Chapter 176: Burial Heaven Jedi, The Power of the Summer Emperor!.

Let’s be honest.

Nie Zhengjue’s self was somewhat price-dropped. And it’s a very bargain kind. Think of him as a big summer.

He actually chose the dark wind of the night to kill three old puppets. Nie Zheng felt that this was somewhat unreasonable.

But there is no way.

These three old guys are so-called bullshit land gods. Such as Jing Ke and the eight hundred Nether Ghost Thorns could not handle them.

Only I had to do it myself. However, Nie Zheng secretly made up his mind.

If you can’t shoot yourself in the future, don’t shoot.

After all, doing this kind of sneaky murder really made Nie Zhengjue feel a little depressed. Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Just when Nie Zheng was quite helpless in his heart.

A terrifying sound of sword roar resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

A cold and invisible sword qi erupted from the Great Desolate City Lord’s body. Airplanes!

At the same time.

In the deepest part of the main mansion of the Great Wasteland City, there is a sword stone. A three-foot Qingfeng was slashed on the sword stone.

The three-foot blue front was humming in a tremor. With the Great Wasteland Lord’s sword pointing across the sky. A loud bang was heard.

Only to see the dissolution of the sword petrified into powder. The three-foot blue front clanged.

The sword meaning that tore apart the long sky of heaven and earth lingered between heaven and earth.

The three-foot Qingfeng was like a Hanhai dragon, turning into a green shadow and shooting forward, directly hovering in front of the Great Wasteland City Lord’s body, the three-foot Qingfeng could kill people, and the waves of the Hanhai Sea were intimidating.

The entire Great Desolation City Lord burst out with a terrifying sword intent.

The three-foot Qingfeng hovering in front of him was even more in line with his master’s roar.

“You Dragon Sword, Ancient Divine Soldier, three feet and four inches long, cast by the cold iron of the North Sea.”

“This sword has nothing to kill, nothing to break, and wherever its sword passes, even the land immortals will die on the spot!”

“Thirty years ago, Lao Fu used this sword to kill the eighth swordsman in the world, and sealed this sword dust in the sword stone.”

The Lord of the Great Wasteland whispered coldly.

The You Dragon Sword hovering beside him made a terrifying sword sound, as if telling the glory of its own.

“Emperor Yi, you shouldn’t come back, even if you are a Terrestrial Divine Realm, under the Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword, it will eventually disappear.”

The voice of the Great Wasteland Lord was very cold and cold.

The Ancient Divine Soldier You Dragon Sword was born, and an invincible self-confidence appeared on his body. Because the Great Wasteland Lord believed very much.

Even if Emperor Yi’s cultivation was stronger than his.

However, with the blessing of the Ancient Divine Soldier You Dragon Sword, Emperor Yi of Xia must be in a different place.

Because the eighth swordsman in the world at that time, his cultivation was already going to surpass the land immortals, but in the end he still died under his dragon sword.

Ancient Divine Soldier, terrifying as it is.

This is not just talk, especially in the hands of the land immortals, it can burst out of the terrifying power.

“Emperor Yi, send you on your way!”

The sword of the Great Desolate City Lord pointed to the heavens.

The Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword soared into the sky.

The sound of the green dragon roared through the heavens and the earth. Whew!

Such as Hanhai Dragon.

Like a dragon groaning in the world.

That wisp of green light bloomed in the void. With the sound of the Heavenly Dragon groaning, he came towards Nie Zheng to slash it.

Something terrible happened.

As You Dragon Sword descended towards Nie Zheng.

Ripples burst out from the Void Capital, and the terrifying sound of dragons chanting and swords was heard in the air. Face this amazing sword of the Great Desolate City Lord.

Nie Zheng looked at each other indifferently.

He didn’t dodge, and he didn’t show any emotion.

Just raising a finger, he headed towards the Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword Point. Clang!

The next moment.

An earth-shattering noise was coming.

A terrible thing happened.

Time seems to stop, space seems to freeze.

A burial heaven and earth-like aura erupted from Nie Zheng’s body. The Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword was fixed in mid-air.

What fixed this Ancient Divine Soldier was only one finger of Nie Zheng. Right!

It’s just a finger.

This finger gently pressed against the tip of the Dragon Sword. It was said that it was allowed to continuously emit the sound of the Heavenly Dragon chanting sword, but it could not fall in the slightest.

“Ancient Divine Soldier?”

“Dragon Sword?”

“The tone is not small.”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

A touch of contempt drew from the corners of his mouth. The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s five fingers reached out and directly grasped this Ancient Divine Soldier in his hand. Quack one!

The scene that made the Great Wasteland Lord and the two land immortals shudder. Only to see the so-called Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword.

