Chapter 165: The Seven Emperors Gather, Kang Mazi Wants to Get Justice?.


“Where should you sit?”

The most politically laughable people and animals are harmless.

The laughing one looked at the Great Desolation Lord even more gently. Wait for the land god to give him an answer. Don’t know why.

Watching Emperor Xia Yi smile at himself. And it was a very polite laugh.

A chill rose in the heart of the Great Desolate City Lord.

This also made him slightly shocked, and he carefully stared at Emperor Xia Yi. It was found that this new emperor of Bactria was absolutely different from the previous emperors of Bactria.

Once the Bactrian Emperor saw him bow down and bend his knees, he was also accompanied by a smile. But this Emperor Yi smiled at him.

However, it made the Great Wasteland City Lord feel a little uneasy. But he could not find the source of this uneasiness.

“Since His Majesty the Summer Emperor is willing to sit here, the old man naturally has no opinion. The Great Desolate City Lord regained his indifferent posture and opened his mouth faintly. ”

“If the lord of the city has no opinion, then he will be relieved.”

The most political smiled and nodded, and then looked at the four emperors present.

“Big Brother Heavy, there’s no problem sitting here, right?”

The regent smiled and looked at Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

“Hahaha, where the Di Yi brothers want to sit, we won’t have any opinions.” Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes moved, and he replied with the same smile. ”

“This must be the brother of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty?”

“I don’t know if my elder brother can sit here?”

Ju Zheng continued to smile and look at Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

“Where Emperor Xia wants to sit has nothing to do with Yuan, please feel free.” Tang Emperor Li Shimin responded with a smile. ”

“This must be Empress Yaoxi, right?” She has always admired the empress’s prestige, presumably the empress would not have an opinion on sitting here, right? ”

The most political looked at Empress Loulan again and asked with a smile.

“Emperor Xia’s words are serious.”

Empress Yaoxi’s veil covered her face, and she could not see her expression. However, her pure and flawless eyes were looking at the most political. From time to time, the eyes flashed the color of curiosity and surprise.

Before the regent could speak to the Sui Emperor Yang Jian again.

Yang Guang, the good son of the Sui Emperor Yang Jian, opened his mouth in place of his father.

“Wherever Emperor Xia wants to sit, he will sit down, but it is just a seat, and my father and emperor naturally will not have any opinions.”

Yang Guang smiled and nodded his head to the most political person.

“Who is this benevolent brother?”

The most political eyes moved slightly, and vaguely guessed Yang Guang’s identity.

“This is Xiao Er Yang Guang, he doesn’t know the number of etiquette, which makes Emperor Xia smile.”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian looked at Yang Guang coldly.

Its meaning is clearly to tell Yang Guang.

You also don’t look at what occasion it is, where there is a place for you to talk. Yang Guang hurriedly took a step back, his face showing trepidation.

But there was a cold light under his eyes.

The most political eyes bright Yang Guang? It’s him?

“Emperor Sui had long heard that Emperor Sui had a son named Yang Guang, whose Wen Tao and Wu Luo were the leaders of the world, and today when he saw that he was not regent, he smiled and praised Yang Guang.”

He nodded kindly. For the courtesy of Emperor Yi of Xia.

Sui Emperor Yang Jian winced slightly.

Even Yang Guang was confused, not expecting that Emperor Yi of Xia actually knew him. However, Yang Guang’s mind turned sharply, and he quickly smiled and nodded to Juzheng.

“Emperor Qin arrived.”

Ge Ran.

A loud voice came from outside the temple.

This also lifted the spirit of the five emperors present.

Even the regent set his sights on the temple door.

He wanted to see what kind of worldly demeanor this long-awaited Qin Emperor really was. At the same time.

The Great Desolate City Lord, who had been sitting in the first place, actually got up. And strode toward the outside of the temple.

The indifferent expression on his face actually showed a smile.

You must know that just after the arrival of the Five Emperors, this old guy did not let this old guy get up to greet him. But the arrival of the Qin Emperor made him quickly greet him.

From here, it can also be seen that the old guy of the Great Wasteland City Lord is also a person who is inclined to be inflamed. Pedal!

A sound of footsteps came from outside the temple.

Only to see a man of extraordinary strength striding into the Great Desolation Hall. He was followed by Wang Qi and Li Si. It was also at this moment.

Most Zheng found that the other four emperors stood up. Apparently.

The arrival of the Qin Emperor not only made the Great Desolate City Lord put down his body. Even the other four emperors lowered their posture.

This also made the regent’s eyes squint slightly, and once again set his eyes on the body of the Qin Emperor. Sure enough!

The Son of Heaven is full of majesty.

