Chapter 166 repeatedly jumps on the verge of death, this time there is no need to jump!.


Faced with the hatred that Kang Mazi showed towards him. The government treats it directly as air.

Instead, he smiled and looked at the Lord of the Great Wasteland City, “Hey, old man, is this guy eligible to participate in the Council of the Six Kingdoms?” ”

Called Old Man by the Regency. The Lord of the Great Wasteland frowned slightly.

However, as the person who presided over the six-nation parliament, he still had to be fair and strict.

“Your Majesty the Qing Emperor, the Great Qing is dead, please Your Majesty withdraw from the Great Desolation Hall, do not make it difficult for the old man.” The Lord of the Great Wasteland spoke plainly. ”

“Lonely Senior, I don’t ask you to make the decision for my great purification, but can I allow you to say a few words today?”

“After saying that, I will leave, and I will never embarrass my predecessors.”

Kang Mazi said in a hoarse voice. The Lord of the Great Wasteland frowned slightly. He wanted to refuse.

Think of the two ancestors of the Great Qing Dynasty outside Guanwai. The Lord of the Great Wasteland still decided to sell him a face.


The Great Desolate City Lord nodded slowly.

Permission from the Great Desolate City Lord, Kang Mazi’s eyes crossed a touch of madness and viciousness. Boom.

Only to see that Kang Mazi actually pulled out the saber from his waist. Directly thrown in front of the most political government.

“Emperor Yi, you shameless and ignorant dog thing, what about you who destroyed the Great Qing Dynasty?”

“Shuo is still alive and well, and Shuo is standing in front of you now, don’t you really want to kill Shuo?”

“The knife is given to you, and you are standing here, do you dare to kill?”

Kang Mazi scolded.

No more so-called imperial dignity.

His eyes were red as blood, and he cursed at the regent bitterly. And this scene.

Completely made everyone present sluggish. No one thought of it.

Although the Great Qing of Kang Mazi died.

But after all, he was once the king of one of the Seven Kingdoms.

Who would have thought that he would scold Emperor Xia Yi. Completely without a little of the majesty of the Son of Heaven? But the next moment.

The crowd quickly understood.

I know why Kang Mazi did this. He’s playing with his life.

It was even more of an agitation campaign against Emperor Yi of Xia.

In order to make Emperor Yi kill him here in a fit of rage. And once Emperor Xia was provoked, he really killed Kang Mazi. Then he also broke the iron law set by all countries. Don’t say that the countries will go on a crusade against Bactria.

Even the Great Desolate City Lord could not let Emperor Yi of Xia leave the Great Desolate City.

“Emperor Yi, why don’t you dare to be a dog thing?”

“Aren’t you faint and cruel?”

“Aren’t you careless?”

“Standing here now, the knife has been given to you, do you dare to kill me?”

Kang Mazi cursed a lot.

It is also a big stride to the front of the most political body.

The head with the whip reached directly in front of the most political man. It’s all a long story.

But it happened very quickly.

Even the Great Desolate City Lord didn’t think of it.

The dignified Qing Emperor Kangxi would do such a faceless thing.

“Brother Di Yi, don’t be fooled by him.”

Zhu Yuanzhang regarded the regent as a mortal enemy.

But he didn’t want Emperor Yi to fall into the trap of Kang Mazi. At this moment, Kang Mazi had obviously given up his life. In order to provoke Emperor Yi of Xia.

“Emperor Xia is angry, and must not be impulsive. Empress Yaoxi also discouraged it. ”

However, the Tang Emperor Sui Emperor and the so-called Qin Emperor did not speak. Instead, he quietly watched the farce that Kang Mazi had plucked.

In their opinion.

Kang Mazi was just dying. Emperor Yi of Xia could not have been a madman.

He knew that if he killed Kang Mazi, he would be in big trouble. How could he be fooled?

Don’t say that the emperors here don’t believe. Even the Great Desolate City Lord did not believe it. Because since the Great Wasteland City has existed so far.

