Chapter 181 Old Guy, Sometimes You Can Kill Someone Without Being Loud!.


A series of unhurried footsteps came from far and near. The footsteps were not loud.

But the terrible thing was that the whole Weiyang Palace was trembling.

The ground paved with granite was even more dusty because of this tremor. Finally.

A man with white hair and black beard and a childlike face walked into Weiyang Palace. His blue shirt was not stained with any blood.

The whole person gives a feeling of being dusty and otherworldly. Until he walked to His Highness.

Only then did he slightly raise his eyes to look at Nie Zheng on the throne. No salute.

Nor hands-on.

He just looked at Emperor Xia Yi faintly.

A pair of eyes are indifferent, calm and make people feel a little scary.

“In Xiatiansong, I have seen His Majesty the Summer Emperor.”

Tiansong Tianzun spoke.

And nodded slightly to Nie Zheng.

“Dare to enter the Bactrian Palace alone, you are the first, but you are also the last.”

Nie Zheng spoke calmly.

“It seems that Emperor Xia is very confident that he can survive today.”

His Holiness Tenmatsu smiled.

“You’re wrong.”

“It’s not that you’re confident that you can survive, it’s that you’re bound to die today.”

Nie Zheng smiled slightly.


His Holiness Tensong’s eyes lit up and his face showed curiosity.

“There used to be a lot of people who said I would die, but they all died at my hands.”

“I wonder if Emperor Xia is like those vulgar people?”

His Holiness Tenmatsu said softly.

Very confident!

His Holiness Tenmatsu was really confident.

Looking confidently into Emperor Xia’s eyes was like looking at a dead man. Not His Holiness Tenmatsu boasting.

In the whole world, the number of people who can kill him is only ten fingers. But these ten people had already gone after the realm above the heavenly beings. But it does not include Emperor B of Xia at this moment.


His Holiness Tenmatsu was arrogant all his life.

Three hundred years ago, he had a title called Wu Fan.

And the person who can get a crazy word, how proud the heart is, it is self-evident. However, His Holiness Tensong was given the title of Martial Madness.

But he is very much in awe of a person.

And this person is naturally the Qin Emperor who wins the government. So.

An edict from the Emperor of Qin.

So he let him come to Bactria to take Emperor Yi’s life.

“Tell me, who sent you to kill you?”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

However, there was already a vague speculation in my heart. Look all over the world.

The only person who could make the Heavenly Song Venerable, the existence of the Heavenly Human Realm, kill him, was the Qin Emperor. His Holiness Tiansong smiled and admitted frankly, “I have come to take your life by the order of Emperor Qin.” ”

He said here slightly.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity, and continued, “But I don’t understand one thing. ”

“It seems to me that a big summer will arouse the curiosity of His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, and I will come to kill you, which is a very incredible thing in my opinion.”

“However, His Majesty the Qin Emperor has said that whether you are qualified to be the opponent of His Majesty the Qin Emperor depends on whether you can pass the test of the Qin Emperor.”

Hear that.

Nie Zheng smiled.

And the smile on his face is extremely bright.

“So, you are the one sent by the guy from Emperor Qin to test Yuan?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes played with the taste.

“Good value for money”

“If you can not die today, you are indeed qualified to be the opponent of His Majesty the Qin Emperor.”

“Unfortunately, Emperor Xia, you will undoubtedly die today, and this is your destiny.”

His Holiness Tenmatsu smiled lightly.

“Lu Xiao Lurong, it seems that your master is very confident.”

Nie Zheng looked at the two land immortals.

But that’s what he said.

Suddenly, the Heavenly Song Emperor was stunned, and then he looked at the two people next to Nie Zheng. Suddenly.

His Holiness Tenmatsu’s gaze froze.

He finally found out.

The person standing next to Emperor Xia turned out to be the disciple he had once received. And.

The look in his eyes at this moment was all cold and merciless. Well?

His Holiness Tensong frowned slightly.

A look of surprise rose in my heart. Of course.

Just surprised.

He had received too many disciples.

Lu Xiao Lurong was just one of them.

Nature will not be placed in the heart of his heavenly realm. But what really puzzled His Holiness Tenmatsu was.

Why were these two people so dead silent in their eyes, and there was no breath of a living person on their bodies?

“Emperor Xia, if you think you can survive with these two inferior disciples, I am afraid that you will be disappointed.”


The sleeves of His Holiness Tenmatsu are rolled upside down.

A stream of Heavenly Gang Yuan Qi flew the two land immortals away like mountains. Bang!

Lu Rong and Lu Xiao didn’t even have the opportunity to fight back. Directly spraying blood was smashed and flew out.

“Emperor Xia, it’s time for you to hit the road.”


His Holiness Tenmatsu no longer has any nonsense.