And the whole body exudes the momentum of the spleen and the world. But the most political was looking into the eyes of Emperor Qin.

Until the Lord of the Great Desolate City approached the stone table of the Qin Emperor. The four emperors smiled and greeted the Qin emperor.

The most political was still staring into the eyes of Emperor Qin, and did not have any intention of getting up. Ge Ran.

An eerie smile came out of the corner of the regent’s mouth. Looking at Emperor Qin’s eyes also flashed a touch of playfulness. Is this guy the Emperor of Qin?

The regent sneered darkly.

Although he had never met the Qin Emperor.

But Juzheng was very sure if this guy was the Qin Emperor. That’s a big joke.

What kind of person was Emperor Qin. The politics are too clear.

Even if the Qin Emperor in front of him did indeed have the power of the Heavenly Son. All over the body exudes the momentum of the spleen and the world.

But his eyes could not deceive people. The government is convinced of its own judgment. Interesting!

It’s really interesting.

Ju Zheng looked at the so-called Qin Emperor with a touch of Yu under his eyes.

“Let you wait a long time.”

“Emperor Qin”

The voice was slightly cold, just faintly nodding to the fourth emperor. Then I walked towards the first chair.

But when he saw the most political sitting in his seat. Emperor Qin’s face changed suddenly.

A sharp glint of light looked directly at the regent.

“Presumably you are Emperor B of Xia?”

Qin Huang’s cold voice.

Such a scene.

Suddenly, let the four emperors watch from the wall.

They also wanted to see the arrival of the Qin Emperor.

This new emperor of Bactria would give in or fight with the Qin Emperor in hard steel…. 0 Ask for flowers…

“You are the Emperor of Qin?”

“The most political person smiled and looked at the Qin Emperor”

“It’s just that his eyes bloom with a touch of essence, looking directly into [the eyes of the Qin Emperor].”

Qin Huang’s eyes trembled slightly, and he was slightly evasive.

But he quickly calmed down.

The body once again overflowed with the momentum of the world.

“Emperor Xia, you’re in the wrong place.”

Li Si stepped forward.

“You count something, the six emperors are all here, is there a place for you to talk here?” Zhao Gao stepped out and coldly reprimanded Li Si. ”

“Lisi, back off.”

“But just a seat, so give it to this little guy.” Emperor Qin’s mouth opened lightly. ”

It seemed to show his aura as the Emperor of Great Qin.


Li Si took a step back, just looking at Zhao Gao’s eyes and brushing a cold color. It’s just that the Qin Emperor’ didn’t find out.

When he finished saying that.

The other four emperors looked at him with a look of doubt in their eyes at the same time.

Although they had only seen Emperor Qin in a hurry.

But they were extremely impressed. In the impression of the four emperors.

Emperor Qin threatened Yu Nei, even if it was just a light and fluttering sentence. It can also make them feel a lot of pressure.

“But why is today’s Qin Emperor so humble?”

Emperor Qin’ casually found a chair and sat down.

The Lord of the Great Wasteland City saw that the Qin Emperor did not compete with the Xia Emperor for a seat. Naturally, he was not good at saying anything.

“Your Majesty, the Parliament of the Six Kingdoms begins now on the division of the territory of the Great Qing”

The opening of the Lord of the Great Wasteland City also means that the parliament of the Six Kingdoms has officially begun.

But before the Great Wasteland Lord could continue. Only to see a deep voice coming from outside the temple.

“Wait, since the Six Emperors have all arrived, how can this Qing Emperor not come?”

With this voice sounded.

Only to see Kang Mazi stride straight into the Great Desolation Hall.

And sat in the last chair without fear. It’s just that his eyes have always been on the most political body.

A pair of eyes are the color of hatred and hatred.

“Kang Mazi, how dare you come?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang sneered.

He didn’t think of it at all.

Kang Mazi has been wiped out. He dared to join the parliament of the six countries. But for a moment.

And the crowd came to their senses. Kang Mazi dared to appear here.

Obviously because of the rules unique to the Great Wasteland.

As long as you are in a great wasteland, you must not use your sword to hurt people’s lives. This is an iron law that all countries abide by, and naturally no one dares to violate it. That’s why Kang Mazi appeared here without fear.

“Why don’t you dare to come?”

Kangmazi’s eyes were covered with blood.

It was just that his eyes were staring fiercely at the regent.

If the eye can kill people, I am afraid that the regent will be stabbed by a thousand knives.

“Emperor Yi, you miscellaneous pieces, destroy my great purity, and today I will ask you for justice.” Broken! ”

Kang Mazi slapped the table and roared in disgust at the most political power.

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