Chapter 184 The Sandpiper and the Mussels Fight, the Fisherman Wins Profit!.

This dramatic stop took place for a full day.

However, the person who led this big station was Sima Yi, the shadow emperor. Until nightfall.

Sima Yi withdrew the drama.

He waved the apricot yellow flag and began to let the Great Xia soldiers and horses withdraw from the Yin-Yang Bagua Upside Down Array. It was also with the withdrawal of the Bactrian soldiers and horses from the Great Array.

The dust that had been deliberately stirred up by the Bactrian soldiers and horses also gradually dissipated.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers were in the formation, and they finally saw clearly the large army led by Sima Yi from the outside.

“Sima Yi, what kind of ghost are you doing?”

The Great Qin general shouted angrily.

He knew he had been tricked, and he was caught in a maze of formations. However, this Great Qin general was very confused.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers were caught in a maze, why didn’t Sima Yi kill the killer?

Moreover, there were two million soldiers and horses in the Great Xia, and cooperating with this large array would definitely cause the Qin army to lose troops. Pity!

Sima Yi smiled coldly and did not answer this question, but waved the apricot yellow flag and led his soldiers and horses back to the frontier land of Bactria.

It was not Sima Yi who was soft on letting go of these Qin troops. He was simply acting according to His Majesty’s will.

Although two million troops combined with the Yin and Yang Bagua Upside Down Formation were enough to eliminate these Qin soldiers. However, the soldiers and horses of Bactria were bound to be killed and injured countless times.

This is not the result that the Son of Heaven wants.

This drama was staged just for the sake of the other four heavenly sons. Let the four kingdoms send troops to cut down Qin to be cannon fodder, while Bactria will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Of course.

This is just one of them.

After performing this big drama, it is time for the main dish to be served. Sima Yi wanted to rush his army to the Great Desolate City.

For the Son of Heaven has another will. The will is simple.

When the soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms invaded the frontier of Great Qin.

When Great Qin and the soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms were defeated and injured.

Sima Yi’s two million troops would start from the Great Desolate City and capture the territory of the Four Kingdoms with lightning speed. When Sima Yi learned of His Majesty’s plan.

His whole being was stupid.

Have to say.

Nie Zheng’s strategy was really vicious. The soldiers and horses of the Four Kingdoms and Great Qin were playing with their lives in front.

But you have to conquer the territory of others in the rear. Talk about vicious and insidious.

Sima Yi felt that he was a bit willing to bow to the wind. However, Sima Yi also suddenly understood a sentence. Soldiers are not tired of cheating!

These four simple words fully explain the practice of this big summer…

The other side.

Daming, Fengtian Temple.


“Emperor Yi, this little doll is really young and vigorous, and he has really raised an army to cut down Qin?”

Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty patted the dragon case, and his face showed excitement.

He had always been jealous of Emperor Xia, and his heart was even more vaguely uneasy.

Hearing the news from the spies, the suspicion and uneasiness in my heart disappeared.

“Xu Da, Tang He.”

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes were sharp.


Xu Da Tanghe hurriedly came out of the crowd and bowed to the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

“You two immediately mobilized two million troops and immediately invaded the Great Qin frontier.”

Zhu Yuanzhang threw a loud voice.

“Yes, superior.”

Xu Da Tanghe hurriedly received the order, and he was going to leave the Fengtian Hall to mobilize soldiers and horses.

“Slow down!”


Before Xu Da Tanghe could walk out of the Fengtian Temple, he saw Liu Bowen stand up.

“On the throne, Emperor Yi of Xia who raised his troops to cut down Qin for some more time would be postponed, Emperor Yi of Xia…”

I haven’t waited for Liu Bowen to finish.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s face turned cold: “The matter of the station is changing rapidly, and it is even more necessary to be fast, at this moment, Bactria has already cut down Qin, if we Daming are half a step slower, wouldn’t we want to give Great Qin a chance to breathe?” ”

“What’s more, Great Qin’s territory is fertile, and only by quickly occupying its territory can we let Daming have an advantage.”

See Zhu Yuanzhang bent on going his own way.

Liu Bowen’s face was heavy, but he could only retreat and no longer persuade him. Because Liu Bowen knows one thing very well.

Emperor Ming was already used to dictatorship, and his Heavenly Sword was out of his mind, aiming to unify the world in the shortest possible time. Except for the deceased Empress Ma who can change his mind.

No one in the whole world could persuade this great tomorrow. Put it this way.

Zhu Yuanzhang was a sharp and murderous Heavenly Sword of Heaven. Empress Ma was Zhu Yuanzhang’s sword scabbard.

Now that the sword scabbard was gone, Zhu Yuanzhang’s murderous Heavenly Sword had no one to stop it. Soon.

Xu Datanghe led an army to take the frontier of Great Qin.


The other side.

The Sui Emperor Yang Jian also got the news. Two million troops were also dispatched to cut down Qin. The Loulan Ancient Kingdom Terracotta is the least.

