discussion of passers-by.

Looking at the golden rut in the distance, there was a look of shock.

Speculation has been made about what kind of big man is sitting in the golden rut. According to the normal plot.

Zhao Gao drove a car and horse into a rampage.

More brazen beatings against those who stand in the way.

At this moment, there should be a messenger of justice to stop the golden rut and loudly rebuke Zhao Gao. And fight for the beaten passers-by.

But the reality is. A bunch of bystanders.

Beaten passers-by can only consider themselves unlucky.

The so-called messengers of justice did not appear at all. After all, no one is a fool.

You look at the luxury of the carriages and horses, and the characters sitting inside are the ones they can afford? Don’t say anything about the uneven road and draw the knife to help.

And don’t say anything about righteousness and righteousness and not being afraid of power.

The reality is that in the Nine Weeks World, the strong are as heavy as mountains, and the weak are creeping like ants. Are there people who are not afraid of power?

A: Yes.

But it’s definitely rare.

And this kind of person definitely does not live long. Are you just?

Are you used to it?

Do you have this strength?

In the nine-week world, the strong can kill such people with the slightest movement of a small finger. So there’s a saying that says it well.

The person who has the strength to be nosy is called Niu Bi. The person who has no strength and is still nosy is called Sao. And that’s the reality.

Therefore, if Zhao Gao drove a car and horse to rampage, and even drank and scolded those who blocked the way, no one dared to jump out and take care of things.

The Great Wasteland, in front of the city gate.


Zhao Gao and Jing Ke tightened their stiffness.

The golden carriage was parked firmly in front of the city gate.

“I don’t know where your distinguished guest is driving to the Great Wasteland City, please show the city citation to the villain for a look.”

When did the garrison see such a luxurious carriage and horse?

His face was shocked, and his eyes were a little red.

However, the guards quickly woke up and hurriedly bowed their hands to Zhao Gao and Jing Ke.

“Sitting in the car is my eldest summer, and I quickly ask your lord to go out of the city to greet him.” Zhao Gao casually took out the city text and said with a proud face. ”

“Big summer?”

“Emperor Yi of Xia is here?”

“Sitting in the carriage is the new emperor of Bactria who destroyed the whole country?”

“Sigh, big money, you see that this chariot and horse are all made of gold, and there are many agate gems on it, this Summer Emperor is really extravagant and terrible.”

“Hey, I’ve long heard that Emperor Yi of Xia is faint and cruel, and the value of this golden rut alone is immeasurable.”

“The losers, the losers, it seems that Emperor Xia’s reputation for mediocrity really did not come in vain.”

“You really don’t have any vision, the real value is those two dragon foals, if I am not mistaken, this is a rare snow dragon colt, and it is also a pair of male and female snow dragon foals.”

With Zhao Gao self-reporting identity.

The people and horses who were entering the Great Wasteland City were shocked and discussed.

Everyone looked at the golden rut in amazement, but they couldn’t see the dignity of the big summer. However, the eyes of the carriages and horses that Emperor Xia was riding on showed an extremely shocked color.

Hearing that sitting in the golden rut was Emperor Xia’s upper and lower guards with a slight change in their faces, they hurried into the city to report.

After all, when a Heavenly Son of a Kingdom came to the Great Wasteland City, he could not receive it as a small soldier. Soon.

The city gates were wide open.

The piano player played music melodiously.

More than a dozen maids held flower baskets in their hands, and large petals of wine fell. A red carpet stretches out of the city.

Only to see an old man in blue leading ten Great Desolate Iron Guards to quickly walk out of the city to meet him.

“You are the lone sword of the Great Desolate City Lord?”

Zhao Gao opened his mouth lightly.

“Your excellency has misunderstood, and the old man left the lord of the Great Desolation Vice City, Zhong Li, and hereby welcomes the Emperor Xia into the city.” Zhong Li smiled. ”

“What qualifications do you, a mere deputy city lord, have to welcome me into the city?”

“Go and ask the lone sword to personally go out of the city to meet you.”

Zhao Gao scolded coldly.

Fully explain what is called the fox fake tiger and the dog battle human posture. Of course.

It wasn’t Zhao Gao who wanted to be Zhang Baohu.

Instead, before coming to the Great Wasteland City, the master told him to ask for some equipment. Zhao Gao naturally remembered it in his heart.

Seeing that Zhao Gao was obviously an eunuch, and was so arrogant and reprimanding himself. Zhong Li’s face was slightly cold, but he still maintained a smile on his face.

