Chapter 173: The Great Wasteland Lord’s Killing Chance!.

The Great Tomorrow Sons Palace.

Two days are fleeting.

Tomorrow is the opening of the second five-nation parliament.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyebrows were tightly locked, his eyes were uncertain, and he was obviously still thinking about whether the alliance of the five countries was feasible. Let’s be honest.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was very concerned about the alliance of the Five Kingdoms. If the five kingdoms could jointly cut down Qin, or even destroy Great Qin.

Then his chances of unifying the world for nine weeks will be greatly increased.

This is indeed a good way, and it can be said that it is an opportunity for him Zhu Yuanzhang. But!

The reason for the delay in the decision of the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was not the feasibility of the alliance of the five countries. It’s Emperor Xia Yi alone!


It was Emperor B of Xia.

The alliance of the Five Kingdoms was proposed by Emperor Yi of Xia. Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Emperor Yi of Xia was young though.

But the heart of the city government is extremely deep, and he is generally a person who hides a knife in a smile. Zhu Yuanzhang did not dare to underestimate Emperor Yi of Xia.

Emperor Ming became suspicious.

Vaguely felt that Emperor Xia had an ulterior motive?

However, he thought left and right, and did not want to understand the purpose of Emperor Xia Yi.

However, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang always had a little concern in his heart, which made him unable to make up his mind for a long time.

“Burning, do you think an alliance of five countries is feasible?”


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty looked up at Liu Bowen, who was known as a divine and clever maneuver.

“When I ascended to the throne, the Five Kingdoms allied to fight against Qin, and I don’t think this is feasible.”

Liu Bowen’s eyes flashed with wisdom.


Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty was stunned.

I didn’t expect that my ingenious military master would not agree to this.

“Emperor Yi of Xia had a deep heart, and if the means were needed by thunder, and he acted madly and did not play cards according to common sense, alliing with this person was tantamount to plotting with a tiger.”

“The old man also knows countless people, but Emperor Xia has always given the old man a feeling of invisibility.”

“This man is not simple!”

Liu Bowen said with a heavy face. In fact.

Liu Bowen still did not say a word. He watched the sky at night these two days.

Pinch your finger to calculate the Ziwei life of Emperor Yi of Xia. But something to his horror happened.

The Ziwei fate of Emperor Yi of Xia was like a fog that made him unable to calculate. Just when he wanted to force the calculation and find out.

A mysterious and vast force swept towards his mind. A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

It almost cost him his old life. It also started with this thing.

Liu Bowen knew that Emperor Xia was definitely not simple.

Even he couldn’t figure out one or two.

You must know that even if the Qin Emperor’s life style, he can vaguely peek at a point. But Emperor Yi’s life style actually caused a heavenly revolt against him! Of course.

Liu Bowen did not tell Zhu Yuanzhang about this time, only because this matter was related to the operation of the heavenly machine. If he had spoken out to outsiders, he would have to live a long life.

I heard Liu Bowen’s remarks. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang nodded solemnly.

However, even if he gave up the alliance of the Five Kingdoms in this way, the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was still a little unwilling.

“Emperor, what do you think about this?”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di again.

“Father Emperor, Liu Bowen of the Sons of the Sons is right, and alliing with Emperor Xia is tantamount to plotting skin with a tiger.”

Zhu Di behaved very meekly, and even more in accordance with Liu Bowen’s words.

This also made Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang frown slightly.

I didn’t expect that even his own Wen Tao Wu Luo Zhu Di Emperor would say this. It seemed that he should indeed reject Emperor Xia’s proposal.

But he didn’t wait for Zhu Yuanzhang to make a decision in his heart. Zhu Di spoke again.

“Father Emperor Mingjian, not only did Emperor Xia have a deep heart, but even Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty was also a tiger and a wolf.”

“Although it is indeed a good opportunity for the Five Kingdoms to form an alliance to jointly cut down Qin, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin is a greater threat than Emperor Yi of Xia in the eyes of his sons.”

“Father Emperor thought, if the Five Kingdoms were to form an alliance, wouldn’t it have created a good opportunity for Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty?”


As Zhu Di’s words entered his ears.

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s face changed. The eyes gradually darkened.

You must know that he and Li Er have been at odds. You can tell each other that no one looks up to anyone.

The only one who could be used as an opponent by the two was the Qin Emperor. But now listen to Zhu Di’s words.

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly found out.

I was too forward-looking and backwards to walk on thin ice. Obviously a great opportunity is in front of you.

If Li Shimin agrees to an alliance of five countries, he chooses to oppose it. Doesn’t this make Li Shimin look down on him?


I’m older.

