Chapter 169 Emperor Yi Beheaded, ‘Emperor Qin, Scared Four Emperors!’ ’。


Be quiet!

Surprisingly quiet!

It’s just that this silence is filled with a cold chill. Just look at it.

What kind of eyes did the Five Emperors have when they looked at Juzheng? Astound.

Aghast. Furious.


It’s like looking at a madman. And.

The cold light in the eyes of the Five Emperors flashed.

The killing machine on the body is overflowing uncontrollably.

If it is said that before the Xia Emperor slaughtered Kang Mazi, he broke the rules of the Great Wasteland City, and even held the Lord of the Great Wasteland City away. The five emperors can pretend not to know.

He chose to side with Emperor Yi of Xia. They will not join forces to fight against Bactria.

It can be done in the matter of dividing the territory of the Great Qing. The Five Emperors could not give in.

Let’s just say so.

What you did before Emperor Xia was tacitly approved by the Five Emperors. After all, everyone hates that Kang Mazi, and if you kill it, you will kill it.

There was no problem in even driving away the Great Desolate City Lord. But are you Xia Emperor B drifting?


Do you really deserve to be able to suppress the five emperors? Or is it arrogant not to know who you are? The lion of the Qin Emperor opened his mouth to ask for thirty cities. All four of them did not budge.

You Xia Emperor B can really do it.

It was bigger than the appetite of the Qin Emperor, and he actually wanted it all? Aren’t you afraid to hold yourself to death?

Or are you young and crazy, and have insaneness?

“Brother Di Yi, your joke is not funny at all. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was laughing. ”

But his face was covered with frost.

“Emperor Xia, do you know what your 943 is talking about?”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin opened his mouth lightly.

Although his voice was very soft, it was full of chills.

“Emperor Yi, you want to swallow all the frontier soldiers of the Great Qing Dynasty alone, do you think you can eat it?”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian smiled coldly.

Although he is old and no longer has the ambition of the past.

However, in the matter of dividing the territory of the Great Qing, Yang Jian was absolutely impossible to give in.

“Emperor Xia, you are a little greedy.”

Empress Yaoxi’s eyes were slightly cold.

Although she was somewhat curious about Emperor Xia Yi.

However, Emperor Xia’s wild words made Xi Yao’s brow frown.

“Emperor Yi little fellow, originally the widow still admired you very much, and felt that you were a material that could be made, but now it seems that the widow is wrong.”

Emperor Qin’s voice spoke coldly.

Looking at the most political eyes also with a cold light. The Five Emperors are in trouble!

The atmosphere in the entire Great Desolation Hall was suddenly suppressed to the extreme. Now.

The most political still smiled and looked at the five emperors.

It was as if he didn’t feel anything about the Five Emperors’ attack. The more the government laughed, the tighter the Fifth Emperor’s brow wrinkled.

Could it be that in the eyes of Emperor Yi of Xia, the Heavenly Sons of the Five Kingdoms were so funny? Or Emperor Yi Jue of Xia, who could be alone with the Heavenly Sons of the Five Kingdoms?

“Don’t be angry with your brothers and Sister Yaoxi, that’s just what you say, and as for whether your brothers and Sister Yaoxi agree, we can’t still discuss it.”

The most political smile is still the same.

“Emperor Yi’s little fellow, the widow said, thirty cities and pools can not be less than the least, as for the remaining territories, you should each allocate them.”

The posture of the Qin Emperor was wide open to the world, and it had the momentum to sweep through the Eight Wilds and Six Combinations. This also made the Four Kingdoms Heavenly Son’s eyebrows cold, and he just wanted to refute the objection with a loud voice.

But what happened next completely scared the Four Kingdoms Heavenly Son on the spot! Whew!

A knife! Right!

It’s a knife.

It was still the saber that had just slaughtered Kang Mazi. Sen Han’s sword light slashed through the eyes of the Four Emperors. A poignant stream of blood was gushing out.

And whether intentionally or unintentionally, blood spilled on the faces of the four emperors. Of course.

This is not the reason for the scary four emperors.

The thing that really shocked the Four Emperors was the Qin Emperor!


It is this Qin Emperor who has swept through the eight wildernesses and six hemispheres, and has the hope of unifying the world! His head rolled to the ground.

When he was dying, he still had a proud posture on his face.

And the blood sprinkled on the face of the Fourth Emperor was exactly what His Majesty the Qin Emperor had.