It was directly twisted into a twist shape by Emperor Yi of Xia with his hands. With the sound of the dragon’s groan and wailing.

The You Dragon Sword turned into a pile of scrap iron slag directly in the hands of Emperor Xia. A large amount of iron powder flowed from his hands.

The so-called Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword turned into a pile of iron powder. Rumble!

When a scene of this fantasy is presented.

The Great Desolate City Lord and the two land immortals were completely frightened and stupid on the spot. They looked sheepishly at Emperor Yi of Xia, who was sitting in a chair.

His face was already miserable and bloodless, and his body was trembling uncontrollably. Heaven!

Emperor Yi of Xia turned out to be a celestial being? How is this possible?

How is this possible?

The Great Desolate City Lord was trembling with fear. Don’t say that the Great Desolation City Lord is afraid of despair to the extreme.

Even his two brothers almost collapsed and almost sat on the ground in fright. What is a celestial being?

It is a supreme realm of martial arts that exists only in legends. Legend.

Above the land gods and immortals, there is the realm of heaven and man. Celestial beings can walk in the air.

Heaven and earth, all things, grass, trees, bamboo and stone can be used as utensils. Let’s use the simplest analogy.

Even a weed can be turned into the most terrible killing weapon in the hands of heavenly beings. Have you ever heard this saying that human life can be taken a hundred miles away?


This is real.

Even if a leaf is in the hands of a celestial being, it can take a person’s life a hundred miles apart. Celestial beings can be said to have vaguely detached from the category of man.

This is also the supreme realm that all land immortals have pursued all their lives. Legend.

Above the heavens, there are higher realms, and they have already faintly touched the path of immortality. But that’s just a legend.

No one can verify whether it is true or not.

But all the people of the Terrestrial Divine Realm have been working towards the Heavenly and Human Realm all their lives. But now!

What did the Great Desolate City Lord and his two brothers see? Ancient Divine Soldier Dragon Sword!

It was unexpectedly twisted into a twist shape by Emperor Yi of Xia, and then under the pinch of his hands, it turned into a pile of iron powder…

Such a terrible and shocking thing made them fall into a nightmare. What land gods?

Emperor Xia Emperor B where what is what land immortals.

Distinction is the realm of heaven and man that they have been pursuing all along. It was also at this moment.

The Great Desolation City Lord finally understood one thing.

Why did he not dare to take a shot at Emperor Yi of Xia in the Great Desolation Hall that day. The feeling of great terror between life and death arises in the heart.

The reason is that Emperor Yi of Xia is the realm of heaven and man. Escape!

Hurry up and escape!


As far as you can escape, you can escape as far as you can. There was hardly any hesitation.

The Great Desolate City Lord did not give himself any time to think. He was screaming in horror in his heart.

Under the killing machine of the heavenly people, there is no difference between it and finding death. Whew!

The next moment.

The Lord of the Great Desolation City stepped out.

The whole person turned into a blue light and fled straight to the distance. Even his two brothers had no time to care.

Because even if he said one more word, he might delay the time for his escape. Have to say.

The choice of the Lord of the Great Wasteland was very correct.

Moreover, he was also worthy of being a Gaishi martial arts strong man in the Terrestrial Immortal Realm. When he ran away with all his might.

That speed is like a meteor suddenly appearing, directly in the distant sky into a point of light.

“Did you escape?”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Just the next moment.

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face disappeared. Airplanes!

Like heaven, the eight sides tremble. Nie Zheng’s five fingers popped out.

It was as if an invisible hand had appeared between heaven and earth. Directly acting on the body of the Great Wasteland Lord.

Originally, he was about to escape from the figure of the Great Wasteland City, but he actually flew back in a strange way. Bang!

The next moment.

-0.1 loud bang is coming.

Only to see the Great Desolate City Lord smash down hard in front of Nie Zheng. The earth is showing terrible cracks like cobwebs. A mouthful of blood spewed out from the mouth of the Lord of the Great Wasteland. More sounds of broken bones came out of his body. Such a scene.

The two terrestrial immortals who were shocked were in fear of retreating one after another. The look in Emperor Xia’s eyes was filled with incomparable fear. What land gods?

What is beyond transcendence?

It’s all bullshit.

In front of people who are more terrible and powerful than them. Under the onslaught of death.

The so-called land gods will also be afraid and feel fear. They are even more afraid of death like ordinary people.

“You bed bug is really annoying.”

Nie Zheng got up from his chair lightly.

A sinister and cruel glare crossed his eyes. The next moment.

Before the Lord of the Great Desolation City could utter a cry for forgiveness. Nie Zheng stepped down.

The earth roared and trembled.

Only to see that the Great Desolate City Lord was directly crushed under Nie Zheng’s feet.

The whole person exploded into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated in the fierce wind of heaven and earth.

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