Chapter 168 belongs to all of my Great Xia, isn’t this solved?.

Inside the Great Desolation Hall.

The highest government is in the first place.

Still with a smile on his face.

The Five Emperors also had a smile on their faces.

Just to see the most impartial sitting on the first place of the Great Desolate City Lord. The Five Emperors all had an imperceptible glint under their eyes.

Good one Xia Emperor B! This man is not only bold.

Even more downright is a lunatic.

Knowing that the nations had jointly established a rule not to use their swords in the great wasteland.

But Emperor Yi of Xia had no scruples, directly slaughtered Kang Mazi without saying anything, and forced the Great Desolate City Lord to leave. If you change them to Emperor Yi of Xia.

They may not really dare to do such a thing.

After all, the risk of breaking the rules of the Great Wasteland City is too great. But Emperor B of the Xia Dynasty was the first person to eat crabs. In fact.

That’s what it is today. Of course, there is the most political boost.

But in fact, the Five Emperors had already looked at the Great Desolate City Lord unfavorably. Plainly.

Your Great Wasteland City can be free from the jurisdiction of the Six Kingdoms.

That’s because of the reasons that the nations are holding back.

The parliament of the six countries was convened in the Great Wasteland City, and it was only the distrust of the sons of heaven of all countries. But you have a small wasteland city that wants to put itself in a position of superiority.

In particular, this Great Desolate City Lord dared to stand tall in front of the Heavenly Sons of the Kingdoms and be a so-called referee. Although you are the existence of the Terrestrial Divine Realm in the current world.

But there are also terrestrial gods and goddesses in various countries. What are you counting as a great wasteland lord?

Do you dare to pretend to avoid in front of the sons of heaven of all countries? Get!

That’s it.

The rules of the Great Wasteland City were broken by Emperor Xia.

In the future, the status of the Great Wasteland City will plummet.

In the future, the Great Wasteland City still wants to be alone in the chaos of the Six Kingdoms, but it is afraid that it will be a pipe dream. The Five Emperors’ minds turned sharply.

In his heart, he was contemptuous of the Great Desolate City Lord.

However, what really made them feel jealous in their hearts was Emperor Yi of Xia, who was sitting in the first place at the moment. Now.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s smiling face remained the same.

The look in Emperor Xia’s eyes was extremely deep. Good one Xia Emperor B.

Let’s just say that your courage is bigger than our weight eight.

Now that you are in the first place, its ambitions are clear. However, this Xia Emperor B was still too young.

This first person sat down to arouse the hostility of the emperors. Zhu Yuanzhang secretly ate in his heart.

But the smile on his face was still the same, and it was impossible to see what was going on in his heart.

But Zhu Yuanzhang didn’t see it.

Zhu Di, who was standing silently and wordlessly behind him, had a different color under his eyes at this moment. The other four emperors were also looking at Emperor Yi of Xia on the first place.

But they were smart enough not to show any hostility. Instead, the smile on his face is extremely natural.

“The Five Emperors are here, and they are jointly presiding over this six-nation parliament, presumably your brothers and Sister Yaoxi should have no opinion, right?”

The most political smile hehe opened his mouth.

“Emperor Xia swept the country down, and there was naturally no problem in presiding over the parliament of the six countries. Tang Emperor Li Shimin chuckled. ”

“Brother Di Yi, you can let it go.” Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang smiled. ”

“The courage of the Summer Emperor, Shuo appreciates it, and naturally has no objections.” Sui Emperor Yang Jian nodded in agreement. ”

“Emperor Xia is light.”

Empress Yaoxi’s voice was clear and pure, and a pair of immaculate eyes looked at Emperor Xia with curiosity.

“Little fellow, the widow appreciates you.”

‘Emperor Qin’ Wei Yi spoke. Bub?

The most political smiled and looked at the so-called Qin Emperor.”

For this title, he did not say anything but pushed the map of the Nine Weeks Great World on the stone table in front of the Five Emperors.

“The territory of the Great Qing Dynasty runs from south to north, from east to west, adjacent to the Nine Zhou Pass, and how to divide its territory leaders can be bluntly said by your brothers and sisters Yaoxi.”

The regent chuckled. Mention the right thing.

The five emperors present narrowed their smiles and looked solemn.

After all, the division of the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty was extremely important to the countries.

This also means that the future development prospects of various countries, as well as a series of related things such as soldiers, horses and food.

“Gentlemen, our Datang has already occupied the southwestern territory, and the eighteen cities in the southwest are bordering my Datang, so these eighteen cities of Syaesia should be divided into my Datang territory.”

Emperor Li Shimin of Tang should have spoken first.


“Emperor Tang, your appetite is too big, right?”

“If the eighteen cities in the southwest are divided into your Datang territory, then won’t you Datang be able to invade my Sui frontier at any time?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian’s face changed sharply, and he directly refuted it in a cold voice.

Because although these eighteen cities are adjacent to the Tang Dynasty, they are also bordered by his Sui Dynasty.

If Li Shimin suddenly attacked Dasui, it would definitely deal a fatal blow to Dasui. There’s an old saying goes.

