Chapter 180 Heavenly Man Killing Machine, Great Qin Visitor!.

Ten days are fleeting.

The soldiers and horses of Bactria were in full swing. Stop.

Sima Yi, this old guy is indeed a talent. Under his dispatch of troops.

Two million troops were quickly assembled.

Such as Xu Chudian Wei Jiaxu, these martial generals and strategists were also taken with him one after another. The most interesting thing is that Cao Pi, the son of Cao Yi, also accompanied Sima Yi on his expedition. I don’t know if it is Cao Xian’s meaning.

Cao Pi actually wanted to worship Sima Yi as his teacher. Originally, Sima Yi wanted to refuse.

However, under Cao Pi’s repeated pleading, as well as the letters from Cao Qian, Sima Yi could only reluctantly agree. Have to say.

The whole of Bactria knew Sima Yi’s abilities except Nie Zheng. The only thing left was Cao Xian.

He had his son Cao Pi worship Sima Yi as his teacher. Naturally, he wanted to learn Sima Yi’s skill. Now.

Two million Bactrian soldiers and horses were assembled.

Sima Yi also led his army to the frontier of Great Qin.

But the thing that made Sima Yi the most aggrieved by this old guy was. This vast Qin-cutting station opened.

The Son of Heaven did not even come out to send off the three armies. Be.

This station is indeed a bluff, not really to cut down Qin. But Your Majesty, are you also going to make a show in front of the three armies? Do you want me to sing a one-man show?

At least Your Majesty and I Sima Yi sing a double reed! Sima Yi was really aggrieved in his heart.

But there was no way.

Thinking of His Majesty’s cold, menacing gaze. He swallowed his grievances anyway.

He obediently led two million soldiers and horses of Bactria to the frontier. However, Sima Yi only wanted to say one word in his heart.

Being a courtier is bitter.

Being a courtier of Emperor Yi of Xia was even more bitter.

Even if he tried to play some tricks, he would be killed by the Son of Heaven.

If one day His Majesty was unhappy and slaughtered himself, Sima Yi would be extremely depressed when he thought about it. Get!

Be obedient.

Always follow the will of the Son of Heaven.

Make Your Majesty happy and do a good job of Your Majesty’s friendship. In this way, you can rise step by step and save your old life.

The other side.

With Sima Yi leading the army to march.

A guest of Great Qin was welcomed in the Great Xia King’s City. White hair, black beard, childlike face.

Although there was no momentum flowing out of the body, it gave people a sense of fairy wind and bone. Dressed in green clothes and dustless, he strolled inside the Great Xia King’s City.

The weird thing is.

As he walked through the crowded streets of Wangcheng.

It was as if the people around him could not see his existence.

And everyone who had just approached him inadvertently slid away from him. And these people feel very normal, and there is no discomfort.

Such a spooky scene is simply appalling. But it really happened to this person. And this person is not someone else.

It was the Heavenly Song Emperor who came to take the life of Emperor Yi of Xia on the orders of Emperor Qin to win the government! He is also a being who transcends the Terrestrial Immortal Realm and truly steps into the realm of heaven and man. His Holiness Tiansong strolled forward, and his destination was the Bactrian Imperial Palace, where Emperor Yi of Xia was located. But the amazing thing is.

The square inches beneath his feet seemed to be in disarray.

With each step he took, it was a distance of ten square kilometers. Shrink into inches!

It turned out to be the legendary martial arts method that shrunk into inches!

If any land immortals saw this scene at this moment, they would definitely exhale. Such a martial art has almost become a myth.

I didn’t expect it but it really happened!


Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

“Lu Jie, how did you remember to come to find Shuo to drink today?”

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Hongu said that he wanted His Majesty, and His Majesty is credible?”

Lü Yan spoke frankly and bluntly, but the look in Nie Zheng’s eyes flashed a hint of resentment. Apparently.

These are the months.

She hadn’t seen Di Yi o0 for a long time, and this hateful guy had just returned to the dynasty and went to talk to Su Daji and Wu Meiniang. The vinegar jar of Lü Yan, who learned of this matter, almost overturned.

She had wanted to wait for Emperor Yi to take the initiative to find her.

I didn’t expect that this guy with no conscience seemed to have forgotten her. Get.

Lü Yan could only put down his body and personally come to Weiyang Palace. So there is also the appearance of this scene now.

“Faith, decay nature is faith.”

Nie Zheng smiled awkwardly.

Even if his face was thick, he knew that he had indeed snubbed Lü Yan, and his shame arose in his heart. But no way.

