Chapter 167: The Heavenly Emperor of the Summer, the Great Desolate City Lord’s Fear!

Don’t dare to move!

The Great Desolate City Lord did not dare to move!

The Lord of the Great Wasteland City did not dare to move with his sword in his hand! A hundred flying swords hovered in mid-air.

For a long time, he could not shoot Emperor Yi of Xia and go away.

Drops of cold sweat flowed from the forehead of the Great Desolate City Lord, and even more flowed through his face and dripped to the ground. It’s not that the Great Desolation City Lord doesn’t want to move.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to take a shot at Emperor Xia Yi. But!

Emperor Xia was smiling at him.

And the smile on Emperor Xia’s face was too bright. The brilliant one reveals a mouthful of white teeth. And that’s not the key!

The most crucial thing is the eyes of the Summer Emperor. He was looking at himself faintly.

Just the calm and waveless gaze of the other party gave himself a terrible pressure like heaven. And that’s because of this pressure.

The Great Wasteland Lord’s heart rose to an extreme sense of terror, and the whole person froze in place. As if he were a prey.

And Emperor Yi of Xia, who was sitting in front of him, was a beast that chose people and devoured fierce beasts. At any time, he can unload the slag that will swallow him.

No way!

How can this be?

Why is the old man afraid?

Kill him!

Kill him!

The Great Desolate City Lord’s heart was trembling with fear.

He wanted to squeeze his sword to kill Emperor Yi of Xia.

But the whole person could not move the slightest because of inexplicable fear. Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes showed a look of shock.

The Lord of the Great Wasteland is the land god of the world.

He has a different intuition than ordinary people about the great terror between life and death. It was as if 20 voices were telling him.

Stay away from Emperor Xia! Stay away from Emperor Xia Yi.

If you dare to strike, you will surely die without a place to die! This kind of dark voice kept growing from his heart. The Great Desolation City Lord trusted his instincts even more.

Land Immortals!

Know the destiny of heaven, through blessings and misfortunes.

It is particularly sensitive to the threat of death. The Lord of the Great Desolation City dared to be absolutely sure.

The Xia Emperor B sitting in front of him was definitely a great terrorist. It seems to have a harmless smile on his face.

But hidden in his body was an ancient fierce stubbornness, staring at him coldly at the moment. Call!

Ge Ran!

The Great Desolate City Lord weakly let out a mouthful of turbid breath.

The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water.

His body was already wet with cold sweat.

The hundred flying swords hovering in midair dissipated.

He took a step backwards with him, his face unusually pale.

Only when he looked at Emperor Xia’s eyes, he showed a touch of fear and uneasiness.

“Old man, you have said that it is easy to die if you are angry and hurt your body, and you are so old, you must change your temper in the future, otherwise you will be angry to death one day, but you will not be able to pay for the loss.”

The most political hehe laughs.

He stood up from his chair and pretended to pat the Great Desolation Lord’s shoulder kindly.

However, it made the Great Desolate City Lord’s weak and powerless Yong sit on a chair, and his whole body trembled. Surprise!

Such a scene.

Let the five emperors present be shocked and speechless.

They looked at the Great Desolate City Lord with shocked eyes. There was a look of uncertainty in his eyes. The Five Emperors are definitely not fools.

It can be said that he is the smartest person in the world.

Just the posture displayed by the Great Desolate City Lord made the Five Emperors tremble fiercely in their hearts. Emperor Xia has a problem!

Just this sentence arose in the hearts of the Five Emperors almost at the same time. The Five Emperors knew all too well who the Lord of the Great Desolate City was.

Not to mention that the Great Wasteland is a holy land of pure land.

It was only the cultivation of the Great Wasteland City Lord Land Divine Realm that was the existence outside of the transcendent object. But just now he was furious and wanted to kill Emperor Xia in one fell swoop.

But in the end, he gave up halfway.

And the whole person looks so scared.

If there is no problem here, the five emperors will not believe it. Abrupt!

The Five Emperors’ shocked eyes fell on Emperor Yi’s body. But I found that the smile on his face was still the same.

Even Zhao Gaojingke, who was standing behind him, was calm and waveless.

It seemed that the posture of the Great Desolate City Lord at this moment was already in their anticipation. The Five Emperors had deep eyes.

Gradually the silence fell silent.

But the essence in his eyes was flashing. Xia Emperor B is not simple!

This thought arose in the hearts of the Five Emperors at the same time. But I have to say.

The Five Emperors are indeed the masters of the Nine Weeks of the World. They quickly woke up from their shock. The five of them once again returned to a calm and calm posture.

