Chapter 174 The Alliance of the Great Desolation!.

“Two brothers and sisters, Emperor Yi’er deceived people too much, if I don’t kill him, it will be difficult to calm the hatred in my heart.”

The Lord of the Great Desolation City whispered in hatred.

I thought of what happened that day in the Great Desolation Hall.

The hatred in the Great Desolate City Lord’s heart for Emperor B of Xia could not stop overflowing. But the thing that shocked him the most was why he didn’t shoot that day? The Lord of the Great Wasteland City carefully recalled the scene at that time.

He seemed to be intimidated by the momentum of Emperor Yi of Xia.

But he was absolutely sure that Emperor Yi of Xia was by no means a martial arts strongman. Because he didn’t have any martial arts aura on him.

As soon as he thought of this, the Great Desolate City Lord felt extremely ashamed and indignant in his heart. If only he had killed him at that time.

And why let the prestige of the Great Wasteland City be destroyed? Looking at the Great Desolate City Lord’s face full of hatred.

The two land immortals frowned slightly

“Brother and Master, you are too paranoid!”

“Brother and Master, you should know that if you kill Emperor Yi of Xia, how can the other kingdoms allow me to exist in the Great Wasteland City?”

The faces of the two land immortals were solemn, and their voices became somewhat severe.

“Two brothers…?”

Seeing the two brothers was a little angry. The Great Desolate City Lord was shocked.

Know that you are indeed in a state of paranoia. It is even more that he has completely messed up the square inches. Truly.

If you really kill Emperor Xia B.

The other four emperors would surely feel that their lives were at stake. How could it be possible to allow the Great Wasteland to continue to exist in the Nine Weeks World? I’m afraid it won’t take a few days.

Together, the nations will send troops to destroy the Great Wasteland.

“Brother and Master, the matter has come to this point, and our Great Desolation 497 City can only accept it.”

“Although Emperor Yi of Xia broke the rules of our Great Wasteland City, with our three land gods and immortals sitting in the seat, the Great Wasteland City can still maintain peace forever.”

“Let go of the obsession in your heart and don’t argue with Emperor Xia again.”

The two land gods spoke out to warn.

The land gods are transcendent although they are transcendent.

But in the face of the power of a country, we must also be extremely jealous. So it’s not a last resort.

Even the land gods and immortals would not have a vendetta against the son of a nation. Pity.

There’s an old saying goes.

No one hurts the tiger’s heart, and the tiger hurts.

Especially Nie Zheng’s brutal and fierce tiger.

He had already treated the Great Wasteland City as a piece of fat and was preparing to swallow it in one bite. Land Immortals?

Or three land gods?

Excuse me!

Perhaps the sons of other countries will be jealous of these three people. But in Nie Zheng’s eyes.

The three men were vulnerable.

Nie Zheng didn’t pay attention to the so-called land immortals at all. And.

Only the three people of the Great Desolate City Lord could be blamed for their bad luck.

The location of the Great Wasteland City was an extremely important military fortress. For the Great Desolate City Nie Zheng is bound to win.

But at the moment, the big summer boy has not shown his fangs.

By the time the Great Desolate City Lord came to his senses, he was afraid that it would be too late.


The other side.

In a hidden valley outside the Great Wasteland. Thirty thousand Northern Dragons rode in silence and slaughtered.

The black dragon foals were quiet and terrible.

Cao Xian’s eyes were burning hot, and he was looking at the direction where the Great Wasteland City was located.

“Your Majesty is really crazy and wants to occupy the Great Wasteland City.”

“However, the geographical location of the Great Wasteland City is connected to the frontiers of various countries, and it is indeed a military powerhouse.”

Cao Xian muttered.

It was thought that the Great Wasteland would become the territory of Bactria. He couldn’t stop agitating inside.

“Prime Minister, Your Majesty is extremely bold in this move, but when the Heavenly Sons of all countries learn of it, they are afraid that they will not give up and give up.”

Guo Jia spoke solemnly, and a touch of worry crossed his eyes.

“Rest assured, Your Majesty will have absolute confidence if he dares to do so.”

“Those of us who are courtiers only need to do what we are told.”

Cao Xian smiled.

All eyes are the meaning of worship for Nie Zheng. 2 will.

Long before Nie Zheng came to the Great Wasteland City. Nie Zheng issued a secret decree to Cao Zheng.

Let him secretly lead the 30,000 Northern Dragon Riders to hide outside the Great Desolation City and wait. As soon as the time came, he took possession of the Great Wasteland City for himself.

When Cao Xian heard about Tianzi’s plan, he was simply shocked. It is even more bluntly said that the Great Wasteland City has land gods and immortals sitting in the town.

Even though 30,000 Northern Dragons rode to attack the Great Desolate City.

However, once those three land immortals moved, they were afraid that the Northern Dragon Rider would also suffer heavy losses. You must know that the loss of thirty thousand North Dragon Riders is one less.

Even though they had captured the Great Desolate City, those three land immortals would certainly not be able to catch it. This will also leave a great hidden danger for Bactria.

But Cao Wei remembered it clearly.