“Please also ask Emperor Xia to understand that our Great Wasteland City has the rules of a Great Wasteland City, and those who have gone out of the city to greet the Heavenly Sons of all countries throughout the ages are the vice-lords of the city, even if the Emperor of Qin comes to my Great Wasteland City, it is also this rule.”

The bell is not humble. Stop.

Zhong Li this old guy smiled and explained to the most political in the rut. But the momentum around him is obviously a bit arrogant.

And this pride was given to him by the Great Wasteland City of One Pure Land.

After all, the people of the Great Wasteland City had become accustomed to being on top.

Even in the face of the sons of heaven of all countries, it is not a humble attitude.

“Be bold!”

Zhao Gao let out a loud drink.

But before he could continue.

The most political chuckle came from inside the golden rut.

“Zhao Gao, don’t be rude.”

“Since the Great Wasteland City has the rules of the Great Wasteland City, we still have to abide by them.” The most political voice was very kind, with a kind laugh. ”

I couldn’t hear any dissatisfaction at all.

“Thank you Emperor Xia for your understanding, Emperor Xia please enter the city.”

Zhong Li smiled faintly, but there was a touch of pride under his eyes. Because he already knew that it was the result.

When the sons of heaven of all countries entered the Great Wasteland City, they had to abide by the rules of the Great Wasteland City. This is also a well-known thing.


The vice-lord didn’t see it.

Zhao Gao looked at him with a look of extreme pity. Others do not understand their master’s surname.

How could Zhao Gao not know?

When the master laughed and spoke.

That doomed this person’s fate to be miserable.


Zhao Gao swung the stiff rope, and the carriage and horse drove into the Great Desolate City. The main bell of the vice-city is leading the way ahead.

However, along the way, the deputy city lord Zhong Li was also secretly shocked. This Summer Emperor’s rut is really luxurious.

It seems that the rumors of Emperor Xia’s fainting are really somewhat credible.

A stove of incense time passed.

Under the guidance of the vice-city lord Zhong Li.

The golden carriage on which the government rode came to a vast palace…….】

Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, please rest in the Heavenly Son’s Palace for the time being, and when the Heavenly Sons of all countries arrive, the parliament of the six countries will be convened.

Zhong Li bowed down to the most political man in the rut. Apparently.

The most political is the first Heavenly Son to come to the Great Wasteland City. The other five Heavenly Sons did not arrive.

However, it was probably only in these few days that the other five Heavenly Sons would all arrive at the Great Wasteland City.

“Trouble the deputy city lord.”

The beaded curtain was lifted.

The most political man stepped out of the golden rut with a smile. Four splendid handmaidens accompanied him.

The most political and friendly nodded to the deputy city lord, there was no Tianzi shelf at all. Seeing that Emperor Yi of Xia was so young, and would not be more than twenty years old at most.

The deputy city lord Zhong Li was also slightly frightened.

In his heart, he didn’t believe that such a young and handsome Heavenly Son could do something that would sweep the whole country away!

However, it is not until the deputy city master clock is away from trying to understand.

The government has already made a big stride into the Heavenly Son’s Palace.

Inside the Heavenly Son’s Palace. The government has just sat down.

Zhao Gao looked puzzled, and bowed down to Juzheng: “Your Majesty Mingjian, the people of the Great Wasteland City are simply very hateful, and the old man just now is even more arrogant and unreasonable, you didn’t confess to the slaves before, do you want to act in a high-profile way, but just Your Majesty you?” ”

Zhao Gao wanted to talk and stopped.

Obviously, some people can’t understand what their masters really mean. See Zhao Gao puzzled.

The most political laughed.

It’s just that the most political smile is deep and unpredictable, and a cold light quietly crosses the bottom of his eyes.

“That old guy is just a watchdog of the Great Desolate City Lord, so why should he see him in general?”

“But Zhao Gao, you have to remember one thing, the dog bites you, you naturally can’t bite back, but you have to turn around and take the knife and kill him directly.”

“Got it?”

The most political smiled and looked at Zhao Gao.

“Your Majesty, the slave remembers the investigation. Hear the Master’s teachings. ”

Zhao Gao smiled evilly.

At the same time, there was a touch of darkness in his eyes. Watch the conversation between the regent master and servant. Jing Ke’s eyes were full of helplessness.

He suddenly realized that this time he had come to the Great Wasteland City, and he was only afraid that His Majesty the Summer Emperor would make a terrible event.

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