Just this calm and calm mentality is absolutely incomparable.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Emperor of Xia should use his sword and soldiers to injure people’s lives in the Great Wasteland City and break the rules laid down by all the countries!”


The Great Desolate City Lord, this old immortal thing, is still quite clever.

He himself did not dare to take a shot at Emperor Yi of Xia.

But in order to maintain the prestige and reputation of the Great Wasteland City. Directly throw the question to the five emperors here.


The Five Emperors were silent and did not respond to the Great Desolate City Lord. And this also made the face of the Great Desolate City Lord extremely embarrassed.

The inner uneasiness grew stronger.

If he just said that he did not dare to take a shot at Emperor Xia, it was because Emperor Xia was a great terror in his own right. It was his intuition that told him not to shoot, otherwise he would surely die without a place to die.

But now the attitude of the Five Emperors made his heart tremble to the extreme. If the Five Emperors stand idly by.

The iron law of the great wasteland will be a joke. The so-called Puritans of the Holy Land will also cease to exist.

And this kind of result is absolutely unacceptable to the Great Desolate City Lord.

“Fifth Emperor, have you forgotten that the great wasteland city should not use swords and soldiers in vain, because the countries have agreed together?”

The Great Desolate City Lord’s face was extremely embarrassed.


The Five Emperors remained silent and did not respond. But also at this moment.

The most political man smiled and opened his mouth.

He was the first to look at Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, you and I are like brothers, and Heavy Eighth Brother will not raise an army to fight against the Great Xia, right?”

The regent said happily.


Emperor Ming Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said, “What did Brother Di Yi say, that Kang Mazi just obviously deliberately provoked you, but we Daming will not raise troops to fight Xia, as for the others, we don’t know.” ”

Zhu Yuanzhang responded with a smile.

Just a touch of deep color crossed Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes.

“Brother Li Shimin, I have always heard that my brother is the Holy Ming monarch of the world, and my brother is willing to raise an army to fight against my Great Xia?”

The most political smiled and looked at Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

“Emperor Xia’s words are serious, Kang Mazi is looking for his own death, how can he move troops against Bactria regardless of right or wrong?”

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang smiled slightly, and even nodded his head at the most political kindness.

Don’t wait for the most political to look at Empress Yaoxi.

Yao Xi’s voice Qing Ling said, “My Lou Lan has never taken the initiative to provoke the national station, and Emperor Xia can rest assured.” ”

“The same is true of my Great Sui.”

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian spoke calmly and also nodded his head to the most political person. Now.

The four emperors all sat on the wall and watched.

The only thing left was the so-called Qin Emperor. His eyes flickered.

The same smile nodded to the regent, “Since the four emperors feel that the Summer Emperor is at a loss, then naturally there is no problem.” ”

When the Five Emperors made their attitude clear.

The whole 740 people of the Great Wasteland Lord were stupid!

His head was ringing metaphorically, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

“Old man, you see, since even the Five Emperors feel that there is no problem in killing Kang Mazi, the rules of your Great Desolate City have to be changed.”


The regent smiled happily.

It even patted the shoulder of the Great Desolate City Lord again.

“Your Majesty, you may think clearly about the future if today’s rules are broken.”

The Lord of the Great Desolate City trembled and spoke out, and some of them could not speak intermittently.

He knew that the prestige of the Pure Land of the Sacred Land on the side of the Great Wasteland was coming to an end. Once the rules are broken today.

How will the Great Wasteland City be based on the Nine Weeks Great World in the future?

“Old man, I suddenly feel as if you don’t need you here.”

“Do you see if you leave here first, and I will wait for the Sixth Emperor to discuss the division of the Qing Dynasty on his own?”

“After all, you’re an outsider here, and it doesn’t seem appropriate, right?”

The most political man smiled and looked at the Great Desolate City Lord.

But his words were heard in the ears of the Lord of the Great Wasteland City, and they could be described as curses.

“Emperor Xia, you?”

The Lord of the Great Wasteland was pale and blue.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yi of Xia actually wanted to drive him out of the Great Desolation Hall.

“There’s no place for you to sit here.”

“Let’s go.”

The most political faded out of the way.

He grabbed the collar of the Great Desolate City Lord and lifted it directly from his chair. Then he gently pushed the Lord of the Great Wasteland City as if he were holding a dog.

“Your Majesty, do not regret it!”

The Lord of the Great Desolation City hated to eat words.

He looked at Emperor Xia with a slight jealousy.

Then the sleeve flickered, and he strode out of the Great Desolation Hall. It was also at this moment.

The most political position changed.

He sat very casually in the first place of the Great Desolate City Lord.

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