Chapter 175: The Summer Emperor Kills the Machine, Captures the City and Destroys the Mouth!.

The next thing is simple.

The five emperors sat together and agreed on the day when they would send troops to attack Qin. This date is set for a month later.

The five kingdoms jointly sent troops from four directions, southeast, and northwest to attack the Great Qin frontier. Of course.

The first to raise troops to cut down Qin should be led by Bactria. Only to see that Emperor Xia did raise a national army to cut down Qin. Only then could the other four countries send troops to attack Great Qin.

After all, the Fourth Emperor had always been very uneasy about Emperor Yi of Xia. Deeply afraid that this guy will make some kind of moth.

Nie Zheng had been smiling and agreeing. But there was a cold light under his eyes. Vacan?

The four of you dream of going.

Don’t take you as a substitute for the dead ghost, who will take the substitute for the dead ghost? According to Nie Zheng’s words.

Dead Dao Friends Don’t Die Poor Dao!

Great Qin occupied half of the Nine Weeks World.

Its national strength and strength, and even the wrist of the Qin Emperor, can be called the strongest in the world. If you give the Qin Emperor another ten years.

I’m just afraid that this guy Qin Emperor Yingzheng can really unify for nine weeks.

At that time, he was not called Qin Emperor, but Qin Shi Huang.

If Nie Zheng hadn’t appeared in this world, or if he wasn’t the Heavenly Son of Bactria. He was naturally willing to see the Qin Emperor rule the world.

But he was the son of Bactria and this result was not something he could accept. Although I want to be a dusk.

But Nie Zheng didn’t want to end up with a ruined country.

Naturally, he wanted to break his wrist with Emperor Qin to see who could unify the world for nine weeks. Of course.

Nie Zheng never thought of unifying for nine weeks and becoming an emperor for thousands of years. But there’s a good saying.

Times make heroes.

In this nine-week chaotic world. Even if he didn’t want to fight.

The tide of the times is pushing him forward.

One step further is the vast sky, and one step back is an endless hell. No way.

In order for myself to continue to enjoy being a dusk and enjoy it. Nie Zheng could only plan for nine weeks.

However, the only one who could make Nie Zheng an opponent was Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. Although the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang and the Tang Emperor Li Shimin were also extremely powerful. But Nie Zheng had not yet been made a real opponent.

As for the Sui Emperor and Empress Loulan, they were only foils at best. Plainly.

Then Yang Guang was enough for Sui Emperor Yang Jian to drink a pot.

And Empress Xiyao had no ambition to compete for the world, and naturally it was not enough. But the family knows their own affairs.

Bactria had been weak for a long time, even though he had a systematic body.

However, if you want to rely on the strength of Bactria at this moment to confront Great Qin, this is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble. Therefore, Nie Zhengcai plotted an alliance of the Five Kingdoms to weaken Great Qin’s strength. Of course.

The Four Emperors were not fools either.

If they wanted to fight with Emperor Qin, they also needed Nie Zheng’s strategizing.

The next thing is simple.

The Five Emperors agreed on the day when the Qin Dynasty would be completed.

They are preparing to return to their respective countries.

And the Great Desolate City Lord also appeared at this moment, and he was even more smiling to personally send the Five Emperors out of the city. The arrogance and condescension on his face had disappeared.

Obviously, being reprimanded by the two Terrestrial Immortal Realm brothers also made him understand the situation of the Great Desolate City at this moment. However, when the Lord of the Great Wasteland saw Emperor Yi of Xia.

The smile on his face was visibly stiff.

But he still nodded kindly to Emperor Xia. And this scene made Zhao Gao and Jing Ke sneer.

This old immortal thing had been rounded before the pen.

Only now do you lower your posture, what are you thinking?

Outside the Great Desolation City.

The Lord of the Great Desolation City personally sent the Five Emperors out of the city. Nie Zheng boarded the golden rut.

It also attracted the surprised sideways glances of the other four emperors. This Summer Emperor was really extravagant.

If this golden rut is exchanged for silver money, it is enough to create a hundred thousand elites.

In particular, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty looked at the golden rut that Nie Zheng was riding, and his eyes were a little red. Secretly lamenting that it is also a son of heaven for a country, why is the gap so large?

“Sister Yaoxi, if you have time, you can come to the little brother’s big summer gathering.”

Before leaving.

Nie Zheng smiled and waved goodbye to Empress Yaoxi.

This also made Empress Yaoxi shudder slightly, and the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a strange color.

“Your Majesty, the old man has been sent here.”

The Lord of the Great Wasteland gave a fist bump.