But Empress Yao Xi of Loulan still sent a million Loulan warriors to participate in the station of Qin. The most surprising was the Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

The twenty-four heroes of Ling Yan Pavilion were all martial generals who could fight good battles. Although the spies sent back the news that Bactria had cut down Qin.

There was also news that the other three countries had sent troops to cut down Qin.

However, the eldest son Wuji and others still dissuaded Emperor Li Shimin from watching for some time. Because the eldest grandson Wuji and others always felt that this matter was not so simple.

However, what the twenty-four heroes of Ling Yan Pavilion did not expect was that Tang Emperor Li Shimin did not listen to the dissuasion this time, but quickly ordered the dispatch of four million troops to attack Qin.

The sheer size of its scale and its determination to cut down Qin simply stunned the eldest grandson and others. They didn’t think of anything about it.

Emperor Tang, who had always been known as the Emperor of Shengming, did not listen to the advice of these courtiers and devoted most of the Tang soldiers to this risky thing.

In fact.

How did Emperor Li Shimin not know that he was taking a risk? But he knew one thing better.

This time, the five kingdoms raised troops to attack Qin, which was the biggest opportunity for Li Shimin. Emperor Qin’s government was too strong.

If Great Qin did not perish, the Qin Emperor would not die.

He Li Shimin wanted to unify the world for nine weeks, and the chances of becoming the emperor of the ancient past and the present were too slim. So.

He could only march dangerously.

It is absolutely impossible to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Soon.

Under the dictatorship of Emperor Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Jingwei Chi Gong and others led four million Tang soldiers and horses on the expedition. All of a sudden.

The Nine Weeks Great World was in complete chaos. The Five Kingdoms cut down Qin, and the whole world was shocked!


It seems to be the Five Kingdoms cutting down Qin.

But in fact, only the Four Kingdoms were cutting down Qin.

Sima Yi was leading two million Bactrian soldiers and horses to assemble outside the Great Wasteland City.

Only when the Four Kingdoms and Great Qin Fight were both defeated and wounded, he would attack the Four Kingdoms in four ways.


The other side.

Great Qing territory.

Zhao Kuangyin led two million Bactrian soldiers and horses to occupy half of the Qing Dynasty. The soldiers and horses of the four countries occupied the other half of the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

But with the four kingdoms sending troops to cut down Qin.

The four emperors ordered the soldiers and horses occupying the Qing Dynasty to return to their countries quickly. Join the Logging Station together.

After Zhao Kuangyin got the news.

Quickly led troops to occupy all the remaining Qing territories. So far.

The territory of the Great Qing Dynasty was completely owned by Bactria. But that’s not all.

Zhao Kuangyin left a million soldiers and horses to garrison the territory of Great Qin.

Then he led the remaining millions of soldiers and horses to march towards the Great Desolate City.

Because Zhao Kuangyin received Emperor Xia’s will, he and Sima Yi were to join forces and prepare to conquer the territory of the Four Kingdoms. Have to say.

Nie Zheng’s move was really vicious enough.

Even if the Fourth Emperor had been guarding against him, he did not expect to be deceived by Emperor Yi of Xia. But that’s it.

This time, the greatest credit is Sima Yi. If it weren’t for his good acting.

Even if Nie Zheng had thousands of strategies, it was useless.

Bactria and Shouxian Palace.

Nie Zheng was lying on the dragon chair with great enjoyment, and Su Daji was feeding him fruit.

Even though the four kingdoms outside had invaded Great Qin and were fighting fiercely with the Great Qin soldiers and horses, Nie Zheng, the culprit, was still immersed in the gentle countryside and enjoyed himself.

“Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses of the four kingdoms have already invaded the frontier of Great Qin, and they should have been fighting fiercely together at this moment.”

Wei Zhongxian quickly entered the Shouxian Palace to report to the master.


Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up and he sat up from the dragon chair. Everything went according to his plan.

When the Four Emperors knew that their rear territory was occupied by the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia, the Four Emperors were powerless to return to heaven. Some people may have doubts.

Wasn’t Nie Zheng afraid that after the Four Emperors knew of his poisonous plan, the four kingdoms would join forces to destroy Xia? A: Don’t be afraid.

If you know that the Four Kingdoms raised troops to cut down Qin, where are the Great Qin soldiers and horses and the Great Qin Iron Horse vegetarian? This station of the four countries will suffer heavy losses.

Even if it was later discovered that the Bactrian soldiers and horses had conquered the territory of the Four Kingdoms.

But they no longer had enough troops to destroy the country against Bactria. And Bactria occupied so many frontiersmen.

Both grain and silver will be plundered.

And recruit troops at a very fast speed and constantly expand military strength. So.

Nie Zhengkeng’s death of the Four Emperors was not just talk.

Really dug a big pit and let them jump in.

Then he had to light a fire in the pit and roast the four emperors on the fire. Therefore, Nie Zheng was really fierce and poisonous enough.

However, at this moment, Nie Zheng’s biggest concern was not the Great Qin and the Four Kingdoms’ Great Station. What he was more concerned about was that he didn’t know whether Emperor Qin had received the generous gifts he had received.

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