Chapter 164 Are you sure you want to sit here?.

Three days later.

The whole wasteland city is extremely lively. The sons of heaven of all nations entered the city one after another.

And they all settled in their respective Heavenly Son’s palaces. With the Heavenly Sons of the nations enter the Great Wasteland City.

The most eye-catching thing is the arrival of the Qin Emperor. After all, the prestige of the Qin Emperor was too great.

It also attracted many people in the Great Wasteland City to watch the Qin Emperor’s car. Pity.

Emperor Qin sat in the middle of the rut, and no one could see what he looked like. It was also the arrival of the Qin Emperor.

For example, the limelight of the Ming Emperor and the Tang Emperor was also vaguely overshadowed by the Qin Emperor. With the Heavenly Sons of the Six Kingdoms all arrived at the Great Wasteland City.

The Lord of the Great Wasteland sent a message to the Heavenly Sons of the nations.

The Parliament of the Six Kingdoms will be held tomorrow at the Great Wasteland Hall.

However, the Heavenly Sons of each country could only carry two people into the Great Desolation Hall. This is also the rule set by all countries.

The next day, the Great Desolation Hall.

The candles flickered and dimmed. The Lord of the Great Wasteland sat in the first place.

A large stone table was placed in front of him.

Above the stone table is a map of the Nine Weeks of the Great World. Among them, the territory of the Great Qing has been marked with Zhu Pen. Seven chairs are placed on either side of the stone table.

It is obviously reserved for the Son of Heaven of all nations.

The Lord of the Great Desolate City did not say a word, silently waiting for the arrival of the Heavenly Sons of all countries.

“Emperor Tang arrived.”

“The Ming Emperor has arrived.”

“The Sui Emperor has arrived.”

“Empress Loulan arrived.”

With the rumble of the temple door opens.

The Sons of Heaven of the Four Kingdoms entered the Great Desolation Hall.

“The lord of the city has not seen him for many years, and he is still full of vigor and vigor.”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin opened his mouth first, smiled and bowed his hand to the Lord of the Great Desolate City.

“Emperor Tang praised it.”

The Lord of the Great Desolation City nodded faintly, which was considered to have greeted the Tang Emperor.

“I’ve seen the lonely seniors.”

Empress Loulan Yao Xi was dressed as a gift to the Lord of the Great Desolate City.

“Empress Yaoxi should not ask for much courtesy, and the old husband does not dare to accept the empress’s worship.”

The Lord of the Great Wasteland City smiled.

He lifted it with one palm, and an invisible force lifted Empress Yaoxi up.

“Yang Jian has seen the city lord.”

The Sui Emperor very politely bowed to the lord of the Great Desolate City.

The Great Desolate City Lord also nodded faintly, which was a tribute to the Sui Emperor Yang Jian. Stop.

Faced with the arrival of the Son of Heaven of the Four Kingdoms.

The Lord of the Great Desolation City still appeared as the old god.

There is really a transcendent temperament that exudes it. Also.

The Great Wasteland City was originally a Pure Land Holy Land in the Nine Weeks World.

What’s more, the Great Desolate City Lord was still a land god and immortal in the current world.

These two identities are added together, and even the sons of heaven of all countries must pay homage to them. However, although the three emperors saw it as a courtesy.

But the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was a little more casual.

“Lonely old man, your body is really good, you should be able to live another hundred years, right?”

“We’re really envious!”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang snorted and sat on the second chair very casually. However, it was also this move of Emperor Ming that immediately made Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s face change. To know that the ranking of seats is very exquisite.

This implies the strength of their respective national powers.

The first chair was naturally sat by Emperor Qin.

The sons of heaven of all countries have self-knowledge and naturally will not fight for it. I also didn’t want to clash with the Qin Emperor because of this matter.

But this second chair has spoken.

Li Shimin thought he should sit in the first chair. Because he thinks that except for Great Qin.

.0 His Datang absolutely overwhelmed the rest of the countries.

However, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang actually sat on the second chair. This is clearly taking his place.

“Zhu Yuanzhang, are you in the wrong position?”

Li Shimin’s eyes were slightly cold.


“Li Er, let’s just say that there are only a few chairs, but where are we sitting?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and looked at Li Shimin.

But the hostility that flowed from his body could be felt by anyone.

“Zhu Yuanzhang, I hope you can sit firmly in this chair and don’t fall on yourself.” Emperor Li Shimin smiled slightly, but he was not angry. ”

But the cold light under his eyes became more and more intense. Then he sat down in the third chair.