The Great Station of the Six Kingdoms is imminent.

Everything needs him to plan. Just returned from the Great Wasteland.

I haven’t smelled meat for a few days.

Naturally, he wanted to talk to Su Daji and the empress’s wife, Wu Meiniang. Lü Yan naturally let him forget a little.

“Come and come, toast you.”

To hide his shame and embarrassment. Nie Zheng smiled and raised his wine glass.

Lü Yan glared at Nie Zheng with a grudge.

The two raised a glass to each other, and then drank it all.

“Your Majesty, you…..”

Lu Yan just wanted to speak.

But I didn’t wait for her to finish.

But he saw that the smile on Nie Zheng’s face had disappeared.

And his eyes narrowed slightly, and his body emitted a touch of coldness. Well?

Lu Yan was stunned.

But before she could react. Nie Zheng spoke.

“Lü Yan, you should go back to the palace for the time being, there will be guests visiting.”

“Emperor Yi, you…?”

Lu Yan spoke in shock.


Nie Zheng frowned.

See Emperor Yi’s gesture.

Lu Yan groaned inwardly.

Knowing that Emperor Yi would not be untargeted, it was obvious that something big was going to happen. Lu Yan was still very obedient.

In front of Nie Zheng, he had long lost his domineering surname and had become a well-behaved woman. Lu Yan got up and left.

It wasn’t until he disappeared outside the hall that Nie Zheng’s frown unfurled slightly.

“Interestingly, it made Shuo feel a little threatened, who are you?”

With Lü Yan leaving.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep.

It was as if I had seen the scene outside the palace…

A cup of tea time passed

·0 Ask for flowers… Suddenly!

A panicked voice was coming.

“Your Majesty, go fast, there are assassins.”

Only to see Wei Zhongxian stumble into Weiyang Palace. His face was pale and bloodless.

The blood at the corner of the mouth couldn’t stop flowing. And the Hungarian front ribs were broken several times.

At this moment, he was weakly yelling at Nie Zheng.

Then he fell down in the Weiyang Palace with a thud and passed out directly. Apparently.

Wei Zhongxian did not know who had been seriously injured.

Qiang Bao came to Weiyang Palace to report to the master. Pity!

Before Wei Zhongxian could finish speaking.

His injuries were so severe that he could only faint in a weak manner. At the same time!


Only to hear the sound of the Heavenly Sword Roaring outside the Weiyang Palace. There are also all kinds of angry shouts of killing.

“Bold, who are you?”

“There are assassins.”

“Catch him.”

“Shoot arrows, shoot arrows.”




The terrible sound of the sword roared outside Weiyang Palace.

I don’t know how many guards and Yu Linjun’s screams are coming. At first, the roar of the battle outside the temple was incessant.

But gradually the outside sound became weaker and weaker, until no more sound came. And a burst of unhurried footsteps was entering the Weiyang Palace.

It was as if a man was walking towards Weiyang Palace.

“Protect Your Majesty!”


Jing Ke shifted his form and transposed, directly blocking in front of Nie Zheng’s body.

Lu Xiao Lu Rong and the two land immortals were also guarding Nie Zheng’s side. Now.

The cold sweat on Jing Ke’s face rolled down one by one.

Although he had not yet seen the assassin’s appearance.

But just the qi machine coming from outside the temple had already made him feel desperate. It is a breath that is almost out of the human category.

Lofty and otherworldly.

Even if it was a land immortal, it was absolutely impossible to have such a terrible breath.

Jing Ke is the most extreme assassin in the world, and his sensitivity to breath is the most sensitive. He was absolutely sure.

The man who came was not an assassin at all.

How could an assassin appear so blatantly? The other party is simply a terrible existence of the Heavenly Human Realm!

“Jing Ke, back off, you are not his opponent.”


Nie Zheng’s faint voice was coming.

This also made Jing Ke’s face change slightly, and a touch of shame crossed his eyes. I was so incompetent.

As Emperor Xia’s personal bodyguard, he could not protect His Majesty. He simply didn’t deserve to follow Emperor Xia’s side!

Perhaps he felt Jing Ke’s ashamed heart.

Nie Zheng said softly, “There is a sky outside the heavens, there are people outside the people, and you Jing Ke are not invincible, so why should you blame yourself?” ”

“Back off, I also want to see who has the audacity to blatantly break into the Great Xia Palace to kill you.”


Nie Zheng waved his sleeve.

An invisible force waved Jing Ke back.

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light crossed his eyes. His eyes looked directly at the temple door.

Waiting for the arrival of this uninvited guest.

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