Chapter 182 Coming and going without being rude, the Emperor of Qin will also prepare a generous gift!

No way!

How can it be?

Why is that?

Emperor B of Xia is a celestial being?


He’s not a celestial being!

Even if Tianren had just used his own sword, he would have killed him on the spot! Don’t…… Don’t…… Is he above the heavens?


His Holiness Tenmatsu could no longer remain calm.

It was as if thunder was constantly ringing in his head. He collapsed in a pool of blood.

Even the pre-Hungarian blood cave continued to bleed. But he had long forgotten the fatal injuries he had suffered.

Only the look in Emperor Xia’s eyes showed a look of horror and inexplicable surprise. Impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

How could Emperor Yi of Xia be above the heavens?

Even His Majesty the Qin Emperor was afraid that he had not reached such a realm, right?

“Old fellow, is your life force quite tenacious?”

Nie Zheng looked down at the Heavenly Song Emperor at his feet, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. No wonder Nie Zheng was surprised.

It was also the first time he had seen the existence of the Celestial Realm. Although he only used 30% of the force to strike himself. But he didn’t kill this old guy directly. This really surprised Nie Zheng.

“Emperor Xia, what realm are you?”

His Holiness the Tenmatsu trembled weakly.

Looking at Emperor Xia’s eyes, there was a look of fear. His Holiness Tenmatsu dared to be absolutely sure.

He did not feel any martial aura in Emperor Xia’s body.

However, Emperor Xia’s martial arts cultivation was so terrifying that he had no imagination of the 20 Laws. Even if it’s death!

His Holiness Tenmatsu also wanted to die to understand.

“What is the realm of decay?”

Nie Zheng frowned slightly.

Let’s be honest.

Even he didn’t know what kind of state he was.

The extent to which Li Yuanba’s mutated level of divine power had mutated had always been a mystery.

There is also the blessing of the Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Meritorious Great Consummation, although it is said that you can make yourself young forever and live for a thousand years, but you can’t live forever, just add some martial cultivation.

These two are not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Nie Zheng didn’t know exactly how far his cultivation power had come, even he didn’t know. But now I saw the miserable appearance of His Holiness Tenmatsu.

Nie Zheng probably had some judgment.

And this judgment is only that the realm of heaven and man is not his opponent at all. It only hurt a trace of his skin.

As for whether the Heavenly Man could kill him, Nie Zheng was even more unclear.

“I’m sorry, I can’t answer your question.”

“But old fellow, you’re all going to die, is it useful to ask this nonsense?”

Nie Zheng said softly.


His Holiness Tenmatsu laughed wildly.

But his laughter also caused a violent cough, and the blood in his mouth could not stop flowing.

“Emperor Xia, the old man does admit that you are very strong, and he hides very deeply, so it is no wonder that His Majesty the Qin Emperor pays so much attention to you and lets the old man kill you.”

“But don’t be complacent, you will never know how terrible His Majesty the Qin Emperor really is.”

“Emperor B, sooner or later you will die at the hands of His Majesty the Qin Emperor, you wait, wait!”

His Holiness Tenmatsu coughed up blood and roared.

The light of life in the eyes is gradually fading. He really wasn’t willing to die here.

Thinking of the existence of his heavenly realm, he had hoped to covet the heavenly people, but he actually wanted to bury his bones here, how could he be willing?

“Are you done?”

Nie Zheng spoke lightly.

“Emperor Xia, congratulations on passing the test of His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, and you are also qualified to be the opponent of His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, but sooner or later you will understand how foolish you are as Your Majesty the Emperor of Qin.”

As if he were about to die, His Holiness the Heavenly Song was overwhelmed with unhappiness in his heart, and he roared hysterically at Emperor Yi of Xia.

“The test of the Qin Emperor?”

“Is he qualified to be his opponent in winning the government?”


Nie Zheng really smiled happily this time.

It’s just that his smile is very cold and cold, and the cold makes His Holiness Tiansong shiver unconsciously.

“The so-called coming and going without being rude”

“Since winning the government has given him a test, he naturally has to pay tribute to him with a test.”

“But your old guy was still noisy before he died, which is really annoying.”


The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s five fingers lifted violently.

That invisible force made the air burst. As he slapped his palm towards the Heavenly Pine Venerable, he fell. Just listen to the loud bang.

His Holiness the Heavenly Pine Sect directly exploded into a blood mist that fell from the sky. Uh –!

Nie Zheng waved his sleeve.

A fierce wind blew the blood mist away.

His Holiness Tensong did not even have a single corpse left.

“It’s just a waste, and you dare to make a big fuss when you die, so how do you know that you will be afraid of him and win the government?”