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian and Empress Yaoxi did not argue, but the two of them humbled each other. Ultimately.

Emperor Sui sat on the fourth chair, while Empress Loulan sat on the fifth. With the four emperors seated.

It was still not yet that Emperor Xia and Emperor Qin had not arrived.

The Lord of the Great Desolation City did not say a word, silently waiting for the arrival of the two men. You could say so.

The old thing of the Great Desolate City Lord was going farther and farther down the road to avoid it. But then again.

The Great Desolate City Lord did indeed have this strength.

Who makes the family a land god and a god of the earth, and even more a lord of the Great Desolate City? Didn’t you see that the parliament of the six countries will be held in the great wasteland of the people? The sons of heaven of all countries see it with the courtesy of the younger generations!

“Let’s just say, we have never admired anyone in our lives, but the Di Yi brothers really make us admire very much.”

“The great Qing of Kang Mazi is dead, but we have not slept for three days and three nights of excitement.” Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang spoke to himself, always with a smile on his face

“Hahaha, I have long heard the reputation of the iron blood of the heavy eighth big brother, and today I saw it and it was indeed worthy of the name.” Ge Ran. ”

Outside the temple came the loudest laughter. Only to see Ji Zheng stride into the Great Desolation Hall. With a kind smile on his face as well.

He even strode straight to the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

“Brother Emperor!”

“Heavy Eighth Brother!”


A strange scene appeared.

With the most political stride into the Great Desolation Hall. Zhu Yuanzhang got up and greeted the most political.

A very kind smile appeared on his face. The next moment.

The two laughed loudly and hugged each other.

Looking at the happy look of the two people, it was as kind as an old friend who had not seen each other for many years. Quiet!


Ethereal silence! When this scene is presented. All the people present were stupid.

If it weren’t for the fact that they knew that Emperor Yi of Xia had destroyed Emperor Ming’s 800,000 soldiers and horses. Everyone really thought that Emperor Xia and Emperor Ming were brothers who had been lost for many years.

“Brother Di Yi, we have been thinking about seeing you in Daming.”

“When I saw it today, the Di Yi brothers were not only young and promising, but also dragons among people.” Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty looked at the most political government with a smile on his face. ”

The smile on that face was already thick and could not be dissolved.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, I also miss you very much, but unfortunately Bactria and Daming are far away, otherwise I would have wanted to go to Daming and Heavy Eighth Brother to talk about wine and rejoice in order to tell you and my brotherly feelings.”

The most political also laughed brightly. There were even more sighs coming from the mouth.

The two met for the first time, but the kind look seemed to have known each other for a long time. Watching the two talk cordially.

The three emperors present looked strange.

Looking at both of them, their eyes flashed a touch of jealousy. Laugh and hide the knife!

These two guys are smiling tigers. The Three Emperors are not fools.

The two complimented each other and smiled so kindly and happily.

I’m afraid that in my heart, I can’t wait to cut the other person’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, right? Especially Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

He frowned slightly at this big summer.

A faint hint of worry crossed his eyes.

What kind of person is Zhu Yuanzhang. He Li Er knew too well.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was definitely a man who hid a sword in a smile. That’s it!

Now here comes another Xia Emperor B. Also looks like a smiling tiger.

This big and small two people who hide knives in their laughter, today’s six-nation parliament is really interesting.

“Come and come, Brother Di Yi, after today’s parliament of the Six Kingdoms, you and my brothers must have a drink and have a good time.”

|| Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and Juzheng walked side by side, and the two came to the stone table with laughter and laughter.

But before Zhu Yuanzhang and the other three emperors could react. What happens in the next moment.

I almost didn’t shock the eyes of the Four Emperors. The most political!

He sat down in the first chair very casually. The smile on his face was still so bright.

It was as if he didn’t know what meaning his seat was in. Surprise!

Zhu Yuanzhang’s smile stiffened on his face. Tang Emperor Li Shimin’s eyes were flashing.

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian looked at the most political government in disbelief.

Even the idyllic Empress Yaoxi looked at this Great Summer Zi in surprise. A quirky atmosphere is growing.

Even Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t laugh at this moment.

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, are you sure you really want to sit here?”

Ge Ran.

The Lord of the Great Desolate City opened his mouth and looked faintly at the most political man beside him. As if to remind the most political.

This is not the place you should be sitting.

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