Chapter 178: The True Qin Emperor Wins the Throne!.

Bang Bang Bang!

Zhao Gao’s feet were extremely vicious.

The vice-city lord bell wailed miserably.

“Zhao….. Lord Zhao… Spare your life……. Spare your life…! ”

Not crazy!

This time, the main bell of the Great Desolation Vice City was really not crazy. His teeth were trampled out by Zhao Gao.

The blood in his mouth couldn’t stop flowing.

What was even more tragic was that Zhong was already blurred from half of his cheeks. From here, we can also see how fierce Zhao Gao’s feet are.

“Dog stuff, just because you dare to run rampant in front of my big summer?”


Zhao Gaoyin spoke sharply.


Only to see Zhao Gao kick at the head of this deputy city lord. Directly kicked his whole body over a heel.

The blood on that face rushed out.

The whole person fainted because of Zhao Gao’s brutal and vicious beating.

“Come on people, chop up this dog stuff for the miscellaneous family and feed it to the dog.”

Zhao Gao finally relieved the hatred in his heart and casually commanded the guards beside him.

“Yes, sir.”

Immediately, two guards dragged the vice-lord away like dead dogs. Apparently.

The fate of this deputy lord of the Great Wasteland City will be extremely miserable.

And these two guards will definitely faithfully carry out Zhao Gao’s orders.

“Lord Zhao, the Great Wasteland City has all been occupied, and all the guards and soldiers who resisted have also been beheaded, so we should go to see Your Majesty.”

Cao Xian strolled over to remind Zhao Gao.

“What the Prime Minister said is that the miscellaneous family almost delayed the big thing.”

Zhao Gao’s spirit was lifted.

Hurriedly and Cao Wei and the two men led a part of the Northern Dragon to ride towards the city lord’s palace.


The main mansion of the Great Wasteland.

The two land immortals had been kneeling for two full hours. The feeling of fear and uneasiness in my heart grew stronger.

They had been observing the expression on Emperor Xia’s face. But Emperor Yi of Xia lazily did it in his chair. It is even more appropriate to hold a fragrant tea in your hand while tasting the tea soup. As if for the existence of two people directly as air. Such a scene.

Let the two land immortals dare to be angry and dare not speak.

Although his heart was extremely resentful of Emperor Xia, he was more confused. Emperor Yi of Xia did not kill them.

But they will not let them go. What exactly does he want to do?

“Your Majesty the Emperor Xia, the two of us who taught the Master of Karma was His Holiness the Heavenly Song of three hundred years ago, and I also asked His Majesty the Emperor Xia to look at my Master’s face and let me and the two of us have a way to live.”


The two land immortals couldn’t help it.

One of them tried to open his mouth, and even moved out of his master, trying to break this dangerous situation. Who is His Holiness Tenmatsu?

This guy has a lot of history. Three hundred years ago.

His Holiness Tenmatsu is revered as a generation of martial fanatics.

His martial arts cultivation is the crown of the world.

Three hundred years ago, His Holiness Tenmatsu was already a terrestrial god and immortal. He also traveled around the world and received many disciples.

Its prestige can be said to be crowned by the world.

Even today, three hundred years later, there are still legends about His Holiness Tenmatsu in various countries. But the bad thing is.

This Tenmatsu Venerable has been gone for three hundred years. Some people say he’s already seated.

Others say that he stepped into the realm of heaven and man. But the only thing that can be said for sure is.

In the last three hundred years, no one had ever seen His Holiness Tenmatsu. Pity.

For the two land immortals moved out of the name of the Tenmatsu Venerable. Nie Zheng didn’t give any face.

Don’t say anything about His Holiness Tenmatsu.

Even if His Father came to Emperor Tiansong, it would not be easy to make it in front of Emperor Yi of Xia.

“One more word, and you’ll both die.”

Nie Zheng took a sip of fragrant tea comfortably, and then looked faintly at the two land immortals. Although Nie Zheng did not bloom any terrifying power.

However, the two terrestrial immortals who were frightened trembled and hurriedly shut up. Two of the Terrestrial Immortals of the world.

It was actually because of Emperor Xia’s words that he was frightened into such a look. If this scene is seen by the sons of heaven of all nations.

I’m afraid I’m really going to shock their jaws. Pedaling.


A rush of footsteps came from outside the city lord’s mansion.

Only to see Cao Wei and Zhao Gao riding into the city lord’s mansion with hundreds of Northern Dark Dragons. When the two saw two old men with snow-white hair kneeling in front of Nie Zheng.

This immediately made Zhao Gao and Cao Yi shudder.

However, the two of them quickly came to Nie Zheng and knelt down to prostrate themselves.

“Your Majesty, the Great Wasteland City has been completely occupied, and all those who resist will be killed on the spot.”

Cao Wei reported truthfully.

“Your Majesty, according to your teachings, the vice-lord of the city was also killed by the slaves.”

