Chapter 170 If he is the Qin Emperor, it is really a slippery world!

The hall was full of slaughter, and the atmosphere was calm.

What was supposed to be a good six-nation parliament has suddenly become like this.

“Emperor Yi, do you dare to kill me Great Qin Tianzi?”

Wang Qi roared angrily.

Its sound reverberated in the Great Desolation Hall. On the other hand, the government gathers.

He sat calmly in the first place.

The steel knife inserted on the stone table reflects his handsome countenance. Contempt for Wang Qi’s anger – laughs.

Still laughing?

At this moment, the four emperors could not laugh. Can you see that Emperor B of Xia is still laughing?

At this moment, even the Tang Emperor Li Shimin, who was most reluctant to explode, wanted to scold people. Yesterday’s?

Emperor Xia B, are you so fond of laughing?

Do you think it’s funny on this occasion right now? Or is it that you Xia Emperor B is a little ill?

“Emperor Yi, if you kill me Great Qin Tianzi, do you want to give me an account of Great Qin?”

Li Si also stood up with a cold face.

Looking at the most political eyes showed an extremely angry color.

“Great Qin Tianzi?”

“Oh,” the regent laughed.

It’s just that the smile on his face is very contemptuous and dismissive. Boom!

I saw the regent casually pull out the steel knife planted on the stone table. Then he suddenly pointed to the Qin Emperor who was lying in a pool of blood.”

The corners of his mouth outlined a strange contempt: “Just because he also deserves to be called the Great Qin Heavenly Son?” ”

“If he is the Qin Emperor to win the government, it is really a slippery slope in the world.” Rumble! ”

As the most political discourse reverberated in the Great Desolation Hall.

It was like a nine-day thunderbolt hitting everyone’s mind. The brains of the people present were ringing with metaphors.

He is not the Emperor of Qin? Surprise!

The most shocking thing was the Four Emperors.

The face of the Four Emperors was originally extremely heavy.

However, because of Emperor Xia’s words, his face changed drastically, and he suddenly looked at the Qin Emperor who was lying in a pool of blood. The next moment.

The four emperors looked gloomy and uncertain.

“Memories of their own thinking quickly from the Qin Emperor”

Bit by bit into the Great Desolation Hall. Ge Ran.

The face of the fourth emperor was extremely embarrassed. Because they finally found out.

The Qin Emperor who was beheaded by Emperor Yi of Xia was indeed false. Why?

First of all!

The ‘Emperor of Qin’ walked into the Great Desolation Hall. He actually gave way to Emperor Yi of Xia.

This in itself is a very strange thing. Who was the Qin Emperor?

It was Qi Gai Jiu Zhou Zhen Yu.

Vainly trying to unify the world and call the world a master who respects the emperor of the ages.

Wherever Emperor Qin wins the government, it is definitely the most brilliant and dazzling existence between heaven and earth.

How could he be suppressed by Emperor Yi of Xia, and have a very low sense of presence in this meeting of the Six Kingdoms? Not bad!

This fake Qin Emperor was indeed imitating a lot like it.

Even his appearance was almost the same as that of the Qin Emperor. But what is false is what is false.

Even if this person was exactly the same as Emperor Ying’s political chief. It also imitated the momentum of some Qin Emperors. But all those present are true Son of Heaven.

Today, they could not feel the pressure that the Qin Emperor brought to them. That’s all.

It can be proved that the person who was killed by Emperor Yi of Xia was not the Qin Emperor who won the government at all. Now.

The face of the Four Emperors was ugly.

First it swelled red to the extreme, and then it gradually became livid. They felt that they had been ignored by Emperor Qin.

He was even tricked by the Qin Emperor’s victory over the government.

The Qin Emperor actually sent a stand-in to the Six Kingdoms Assembly. This is simply not taking them seriously.

If it weren’t for Emperor Yi of Xia, he would have killed this fake with one sword. I’m afraid they’ll keep it in the dark.


Great humiliation.

This was a great humiliation for the Qin Emperor to win the government against the sons of their countries. It’s not just humiliation.

There was also the contempt that Emperor Qin had for them. Now.

The face of the four emperors was extremely blue.

Even the seemingly best-tempered Tang Emperor Li Er and Sui Emperor Yang Jian were burning with anger in their eyes. They claim to be a generation of Ming Emperors.

However, it was so underestimated by Emperor Qin Yingzheng. How can this be tolerated by them?

In fact.

The Four Emperors were a bit arrogant.

Although they were indeed deceived by this fake Qin Emperor to win the government.

But it was only for a moment that he did not think that the Qin Emperor was actually a fake. After all, so much is happening in today’s six-nation parliament.