No one had dared to break the rules of the Great Wasteland City yet.

He was ready to expel Kang Mazi from the Great Desolation Hall and put an end to this farce once and for all. However, before the Lord of the Great Desolation City could expel Kang Mazi.

What happened in the next moment completely made the Great Desolate City Lord and the Five Emperors present stupid on the spot. Whew!

A cold light swept across the sky.

Magnificent blood and wine fell. Only to see the most political hand rise and fall.

A knife cut off Kang Mazi’s head. But that’s not all.

A crushing sound.

The most political kick kicked Kang Mazi’s headless body away. He grabbed Kang Mazi’s head and threw it on the stone table. Yasumako repeatedly jumped on the verge of death.

That’s it.

He didn’t have to jump anymore.

This time I can safely die. Quiet!


Dead silence!

Look at Kang Mazi’s head on the stone table.

The Five Emperor’s eyes froze, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Especially the Great Wasteland Lord.

He felt that he was dreaming.

And it was an absurd and uninhibited dream!

“You have all seen that it was he who called for the killing, and such a request has never been seen by Lianhuo so much.” A bell rang. ”

The most political man threw the steel knife to the ground. There was still a big smile on his face.

It was as if killing Kang Mazi casually had only done a very casual thing in the eyes of the most political government. Lose your marbles!

Emperor B of Xia must be crazy…

If he wasn’t crazy, how dare he kill people in the Great Wasteland City? The Fifth Emperor’s face was trembling, and he looked at the most political government in shock.

Just looking into the eyes of the regent is like looking at a madman.

“Summer Emperor!”

Ge Ran!

A loud roar echoed throughout the Great Desolation Hall.

Only to see the Lord of the Great Wasteland City look cold and terrible. His eyes were flashing cold.

The terrible momentum overflowed from him. The air around me was ringing loudly.

It proved that the anger in the heart of the Great Desolate City Lord had reached its extreme. It was not Emperor Yi of Xia who killed Kang Mazi to make the Great Desolation City Lord angry. It was Emperor Yi of Xia who dared to break the rules set by the Great Wasteland City. This is undoubtedly a provocation to the status of the Great Wasteland City in the Nine Weeks World.

“Old man, I advise you to be quiet, otherwise you will be seriously injured, but you will die.” Face the wrath of the Great Desolate City Lord, a land god and immortal. ”

The most political face is calm and waveless.

“Instead, I looked at this old guy with a smile.”

The Great Wasteland Lord’s eyes flashed with coldness. He raised his sword with a thud.

An earth-shattering sword intent emanated from him. The martial arts cultivation of the Terrestrial Divine Realm exploded in full swing.

Extremely terrible things followed. Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The sound of sword qi roaring in the sky was coming.

Only to see hundreds of swords flying from outside the temple. And all hovered in mid-air.

The terrible sound of sword qi reverberated throughout the Great Desolation Hall. A shocking killing machine locked on the most political body.

As if in the next moment.

A hundred swords were fired at the same time, and Emperor B of Xia was about to die on the spot. Such a scene.

Let the Five Emperors look solemn to the extreme.

Apparently 0.5.

Face the killing machine of the Great Wasteland City Lord, a land immortal. Emperor Yi of Xia is absolutely dead or alive.

Well? Ge Ran.

The five emperors were at the same time.

Because they found one thing.

That is, the Great Wasteland Lord had cold sweat flowing from his forehead.

For a long time, he did not squeeze the sword to strike at Emperor Yi of Xia. This also made the Five Emperors look at the Asahi Emperor in shock.

But he found that the Summer Emperor was still smiling.

There was no fear on his face. And.

The thing that surprised the Five Emperors the most was.

Jing Ke and Zhao Gao stood behind Emperor Yi of Xia. The two were expressionless.

Just looking at the Great Desolate City Lord’s eyes were full of contemptuous sarcasm.

It was as if the actions of the Great Wasteland City Lord at this moment were like watching a joke. This?

Such a scene.

It shocked the Five Emperors.

They all noticed that something was wrong.

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