Zhao Gao smiled venomously, and quite a taste of devotion was contained in it.

“Okay, good job.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly and praised the two of them.

“Your Majesty, these two men are…?”

Zhao Gao’s eyes looked questioningly at the two old men with pale hair kneeling on the ground. Don’t say Zhao Gao’s doubts.

Cao Wei was equally puzzled about the identities of the two old men.

Look at their snow-white hair, their age is definitely more than 100 years old. But how could it not surprise them to kneel before His Majesty like this?

“They, the so-called land gods.”

Nie Zheng said casually.


With Nie Zheng’s words in his ears.

Zhao Gao and Cao Xian’s faces changed suddenly.

Looking at the two old men in shock, he couldn’t believe his ears. Land Immortals?

Just so honestly kneeling in front of His Majesty? Crazy, right?

Or are they dreaming?

Zhao Gao and Cao Xian glanced at each other.

Everyone saw the shock in each other’s eyes. But before the two of them could wake up from their consternation.

Nie Zheng had already unleashed the Heavenly Son’s exclusive skill on these two land immortals. Airplanes!

The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s eyes turned golden.

Even more faintly a dragon shadow appeared in his eyes.

Only to see the two land immortals kneeling on the ground suddenly stunned. The fear and uneasiness in his eyes was gradually disappearing.

Even the emotions that human beings should have are gradually passing away. In its place was a dead silence.

Even no breath of the living flowed out of their bodies. On the contrary, there was a strange death breath on his body.

“Lu Xiao, Lu Rong, meet the master.”

Only to see the two land immortals respectfully kowtow to Nie Zheng.

There was no longer the vitality of the living person in his eyes, and even his voice became a little stiff.

“Get up.”

Nie Zheng smiled lightly.

Lu Xiao stood up from the ground.

Then he stood silently behind Nie Zheng. Such a scene.

Zhao Gao and Cao Xian, who were shocked, kept inhaling cold air. The two did not know what His Majesty had done.

But the eyes of the two land immortals could not deceive people. Just now, he was still showing a look of fear and uneasiness.

But in the blink of an eye, it seems to have lost the feelings that human beings should have. It was as if he had transformed into two living dead.


His Majesty has absolutely cast some terrible magic! Cao Wei and Zhao Gao were secretly terrified in their hearts.

He was even more in awe of Nie Zheng’s thoughts.

There was even a faint hint of fear in his eyes. But the thing that reassures the two of them a little bit is.

His Majesty did not perform such a magic spell on them.

It occurred to him that if he had once fought against His Majesty, he had been cast this kind of magic. Neither of them shivered inside.


The two men followed very faithfully around His Majesty. This also made the two feel a little relieved.

“Meng De, the Great Wasteland City is very important, there is no room for any mistakes, you stay in the Great Wasteland City for the time being, and leave you with ten thousand Northern Dragon Riders, which is enough for you to deal with all kinds of problems.”

Nie Zheng looked up at Cao Xiandao.

“Minister, Cao Yi leads the way.”

Cao Xian hurriedly prostrated his head.

“Zhao Gao, order the people to prepare the ruts, and it is time to return to the royal city.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao did not dare to be idle, and hurried to lead the order. Soon.

Jing Ke rode two snow dragon colts to pull the golden rut to appear. Nie Zheng boarded the rut.

Under the watchful eyes of Cao Qian and the 10,000 Northern Dragon Riders.

Twenty thousand Northern Dragons rode back to the Great Xia Dynasty in the darkness of night with golden chariots.


The other side.

Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Or the black curtain beaded curtain.

Emperor Qin’s posture sat in the middle of it.

The entire Xianyang Palace was vast and empty, and no one could get close to the Qin Emperor within a hundred meters. 100 meters away.

Li Si and Wang Qi knelt on the ground, and their foreheads did not dare to lift them for a long time.

“Emperor Yi, that little guy killed the widow’s stand-in with a knife?”

“More provoking the hostility of those guys to Yuan?”


In the black curtain of beads, the laughter of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin was heard. No anger.

There is no killing machine.

Some are just playful laughter. Crash!


The black curtain beaded curtain was lifted.

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin, who was sitting inside the bead curtain, actually walked out of the bead curtain. But it was also with the Qin Emperor coming out.

An indescribable momentum filled the entire Xianyang Palace. The vastness is as deep as the heavens, threatening the whole world and the world. The Qin Emperor was strolling forward.

With each step he took out three.

The sound of his footsteps echoed faintly in the Xianyang Palace. The footsteps of the Qin Emperor were not heavy.

Both Li Si and Wang Qi’s foreheads were cold sweat.

This breath of Uchiha exaltation made their hearts tremble violently. Until the Qin Emperor walked up to the two of them.

He had a smile on his face.

Just a pair of eyes like the brightest stars in the night sky, bright so that everything in heaven and earth has lost its color.

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