The Four Emperors had no time to think about it, and naturally they were somewhat negligent.

Once they return to their respective Heavenly Son’s palaces to recall today’s events. It must also be found that the Qin Emperor is a fake.

After all, the four emperors are all the kings of one country.

How could he be deceived by a fake?

But now the Four Emperors had no time to think about this.

My heart was full of shame and indignation.

Even more, he had a great hatred for the True Qin Emperor who was far away in the Great Qin Xianyang Palace.

“Wang Qi, Li Si!”

“Can you Great Qin give me an explanation?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was gloomy and terrible.

A pair of eyes fierce and extremely frightening.

It was as if all the anger against Emperor Qin’s victory was poured out on Wang Qi and Li Si. Now.

Li Si and Wang Xie’s faces changed suddenly.

The anger on their faces had long since dissipated, and they were replaced by a dignified color. The two did not think of anything.

The identity of the fake Qin Emperor would be exposed by Emperor Xia. Moreover, he was slaughtered by Emperor Yi of Xia. This was something that the two did not expect.

Not only Wang Qilisi was unexpected. The two of them were sure.

The True Qin Emperor, who was far away in the Great Qin Xianyang Palace, would never have thought that this was the result. Finished!

It’s completely over.

Originally, the two wanted to pretend to be a bit of a gesture and point the source of the contradiction to Emperor Yi of Xia. Now you see.

The Four Emperors looked into the eyes of the two as if they were going to eat people. If we don’t give an account to the sons of heaven of the nations today. Wang Qi and Li Si were convinced.

I’m afraid that neither of them can walk out of this great desolate hall.

“Your Majesty, don’t listen to Emperor Xia’s nonsense, this man is indeed my Great Qin Heavenly Son.”

0 Ask for flowers.


No way.

Li Si confronted the scalp and defended, and could only come to death and not admit it.

But he didn’t even believe what he said, so how could the Four Emperors believe it? Lisi was really dying.

And it is a great death.

If only he had admitted it frankly. But a dead one does not admit it.

Originally, the fourth emperor felt that he had been humiliated by the Qin Emperor’s victory in the government. At this moment, the courtiers under the Qin Emperor’s demons dared to deceive them.

Just say it.

To what extent had the anger in the Four Emperors’ hearts become? Boom.

The first to attack was naturally the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. He directly pulled out the Heavenly Sword hanging from Zhu Di’s waist. Those fierce and cruel eyes were red.

Even more step by step, he walked towards Li Si and Wang Qi.

“Let’s just say, even if he Qin Emperor wins the government and humiliates us, you courtiers dare to deceive us?”

“You think this Ming Emperor is very ridiculous and deceitful, don’t you?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty drank fiercely.

The Heavenly Sword in that hand was flashing cold light.

It was as if the next moment was going to make two blood holes in Li Si and Wang Qi’s bodies. Don’t take the bean bag and don’t take a thousand grains!

Although the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was the son of the Great Tomorrow. But he was also born on horseback.

His martial attainments are absolutely extraordinary. Li Si is just a literary minister.

Although Wang Xie was a famous general in the world.

But if Zhu Yuanzhang did it, it would be really difficult to say whether Li Si and Wang Qi could survive. And you see.

At this moment, the people brought by the four emperors all drew their swords and aimed at the two together. As long as Li Si and Wang Qi dared to resist in the slightest.

I am afraid that in an instant, I will be crushed into thousands of pieces. One-step!

Two steps! Three steps!

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang hated the itchy teeth.

The Heavenly Swords in his hands seemed to have blood-colored flashes.

The intention to kill Li Si and Wang Qi was already clear. This scene also shocked Wang Qi and Li Si to retreat one after another.

His heart was extremely bitter, and he could only secretly complain that His Majesty the Qin Emperor had killed the two of them miserably. Today, I’m afraid I really can’t get out of the Great Desolation Hall alive.

Just when Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was about to swing the Heavenly Son’s sword. A soft laugh was ringing out.

It also made the Heavenly Sword in the hands of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty stiffen in mid-air.

“Heavy Eighth Brother, don’t be so angry.”

“The two of them are just acting on orders, what is the use of you killing them, the culprit is still in the Great Qin Xianyang Palace.”

It is not someone else who speaks.

It was Emperor B of Xia, who had been smiling. Also because of this sentence of the regent.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty instantly calmed down.

The Heavenly Sword in his hand was fiercely inserted by him obliquely at the feet of the two men. Arch fire!

Add fuel to the fire.

Give the Qin Emperor a vengeance to win the government. Have to say.

The most political really has some bad water. Not to miss any opportunity.

Stir up the hatred of the Four Emperors for the Qin Emperor to win the government seven!

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