Nie Zhensen spoke coldly, and then strolled back to the imperial throne and sat down.

“Your Majesty!”

Jing Ke knelt down in shame.

“Okay, get up, take Wei Zhongxian and Lu Xiaolurong to heal their wounds, and think about how to pay tribute to Yingzheng as a gift.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jing Ke hurriedly helped Wei Zhongxian and Lu Xiaolurong up and quickly walked out of Weiyang Palace. Now.

There was only one person left in Weiyang Palace.

No one is allowed to enter without His will.

“The test of decay?”

“Emperor Qin, since you want to see if you are worthy to be your opponent, then you will also prepare a big gift for you, depending on whether you can take it.”

Nie Zheng muttered.

You must know that Nie Zheng is a surname that must be repaid.

I don’t believe in the that the so-called gentleman is not too late to avenge ten years. Nie Zheng was convinced that revenge would not last overnight.

If you dare to give me a knife, then I will kill your whole family. Since Emperor Qin dared to send someone to kill him.

If he did not return a big gift to the Qin Emperor, this was definitely not Nie Zheng’s surname. Perhaps the sons of other countries would be jealous and even afraid of the Qin Emperor.

But Emperor He Xia was definitely not in this rank. However, Nie Zheng thought left and right, and his brows frowned slightly. Because he really encountered a problem!

Looking at the entire Bactria Temple, even the land gods and immortals were rare, let alone the existence of the realm of heaven and man. Is it difficult to assassinate the Qin Emperor yourself?

Come to think of it.

Nie Zheng felt that if he really did this, he would lose the adult.


Nie Zheng sighed.


Or Bactria was weak for too long.

The foundation cannot be compared with the Great Qin at all.

Whether it was in terms of national strength and strength, or the so-called martial arts strongmanship, the gap between him and Great Qin was too obvious. Of course.

Nie Zheng was not helpless.

As long as he continues to do things that are extremely faint, he will be rewarded by the system. But the rewards are system-random.

Even Nie Zheng didn’t know what reward he would get. Moreover, now the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu has been subdued.

The so-called traitors became loyal subjects.

Even if he wanted to spoil the adulterer, he wouldn’t have a chance. Unless he let Wu Meiniang come to the court to be crowned emperor.

It’s the ultimate fainting thing.

Presumably, the rewards of the system will be unimaginably rich. However, Nie Zheng did not want to do this for the time being.

Because this is also his hole card.

“Even if you don’t rely on the system, is there no way?”

Nie Zheng muttered.

He thought of the Yunmeng Mountain Ghost Valley that had been rewarded by the previous system.

This is a strange person of the ages, and many of the disciples under his Ghost Valley Gate have the talent of heaven and earth. But for Nie Zheng.

Now is not the time to let Oniguzi out of the mountain. 663 Ran!

An aura crossed Nie Zheng’s mind. He thought of a place.

Bactrian Arsenal!


It is the Bactrian Arsenal.

At the beginning, Emperor Shengzu himself was a master of the Heavenly Realm. Unfortunately, in the end, he died in mortal dust.

However, the Bactrian Arsenal built by him has survived to this day. According to Nie Zheng’s speculation.

The Great Xia Arsenal should be able to help him.

“Zhao Gao!”

Nie Zheng suddenly spoke.

Outside the palace, Zhao Gao hurriedly entered Weiyang Palace.

“Your Majesty!”

Zhao Gao knelt down and prostrated.

“Zhao Gao, if you remember correctly, as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the key to the Great Xia Arsenal is right in your place, right?”

Nie Zheng Dao.

Zhao Gaoyi was stunned.

Then he hurriedly prostrated his head and said, “Your Majesty, the key to the Great Xia Arsenal is indeed in the hands of the slaves.” ”

“Well, you can take Shuo to the Bactrian Arsenal.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

“Do as you please.”

Zhao Gao hurriedly knocked on the leader’s order.


Bactrian Arsenal.

It is said to be an arsenal rather than a palace that has been sealed for many years. As Zhao Gao pushed open the door of the Great Xia Arsenal.

A choking dust swept over his face. Apparently.

The arsenal has not been opened for many years.

Nie Zheng threw off his sleeve, and a fierce wind blew away the dust, and then strode into the arsenal. Only to see the arsenal.

Bookshelves piled up throughout the hall.

Each floor of the bookshelf is filled with a variety of cheats.

And the various uses of these cheats are marked by categories. Some are martial arts exercises.

There are also books of heirlooms.

There are also yin and yang gossip method cheats. There are also cheats of alchemy.

It’s a dazzling array of dazzling things. It’s just that these cheats are covered in dust.

Some of the cheats have been yellowed and broken because they have been experienced for too long.

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