Chapter 172: Yang Guang’s Night Visit, Nie Zheng’s Thoughts.

The night is quiet, and the moon is hanging high.

The Great Wasteland City, the Palace of the Son of Heaven.

Boom Zheng stood with his hands in his hands and looked up at the sky and the moon.

A wisp of bright moonlight sprinkled on his face, making him look dusty, and quite an otherworldly temperament faintly overflowed.

The sky is bright and the moon is shining, and the stars are falling.

The regent was quiet in the darkness.

The quiet is like a spirit hidden in the night, giving people a mysterious meaning like a fog. The most political is waiting for two people.

He had been waiting here for two hours. Although there were no footsteps outside the temple. But the government believes that these two people will come. Really!

A very slight sound of footsteps was heard.

I saw a man dressed in black and with only a pair of eyes sneaking into the Heavenly Son’s Palace. When he saw the regent standing with his hands down.

The man’s eyes exploded with a touch of essence, and then he walked quickly toward Juzheng.

“Summer Emperor!”

The man’s voice was so low that only the most political and himself could hear his voice.

“Brother Zhu Di is not unharmed.”

Ki-jeong smiled and turned around and looked at the masked man in black. The masked man in black took off his black scarf.

This person was none other than Zhu Di, the King of Yan. Zhu Di.

His expression was grim, and his eyes were somewhat bright in the night. He looked around cautiously.

It was as if he was afraid that his whereabouts would be discovered by someone with a heart.

“Brother Zhu Di 20 rest assured, within a radius of ten miles, no one knows that you have entered here.” The regent whispered in relief. ”

There is no bragging about the most political sentence. By his perception.

There was no wind or grass within a radius of ten miles, and it was absolutely impossible to hide his eyes and ears. Even if there were land immortals tracking Zhu Di, they would definitely be discovered by the most political authorities.

“Emperor Yi, what do you need me to do?”

Zhu Di was blunt.

Because too much politeness is just a waste of time.

He risked being discovered to see the regent because when he left the Great Desolation Hall, the government had given him a vague look.

Just a look.

Zhu Di understood the meaning of the most political.

“Elder Brother Zhu Di, Shuo needs you to speak to Emperor Ming and promote the alliance of the Five Kingdoms, which is not only good for Shuo but also of great benefit to you.”

The most political is straightforward.


Zhu Di frowned slightly.

With a slightly embarrassed face, he looked at the most political Dao: “Emperor Xia, it is not that the king is unwilling to help you, but Emperor Ming is arbitrary, even if I take the initiative to speak, I am afraid that it will not affect his decision.” ”

Zhu Di said honestly.

“Brother Zhu Di, you go forward and listen to it.”

The most political light smile.

Zhu Di hurriedly listened.

Until the time of a stove of incense has passed.

Zhu Di looked stunned, and then slowly nodded.

“Emperor Xia resigned.”

After getting the most political advice, I know what to do.

Zhu Di re-masked the black scarf and quickly left the Heavenly Son’s Palace. Zhu Di came and went quickly.

However, the most political government knew that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang basically had no problems in this regard.

As long as Zhu Di did what he said, Zhu Yuanzhang would definitely agree to the alliance of the Five Kingdoms. Soon after Zhu Di left.

There was a slight sound of footsteps outside the temple again. Only to see one walking quickly into the Heavenly Son’s Palace.

And carefully observed the surroundings until he saw the figure of the tyranny. The man’s face was suddenly happy, and he walked quickly toward the regent.

And this person is no one else, it is Yang Guang, the good son of Yang Jian of the Sui Emperor.

“Yang Guang saw His Majesty the Emperor Xia.”

Yang Guang had just arrived in front of the most political body, and he smiled and prayed.

“Your Highness is indeed wise and wise, and has been waiting for you here for a long time.”

The most political laughs.

General with Zhu Di.

When Yang Guang and his father Yang Jian left.

The most political also looked at Yang Guang meaningfully.


Yang Guang was very clever to appreciate Emperor Xia’s meaning. That’s why he came here at night.

I wanted to know what the Summer Emperor was going to do when he saw him.

“I wonder what noble deeds Emperor Xia did when he saw Xiao Wang?”

Yang Guang’s eyes moved slightly.

“His Highness Wen Tao Wu Luo is a great Sui man, and he has admired His Highness for a long time and would like to make a friend with His Highness.”

The most political smiled.

“Emperor Xia’s words are serious, and it is Xiao Wang’s honor if he can become friends with His Majesty Emperor Xia.” Yang Guang put his posture extremely low, and he looked at the most political with a smile. ”

However, Yang Guang’s eyes crossed a touch of strange color.

He didn’t believe that the Summer Emperor would be bored to see him in the middle of the night, just to make friends with him. Apparently.

Emperor Xia had something to look for him.

And it should be a matter of the alliance of five countries. Stop.

