Chapter 179: The Test of Emperor Qin’s Victory!.

“Di Yi, this little guy is getting more and more interesting.”

“The widow really wants to see him now.”

Emperor Qin wins the government and stands in the air, looking in the direction where Bactria is located, and his eyes reveal a hint of thought.

“Your Majesty, according to my secret envoys from Great Qin, the Five Emperors have formed an alliance in the Great Wasteland City to jointly destroy our Great Qin, and I also ask Your Majesty to make preparations as soon as possible.”

Lisi trembled and prostrated.

It was really under the momentum of the Qin Emperor, Li Si was completely unable to maintain his composure.

“Five Kingdoms Cutting Qin?”

“It’s kind of interesting.”

“But why do the widows feel that Emperor Yi is letting them be substitute ghosts?”

Emperor Qin smiled softly.

“But this is also good, the widow has not let the Great Qin soldiers move for a long time, so let’s play with these guys.”

“However, Emperor Yi’s little guy is really bad, he wants to use the troops of the Four Kingdoms to weaken my Great Qin, it seems that he really wants to play with the oligarchs for these nine weeks.”

Emperor Yingzheng of Qin strolled out of the Xianyang Palace. He looked up at the heavens and looked calm.

Only a pair of eyes crossed a bright color. He had not had an opponent for too long.

Emperor Tang or Emperor Ming.

In fact, it was not in his eyes.

The so-called unification of the world for nine weeks and becoming an emperor for thousands of years can be achieved within ten years in the eyes of Emperor Yingzheng of Qin. However, Emperor Qin felt that it was a little uninteresting.

There is a saying that says it well.

It’s cold from the heights.

He stood at the top of the nine-week world.

He was so lonely, so lonely that he had no rivals. Since he ascended the throne as Emperor Yingzheng of Qin.

The nine-week world originally had more than a dozen dynasties.

But under his rule, many dynasties were destroyed one after another. It occupies half of the world in the Nine Weeks.

Emperor Qin had a feeling.


Not a feeling.

It’s an intuition.

Emperor Qin trusted his instincts very much. Emperor B of Xia should be able to serve as his opponent. This intuition is strong.

Emperor Qin also trusted his instincts very much. He was looking forward to it.

It was very much to be expected that Emperor Yi of Xia would be qualified to be his opponent.

Otherwise, on the road of unifying the world for nine weeks, he would not even have an opponent, which would be really boring, but whether Emperor Xia was qualified to be his opponent of the Qin Emperor would still need to go through his test.

“Wang Qi.”

Emperor Qin said softly.

“The end is coming.”

Wang Qi hurriedly prostrated his head.

“Pass on the will of the widows, prepare for the territory of the four sides, resist the invasion of the four countries, and the widows want them to lose their troops and generals, and even counterattack into the territory of the four countries.”

Emperor Qin spoke lightly.

Wang Qi was stunned.

Aren’t they the Five Kingdoms?

How did it become the Four Kingdoms in the mouth of the Qin Emperor? Wang Qi suspected that his ears had heard wrongly.

He could only tentatively ask, “Your Majesty, you say the Four Kingdoms…?” ”

“Well, four countries.”

“Xia Shuai doesn’t have to care, Emperor Yi’s little guy is just trying to pit those guys, and the widow will do as he pleases.”

“But whether he can be a rival to the widow depends on whether he can survive.”

“If he can’t survive, it proves that the widow missees him, and he is not worthy to be the opponent of the widow.”

Emperor Qin smiled lightly.

Then he looked into a dark corner of the Xianyang Palace and said, “Heavenly Pine.” ”

“The subject is here.”


The next moment.

Something extremely strange and amazing happened.

A man with white hair and black beard appeared in front of Emperor Qin Yingzheng. The man was half-kneeling on the ground, his face filled with awe.


With the appearance of this person.

It immediately startled Wang Qi and Li Si.

They simply couldn’t see when the man appeared. And!

They didn’t even know this man.

“Tiansong, you personally went to Bactria and took the life of Emperor Yi’s little guy for the widow, if you can’t complete the task, you will die in Bactria too.”

Emperor Qin said calmly.

“Minister, obey the order.”

His Holiness Tenmatsu prostrated the chief’s order.

But what happened the next moment.

Completely let Li Si and Wang Qi stay on the spot. What do they see?

This guy, named Tiansong, actually flew up from the sky. Then it turned into a stream of light and disappeared in their eyes. Fly in the air?

The realm of heaven and man?

He…… Was he the Tenmatsu Venerable Three Hundred Years Ago? 30 hiss!

Wang Qi and Li Si inhaled the cold air. There was a look of horror under his eyes. The two are not fools.

Hearing the two words Tiansong from the Qin Emperor cockroach was vaguely familiar. At this moment, I saw that His Holiness the Tenmatsu had actually left in the air.

If the two of them could not guess the identity of His Holiness Tenmatsu, then both of them would call themselves idiots.

“Back off.”

Emperor Qin spoke lightly.

He turned and strolled back into the Xianyang Palace, once again sitting cross-legged among the black curtains.


Wang Qilisi hurriedly bowed his head and retreated.

But the horror under his eyes did not disappear for a long time.

The two could say that they had been following Emperor Qin for a very long time. But today they found out.