How can the side of the bed allow others to sleep? The Sui Emperor Yang Jian naturally could not agree.

“Emperor Sui, how do you want to divide it?”

Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty had a cold face.

“You can occupy twelve of the eighteen cities in the southwest, but the remaining six cities are adjacent to my Great Sui frontier, and they should all belong to my Great Sui, and the twelve cities to the south should also be included in my Great Sui territory.”

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian did not give in.

“Yang Jian, your appetite is not small?”

“According to what you said, my Datang only occupies twelve cities, but you Dasui want to occupy eighteen cities exclusively.

Tang Emperor Li Shimin coldly rebuked. Get!

The six-nation parliament has only just begun.

The Tang Emperor and the Sui Emperor directly hardened the steel. The two dynasties were hostile to each other for many years.

And their respective frontiers are very close, and occasionally small standing fights occur. Its relationship cannot be said to be a life and death enemy, but it is not far behind.

Moreover, Tang Emperor Li Er had always coveted the Great Sui, and in his heart he was even more eager to destroy the Sui Dynasty and annex it into the Great Tang.

“Hahaha, we are not greedy, these twelve cities in eastern Xinjiang have been occupied by our Daming soldiers and horses, and they belong to our Daming, you should be fine, right?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang also opened his mouth at this moment. Pity.

Empress Yaoxi, who was most reluctant to fight with others, had a cold breath.

“Emperor Ming, the twelve cities of Eastern Xinjiang naturally have no objection if you want the Emperor, but the Linyue City and the Three Rivers City among them cannot give it to you, and need to be assigned to my Loulan territory.”

Empress Yaoxi seemed weak.

However, in the division of the territory of the Great Qing, there was no way to give in.

Because the two cities she mentioned were adjacent to the Loulan frontier, if the Ming Emperor had to go. That Lou Lan Ancient Kingdom is dangerous.

This was by no means the result that Empress Yaoxi wanted to see.

“Hey, little girl Yaoxi, you can’t believe us so much?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang frowned.

“Emperor Ming, what kind of person you are, the emperor does not need to say much, it is a matter of my survival of Lou Lan, and the emperor naturally cannot let you.”

Empress Yaoxi responded lightly. Now.

Only the ‘Emperor of Qin’ and Emperor Xia did not open their mouths. Li Si secretly tugged at the corner of the ‘Qin Emperor’s clothes. Emperor Qin’s eyebrows opened coldly.

“The widow Great Qin’s 100,000 iron horses attacked the capital of the Qing Dynasty, and there were not a few places where they attacked the city and plundered the land.”

“This is adjacent to the thirty cities on the frontier of my Great Qin, and the widow wants it.”


This Qin Emperor really had the momentum to look at the world.

He casually pointed to the map, and his words could not be rejected by anyone. But it is also the words of the Emperor of Qin.

Suddenly, the faces of the four emperors present suddenly changed.

Thirty cities?

What a big appetite.

And all these thirty cities are rich places.

“If it is really occupied by Great Qin, then won’t Great Qin’s national strength be even higher?”

Emperor Qin, if you want to monopolize the Thirty Cities, you are afraid that it is delusional.

“Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang patted the table first.”

He was already anxious to unify the world for nine weeks, how could he let Great Qin occupy thirty cities?

“Yes, Emperor Qin, your appetite is too big, isn’t it?”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin also stood up.

At the same time.

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian and Empress Yaoxi also spoke out against it. Just for a moment.

“The four emperors all fell hostility on this ‘Qin Emperor’. And this ‘Emperor of Qin’

Seems extremely calm.

But there was a hint of panic under his eyes.

If it weren’t for Li Si secretly tugging at the corner of his coat behind him.

Just the momentum of the Four Emperors blooming was bound to make him lose his square inch.

“Quiet for the time being, can you listen to what you say?”

Ge Ran.

Just when the atmosphere in the parliament of the six countries was extremely depressed, the five emperors did not give in to each other. The most political man smiled and opened his mouth.


It is also with the most political sentence falling. Just for the Qin Emperor’s unsiege.

The eyes of the Five Emperors all fell on Emperor Yi’s body.

“Emperor Xia, what is your high opinion?”

Emperor Qin’s pretense was Wei Yi Dao.


The most political snorted and laughed, “There is no more Gao Misheng, but the division of the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty between the brothers and sister Yaoxi is not mutually exclusive, and there is a solution to it.” ”

As the words of the regency fell.

The five emperors were all frightened, and all of them looked at him.

“Brother Di Yi, what is your solution?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was amazed.

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang was curious, but the other four emperors were also curious.

After all, everyone did not give in to each other, if Emperor Xia really had a solution, of course, it was the best thing.

“Actually, the problem is very easy to solve.”

The most political man smiled and raised the Zhu pen in his hand, enclosing all the territory of the Qing Dynasty together. Only then did he look up at the Five Emperors and say, “[All the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty belongs to my Great Xia, so you don’t have to fight anymore, isn’t this the best solution?] ”

The most political smile looked at the five emperors.

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