Only to see his toes lightly touch the ground, and a series of terrible cracks in the cobwebs appeared. Extremely terrible things followed.

Only to see that His Holiness the Heavenly Pine actually took off into the air.

Its figure was unpredictable, and a pair of sword fingers probed out and went straight to Nie Zheng’s eyebrow point. Zheng!

Shocking and killing, the world erupted.

The sound of the sword roaring in the chaotic world resounded between heaven and earth.

His Holiness Tenmatsu seemed to have transformed into a sword.

A sword that has eclipsed the rest of the world.

This sword seems to break through the barrier between time and space.

Even the entire Weiyang Palace was shaking violently, and the qi machine that raged out of the sword qi directly made the entire Weiyang Palace become fragmented.

And the entire Heavenly Song Emperor appeared in front of Nie Zheng in a strange way.

That pair of sword fingers was blooming with amazing light, and the supreme sword intent was condensed on the fingertips. Man is the sword, and the sword is man.

The existence of the so-called realm of heaven and man, the weapons in the dust are already useless to it. They themselves are the most terrible weapons.

This sword looked all over the world for nine weeks and could block the people, and it definitely did not go past the number of ten fingers. A pair of sword fingers was only three inches away from Nie Zheng’s eyebrows.

Immediately, he was going to pierce his brow and let him die on the spot. His Holiness Tenmatsu’s eyes were very indifferent.

Indifference seems to have no human feelings.

Because he seemed to have seen the scene where Emperor Xia’s eyebrows were pierced by his sword and finally fell into a pool of blood. No one can stop this sword.

Even if the Summer Emperor was also a heavenly realm, at such a close distance, he would undoubtedly die! But what happened in the next moment…

Completely let the indifferent eyes of His Holiness Tensong turn into a stagnant. A pair of pupils were trembling violently!

Because he saw something that horrified and unbelievably him! Clang!

A loud sound like a golden and iron symphony was coming.

This loud noise shook the earth and made the entire Weiyang Palace rumble and tremble. What did His Holiness Tenmatsu see?

Summer Emperor!


It was Emperor B of Xia.

He sat on the throne with a smile on his face.

There was no dodging in the face of his mighty sword.

A pair of his own sword fingers were indeed pierced above the center of his brow. A drop of blood spilled from the heart of Emperor Xia’s eyebrows.

Please take a closer look!

A drop of blood!


Just a drop of blood.

It was as if an ordinary person had been cut through a little wound and shed a drop of blood. But!

His Holiness Tiansong’s indifferent eyes turned into shock. The original rosy complexion turned miserable. Because he can really feel it.

The pain of his sword finger was unbearable, as if it had stabbed into a Nine Heavens Steel, and it was completely unable to pierce into the heart of Emperor Xia’s eyebrows.


His Holiness Tenmatsu was completely panicked.

A panicked roar came from his mouth.

A brilliant sword burst out of his body, and a pair of sword fingers once again burst into flames, wanting to penetrate the heart of Emperor Xia’s brow in one fell swoop and kill him on the spot.

“Old fellow, sometimes you can kill people without your loud voice.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

He moved.

Nie Zheng moved!

The same pair of sword fingers are lifting.

But a heavenly sword burst out from Nie Zheng’s body.

The terrifying Heavenly Sword Light illuminated the entire Weiyang Palace, and a mighty supreme terror of the Magnificent Heavenly Power descended upon it.


Nie Zheng also pointed out the sword.

Only to see that His Holiness the Tenmatsu had previously been pierced through a bowl-sized blood hole. His whole being was like a kite with a broken line being blown away.

The blood in that mouth kept spraying out.

Then the whole person slammed into 2.2 of the ground.

“Celestial beings?”

“There are indeed some abilities that can hurt a trace of the skin!”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng frowned slightly, and casually took out a piece of silk to wipe his eyebrows.

A drop of blood appeared on the silk paw and was thrown at his feet very casually.

“Come, take down the assassins.”

Only to see Zhao Gaozheng leading a large number of Yulin troops to rush into Weiyang Palace. Apparently.

Hearing that an assassin had assassinated His Majesty, Zhao Gao suddenly panicked. Hurriedly summoned the Yulin Army and frantically rushed towards Weiyang Palace.

“Back off.”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

This also made Zhao Gao, who had hurriedly arrived, look frightened. However, he still led the Yulin Army to quickly withdraw from Weiyang Palace. Nie Zheng got up from the throne.

Stroll towards Your Highness’s.

Until he came to His Holiness Tenmatsu.

But he saw His Holiness Tenmatsu fall in a pool of blood and convulse continuously. The blood hole pierced in front of the Hun was terrifying.

But I have to say.

His Holiness Tenmatsu is worthy of the existence of the realm of heaven and man. Suffering this mortal blow, he is still alive.

Just looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes, he already showed an extremely shocked and terrifying color.

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