He didn’t know anything about Emperor Qin’s government.

Just the appearance of His Holiness Tenmatsu already made them know. His Majesty the Qin Emperor’s strength was as deep as the sea.

Absolutely not something they can speculate about.


Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng had been back in the royal city for more than half a month.

The first thing to do back in Bactria is to have a good talk with Su Daji, the little beauty. And talked for three days and three nights.

This also made Su Daji extremely tired these three days. The heart that wanted to die was almost there.


Nie Zheng also knew that he had gone too far. Then he went to the empress’s wife, Wu Meiniang, to continue talking. The Empress’s wife, Wu Meiniang, was really quite strong.

Nie Zheng talked for four days and four nights, and was still trying to talk with Tianzi Fujun. But looking at his wife so tired.

Nie Zheng was naturally distressed.

He could only give up talking to Wu Meiniang.

However, after accumulating so many words in my heart, I finally finished talking with my two wives. Nie Zheng also knew that he should do something serious.

First of all.

Nie Zheng took the initiative to go to an early dynasty.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu slapped Tianzi on the ass.

What a bold and courageous monarch, comparable to the Emperor of Qin.

That and the baby was even more crazy about the horse’s ass, and even the Emperor of the Thousand Ages was added to Nie Zheng’s head. Nie Zheng was naturally very useful.

After all, modesty and low-key is not his surname.

However, Nie Zheng also issued several wills in the court next.

The first will.

It was to send an additional 100,000 soldiers and horses to the Great Wasteland City to help Cao Xian defend the city.

The second will.

That is, to send a message to Zhao Kuangyin, when the Five Kingdoms cut down Qin, let him quickly occupy all the Qing soldiers.

The Third Will.

Let Sima Yi mobilize two million troops to prepare for the Qin Dynasty. With these three wills given.

The whole of Bactria was completely moved.

Although Nie Zheng had a Tianzi exclusive skill called Jinkou Yuyan. But this skill is now equivalent to chicken ribs for him.

Because every word he said at this moment was a golden word among the subjects of Bactria Province. No one dared to disobey his will.

Of course.

With Nie Zheng’s three wills issued.

He hadn’t forgotten to give the baby a knighthood. This can spoil the great Xia greed of Hezhen. He also took the initiative to provide a large amount of money to enrich the national treasury. And offered to recruit soldiers for Tianzi.

Nie Zheng naturally allowed it.

After this morning’s pilgrimage.

The whole of Bactria was in operation.

However, Sima Yi was left behind by Nie Zheng.


Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

Sima Yi knelt down before His Highness.

But his face was full of consternation.

More doubt that your ears have heard wrong?

Although I say that I am indeed old.

But Sima Yi knew that his body was very good. At least a few decades.

Your own ears will never be wrong. But what did His Majesty say to himself?

Let yourself send troops to cut down Qin, but you can’t really cut down Qin.

Moreover, it was necessary to let the other four kingdoms feel that the Great Xia really cut down Qin.

We must make this Qin-cutting drama very real, and it is best to bring some tragic colors. But as His Majesty repeated his request.

Only then did Sima Yi realize that he had indeed heard correctly. But his whole being was confused.

Once the national station is opened, where can I act? That’s all real knives and real robberies fighting in the station.

Even Sima Yi felt that he could not accomplish this himself. Let’s just say so.

Two million soldiers and horses were raised to kill the frontier of Great Qin.

Can the Great Qin Soldiers and Horses not be in a hurry to fight with you? At that time, a blood bank is completely unavoidable.

Sima Yi looked at the Son of Heaven on the throne. His face showed a look of extreme embarrassment and grievance.

Although Sima Yi did not open his mouth to refuse.

But how could Nie Zheng not see what this old guy meant. But it’s because it’s difficult.

Nie Zhengcai entrusted this matter to Sima Yi to do.

After all, Sima Yi, the old guy, has acted in a play all his life.

In the ranks of actors, he is definitely the level of film emperors. If left to someone else to do it.

Nie Zheng knew that this matter would definitely fail and would show his horse’s feet. If only the Four Emperors knew they were going to kill them.

I am afraid that I will not wait for the four countries to cut down Qin.

They would turn their swords and kill Bactria at them. This was not the result that Nie Zheng wanted to see.

“Sima Yi, are you embarrassed?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold.


See the cold light of Tianzi’s eyes.

Sima Yi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Where do you dare to have half a refusal?

“Your Majesty, don’t be embarrassed, the old minister obeys the order.”

Sima Yi was about to cry.

But he could only take the order with a hard scalp.

Although the things that Tianzi confessed were extremely tricky. However, Sima Yi still had a certain amount of confidence.

After all, he was well versed in the art of war, and the Yin and Yang Bagua Formations were all masterful.

As long as he makes good plans, he may not be able to complete the tasks entrusted to him by His Majesty. See Sima Yi weeping and mourning with his old face leading the way.

Nie Zheng nodded satisfactorily.

It is the so-called use of things, people give full play to their talents.

Sima Yi, an old guy, is a ghost in the way of military warfare. It’s amazing.

If he has no use value.

Where would Nie Zheng keep his surname to this day? Plainly.

When I was a courtier of Emperor Xia B. You have to be useful.

If it doesn’t work, you will die.



Clear enough isn’t it?

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