As for the person who cut off Emperor Qin’s head, it was Emperor Yi of Xia who was full of smiles. Silly!

It’s all stupid.

The four emperors here are stupid.

Even the people who followed them were all stupid.

“A mouthful of a little guy’s, no matter how big or small a dog thing, killing you is really a dirty hand.” The steel knife in the most political hand is still dripping blood. ”

The cold light of the sword body was reflecting the cold face of the regent.

The smile on the most political face has disappeared.


He casually inserted the steel knife diagonally into the stone table.

Emperor Qin’s blood flowed down the body of the sword on the map of the Nine Weeks.

The regent casually took out the silk paw and wiped the blood on his hands with disgust.

“Then, like throwing garbage, throw the silk paw at the Qin Emperor”

Above the headless corpse. Wow!

The next moment.

The five emperors were all shocked and suddenly stood up.

The pace of the foot quickly regressed, maintaining a distance from Emperor Yi of Xia that they thought was safe.

It was just that the four emperors looked solemn and shocked.

Looking at the most political eyes crossed the extremely frightened meaning. Now.

Even Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang couldn’t laugh. His eyes flashed with cold horror.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes, he flashed a chill. Don’t explain that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang is not calm.

The other four emperors were even more pale, feeling that they were having a dream that they could not wake up. Don’t say that the four emperors were shocked and confused.

Even the people they brought with them were completely frightened. But soon.

The sound of the sword coming out of its sheath was incessant.

The people behind the four emperors drew their swords one after another and protected their own Heavenly Sons. An extremely depressed killing machine breeds in the Great Desolation Hall.

Don’t say these people are frightened.

Even Zhao Gao and Jing Ke, who were behind the regent, were stunned. Especially Jingke.

Since the Qin Emperor entered the Great Desolation Hall.

His gaze kept falling on this ‘Qin Emperor’. The color of hatred in his eyes was extremely intense.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had followed the Great Summer Son, Jing Ke would have already risen up and killed the Qin Emperor. But what Jing Ke didn’t think of was that.

Emperor Yi of Xia actually slaughtered Emperor Qin with a knife! And there was no sign at all.

This almost made Jing Ke fall into a dream, unable to believe what he saw.

“Be bold!”

“Emperor Yi, you are looking for death!”

Ge Ran.

Two angry shouts were coming.

Only to see Li Si and Wang Qi quickly wake up.

The two of them looked at the headless corpse of Emperor Qin, and their faces showed the color of extreme shock and anger. Sigh.

Wang Qi drew his sword, and his eyes were red as he stared at the government.

“It seems that the next moment will go to the most political killing, for the Qin Emperor”

Avenge! Don’t wait for the king to cut forward.

Jing Ke shifted his form and transposition, directly blocking in front of the most political body.

There was an extra cold dagger between the flipping hands, and the whole body showed a killing intent that was extremely cold. Now.

The whole Great Desolation Hall was quiet and terrible.

The Fourth Emperor’s face was heavy, and the cold light in his eyes flashed. The Four Emperors really regretted it now.

Just after Emperor Xia Yi broke the rules of the Great Wasteland City, they should support the Great Wasteland City Lord. It’s good now.

This Summer Emperor B is a complete lunatic.

There is no taboo in acting, and there is no obsession with any consequences. Kill Kang Mazi not to say.

He actually slashed the Qin Emperor with a sword?

This simply made the Four Emperors shudder to the extreme. Plainly.

Emperor Yi of Xia even dared to kill Emperor Qin.

At this moment they were all gathered in the Great Desolation Hall.

Emperor Ruoxia killed them all here. They died too wronged.

Although the Four Emperors were extremely heavy in their hearts.

However, he was not afraid of Emperor Xia Yi.

Because although they are the Son of Heaven, they are all born on horseback. A martial art is even better.

Emperor Yi of Xia wanted to kill them and was still too young.

It’s just that the Fourth Emperor was shocked and uneasy in his heart, and he couldn’t understand why Emperor Xia was so crazy. Doesn’t he know the consequences of doing so?

He killed the Qin Emperor.

Great Qin would certainly raise all the country’s forces to fight. It can be said that it is not dead anymore.

And their four emperors will naturally send troops to destroy Bactria. It was Emperor Xia who was simply crazy.

Just the fact that he killed the Qin Emperor made them feel extremely threatened.

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