His Majesty had made it clear that these three land immortals would naturally be picked up by someone, so that he did not have to worry. But Cao Xian couldn’t understand it even if he wanted to break his head.

Who can solve the three earthly land gods? However, Cao Wei did not ask questions.

Or secretly lead the Northern Dragon Rider to arrive according to the will of the Heavenly Son. Now.

Cao Wei only waited for the signal of the Heavenly Son to be sent, and he would lead 30,000 Northern Dragons to capture the Great Desolate City.


The Council of the Five Kingdoms was once again opened in the Great Wasteland. The Five Emperors sat around the stone table.

In front of each person was a wine glass.

“Let’s just say that the five countries have formed an alliance to jointly cut down Qin, and we are very much in favor of it.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang smiled.

His gaze inadvertently fell on the body of Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

“Emperor Ming, you don’t have to look at Emperor Ming like this, since Emperor Ming has agreed, there is no problem with him.”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin responded lightly.

“I agree with this matter as Dasui also agrees.”

Sui Emperor Yang Jian nodded slowly.


Only Empress Yaoxi had not yet expressed her attitude. However, seeing that the three emperors have already agreed.

Empress Yaoxi could only nod her head in agreement. In fact.

In Empress Yaoxi’s heart, she did not want to form an alliance against Qin. Because she simply did not have the ambition to unify the world for nine weeks. Moreover, the prestige of the Great Qin Iron Horse shocked the world.

Where could the Qin Emperor be easily defeated? But Empress Yaoxi knew it very well.

It was impossible for Lou Lan Ancient Kingdom to be alone. If she chooses to refuse to form an alliance.

It will certainly be regarded as a potential enemy by the other four countries. Plainly.

You Lou Lan wants to sit on the side of the mountain and watch the tiger fight, how can the sons of heaven of all countries tolerate it?

“Brother Di Yi, you said before that if the Five Kingdoms were to form an alliance, you would raise all your country’s forces to attack Qin, so don’t forget what you said.”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said.

“Can’t Big Brother Zhong still believe in Little Brother?”

“However, it has been made clear before that although our Bactria can raise all the country’s troops to cut down Qin, the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty belongs to our Bactria territory.”

“I wonder if your brothers and Sister Yaoxi agree?”

Nie Zheng smiled casually and looked at the four emperors present.

“This is naturally no problem, just wait for Emperor Xia to send troops to cut down Qin, I don’t want to Qing territory.”

Tang Emperor Li Shimin smiled.

The other three emperors nodded in agreement. In fact.

Not how generous the Four Emperors were.

Instead, the territory of Great Qin occupied almost half of the Nine Weeks Great World. If the five great armies could continue to conquer the territory of Great Qin.

What about the small territory of the Great Qing Dynasty to the Emperor Xia? After all, the location of Daqing was close to the barbarian land outside Guanwai. Compared with the Great Qin Frontiers, it was simply not worth mentioning.

However, the four emperors were all suspicious of Emperor Yi of Xia. It was necessary to wait for Emperor Yi of Xia to raise a national army to attack Qin.

Only then could they really rest assured that their soldiers and horses would be withdrawn from the Great Qing.

“Okay, then we’ll be sure.”

Nie Zheng laughed.

The next thing is simple. The Five Emperors are allies in blood.

He was even worshipped as brothers and sisters of the opposite sex under the influence of Emperor Yi of Xia. The Sui Emperor Yang Jian was the eldest.

Nie Zheng called him Big Brother.

Emperor Tang was second in age and was called the second brother by Nie Zheng. Emperor Ming was in third place.

Empress Yaoxi is in fourth place.

As for Nie Zheng himself, he was in the fifth, who made him the youngest of the five emperors. A simple worship ceremony comes down.

The five emperors signed an agreement on the alliance of the five countries.

The content of this is nothing more than that the five kingdoms must not kill each other until the Qin Dynasty is successful. If anyone betrays the alliance inside and outside, the other four countries should be wiped out together.

Moreover, the five emperors all made poisonous oaths to the heavens one after another, keeping today’s oath of alliance, otherwise it would be impossible for the heavens to strike thunder and thunder and die.

However, how much credibility did the Five Emperors have in the oath they made. That’s a bit of a fantasy.

After all, the Son of Heaven of the Five Kingdoms is not an ordinary man.

The reverence for the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth in the underworld can be said to be almost non-existent. If in the face of sufficient interests, saying tear the face will tear the face. It will not be held back by a paper covenant at all.

After all, there is a saying that says it well.

Soldiers are not tired of cheating!

If you can unify the world for nine weeks, you will become an emperor that has never existed in ancient times. Even tearing up today’s covenant is perfectly normal.

Don’t say anything about the Heavenly Son’s promise.

In these nine weeks of chaos, there are only these four words of success and defeat.

A man who can be the king of a country is a so-called righteous gentleman. Then this country has been destroyed many times.

And the four emperors here all know one thing very well. History is written by the victors for posterity. The so-called one will make ten thousand bones wither!

Only by stepping on the tired bones can we become an emperor who has never existed in ancient times, and we will sing praises and praises to future generations.

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