The Five Emperors directly chose to ignore the Great Desolate City Lord. In the billowing dust and smoke, the five royal carriages and horses galloped away. The smile on the face of the Great Wasteland Lord was ugly.

But I still put up with the anger in my heart and returned to the Great Desolate City…

Night falls, and black clouds cover the moon.

The entire Great Desolate City was shrouded in boundless darkness.

A gust of night wind blew through, making the trees and leaves in the Great Wasteland City rattle. The night breeze this evening was a little cool.

In the great wasteland city shrouded in boundless darkness.

Faintly revealing a touch of heaven and earth slaughter atmosphere. The main mansion of the Great Wasteland.

The candles flickered in the night wind.

The shadows of the Great Desolate City Lord and the two land immortals were pulled very long.

“Abominable Emperor Yi’er!”


The Lord of the Great Desolate City was full of coldness, and the table in front of him was smashed by his shooting. The attitude of the five emperors before their departure today has made everything clear. Since then.

The Great Wasteland is no longer a holy land of pure land. When did the Lord of the Great Desolation suffer from such contempt?

At this moment, he was eager to crush Emperor Xia’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, so as to dispel the hatred in his heart.

“Brother and Master, you have fallen into the devil, and I am an outsider, so why should I be angry with the people in the dust?”

“Believe in peace and quietness, and don’t stain the dust, this is the path of heaven that I am waiting for.”

The two land immortals spoke softly.

“These two are indeed enlightened people, but this is only a weak state of mind, but they are much stronger than your master and disciple.”

A soft laugh was coming.

But it was also the sound of this sound.

Suddenly, the faces of the three Great Desolate City Lords changed dramatically.

You must know that all three of them are the land gods and immortals of the world. 0 Ask for flowers.

Someone came to them, and they didn’t know it.

This almost horrified their hearts, and they suddenly looked at the source of the sound. But the next moment!

The eyes of the three Great Desolate City Lords completely turned into sluggishness.

The look in the eyes of the people who came to them showed a very incredible color! What do they see?

Emperor B!

Who is Emperor B of Xia?

Uh –!

A gust of night wind blew through, making Nie Zheng’s clothes grin. He had a big smile on his face.

Step by step, he was walking towards the three Great Desolate City Lords. Just with Nie Zheng’s every step out.

A wordless terror was sweeping towards the three Great Desolate City Lords. Even more shocking was the three people of the Great Desolation City Lord unconsciously regressing.

Nie Zheng strolled forward, and there was no terrible momentum blooming around him.

Until he came to the three lords of the Great Desolate City, he slowly found a chair and sat down.

The whole person was unfazed, and they looked at the three Great Desolate City Lords with a smile.

“Emperor Yi, what do you want to do?”

The Great Desolate City Lord suddenly woke up.

It’s just that the cold sweat on his forehead is constantly flowing.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes, he showed a look of horror.

If he had doubted that Emperor Xia was a martial arts strongman. But now the Great Wasteland City Lord would definitely not have the slightest doubt.

Because they could make all three of them unaware of Emperor Xia’s arrival.

This has proved that Emperor Xia Yi is an extremely fearsome martial arts strongman. And they are also a martial arts strong man who is not inferior to them.

Land Immortals?

Emperor Yi of Xia was also a Terrestrial Immortal Realm? How is this possible?

The Great Desolate City Lord’s heart palpitated.

Even the two brothers beside him looked at Nie Zheng in disbelief.



Nie Zheng raised his finger and made a silent gesture. At the same time.

Just listen to the great wasteland city, which was originally silent, and suddenly heard the roar of the horse’s hooves shaking the earth. With a loud bang.

The city gates seemed to have been slammed down.

The sound of horses’ hooves that shook the earth had appeared in the Great Wasteland. It also made the whole Great Wasteland City completely chaotic.

Shout to kill.

Mournful sounds.

There was also a terrible scream.

All kinds of sounds were heard endlessly, clearly entering the ears of the three Great Desolate City Lords.

“Emperor Yi, how dare you attack my Great Desolate City?”

The Great Desolate Lord roared in anger.

Just the sound coming from the city had already made him understand everything. Emperor Yi of Xia went and returned.

It turned out that he wanted to take his great wasteland.

Looking at the angry face of the Great Desolate City Lord, Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

“Actually, as a son of a nation, he shouldn’t have personally slaughtered you three old guys.”

“After all, this is very inconsistent with Yuan’s identity.”

“But there is no way, you three old guys are doing a good job, if you don’t kill you personally, you are really in trouble.”

Nie Zheng sighed.

There is some helplessness implied in the nine.

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