If he could not unify the world for nine weeks while he was alive, he would leave a prosperous country for the emperor Zhu Yunzhuo. So how will the future Emperor Zhu Yunjiao gain a foothold in this chaotic world?

Will his Daming Dynasty still exist? Suddenly!

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s face was grim. Make decisions directly from the heart.

The Five-Power Alliance itself must endorse.

This was also the only chance to defeat Great Qin quickly. Even though there are some risks, he has to rise to the occasion.

Moreover, he Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang Iron-Blooded God Martial Life, Xia Emperor B and Li Shimin what are they? With the two of them, how can they make themselves look ahead and fear their heads and tails?

“We have already made up our minds, and the alliance of the five countries can be done.”

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke coldly.

“Ascendant, don’t do it!”

Liu Bowen was shocked to hear this, and he hurried to speak out to advise. He even looked at Zhu Di with a shocked look. But he found that Zhu Di’s eyebrows were low and he didn’t say a word. Good one Zhu Di.

I’m just afraid that this guy has long been subdued by Emperor Xia! Liu Bowen’s mind was crystal clear.

Although Zhu Di seems to be opposed to the alliance of the Five Kingdoms.

But between his words, on the contrary, it vaguely aroused Zhu Yuanzhang’s ambition.

“Berwin, you don’t need to persuade again, we have already made up our minds.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty interrupted in a cold voice. Conspiracy or conspiracy.

He Zhu Yuanzhang had been fighting with iron blood all his life, was he getting old and old, and he still had to fear Emperor Yi of Xia and Emperor Li Er of the Tang Dynasty?

He was not the Sui Emperor Yang Jian, and the old one had no ambitions. See Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s mind has been decided.

Liu Bowen’s brow furrowed, and he could only sigh helplessly. Because he knew too well the surname of Emperor Ming.

No matter how much he advised at this moment, Emperor Ming would not change his mind. As the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the palace to rest.

Only Liu Bowen and Zhu Di were left alone.

“Your Highness the King of Yan, the old man doesn’t know what benefits the Summer Emperor gave you, so that you can help him so much, but you must know that your surname is Zhu, and you also have the blood of the superior on your body, and you are also the son of the superior prince.”

“If Daming Jiangshan really dies, Your Highness the King of Yan, you are a sinner of Daming for eternity.”

Liu Bowen spoke coldly.

“Liu Bowen, what are you talking about?” The king doesn’t understand! ”

Zhu Di smiled coldly.

Throw off your robe and strode away.

Kiss the son?


Zhu Di smiled coldly inside.

When the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang disregarded the surnames of him and his wife and children. Emperor Ming was only Emperor Ming, not his father.

That day in the Weiyang Palace in Bactria His Zhu Di’s heart had already been broken.

At this moment, what Liu Bowen said really made him feel ridiculous.


Great Sui, Heavenly Son’s Palace.

Almost the same scene is playing. The only thing that is different is.

The Sui Emperor was really old, and the old man had lost his ambition. Do things to look ahead and cower and shrink.

There has been no decision on the alliance of the five countries.

But under the influence of Yang Guanghe and Yu Culture. The Sui Emperor Yang Guang still agreed to the alliance of the Five Kingdoms. And Yang Guang and Yu Wenhua looked at each other and smiled.

Everyone saw the fierce and proud color under each other’s eyes.


Tang Emperor Li Shimin, Empress Loulan Yao Xi.

After two days of consideration, the two still couldn’t make up their minds.

But tomorrow is when the second five-nation conference begins. The two could only see if the other emperors agreed.

Depending on the situation, it is judged whether to agree with this matter.


The other side.

The main mansion of the Great Wasteland.

The candles flickered and dimmed.

An atmosphere of extreme oppression is growing. Three land gods!


You read that right.

Three land immortals sat in it. The Lord of the Great Wasteland City looked cold and terrible.

The two white-haired old men also looked at the deputy city lord clock and stood on the side, and their faces were also full of sadness.

“Two brothers and sisters, where should I go to join the army in the Great Wasteland City?”

The Lord of the Great Desolation City spoke.

It’s just that his voice is extremely cold, and the killing machine on his body has almost turned into substance.

“Brother and Master, the matter has come to an end, do you still want to kill Emperor Yi?”

“Brother Wei said long ago that I have entered the Terrestrial Immortal Realm, and everything that is dust should not be contaminated.”

“Now Emperor Yi is the first to break the rules of the Great Wasteland City, and has the support of several other emperors, which shows that my Great Wasteland City can no longer transcend things, and we can only accept this result.”

“From now on, the pursuit of the Heavenly Path is the right way.”

The two land immortals whispered.

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