Yang Guang was indeed very clever, and he directly guessed the key. It’s just the most political not mentioned.

Naturally, he couldn’t mention it first. Looking at the humble smile on Yang Guang’s face.

The most political face is exposed.

Maybe others don’t know what kind of person Yang Guang is. But he was very aware of Yang Guang’s fierce surname.

This was a man who dared to kill even his father for the throne. But that’s exactly why.

Yang Guang had great use value for the regent.

“Shuo likes to make friends with smart people very much, and His Highness is definitely a smart person.”

“If you have something to say, just say it to Your Highness, and you need Your Highness to speak to the Sui Emperor and promote the Five Kingdoms Alliance.” The most political is straightforward. ”

For people like Yang Guang, too much voidness and snakes are not good. Directly pointing out their own purpose is the most correct choice.

“Emperor Xia is too concerned about Xiao Wang, my father and emperor are famous for him, so where does Xiao Wang have the right to speak in the matter of the alliance of the Five Kingdoms?”

Yang Guang’s eyes rolled and smiled. Apparently!

Yang Guang did not refuse the regency at the first time, but wanted to see what benefits Emperor Xia could give him. Let’s be honest.

Yang Guang visited Emperor Yi of Xia at night.

It was also because in the Great Desolation Hall today, Emperor Xia’s actions made Yang Guang marvel. He also believes that Emperor Yi of Xia is definitely a personal character, which makes Yang Guang extremely important.

Again, some words that demean the other four emperors.

The Council of the Six Kingdoms, which took place in the Great Wasteland Hall, was completely dominated by Emperor Yi of Xia. The other four emperors were completely led by the nose of Emperor Yi of Xia.

This seemed to Yang Guang’s inner amazement.

I was also in awe and curiosity about this big summer.


The most political laughed.

He smiled and patted Yang Guang’s shoulder.

A pair of eyes looked directly at Yang Guang’s eyes with deep and waveless eyes.

“Your Highness, I wonder if you are interested in the throne of the Great Sui?”

The stone broke the sky.

Juzheng’s words directly caught Yang Guang off guard. His face changed wildly, and his steps were all a step backwards.

It was indeed Emperor Xia’s words that completely spoke to his heart. At this moment, Yang Guang’s eyes looking at the most political were filled with extreme disbelief.

“This person likes to make friends, especially a smart person like His Highness as a friend.”

“If I remember correctly, Your Highness’s eldest brother is the crown prince of Great Sui, right?”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity, Sui Emperor Yang Jian is really old, the old eyes are dizzy, and he doesn’t even have the wisdom to recognize people!”

“Letting a wise man like His Highness not use it, but letting a mediocre person inherit the throne, Lian is really crying out for His Highness.”

The most political talk.

But hearing it in Yang Guang’s ears made his face look uncertain.

I don’t know why Emperor Yi of Xia said these things to him.

“However, if Your Highness is willing to make a friend with Yuan, he will never let his friend be wronged.”

“That Sui Emperor Yang Jian seems that the 540 sons will not live for a few years, and if His Highness wants to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he will be very happy to help.”


As the words of the regent came into the ears.

Yang Guang’s brain roared.

Both eyes were faintly red, and there was a touch of excitement under the eyes. Seeing Yang Guang’s posture, the most political smiled slightly, and once again added fuel to the fire: “If nothing else, there are millions of elite soldiers in the Great Xia, as well as the world-famous Northern Dragon Rider, and there is also the most absolute assassin camp in the world.” ”

“As long as Your Highness needs it, you can completely help Your Highness seize the throne of the Great Sui.”

“If anyone who doesn’t have long eyes dares to stop His Highness from ascending to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, then kill them all.”

“After all, Shuo is very willing to help his friend, but I don’t know if His Highness is willing to make this friend?”

The most political smile looked at Yang Guang.

“Xiao Wang is very willing to make this friend of His Majesty the Summer Emperor!”

“The matter of the Five Kingdoms Alliance is handed over to Xiao Wang, and the good news of Emperor Xia and other Xiao Wang is that it is.” Although Yang Guang is fierce and cruel in his heart, he is definitely a smart person. ”

In just a few words, I understood what Emperor Xia Yi meant. If he still pushes three or four blocks, then he is really an idiot.


“Then everything will be His Highness Law.” The most political smiled and nodded to Yang Guang. ”

Yang Guang’s face was solemn, and he bowed down to the most political department. Then without any nonsense, he left the Heavenly Son’s Palace. A hint of fanatical excitement rose under his eyes.

With the foreign aid of Emperor Yi of Xia, he was more certain to seize the throne. And that’s why he came to see Emperor Xia today.

There is a saying that says it well.

Smart people talk to smart people at one point. Yang Guang knew what he wanted.

And the regent gave him what he wanted. The two hit it off.

Everything also runs according to the most political plan.

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